Spirit Ruins

Chapter 211 Fusion

In an instant, the bone spirit appeared in front of Jiuwei like a ghost. Although Jiuwei was desperate, he refused to sit and wait for death. With a shout, the Yuanzhu in his hand suddenly turned into a pale giant sword and cut into the bone spirit!

The bone spirit ignored the attack of the huge sword and punched the nine tails!

The windy fist gradually enlarged in front of Jiuwei. Jiuwei was unwilling to die and suddenly flew back. At the same time, her hands kept changing the magic formula to condense the spirit of heaven and earth. Then Jiuwei's hands suddenly pushed forward, and the air around her suddenly condensed between her hands and turned into a heavy wind shield.

And the fist of the bone spirit also hit the wind shield at the same time--


When it was punched, the shield formed by the airflow collapsed in an instant, and then disappeared with a bang, while the nine tails were hit by a huge fist, and the whole person flew back and hit the rock wall behind him, spewing out a mouthful of blood.

At the same time, the huge flying sword transformed by Yuanzhu also hit the bone spirit fiercely!

Bone spirit suddenly turned around, and his empty eyes looked at the stabbed giant sword. His body did not move. He suddenly took a deep breath and then roared loudly, "Ho ho ho!!"

A huge sound wave gushed out of the bone spirit's mouth and turned into a huge gaseous spear out of thin air, collided with the giant sword!

Bang bang!

In a series of bursts, the giant sword disintegrated in an instant, and the Yuanzhu, which had been severely damaged, was blown into powder in an instant!

After destroying Yuanzhu, the air wave spear still went away and rushed to Jiuwei fiercely!


The spear formed by the air wave hit the nine tails, and the nine tails were blown into flying ash before they could even scream.

The huge impact generated by the spear explosion also bombarded a large part of the rock wall behind the nine tails, which was shocking.

After the bone spirit defeated the nine tails, the skull slowly rotated and looked at Lin Xiao standing on the throne...

Bone spirit suddenly moved!

At an incredibly fast speed, the bone spirit instantly approached Lin Xiao. Before Lin Xiao could react, Gu Ling's ferocious right hand suddenly raised and pinched Lin Xiao's throat!

Huge power surged up, and the bone spirit's right hand wrapped around Lin Xiao's neck like an iron clamp, and gradually tightened. Lin Xiao lost his ability to breathe, his mind was dizzy, his eyelids were getting heavier and heavier, and the world gradually moved away from him.

At the critical moment, Lin Xiao suddenly inspired the storage he was wearing on his right finger, and a blue light suddenly flashed on the ring. Lin Xiao released the strange skeleton he had collected from the wild trials.

At the first sight of the bone spirit, Lin Xiao had a hunch that the remains of the mysterious demon cultivation he collected must be related to this bone spirit! And not long ago, after he opened the prohibition in the altar, there was a sign that the remains in the storage ring were about to break through the storage ring.

So, Lin Xiao decided to gamble and release the remains to gamble. If he didn't succeed, he would become benevolent!

Sure enough, Lin Xiao's bet is right!

When the skeleton appeared, the bone spirit's body suddenly began to burn a fierce fire. The fire suddenly wrapped the bone spirit's right hand that grabbed Lin Xiao's neck. The hard right hand could not resist the erosion of the fire and instantly burned black.

Although I didn't feel the pain, instinctive fear still made the bone spirit let go of Lin Xiao in panic and suddenly retreat!

It stood in the extreme distance, looked at the sudden skeleton with fear and did not dare to approach half of it.

At this time, the mysterious skeleton that had been lying quietly in Lin Xiao's storage ring seemed to be affected by the magic array on the altar, and unexpectedly changed!

I saw countless silver light bands suddenly sticking out from the skeleton and penetrating into Lin Xiao's body.

Lin Xiao was shocked and had no time to stop it. He saw the light on the bones penetrated his body, and then the power he worked hard to cultivate flowed into the skeleton like running water!

With the continuous passage of mana, Lin Xiao's whole body became very weak, and he only felt weak, as if he had lost control of his body little by little.

In the haze in front of him, Lin Xiao suddenly saw that the originally invincible, hard and mysterious skeleton began to melt little by little after sucking Lin Xiao's magic power!

Soon, the bones melted into a pool of silver water, slowly climbed along those light bands to Lin Xiao's body, and then gradually integrated into Lin Xiao's body!

At the same time, in Lin Xiao's sea of knowledge, suddenly a huge power of divine consciousness invaded, trying to seize Lin Xiao's sea of knowledge and completely annihilate Lin Xiao's own consciousness!

This skeleton actually wants to take its own body!

After Lin Xiao realized the intention of the skeleton, he was suddenly furious, and his instinct for survival prompted him to rise up and resist. Although Lin Xiao's cultivation was not high, his long-term cultivation of 'divine relialism' made his divine power comparable to that of Jindan monks!

The huge divine power has just invaded Lin Xiao's sea of knowledge, and before it has time to completely destroy Lin Xiao's ontological consciousness, the 'Bodhi Buddha Tree' hidden in the depths of Lin Xiao's sea of knowledge suddenly bloomed brilliantly! The power of the divine consciousness contained in the Buddha tree was fully released, and there was a violent collision with the divine consciousness invaded from the mysterious skeleton.

The power of two invisible consciousness collided violently, and Lin Xiao's consciousness suddenly suffered a heavy hit. Lin Xiao snorted, and suddenly the seven orifices overflowed with a wisp of blood, and the appearance was extremely tragic.

I don't know how long it took for Lin Xiao's rolling sea of knowledge to gradually restore calm. At this moment, the originally dense branches and leaves of the 'Bodhi Buddha Tree' have already withered, and the original green tree trunk has also turned back into a dark knot.

This time, Lin Xiao's consciousness can be said to have been severely damaged.

Originally, the power of his divine consciousness was about to condense into a second 'divine relith', but after this heavy blow, his divine power was greatly depleted, and he was suddenly beaten back to the state before the initial cultivation of the 'divine reli reli'.

However, although he was seriously damaged, Lin Xiao finally eliminated the remnants of the divine consciousness that had been hidden in the depths of the mysterious bones that had invaded his sea of knowledge, avoiding the tragic situation of being taken away.

Moreover, in the process of confrontation with the foreign divine consciousness just now, part of Lin Xiao's own divine consciousness actually blended with part of the foreign divine consciousness and integrated into the 'Bodhi Buddha Tree' cultivated by Lin Xiao.

Today's Bodhi Buddha tree, originally dark branches like black iron, has countless fine silver patterns, shining silver-white light.

Correspondingly, through the combined power of divine consciousness, Lin Xiao suddenly received some fragmentary memories from the original owner of the skeleton.

After completely destroying the remaining consciousness, Lin Xiao finally regained control of his body.

He suddenly opened his eyes and looked at the bone spirit standing in the distance.

If someone was on one side at this time, he would find that two silver lines appeared in the depths of Lin Xiao' pupils, making his eyes look like no human feelings at all, only cold.

When the bone spirit saw Lin Xiao's eyes, he suddenly trembled and couldn't help retreating. 'Lin Xiao' had just merged with the mysterious skeleton, and the changes in his body made the bone inspiration that had just opened a trace of intelligence very uneasy.

Gone spirit suddenly wanted to leave this place as soon as possible, but it was too late——

"Battle, do you dare to be presumptuous in front of me?" Lin Xiao sneered.

After integrating the memory left by the mysterious skeleton, he already knew that the mysterious skeleton was the remains of the last cracked cloud dragon on the interface that was hunted down by the four demon kings.

At the same time, Lin Xiao also mastered the way to destroy this Yuanying-level bone spirit from the remaining memory of the cracked Yunlong. At this moment, although he is extremely weak, he does not care about the bone spirit at all.

Lin Xiao's voice was not loud, but the cold breath emitted by the two silver rays in his pupils instantly awakened the most primitive fear hidden in the bone instinct. It suddenly knelt down to Lin Xiao and kept kowtowed, while his body kept trembling.

Lin Xiao looked at the bone spirit kneeling on the ground, and a trace of regret suddenly appeared in his heart.

In the memory fragments of the split cloud dragon he inherited, there is only a way to destroy the bone spirit, but there is no way to subdue the skull spirit.

If the skull spirit cannot be completely controlled, Lin Xiao will never want to leave a bone spirit comparable to the Yuanying-level monk to stay by his side.

Moreover, this skull seems to have opened its intelligence for a long time, and it is not realistic for it to completely deter itself with only Taoist fetal cultivation.

Therefore, Lin Xiao sighed and said slowly, "I'm sorry, although I want to take you for my own use, I don't have the means to control you, so no matter what, I will get rid of you."

Gu Ling suddenly jumped up when he heard the words, suppressed his fear, and rushed out of the cave desperately!

Lin Xiao sneered, and saw him slowly raise his right hand. A group of silver light containing the original power of the skeleton that had just merged with Lin Xiao suddenly flew out from Lin Xiao's fingertips and rushed to the bone spirit at a speed invisible to the naked eye! It disappeared into the bone spirit in an instant!


At the moment when the light entered the body, the bone spirit suddenly burned sharply, and finally exploded, turning into a huge white fireball. The heat wave rolled away, and the sound was amazing!

The majestic bone spirit just now suddenly turned into powder and disappeared into the air.

Lin Xiao withdrew his right hand, and a strong sense of drowsiness surged up. He was unstable and suddenly fell back and sat on the huge bone throne behind him.

After resting for a long time, Lin Xiao gradually recovered a trace of spiritual power. He pondered for a while, then held the two armrests of the bone throne with both hands and slowly transported a spiritual power containing the original power of the cracked cloud dragon into the throne.

With the continuous input of spiritual power, a huge circular array suddenly appeared over the throne behind Lin Xiao.

The magic array kept emitting a buzzing sound, and a dazzling silver light shot down from the center of the magic array and shone on Lin Xiao.

With the appearance of the magic array above Lin Xiao's head, the altar under the bone throne gradually emitted silver light, resonating with the magic array.

In the end, when the magic array ran to the extreme, a dazzling pillar suddenly burst out from the center of the magic array and rose to the sky!

The beam of light instantly penetrated the rock wall above the altar, shooting straight into the void, and the sound was amazing!