Six Immortal Path

Chapter 423 Xingli Hall 7

Even if he walked carefully, his scalp would always be numb, as if something was staring at him all the time, but when he looked up, he could not see anything except darkness, and he could not notice any abnormality within a hundred feet of his consciousness.

Continuing to walk forward, the place is extremely quiet, and there is nothing else that can move except the occasional flicker firelight.

The front gate is still far away, and the painting halberd dares not speed up, so he can only slowly touch the front.

But the slower the speed, the more uneasy he becomes. The short blade handle made of star fragments in his hand was also stained with a lot of sweat in the palm of his hand.

The pure white light emitted by the sun and moon sword illuminates ten feet around the body. Coupled with the dim oil lamps on the stone pillar next to it, this place is not particularly dark.

Due to excessive tension, time passed very slowly, and it was not easy to take this road. As a result, there was still no danger, so the painting halberd lost his breath.

However, at this time, a gloomy wind suddenly hit, and the painting halberd's heart tightened. The sun and moon sword and short blades lifted back together, and the heavenly road burst out and bombarded behind him! The power of the starry sky is also rapidly brewing and ready to explode at any time.

But the sun and moon sword and the short blade are all empty.

Looking back, where is the person behind him? However, before he could breathe a sigh of relief, there was a sudden chill on his head and he subconsciously bowed to avoid it. As a result, he was still a step late. The bun was broken and a blue silk dispersed.

The painting halberd was shocked and no longer cares about anything. The sun and moon sword threw a huge pure white flame at the head, covering the whole island!

It's okay not to use the sun and moon sword. For this use, the painting halberd exploded. I only saw many dark shadows hanging upside down on the dome as high as a thousand feet. These dark shadows seemed to be asleep. When he just came in, there was no movement at all, but they were so excited by the pure white flame, and they exploded up in an instant.

The dense dark shadow of the painting halberd is so numerous that it makes people palpitate...

He didn't have time to scold his mother and wanted to teleport to the gate at the end of the passage. As a result, he was stunned to find that the teleportation method could not be used at all due to the restriction of the yuan god here!

The painting halberd smiled bitterly, and the power of the already prepared starry sky suddenly burst out, pushing him to fly forward quickly, but no matter how fast he is, how can he usually get the dark shadow? And the dense dark shadows on the dome of the channel have all been activated! How does he run!

While bursting at the fastest speed, he directly controlled the five-literate gate and flew back to himself, and no longer used the five-literate gate to block the gate of Xingli Hall - anyway, there are too many lice to bite, and the 120 dark shadows outside are completely negligible compared with the countless shadows here.

The Five Doors quickly surrounded him with a circle of white fog. With the protection of these white fogs, he did not need to be afraid of these dark shadows at all. The premise was that they would not be crazy to ignore the black gas that could be attacked remotely by their companions here.

However, the painting halberd was still wrong. As soon as his idea rose, the dark shadows in all directions condensed into black gas and quickly attacked him! These black gases are not irresistible with the heavenly way, but there are too many, and even he feels a little annoyed.

But now he can't care so much. The power of the starry sky explodes again. Regardless of the meridians, he can't withstand the power of such a huge starry sky at all, and suddenly accelerated to rush forward. Tiandao also suffered a heavy layer of defense, so that these black gas could not relieve him.

Just like this, it is about to consume all his strength - although the power of Tiandao and the starry sky is powerful and infinite, the use of Tiandao by the halberd can only reach 80% at most. It is not impossible to add another force, but it will be devoured by a strong space, which is completely outweigh the gain. And due to the limitations of the meridians, the power of the starry sky cannot spewed out completely at once - unless his meridians are not bad.

But this is obviously not possible at present.

It is really not easy to rush forward with a huge black gas. Although the heavenly way can barely resist the huge black gas, it is impossible to completely offset the strong force generated by hitting the black gas on the heavenly road.

The painting halberd has been enduring this pain and moving forward.

He couldn't help scolding his recklessness just now. In order to confirm a dark shadow, he shocked all the shadows, but it was not his fault. Anyone who suffered such a strong sense of oppression in the Xingli Hall would make such a mistake - and without knowing that there were so many shadows above his head.

Under the strong shock, the qi and blood in his body seemed to gushed out of his chest at any time.

The throat was slightly sweet, but the halberd swallowed the blood in an instant - now as soon as he spitted blood, the breath that he finally suffoed out was released.

After the tea kung fu, he finally reached the stone gate. Although he did not take the initiative to attack, there were still many dark shadows consciously hitting the heavenly path he condensed, so he completely killed them from the countless dark shadows behind him.

stared at the strong attack behind him and glanced at the stone door in front of him. The stone door was engraved with strange patterns, which vaguely revealed many strange feelings, just like a strong feeling of wanting to explore in the face of unknown mysteries. But where does he have time to watch it here? After such a strong attack, his heart has been damaged. He can't imagine how long he can stand up.

Touched a pull ring on the stone door, hummed, quickly opened the door no more than five feet high, and then quickly drilled into it.

As he got in, the shadow stopped attacking, as if they were afraid of something. They were unwilling to take a look inside the door, then scattered and returned to the dome.

The halberd reached out and touched the sweat on his forehead. It was really too dangerous, but he was a little curious about what the shadows were afraid of here?

I didn't dare to relax. I was alert again and looked forward. This was an empty huge room with some dim oil lamps hanging on the four walls of the room. From any point of view, this huge room gave him a rather bad feeling.

It's just a brief estimate that this room is so big that it is thousands of feet by chance!

And what's more horrible is that there are more than a thousand doors on the four walls of this room!

The painting halberd had never seen so many doors. He turned his head in shock. Sure enough, there were also so many doors behind him! Quietly retreating, he had a vague idea in his mind. Now he wants to see if this idea is true.

Slowly retreated to the door where he came in and opened it. Outside was the place where he had just entered, and the ground covered with corpses was flowing with green sticky blood, which looked extremely disgusting.

In order not to attract the attention of the shadow, he quietly closed the door again and walked aside. There is also a door that is exactly the same as before.

With uneasy mood, he carefully opened the door again, and as a result, he saw a terrible scene - outside was also a narrow passage full of disgusting corpses and sticky green blood!

Is this really the case? The painting halberd couldn't help asking himself.

If he had a little clue before, he has no idea at all now. With a horizontal heart, he quickly opened all the doors all around. The result is cruel - the scenery behind all the gates is the same as before!

That is to say, the gate here is full of the passage he just came in!

To be precise, the space he is in now is a dead end!

The hidden meaning of the painting halberd told him to leave here quickly, but his mother hasn't been rescued yet. How can he get out of here?

But he immediately thought, if this was a dead end, where did Murong Xiaoyu go?

Strongly resist the unpleasant feeling in your heart, narrow your eyes and look around carefully, and be sure to find a way out before the danger comes...