Spirit Ruins

Chapter 210 fraud

Ah!" Before the bloodsha could react, he was instantly punctured through the skull by the bone spirit and died on the spot.

When the blood demon fell, he suddenly shot four blood-colored blood demon flags on his body. The blood light flashed on the blood demon flags on all four sides, and instantly transformed into four phantoms exactly the same as the blood demon himself. One of them still held the golden box in his hand, and his face was very ugly.

"Blood Demon God-divine · Law!" When the Black Dragon saw the four blood splits, he couldn't help laughing and said, "It turns out that your split has actually cultivated into this forbidden skill. No wonder you dared to turn against us!"

Blood Sha's face was very ugly. He snorted coldly, "Are you really dying? Don't forget that all four of us are trapped here. If my four paths are distracted, the three of you can't stop this baby-level bone spirit. At that time, no one will want to leave smoothly!"

Jiuwei snorted coldly, "Huh, did you think of letting us help you at this time? Why didn't you think of this layer when you ran away from the treasure just now?

Blood evil immediately fell silent when he heard the words and stopped talking.

At this time, the black dragon suddenly said, "Blood, we can cooperate with you again, but you must give me the box first!"

Blood Man was stunned when he heard the words, and then said angrily, "You want to be beautiful!"

Before he finished speaking, the skull spirit rushed to his four distraction again, and the blood four distraction hurriedly separated and fled, looking extremely embarrassed.

In the process of escape, the cold hum of the black dragon came from the bloody evil, "Blood evil, either hand over the box or choose to fall. It's up to you!"

After all, the blood demon split god of the blood demon has just been successfully sacrificed, and its power is limited. It is not a bone spirit opponent at the level of Yuanying at all. Soon, under the stand-by of the Black Dragon and others, the bone spirit successively destroyed the three golden elixir-level distractors of the blood demons.

The last distraction of Blood Sage has also reached a precarious point at this moment. Finally, under the strong pressure of survival, Blood Sage finally chose to hand over the golden box.

He angrily threw the box out and threw it to the black dragon. The black dragon held the box firmly and showed a sneer at the corners of his mouth.

But Black Dragon, Jiuwei and Tianyang did not take any action at all. Instead, they sat down and watched the last distraction of the blood and was hunted down by the bone spirit.

Bloody saw that the three black dragons had no intention of saving him at all. First, they were stunned, and then suddenly realized that they roared, "You three villains dare to lie to me!"

The black dragon sneered, "We are just treating them in their own way. Bloody, let's go on the road at ease!"

At this time, the blood spirit had no time to return his mouth. At this time, he had been caught up by the skull spirit. The fingertips of the bone spirit suddenly shot out a few clusters of purple bone fire containing a devastating atmosphere, which suddenly wrapped around the last distraction of the blood spirit. The blood spirit screamed and turned into a fireball in an instant and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The split of the poor blood demon king was abandoned by the Black Dragon and several people, and finally fell here.

While the blood demon split fell, the blood demon king body in the Ten Thousand Demon Valley in the West Land thousands of miles away also suddenly opened his eyes in the retreat. When he understood what had happened, he suddenly became furious.

However, this matter is indeed his first, and the physical strength of the other three demon kings is not weaker than him, so although the blood demon king is angry, he has no choice.

In any case, the four bloody Jindan splits failed to survive for a moment under the bone spirit, and the strong strength of the bone spirit showed shocked the remaining three demon kings.

"Black Dragon Boss, what should I do now?" Heaven suddenly asked.

"Let's do it. Don't worry, the benefits I promise you are indispensable." The black dragon suddenly said with some point.

Tianyang suddenly laughed, "With your words, I'm relieved that this split will be destroyed!"

After he finished speaking, he suddenly shouted, "Kill!!"

Tianyang suddenly stimulated his spiritual power, sacrificed a black and white skull magic weapon, and rushed desperately to the bone spirit.

Under Tianyang's desperate offensive at the expense of his own essence, Guling was temporarily blocked by him!

Tianyang stopped the bone spirit, and a trace of determination flashed in the eyes of the black dragon. Unexpectedly, he did not come forward to help Tianyang, but shook the magic weapon of the scroll in his hand, released hundreds of black crows, turned into dark clouds in the sky, and rushed to the nine tails!

"Black Dragon, what do you mean!?" Jiuwei was shocked and hurriedly carried up the protective aura and defeated the crows that rushed over one by one! However, there were so many crows that nine tails could not quickly defeat the siege of crows for a while.

The black dragon sneered, "Jiuwei Taoist friend, monks have more meat and less meat. The most precious thing in the treasures of the demon ancestors is such a 'pure Yang Taoist treasure' - 'breaking the boundary golden shuttle'. I don't want to share it with everyone, so I have to sacrifice you!"

Hearing the words, Jiuwei was anxious and angry and shouted, "Black Dragon, you scumbag! I really misread you before. I can't get treasures. Don't think about leaving here. Don't forget that the skull spirit will never let you go!"

"That's not necessarily the case," the Black Dragon took out his scroll magic weapon with a smile, kept injecting spiritual power into it, and then slowly said, "I'm afraid you don't know yet, right? My 'mountain and river phantom map' is a magic weapon close to Taoist weapon, which hides a special function, that is, when it explodes, it will break a space crack, which is enough for me to leave here.

Nine tails snorted coldly: "Space cracks? Fortunately, if you enter the space crack with your body, you will definitely be torn to pieces by the power of time and space!"

Black Dragon laughed and said, "I have been prepared for this."

After saying that, he took out a silver-white token from his arms. The token was square, but the size of a palm, but it emitted strong spiritual power.

When Jiuwei saw the token, his face finally changed greatly. "The 'breaking law' is a token that can make people smoothly cross the void. I didn't expect you to borrow this decree from the old monster of the King of Jinjiao!"

The black dragon smiled and didn't say anything, but detonated the 'mountain and river phantom picture' under the unwilling eyes of Jiuwei!

The phantom map of mountains and rivers rose and shrank, and then there was a violent explosion, turning into a black light ball, and the rest of the waves spread far away, pushing the nearby nine tails, Tianyang and bone spirit away dozens of meters away.

Inside the black light sphere, a space crack suddenly cracked, and a thrilling force of time and space came out of the crack.

The black dragon raised his right hand, and the silver-white 'breaking decree' suspended in his palm, emitting a dazzling silver light, wrapping the whole person of the black dragon.

Then, the black dragon held the dazzling silver light and instantly disappeared into the interior of the black light ball, approaching the space crack.

Jiuwei wanted to stop the black dragon from leaving, but she was powerless. Her strength had just decreased because of the serious consumption of Yuanzhu's power. Now she is haunted by hundreds of black crows and will not be able to escape for a while.

Seeing that the black dragon was about to leave with a golden box, the skull spirit roared, suddenly got rid of the entanglement of the heavenly sheep, and rushed to the black dragon at high speed.

When Tianyang saw the bone spirit wanting to stop the black dragon, how would it do what it wanted? He put his hands together, and those black and white skulls were instantly pinched into a huge half black and half white two-color skeletons.

Tianyang then shouted fiercely, and his spiritual power burned brightly. The whole person turned into a white fireball and rushed to the huge skull and fell into the skull in an instant.

After the Tianyang and the skull merged into one, the skull's power rose sharply, made a deafening roar, and flew to the skull!

The huge skull flew to the top of the bone spirit's head in an instant, and a mouth spewed out a huge black and white beam of light, shooting at the bone spirit.

The bone spirit had to stop and open its mouth to the two-color beam of light, spewing out a pale flame!

The fireworks instantly wrapped the two-color beam of light and burned the originally amazing beam of light in an instant.

The flame took advantage of the opportunity to wrap up a huge black and white skeleton. The skeleton suddenly rolled in the air painfully, but it could not extinguish the pale fireworks.

After knowing that he must be unhungry, Tianyang inside the black and white skeleton turned his heart and urged the black and white skeleton to rush to the bone spirit. Just a few meters away from the skeleton, Tianyang detonated the spiritual power in his body!


Countless black-and-white light suddenly appeared on the surface of the skeleton, and then the skeleton began to disintegrate inch by inch, and finally turned into a huge black-and-white photosphere with a diameter of 100 meters!

The black and white photosphere produced a huge explosion centered on the bone spirit, and the devastating power spread far away, causing a fluctuation in the space inside and outside the altar.

However, the surface of the bone spirit body in the center of the explosion suddenly appeared a layer of immortal pale phosphorus fire. When the power of the explosion encountered the phosphorus fire, it disintegrated one after another, and did not pose any threat to the bone spirit at all.

However, it was also because Tianyang chose to self-explose that it blocked the bone spirit and bought time for the black dragon to escape.

The black dragon held a golden box and stepped into the crack in the space.

The dark space crack suddenly rose and shrank, pounding a few times like a heartbeat, and then healed instantly and disappeared into the void in a blink of an eye.

In a blink of an eye, the black dragon with a golden box disappeared with the space crack, and at the same time, the remnants of Tianyang's self-exploding also slowly dissipated.

When the skull spirit saw that the golden box he guarded had been taken away, he suddenly jumped like thunder. He turned around and stared at the last nine tails.

At this moment, Jiuwei finally cleared the crows around her, but before she could breathe, a strong sense of crisis suddenly emerged from the bottom of her heart.

She turned her head and suddenly saw the burning and angry phosphorus fire in her eyes!

"It's not good!" Jiuwei was shocked. There is only one person left now, and there is no possibility of defeating the bone spirit.

Jiuwei suddenly looked around and shouted, "Lin Xiao, I know you are nearby. If you open the ban and let me out, I promise to give you a great benefit! How about it?"

Sure enough, although Lin Xiao was still invisible, his voice suddenly sounded above the altar, "Nine-tailed Demon King, this is the end of the matter. You and I are endless enemies. Even if you promise to give me great benefits, you will have to have my life to get it!"

Jiuwei still did not give up and continued: "I can make a bloody oath that as long as you let me go, the enmity between us will be written off. And I will give you some of my own treasures!"

" Besides, don't you want to know what's in the golden box taken away by the black dragon? I can tell you!"

Lin Xiao was silent for a while before sighing, "I have to admit that your proposal of the Nine-tailed Demon King is very touching, but unfortunately, there is something I have to tell you that as long as the prohibition in the altar is launched, it can no longer be opened."

As soon as Lin Xiao finished speaking, a white light suddenly appeared on the bone throne, and the light dissipated, suddenly revealing Lin Xiao's figure.

When Jiuwei saw Lin Xiao, he was shocked and didn't know where he was sent to the throne of the altar!

Jiuwei opened her mouth and wanted to say something, but before she could speak, at the same time, the bone spirit finally moved. He only heard it roar, and a pale phosphorus fire suddenly appeared all over his body and suddenly rushed to Jiuwei!

"No!" When Jiuwei saw Guling attacking him, he immediately screamed, and a wisp of despair appeared on his face.