Spirit Ruins

Chapter 353 The Golden Body of the Dead King

At the same time, a huge figure two meters high emerged from the rock wall.

It is a human ghost like a bronze casting. The ghost has blue-faced fangs, a single horn on its forehead, and a row of ferocious and sharp spines hanging on its back.

The moment the ghost appeared, there was a smell of decay all over the body, which was still disgusting.

When the ghost saw Lin Xiao, his eyes suddenly turned blood red. After opening his mouth and roaring, the ghost rushed to Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao snorted coldly and flew back.

At the same time, the ghost hunter and the ice spirit around Lin Xiao immediately flew to Lin Xiao. Bing Ling raised his hand to the ghost, and a cold breath instantly emitted from him, forming a thick layer of ice around the ghost's body, wrapping the ghost in it.

At the same time, the ghost sickle in the ghost hunter's hand was raised and cut at the ghost!

The ghost was trapped in the ice, but suddenly opened its mouth, and a circle of invisible sound waves emitted from the ghost's mouth, instantly shattered the surrounding ice!

At this time, the ghost sickle of the ghost hunting was also close to the ghost. He only heard a loud noise. The ghost sickle hit the ghost, but a series of sparks broke out, and the ghost was unharmed!

Seeing that the ghost's body was so hard, the ghost hunt couldn't help but be stunned. That is, the ghost hunt opened the empty door, and the ghost saw the opportunity and suddenly punched it out!

The power of this punch was very amazing. When the fist hit the air, there was a sound of breaking the air. The surrounding air became surprisingly hot in an instant because of the sharp friction!

Ghost Hunter watched his fist hit him, but he didn't have time to react at all!


After a burst of explosion, the ghost hunter was punched away by the ghost and flew out like a cannonball. Then he hit the rock wall behind him fiercely and embedded in the rock wall. He couldn't climb out for a long time!

Bingling was shocked to see that the ghost hunt was repelled so easily. He was about to stop the ghost, but suddenly Lin Xiao's voice sounded behind him, "Bingling, you are not its opponent, come back!"

Before the words fell, seven groups of sword lights of different colors suddenly broke out on Lin Xiao's body. The seven flying swords of the heavenly sword wheel flew out, and then transformed into a flying sword, and soon laid a heavy sword array around the ghost's body!

The ghost fell into the sword array and suddenly became furious and wanted to forcibly break through the sword array, but the sword array was very exquisite. No matter where the ghost went, the sword array always followed it, but the physical strength of the ghosts was amazing. No matter how the flying sword around it was, it could not break the defense of the ghosts.

The ghost struggled for a long time and couldn't break out, so he simply stopped and let the flying swords around him cut on him, but he didn't move at all.

The ghost stretched out his finger and said, "If you dare to provoke me, you will die!"

Lin Xiao's face sank when he heard the words, and then raised his right hand. The spirit of real fire was summoned by him, and then quickly changed into a huge fire, straight to the ghost!

The ghost roared, and the eyebrows suddenly cracked. A blood-red pupil appeared in the center of its eyebrows, and a red light suddenly shot out of the pupils, shining directly into the purple fire!

When Lin Xiao saw the blood line, he couldn't help but feel a strong sense of danger.

At the same time, the blood line crossed the sky in an instant and penetrated the body of Huoluan!

After the fire sounded, it exploded with a bang, transformed into a real fire spirit again, and sank into Lin Xiao's body.

After the blood line ran through Huoluan, it was lingering and shot directly at Lin Xiao!

A five-color divine light broke out on Lin Xiao's body and turned into a light curtain, blocking the blood line. The blood line shot on the light curtain and shattered the whole light curtain, but it failed to weaken a lot. It was bombarded by Lin Xiao and slowly dissipated.

When the ghost saw that the red silk thread could not kill Lin Xiao, he was furious. He suddenly raised his hands, and a red light shot out in the palms of his hands, and then turned into a red spear in front of him. The ghost held a red spear and waved hard to smash more than half of the surrounding sword array that trapped him.

Then, the ghost held a spear, jumped out of the encirclement of the sword array and rushed directly to Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao's Haiba knife rowed through the air for half a month and directly fought with the ghost's spear!


A circle of huge air waves, centered on Lin Xiao and ghosts, rushed in all directions and directly blow away the ice spirit not far away!

The ground where Lin Xiao stood cracked at the same time and split into countless fragments. The ground seemed to be unable to withstand the burst of Lin Xiao and sank into it with a bang.

What shocked Lin Xiao was that the bottom of the ground was actually hollow. Lin Xiao and the two kept falling. I don't know how long it took for Lin Xiao to step on the ground again.

It was dark around, and he couldn't see his fingers. Suddenly, Lin Xiao felt a sound of breaking the sky behind him!

He immediately waved his right-hand sea bully knife behind him. After a sound of gold and stone clashing, the ghost that sneaked behind Lin Xiao retreated away.

The ghost breathed loudly, and after a moment, he shouted fiercely, "Kid, come to my soul pool, and you are dead!"

"Soul pool?" Lin Xiao frowned and seemed to be very familiar with the name. A moment later, he suddenly reacted that the refining method of the 'soul pool', which he had seen in the article of 'heavenly ghost incarnation' he got in the reincarnation blood pupil, was to gather ghosts within 10,000 miles of a place and form a pure ghost through the soul pool. Force, a large array used to refine ghost bodies, I didn't expect that someone secretly arranged such a huge array in this cave that no one could detect it.

In this way, the truth of why the monks who once occupied this place as the cave died is about to come out. I'm afraid that someone secretly poisoned those monks in order to cover up the secrets of this place.

Moreover, it is very easy to practice on top of a soul-gathering array, disturbed by the huge ghost forces underground, and it is also very easy to go crazy during the cultivation process.

After figured out these joints, two purple light appeared in Lin Xiao's eyes, which suddenly broke through the dark environment around him and saw the surrounding scene clearly.

I saw that the surrounding rock walls were engraved with dense mysterious runes, and occasionally mixed with pictures of ghosts, which showed that the environment here was extremely gloomy.

Lin Xiao looked directly at the ghost and asked slowly, "Who are you?"

The ghost also stared at Lin Xiao, and then smiled and said, "People who are about to die don't need to know so much."

Lin Xiao looked around when he heard the words, and then said, "You are so big. You have arranged such a huge soul pool array. All the ghost power collected is used to refine this corpse king's golden body, right? It's just a pity that the golden body has not been fully shaped, and it was still forced out by me when it was on the silver level. If your golden body reaches the level of the golden level, I'm afraid that I will immediately escape.

When the corpse king heard the words, he said coldly, "It's only ten years away from me to condense this golden body to the level of gold. It's all you. You don't know how to praise it. Others are afraid of it, but you insist on breaking into this place of death. Today, it's God's will that you died here, and you can't blame others."

Lin Xiao raised his eyebrows when he heard the words, "Oh? Hearing what Taoist friends said, it seems that you can recognize it? Could it be that you are..."

Before Lin Xiao finished speaking, the corpse king suddenly rushed to Lin Xiao, burst out with a ball of blood in his hands, and went straight to take Lin Xiao!

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, "Is Taoist friend going to kill me?"

After he finished running the 'true spiritual exercise formula', his skin emitted a purple-gold light, and then danced with his fists, and six extermination fists unfolded to fight with the corpse king's golden body!

The two sides came and went, and their fists kept bombarding each other, making it dark.

When the two separated again, the corpse king Jin was already out of breath and his body was full of fist prints. Lin Xiao's body is also full of scars, but now Lin Xiao's physical cultivation has reached the peak of the 'immmortal' realm of the 'true spiritual forging formula'. With a flash of golden light on his body, the scars all over his body disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the corpse king saw that Lin Xiao's physical strength was not as good as himself, he couldn't help but be surprised. His eyes flashed by, and finally decided not to spend any more time with Lin Xiao, but determined to fight quickly.

The corpse king suddenly let out a fierce roar, and more than a dozen red sales were shot from its body, which were connected to the surrounding walls.

The originally silent soul gathering arrays on the surrounding walls were stimulated by the corpse king and burst into a bloody light in an instant.

Then, Lin Xiao suddenly felt that the ghost power around this place had become very strong, and the scenery in front of him became more and more blurred and dark.

The body of the corpse king is like a suction cup, which integrates the increasing ghost power around it into its body. The scales on its body gradually change from paint black to blood-red color, and the whole body is almost bleeding.

At the same time, the bones around the corpse king also made a series of explosions. Under Lin Xiao's gaze, the body of the corpse king began to grow, and finally turned into a huge ghost three meters high!

However, the change of the corpse king is more than that. On the side of the head of the corpse king, a head has grown again. The head is actually a gray-haired old man. Lin Xiao knows the old man!

The old man is not someone else, but the old man who used to help Lin Xiao choose the cave!

Lin Xiao saw the old man Yu, but he was not too surprised. He just said coldly, "Old Yu, you really did all this behind you."

The old man slowly said, "Oh? How did Elder Lin find that the old man was behind the scenes?

Lin Xiao said, "When you tried your best to dissuade me from choosing this cave, I already had some doubts. Until later, you still quietly followed me behind me, and I became more suspicious of your motives. Now it seems that all the visions here are actually arranged by you alone to prevent others from coming.

"However, there is one thing I don't quite understand. Why do you deliberately want to arrange such a huge soul pool array here? What does the ghost who first opened the cave here have to do with you?"