Six Immortal Path

Chapter 422 Xingli Hall 6

By the time he realized what was wrong, it was too late.

Suddenly, a huge black gas spewed out in front of it, and these black gas actually accumulated the pure white flames.

The painting halberd was shocked and quickly flashed to one side, but the black gas spurt was so fast that it was difficult for him to avoid it, so he could only use a short blade to resist.

Fortunately, the short blade is not ordinary, and even the black gas of the other party can be separated.

It's just that this panic is bad. The shadow also moved quickly when the black gas disturbed the sight. Twenty shadows finally roared and roared towards him, and the short blade in their hands had been waved so much that they could not even see the shadow.

The shadow has shown all its strength!

Even the genshen attack in the pure white flame can't limit their speed!

The halberd hid in a hurry, but after the shadow broke out, the speed was unimaginably fast, and it was completely impossible to keep up with their speed. The halberd's heart suddenly tightened and quickly performed the technique of teleportation and hid aside, but the shadow still reacted faster. It immediately sensed his movements and judged where he was going to teleport and quickly in that direction.

The body of the shadow is so extraordinary that it can withstand such a powerful load and reach such an amazing speed.

It's so fast that you can't even avoid it with teleportation!

He teleported a hundred miles away, but when he opened his eyes, 20 dark shadows were only a few miles away from him, and at this speed, he could catch up with him with one breath.

The halberd's mind moved again and moved a hundred miles away again, but he did not dare to move too far, so he could only struggle in the pure white flame. If he went out of the thousands of miles covered by the pure white flame, without the genhed attack in the pure white flame, his battle with the dark shadow would be completely defeated.

The two sides launched an unusually alarming pursuit.

Only a few breathing time, the two sides have been armed 23 times within thousands of miles covered by pure white flames!

The shadow is very smart. It does not only use instincts to fight as previously imagined. The cooperation between them is quite sophisticated. Using their own speed advantages, they have turned the whole circle of pure white flames into their garrison area!

The halberd originally wanted to deal with them through teleportation, but it was inevitable to confront them twice, but every time he was ready to leave and did not entangled with them.

He has no good way to take them down in a short time now, so he can only consume them like this.

But at this time, the Lord of Heaven arrived with two million people.

They flew densely in mid-air, and all kinds of magic weapons gathered in the air, formed a large array without hesitation, and quickly attacked the painting halberd!

The painting halberd did not pay much attention at the beginning, but let the inner universe generate a little attraction to prevent the other party from calling the aura whirlpool.

But he was wrong. People in heaven didn't just make such a move as the aura whirlpool. When he recovered, the huge power of the starry sky had penetrated the pure white flame and hit his back!

There is no way to avoid it. There is a shadow in front of it. If you use teleportation to dodge, you will definitely fall into the encirclement network of the shadow, and then it will be bad.

gritted his teeth, and the way of heaven came out, fully protecting the power of the starry sky behind him, and he waved his short blade and quickly cut off the throat of the black shadow in front of him!

As expected, he was dodged by the other party, and at this time, his back was also hit hard! The power of the starry sky does not belong to the five elements, and the heavenly way cannot be completely defended. The powerful force fluctuates to his body through the heavenly way, making his blood churning.

The situation is more difficult than expected.

While gritting his teeth, he stared at the shadow of killing at any time without any other actions.

The power of the starry sky behind him is getting stronger and bigger. He has long known that people in heaven can control the power of the starry sky, but the other party did not use a more powerful aura vortex, which puzzled him.

"There is no way to go on like this! Sooner or later, I will be defeated by them!" The painting halberd secretly thought that the effect of the heavenly way blocking the power of the starry sky was not very good. Under the accumulation of continuous strength, it made him a little unbearable.

But if you resist it with the power of your own starry sky, it won't work at all! Although the power of the starry sky in his body is infinite, the amount that can be released at one time is never comparable to the power of the starry sky jointly exerted by two million people!

The short blade in his hand can indeed completely open the power of the starry sky behind him, but what about these 20 shadows? If you don't use a short blade to fight with them, it will definitely be more or less lucky!

At the moment of his hesitation, another dark shadow of the brigade appeared in the temple!

The painting halberd was shocked. I'm afraid there are not more than 100 people in this figure! It will be bad if it goes on like this!

He gritted his teeth, and the corner of his eyes instantly caught a glimpse of the open door of the temple. His heart was horizontal, and he couldn't get a tiger if he didn't enter the tiger's den! Do not hesitate to let the pure white flame turn into the sun and moon sword again, and then move towards the temple!

It's too open here. Facing two million practitioners and 120 shadows in heaven at one time, his chances of winning are not great, but it's different when he enters the temple.

Due to space constraints, it is impossible to enter too many people at once. In such a congested environment, if you use the five knowledge gate, you will definitely use one by one! The other party won't even have a chance to escape!

He did not hesitate to move towards the gate of the temple. Under the stunned eyes of everyone, a fierce man plunged into the temple.

As a result, the Lord of Heaven and the two million practitioners he led were dumbfounded. They absolutely dared not enter the temple, even with the consent of the God - what did their group of people go in? It's a complete addition!

When the painting halberd entered the temple, he quickly looked back and saw the hesitation of the Lord of Heaven. He was happy. Sure enough!

The Lord of Heaven is indeed unable to enter the temple, but the shadow can, but they did not expect that the painting halberd would venture into the temple.

The reflected shadow rushed to the temple. However, it was too late, and the painting halberd had spread the white fog of the five gates all over the gate of the temple! Although the five-literate gate can only cover a radius of ten feet, if they are laid thinly in the air, it is enough to completely block the hundred-foot gate of the temple!

There is nothing we can do about the more than 100 shadows outside.

The halberd sneered in the center of the temple. Judging from the rate of the black shadow just now, the number of guards in the temple is not very large. Perhaps the 110 shadows that have just gone out are already most of the power of the Xingli Hall - and the other party has to keep people to contain Murong Xiaoyu.

Although he entered the Xingli Hall, he was completely dumbfounded when he saw the road in front of him.

The outside of Xingli Hall seemed huge, but as soon as Fang came in, there was only a straight road in front of him, and the narrowness of the road made him feel a lot of oppression for no reason.

The temple seems to be carved from a whole piece of white stone. This kind of space with no gaps, coupled with the long and straight road, is really difficult to relax.

Carefully lean forward, be extremely tense, and pay attention to any movement around you.

In fact, seriously, this road is not narrow, about five feet wide, but the dome here is so high that there is only a darkness left. With the eyesight of the halberd, it is impossible to see what the dome looks like and the proportion of the cover. In addition, the road is so far away that you can hardly see the head, so you feel so narrow.

And the divine consciousness seems to be limited here and cannot extend a hundred feet, which makes the painting halberd nervous for no reason.

Walking silently forward, there will be a huge stone pillar every ten feet on both sides of the road. These stone pillars are also completely integrated with the temple, and there is a small station of oil lamps hanging on the stone pillar about ten feet, which only illuminates a small poke range, but just after these lights, the halberd can also see the road clearly. The stone gate at the head.

The halberd is extremely careful. Although he does not feel anyone's breath or even feel any murderous spirit, his heart always beats suddenly for no reason, especially when he passes the stone pillars on both sides of the road.

Every time he passed by, his heart was like being hit by a heavy hammer, jumping fiercely, like a frightened bird.

After several times, he finally stopped and began to pay attention to these stone pillars, but he got nothing and had to continue to move forward...