Spirit Ruins

Chapter 354 Black Flame Bug

Old man said coldly, "It's also to make you understand that the missing ghost correction thousands of years ago is my master. He exhausted his life and arranged this soul pool array here, and then sacrificed his body into the golden body of the corpse king when his longevity was about to die. He has been hiding here and swallowed Zhou. Surrounding ghosts."

"As his only descendant, I was just an unknown Taoist monk before the death of my master immortals. It was not my turn to inherit this cave at all. Therefore, I will kill all the monks who dared to occupy this cave with the help of the array and the golden body of the corpse king here!"

After the old man Yu finished speaking, the thin head stared at Lin Xiao coldly and said, "You are dead too!"

Before the words fell, the old man and the other corpse king's head opened their mouths at the same time, and two black and red beams of light shot out of the two heads at the same time and hit Lin Xiao!

When Lin Xiao was aween, the voice of ghost hunting suddenly came from above his head, "Master, this ghost power is amazing. The reincarnation blood pupil is just the nemesis of this ghost, and the ghost power on the ghost can just be used to repair the reincarnation blood pupil!"

Lin Xiao twitched the corners of his mouth and wondered why you didn't say it earlier!

At this time, two pillars of light had approached Lin Xiao. Lin Xiao's mind moved, and the reincarnation blood pupil in the center of his eyebrows suddenly opened a slight crack! A red light sprinkled out of the reincarnation blood pupil!

After the day and night repair of ghost hunting, and Lin Xiao refined with great power after the late stage of the advanced golden elixir, although the reincarnation blood pupil has not been fully recovered, Lin Xiao has been able to use a little power of the reincarnation blood pupil at this moment.

The two pillars of light in front of Lin Xiao's eyes were rolled, and the two powerful beams of light actually melted instantly like rain and snow when encountering sunshine, changing into pure ghost power, and were involved in the blood pupils of reincarnation by the blood light!

The old man was shocked when he saw this. He couldn't figure out what the strange pupil of Lin Xiaomei's heart came from, but he could feel that the golden body of his possessed corpse seemed to instinctively be very afraid of the pupil.

Suddenly, the reincarnation blood pupil in Lin Xiao's eyebrows seemed to sense the existence of the old man and the corpse king's golden body, and it was activated independently. A red light flashed in the blood pupil, and a red light shot out, transforming into a blood-red general body and rushed straight to the old man!

The corpse king's head roared, and countless black tentacles suddenly appeared on his body and grabbed the bloody general!

However, a circle of red light appeared around the general's body. Once those tentacles touched the red light, they melted and turned into a black ghost force, which was incorporated into the general's body.

Even the strong ghost power that kept pouring into the body of the corpse king was also attracted by the red general and fell into the body of the general!

The old man's face finally changed greatly. He could feel that the ghost power flowing into the body of the corpse king was being lost little by little, and even the ghost power in the body of the corpse king flowed out with those tentacles!

Old man bit his teeth, cut off all the tentacles outside the corpse king's body, and then retreated to escape from this place. The bloody pupil was too strange, which made old man Yu feel very uncomfortable and just wanted to leave the pupil far away.

But when the old man raised his head, he found that there was another bloody general on the top of his head!

At the same time, the bloody general in front of him flashed with blood, and suddenly separated more than a dozen incarnations, blocking the old man in all directions.

The old man's pupils shrank and he was about to break out, but the bloody generals around him suddenly started, and all rushed to the old man and his possessed corpse king Jin body!


Those bloody generals exploded violently when they approached the golden body of the corpse king. With the golden body of the corpse king as the center, a huge red fire cloud rose around!

A scream came from the body of the corpse king, and the voice was very loud and deafening!

Then, a dark gray figure rushed out of the fire cloud and flew towards the exit of the cave, but on the way, it was stopped by ghost hunting and ice spirits guarding outside!

The dark gray figure is the real body of the old man. As for the golden body of the corpse king, it was completely shattered by the blood-colored ghost, turned into a ball of thick jade ghost power, and was sucked into the pupil by the reincarnation blood pupil.

Because a large amount of ghost power was inhaled by the reincarnation blood pupil, Lin Xiao suddenly felt dizzy and had to sit on his knees in place, operate the spiritual power in his body, keep the sea awake, and not affected by the large amount of ghost power inhaled by the reincarnation blood pupil.

Lin Xiao had no time to deal with the old man, and the old man was seriously injured because he was previously damaged by the corpse king's golden body. For a while, he could not get rid of the entanglement of ghost hunting and Bingling.

After a while, Lin Xiao finally opened his eyes and stood up.

Old man Yu was still struggling to support him before, and his left branch and right had to resist the attack of ghost hunting and Bingling. When he found that Lin Xiao was coming, his heart suddenly thumped, and his whole body suddenly stiffened and gave up resistance.

Lin Xiao came behind the old man and said slowly, "You have lost."

Old man Yu looked very depressed and said with a dead face, "Kill me!"

Lin Xiao snorted coldly, "I'm not the one who killed you. I will only give you to the Lord Wang Dao. As for how to deal with you, let the Lord Wang Dao send it down!"

After he said, he stretched out his right hand and put it on the old man's shoulder. In an instant, he placed several prohibitions in his body.

After throwing the withered old man aside, the ghost hunt came up and said to Lin Xiao, "Master, have you absorbed the ghost power of the golden body of the corpse king? Has the blood pupil of reincarnation fully recovered?"

Lin Xiao shook his head and said, "It's still a little close. The blood pupil is still silent now."

Ghost Hunter heard the words, and there was a trace of disappointment on his face.

At this time, Bingling suddenly said, "Master, since this place is so dangerous, why don't we change to a cave in the future!"

Lin Xiao said, "Well, I will discuss this matter with the owner of Wang Dao tomorrow, but this cave should be kept first!" This place is naturally decorated with a soul pool array, which is an excellent place to practice ghost skills, so it is handed over to ghost hunting. I found another place to practice.

When the ghost hunt heard the words, he immediately shouted with joy: "Thank you for your kindness!"


I was speechless all night. The next day, the battle between Lin Xiao and the old man Yu spread all over the trapped island.

When they learned the truth of the mysterious cave, everyone was shocked. Unexpectedly, the old man Yu, who was not amazing in the past, was the maker of all the strange events in the cave.

Wang Daozhu dealt with the old man and agreed to continue to let Lin Xiao own the cave and assign him another new cave.


After a few days of waves, the matter was quickly suppressed by Wang Daozhu and gradually returned to plain.

And Lin Xiao also changed to a cave and began to practice at ease on Lingcui Peak. As for the cave decorated with a soul pool array, it was given to the ghost hunt by Lin Xiao for cultivation.

Life flies, and soon more than two months have passed.

On this day, Lin Xiao was practicing, and suddenly an uninvited guest came to visit him.

The person who came from the island was a true female disciple named Mu Wan. She also had the early cultivation of Jindan. She was dressed in a cyan palace suit and looked quite young.

If he is an ordinary person, Lin Xiao may not care too much. He will only think that the other party is just an ordinary monk who came to visit. However, when the other party identified himself as a true disciple of the king's island owner, Lin Xiao couldn't help but pay attention to the other party's intention.

Is it true that the other party came to look for himself?

Lin Xiao invited people to enter the cave, and then asked directly, "I don't know what's the matter for wooden Taoist friends to come to me?"

Mu Wan hurriedly said, "The thing is that my master asked me to come to Elder Lin and want Elder Lin to take me to Amano Island to remove the black flame worm there."

"Amano Island?" Lin Xiao frowned.

Mu Wan explained: "Amano Island is an island attached to the periphery of our island. It is tens of thousands of miles away from here. It was originally just an isolated island on the sea. This island was inadvertently discovered by the elders who traveled outside the empty island, and it was also found that the crystal content on the island was very amazing.

"Our trapped island has built a transmission array on two islands, and developed a crystal vein belonging to our trapped island on Amano Island."

"But since last month, a group of black flame insects have migrated from afar and entered the veins of Amano Island to breed. The black flame worm specializes in feeding on crystals and can spit out strange black fireworks. The killing power of the gregarious black flame worms is very amazing. Many of our monks have been damaged under the siege of the black flame worm.

For more than a month, the monks we have stayed on the island have to return to the empty island through the transmission array and dare not approach Amano Island. Because we have to guard against the next attack of the Black Jiao clan, we can't take out a large number of people to annihilate those black flame insects, so the master... ....”

When Lin Xiao heard this, he suddenly said, "So the owner of Wang Island is going to let me go to Amano Island to destroy those black flame insects for him?"

Mu Wan nodded.

Lin Xiao asked again, "I can understand that the Lord Wang asked me to destroy the black flame insects, but why did he let you go with me?"

Mu Wan blushed when she heard the words, and then said, "The master didn't say it clearly, but I can also guess one or two. On the one hand, naturally let me lead the way for Elder Lin, take you to Amano Island, and give you a detailed introduction of the situation on the island."

"On the other hand, maybe the master asked me to follow Elder Lin to have some experience to add some experience..."

Lin Xiao sighed when he heard the words, thinking that the owner of Wang Island was afraid that he wanted Mu Wan to annihilate those black flame insects alone as an experience for her, but he was worried about Mu Wan, which made her come to help him so that she could help Mu Wan in a dangerous moment.

After a moment of meditation, Lin Xiao nodded slowly and said, "I can promise you to go to Amano Island with you."

Mu Wan was overjoyed, but Lin Xiao said, "But you have to promise me a condition."

Mu Wan hurriedly asked, "I don't know what conditions Elder Lin has?"

Lin Xiaoxiao said with a smile, "It's very simple. After arriving at Amano Island, you have to obey my instructions and don't act without authorization."