Spirit Ruins

Chapter 134 Gathering

Fang Linxiao couldn't get rid of the blood fog. He thought he would definitely die. Unexpectedly, when his body was about to be stained by the blood fog, a seal that had been hidden somewhere in his body suddenly automatically untied, and then shot an extremely fierce sword in his body, which suddenly split the blood fog. Open, and miraculously killed the red-haired Shura.

Lin Xiao carefully felt the original sword from the body, but he couldn't remember that such a terrible power had been sealed in his body.

When Lin Xiao was puzzled, he suddenly felt a familiar figure flying over in the distance.

The red light dissipated, and Xie Qinghou's face appeared in front of Lin Xiao. The previously lost strongyuan finally arrived. Although the time may be late.

When Lin Xiao was secretly relieved, Xie Qinghou did not expect to meet Lin Xiao here, so he frowned, "Are you the one who confused the world just now?"

Without waiting for Lin Xiao to answer, Xie Qinghou looked at Lin Xiao again, and then showed a trace of surprise in his eyes, "You actually broke through the fetal situation at this time!"

Lin Xiao smiled and said, "It's just a fluke."

Xie Qinghou waved his hand, "It's not a fluke. You should have broken through. With the assistance of the innate fetal spirit contained in the Guangcheng Immortal Order, you were reborn first. If your soul hadn't split for some reason, you would have broken through the realm of the fetus much earlier."

Hearing Xie Qinghou's words, Lin Xiao knew that the Guangcheng Immortal Order was not only a key to open the secret land of Guangcheng, but also had such magical effects. No wonder so many monks squeezed their heads and wanted to grab it.

Xie Qinghou then glanced at the surrounding environment and asked, "Look at the traces of fighting here. Who did you fight with just now?"

"It's the red-haired Shura. He has been chasing me, but he was killed by me instead." Lin Xiao said in a plain tone.

This time, Xie Qinghou was really shocked, "You actually killed the red-haired Shura of Jindanjing!"

Seeing Xie Qinghou's surprised appearance, Lin Xiao finally recognized that he might not know that there was such a sword element in his body, so he told him how he fought with the red-haired Shura.

When Xie Qinghou heard the original sword, he raised his eyebrows and seemed to think of something.

And Lin Xiao also stopped at this time, looked at Xie Qinghou and asked, "Why is there such a sword in my body?"

Xie Qinghou wanted to answer, but he suddenly looked back at the aisle behind him and then said, "You have disturbed the heaven and earth in the royal mausoleum before, and there are still many people following us. Let's leave here now."

Lin Xiao nodded, and just as the two turned their heads to leave, a weak voice suddenly came from an inconspicuous corner behind them, "Two, two immortals, help me, help me..."

Lin Xiao came to the corner with a sw of words and saw Li Geng lying on the ground with a pale face, weak all over his body, as if he had been banned.

At this time, Xie Qinghou also followed. After seeing Li Geng, he was also a little strange, "Why is he here?"

"He was thrown here by the red-haired Shura. Even if he enters the royal tomb, he will take him. Maybe there are any secrets on him. Let's just take him away together!"

At present, Lin Xiao and Xie Qinghou took Li Geng one left and one right and flew to the depths of the tomb road.

I don't know how long it took until Lin Xiao and Xie Qinghou stopped after they were sure to completely get rid of the group of monks behind them.

After putting Li Geng aside, Xie Qinghou stood aside to protect Lin Xiao's law. Lin Xiao sat cross-legged on the ground, took out a few crystals and a few bottles of elixir from the storage ring, and began to recover a large amount of mana that had previously lost due to the war with Red-haired Shura.

After about a moment of incense, Lin Xiao opened his eyes and shot a green light in his eyes. It was obvious that after just consolidating his cultivation, the mana in his body had improved a lot.

After slightly sensing the mana in his body, Lin Xiao looked up and asked Xie Qinghou, "When I talked about Jianyuan just now, you seemed very surprised. What did you think of?"

Xie Qinghou nodded, "If I guess correctly, the person who planted the original sword in your body should be our master himself!"

Wan Jiantao!

Lin Xiao was very surprised at first, and then when he thought about it carefully, he felt that this explanation was reasonable. Only Wan Jiantao could have such a fierce sword Yuan and help Lin Xiao plant Jianyuan to protect Lin Xiao's safety.

Wan Jiantao's original life Jianyuan not only saved Lin Xiao's life, but also at the moment Jianyuan just sent out, Lin Xiao happened to capture Jianyuan's running route and trajectory, which deepened his perception of sword spirit more than one floor. Therefore, Wan Jiantao's sword spirit is priceless to anyone.

While sighing that his cheap master was so generous, Lin Xiao stood up, patted the dirt on his clothes, and then asked Xie Qinghou, "I originally wanted to find Zhang Jixian, but I didn't expect Zhang Jixian to be in the group of red-haired Shura. What are we going to do now?"

Xie Qinghou said coldly, "Just now, when the two of us were dispersed by those monks, I met several monks on the side of the red-haired Shura, and then forced them to ask them about their plan with the old monster and Zhang Jixian from the mouth of a monk. Listening to their meaning, it seemed that they were going to go to the deepest part of the royal mausoleum to find the treasure inside... ..."

"The deepest part?" Lin Xiao was stunned when he heard the words, and then thought of something. He immediately took out a map from the storage ring.

"This is..." Xie Qinghou looked at the map and didn't know what it was.

Lin Xiao did not answer Xie Qinghou immediately, but carefully identified the scratches on the map. After a moment, he laughed, "Haha, it doesn't take much time. Just now I was afraid of being trapped by the maze-like tunnel around me, but now I know how to get to the deepest part of the royal mausoleum!"

Xie Qinghou suddenly said, "Is this map the drawing inside the royal mausoleum?"

Lin Xiao said with a smile, "Exactly, this picture was originally in the hands of the red-haired Shura, but I didn't expect it to fall into my hands in the end."

"That's not too late. We will immediately follow the icon to go to the deepest part of the royal mausoleum. It's better to arrive before the old monsters to surprise them." Xie Qinghou nodded and said.

At this moment, Li Geng, who was left by Lin Xiao and the other, suddenly struggled to get up and shouted, "Two immortals, don't leave me here. Please take me with you!"

Lin Xiao looked at each other and saw the dilemma in each other's eyes.

Now is the time to race against time. Maybe there will be a big battle with the old monsters later. It's really a burden to take Li Geng with you.

"Prince Li, the road ahead is dangerous. If you don't want to die, I advise you not to go with us." Lin Xiao laughed.

Li Geng has been scared at this time. How can he stay alone in this damn place? Now he is unwilling to separate from Lin Xiao anyway. Seeing that Lin Xiao and others seem to care about their intentions, Li Geng was in a hurry and said loudly, "Take me with you. I don't have any effect on you at all. No. Do you remember that the national master wanted to take me to practice dragon blood elixir? In fact, the national teacher did not want to take me to practice elixir, but to use the king's blood in my body to open the door of the secret room deep in the royal mausoleum!"

"Wang Xue, the door of the secret room?" Xie Qinghou frowned coldly and said, "How did you know these things?"

Li Geng was so anxious that he was about to cry. "It's the red-haired devil who told me just now. He was just about to take me to the tomb of the king!"

Lin Xiao hurried over, stretched out his hand to comfort the emotional Li Geng, and then turned his head and said to Xie Qinghou, "I think what he said is true. Maybe only by taking him can we open the royal mausoleum."

Xie Qinghou pondered for a moment, and then nodded slowly, "In this case, it's not too late. Let's set out now!"

Lin Xiao and the two immediately took Li Geng, flew their own objects, and flew towards the blood-red point in the center of the map according to the guidance on the map.

At the same time, in the surrounding tombs like a labyrinth, there are still many monks belonging to different forces gradually approaching the center of the royal mausoleum in different directions.

These groups of monks are divided into several different forces.

One of the teams were wandering monsters. This column of more than a dozen monks, together with the Holy King's family, almost walked along a straight line to the depths of the royal mausoleum without encountering many obstacles on the way. Therefore, they are also the front group.

And Yu Hongcheng is the second only to the old monsters. After the encounter with the red-haired Shura just now, there are only 15 monks left under Yu Hongcheng, and his strength has been greatly reduced.

The one who tightly bit Yu Hongcheng was led by the floating old way, and the spider charming mother was also in Lingnan. There were only eight of these monks left, but their cultivation should not be underestimated. Although the number of people was nearly twice as few as Yu Hongcheng's, it caught up with Yu Hongcheng's people.

As for the outermost, there are some scattered cultivations that have heard the news. These scattered cultivations themselves are not organized, and they are afraid of each other. When some monks meet, they fight directly, so they push forward very slowly and fall on the outermost.

And among these scattered repairs, there was a monk wearing hemp shoes and long hair shawl. He was smiling at the corners of his mouth and walked slowly and firmly to the deepest part of the royal tomb step by. Where he passed, none of the monks seemed to find him, as if he were a whole person. It has become invisible.

While walking forward, the young man in sackcloth stopped from time to time and reached out to pat a rune into the wall around the tomb, as if he were arranging some formation.

If Xie Qinghou and Lin Xiao saw this young man, they would be shocked. He was not someone else, but the Ji Yuanren who had counted their fortunes for Xie Qinghou and Lin Xiao near the gate of Guanqi City!

What exactly does he want to come here?


At the same time, when the previous red-haired Shura died, ten thousand miles away from the southwest of Western Vietnam, in a vast 100,000 mountains, a rare and dark and cold cave, a pair of bloody eyes suddenly opened in the darkness.

A tall figure suddenly stood up and roared, "Who is it? Who dares to kill the descendant of my blood demon!? I'm going to skin you so that you will never be born!"