
Chapter 83 The Death of the Mid-Autumn Festival

The Mid-Autumn Festival on the rooftop turned around and saw warriors with soldiers around, but his temperament at this time was extremely calm, and he was rarely calm. He looked down at General Zhentian coldly, and the light in his eyes was as sharp as an eagle without giving in. The surroundings were terrible. Tens of thousands of warriors surrounded this small square. They breathed deeply, as if they felt the sweat in their hands slipping, so the warriors held their hands tighter, and there were snake-like blue veins on the backs of their hands!

The evil spirit emanated from these warriors and pushed straight into the Mid-Autumn Festival. The fierce momentum of the rest of his life after the bloody battle forced Feng Mid-Autumn Festival to feel suffocated. He has never been so helpless. He has never obeyed his samurai. There is no Lu Miaobai, a counselor who makes him feel at peace. Only he stands alone on the high platform, wearing a dragon robe, with a blue sky above his head, and facing thousands of warriors.

Is it a trapped beast? He looked up and saw a group of southern geese in the sky, rowing freely across the sky. If only he could grow a pair of wings... I heard that there were such winged feathers on the islands in the east. But the hard bows in the hands of the warriors of the moon and white armor will shoot themselves into blood gourds before they fly into the sky... Or what else can they do? Will the gods come to save him? When he was a child, he often lay under the beautiful night sky and looked at the stars. He knew that the palace of the god was on the brightest star. He often knelt down and prayed to the star. Would God pity his piety when he was a child, favor him and help him?

I don't think so! He bowed his head and smiled bitterly. That's just my childhood delusion. Growing up, he knew that even if farmers sacrificed cattle and sheep to sacrifice gods for a bumper harvest, it would be difficult to ensure a year of good weather and happiness. God stands high in the clouds of stars and looks down at this world. No matter what happens, it has nothing to do with God, because in God's chest is not a beating heart, but a cold iron stone.

Since he realized this, when he looked up at the starry sky, he was no longer as pure as when he was a child. Without pious prayers, he just looked at the twinkling star and saw the star rising and falling. I don't believe that God will bless them mortals. In God's eyes, all sentient beings are not innocent. What's the difference between killing him in the Mid-Autumn Festival and leaving him with his life? After all, the world will continue to operate, and there will be no difference. In this case, how can God pity him? How can he save him?

He laughed dumbly! At this time, there were so many absurd ideas. How could it be so ridiculous to think of myself when I was a child and expect the mysterious god to help him escape from the impulity?

In fact, this is despair!

Knowing that there is no hope, but he sticks to the remaining persistence. He doesn't have the courage to cry, but he is clear when he falls to the ground. I caught a glimpse of thousands of miles of wind and sand, the wolf smoke was ethereal, and the blue sky was stained with blood, which was shocking.

A sudden loud thunderous horn interrupted his thoughts. This voice is powerful and domineering, like a wolf howling in the snowy night of the frontier, like an angry master looking up and roaring, or like the roar of Long Xiang for nine days. The breathtaking horn made the warriors in the whole square nervous, and the sound was even more inspiring than the drums on the battlefield.

The warrior in the middle suddenly separated to both sides, revealing a three-foot wide gap. A group of warriors in golden armor came out of the gap. The burly and tall warriors were even stronger than the barbarian warriors who grew up eating beef and mutton and drinking spirits. They unified the luxurious gold armor, and their black hair was combed into a bun on the top of their heads, exposed from the gap on the top of the helmet and tied with a golden ribbon. With a huge bow on his shoulder, the bow string is tight, and the pattern on the bow is complicated and noble. There is a tooth knife around the waist, and the serrated teeth on the spine of the knife are like the teeth of a beast. If you are cut by such a tooth knife and pull it hard, even the skin under the armor will be torn off. The weapon held in the hands of the samurai is a long gun more than one person high, with three blades, and the gun is as red as blood, with a murderous intention.

This team of golden warriors walked against the light in the autumn moon, and the image cut came from the ancient murals. The warriors walked extremely slowly and walked vigorously. The fiery command behind them was swaying and hunting, and the domineering breath rolled in. No one doubted the strength of this team of warriors, and their combat strength was as bright as the golden armor on their bodies.

Feng Zhongqiu watched this team of warriors rushing over like golden arrows, and their hearts suddenly sank into the abyss...

This is the Yulin Forbidden Army, which is the exclusive army of the royal family! Only the emperor can mobilize them. Like the emperor in the cavalry, Mengyang's Yulin Forbidden Army is the emperor of the infantry. They appear on the battlefield not for fighting, but for immortal glory. The fighting power of these warriors is as dazzling as the armor on their bodies, their courage is as unparalleled as a long gun, and their determination is more resolute than the arrows from the string. This is Mengyang's top legion.

Now the Yulin Forbidden Army appears here, which only means that it was sent by the emperor! Is Emperor Lin Xi determined to kill him? Feng Zhongqiu suddenly felt that his brain was not enough, like a drowning man, and the wood slid into the abyss.

The golden armored warriors stopped and then turned around. The two rows of warriors cut out a road, which looked like gold pavement. These royal army have an amazing tacit understanding, bowing neatly, kneeling down on one knee, bowing their heads and saluting, and their eyes are as firm as eternal reefs.

The majestic horn is getting louder and louder, like a wooden thunder rolling on the ground, crushing everything that dares to hinder. Then, the warriors with silver armor around him knelt down one after another, their eyes were fanatical, and General Zhentian also disared - he did not have to kneel down. When he received the great gift of 'nine tin', including no longer having to kneel down to the royal family. Just have to lower your head respectfully!

The real worship of all the people!

Feng Mid-Autumn Festival's breath suffocated. For a moment, he felt that he was nothing. His sacrificial ceremony of heaven and ascended the throne was not even comparable to the grand scene of Emperor Mengyang's trip. It's ridiculous that he was so arrogant! The appearance of a general has destroyed everything, but now a more terrible person is going to appear in front of him?

In the road sandwiched by the two rows of golden armored warriors, they walked out of four ** upper-bodied big men. Their skin and muscles are even more burly than the golden armored feather forest forbidden army. In this way, strong people can beat a horse with one palm, and even by brute force, they can flatten several hundred people! The four big men's faces are ferocious, wearing a golden nose ring in the middle of their noses, and their bodies are full of intricate tattoos, like relief carved on muscles, lifelike.

A discerning person knows at a glance that the tattoo on the upper body of these four big men** is green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch Xuanwu! Representing four directions! People say that the emperor of Mengyang supported Mengyang, and these four big men supported the emperor.

I saw four extremely strong warriors carrying a red sandalwood giant on their shoulders. There are nine steps above the giant hussar, which is pyramid-shaped. At the top is a magnificent golden throne. Of course, it is not the throne in the star fall hall. This is another one, a little smaller, but it is still powerful. Standing behind the throne were two maids holding fans, all of whom were beautiful. And the man on the throne is the most thrilling!

Emperor Lin Xi, who was famous for his iron-blooded tyranny as soon as he took office, is now sitting on the throne, with a graceful and beautiful face like the legendary vampire noble. His eyes are cold and not offensive, like arrows shining with cold light. Although Feng Zhongqiu stands higher than him, he still needs to look up at him from the bottom of his heart! Without saying anything, he looked at the Mid-Autumn Festival indifferently, more like looking at a corpse without emotion.

Four big men are carrying such a giant horr, which weighs thousands of pounds, but their pace is still steady, and the emperor on the giant horr is as calm as the stars!

Some people are born aristocrats. Even if they are dressed in ratters, they can't hide the noble temperament, and some people can't change the vulgarity in their bones even if they wear golden jade clothes. Temperament is something that a person can't hide.

Feng Mid-Autumn Festival wears a robe made of golden silk thread, which still looks so rustic. Emperor Lin Xi only wears a travel robe, which is still emperor-like majesty. This is temperament, which is deeply hidden in the bones of a person and can never be changed!

The four big men stopped in front of the encirclement of the night warriors. The emperor looked at General Zhentian and nodded slightly, then waved his sleeves, signaling that the kneeling warriors could stand up. Then he looked coldly at the rich Mid-Autumn Festival, smiled faintly and said, "Your Majesty Qiuyue is so powerful. Today is the day of His Majesty's accession to the throne. Mengyang Empire sends congratulations to Emperor Qiuyue!" Then he stretched out his hand and clapped his hands, and the applause was particularly loud in the dead square. The muscles on Feng Zhongqiu's face twisted, and he clearly recognized the irony in the emperor's tone. This kind of ridicing made him more uncomfortable than hitting him in the face.

The palace man beside him had been standing tremblingly. Finally, he couldn't help screaming, turned around and ran forward with his eyes closed, and then fell from the altar several feet away from the ground. With a bang, a piece of dust rose on the ground, like a broken blood bag, and the palace was full of dark red blood. Feng Zhongqiu's face was even worse. Just now, he also named the palace man 'Wan Tongjun'. Now the real general and emperor have come. They are like a group of children who play the family, which is extremely ridiculous.

This is the biggest farce in Mengyang 300 years!

Feng Zhongqiu just wanted to say something, but the emperor Ling Ran's voice suddenly interrupted him and said, "Feng Zhongqiu, I promised in the imperial capital that as long as you listen to me, I can give you the land of Shen and Nanliang and make you the Marquis of Jiuyang. But aren't you satisfied?" The emperor's tone was as cold as winter, and it was like a hot chain. He pamped on his face. Just now, his self-confidence after completing the sacrificial ceremony was suddenly taken away, and he could hardly speak!

He looked down at the emperor. When he was in Yining City, he also stood on the high ground and looked down at the fierce general of Zhentian and the king of Chi Nasi; when he was in the capital of Shen, he still looked down at the lion of Mengyang, Shen Gulan. Now, he is also standing high and looking down at the emperor of Mengyang, but this time he is nothing! There is no confidence to be arrogant!

The emperor turned his head and looked at the nearly 100 ministers of Qiu Yue who were suppressed by the warriors. There was no expression on his face. He only heard him say coldly, "Kill!"

The warriors did not hesitate, and the knife hanging around the neck of the ministers was so fast that they did not even give these timid ministers a chance to say 'Your Majesty, spare my life'. I saw columns of blood spewing out of the neck as big as the mouth of the bowl, rising nearly ten feet high like jumping flames in the sun. Then the blood fell, and the warriors with knives stood quietly, allowing the blood rain to fall on their heads, dyed red armor, red and resolute faces, and dyed people's eyes red!

A headless body collapsed, and Feng Zhongqiu was about to kneel down! In such an instant, with the blink of an eye, the backbone of Qiuyue all died! The ministers of the whole Qiuyue Palace became headless dead bodies. He felt that this was not beheading the heads of these ministers, but beheading the whole Qiuyue! The autumn moon has been destroyed!

The emperor smiled faintly. It doesn't matter how many people he killed, because since the day he put on the glazed dragon robe, he was destined to kill more and more people! Looking back, it was full of bloody footprints, and it was impossible to stop.

Feng Mid-Autumn Festival tried his best to support his body and prevent himself from falling down. But his eyes are still black, his body is swaying, and his legs are weak without any strength. He finally shouted: "Wanjun, you dog emperor, you are trying to destroy the feudal system set by the emperor of Liu Nian, and you are addicted to killing your brother and father. The former emperor will die in your hands! You deserved to die, and you used His Majesty Shinra's great power to make a fortune. How can you be worthy of the dead Emperor Shinra? After shouting these words, he finally breathed a little relief, at least he couldn't hear much fear in his voice!

But the emperor did not refute him, but smiled, but his smile was extremely cold and could not see any warmth. The smile is like a mask stuck to the face, tearing off the mask, which is a fierce anger.

Feng Zhongqiu took a big breath and shouted to the warriors around him, "You are all pillars of Mengyang and the support of the empire. Do you want to obey the order of this tyrant? He will only lead you to war and lead Mengyang to extinction! If you are still bloody men, kill this tyrant and avenge the emperor! ..." His last voice was vigorous and powerful, like a leisurely Hongzhong, which can arouse people's emotions.

He looked around and looked at the warriors with anticipation. He believed that someone would stand up to respond to him. He was always confident! But the warriors around him quietly held weapons at him, and there was no expected echo scene, and no one even said a word for him!

He saw the emperor's expression! His smile was finally not so cold, but there was a sense of sarcasm, a sarcasm that seemed to be watching the clown shout!

Feng Mid-Autumn Festival pointed directly at the emperor and roared, "Wan Yijun, there is nothing to say! You are vicious, and all the people will be killed! You..."

The emperor still smiled and said two words faintly: "Kill!"

He has always been so decisive and will not show mercy.

Feng Zhongqiu suddenly couldn't speak. Although the emperor's two words were very soft, the unquestionable majesty overwhelmed him. He saw that the four Yulin Forbidden Army in golden armor had stepped on the altar and roared in panic, "I'm the Lord of Qiuyue. You can't kill me like this. You should hand me over to the Minister of Justice first and then go to trial. You can't kill me like this..." His voice was so ble with tears. He was really afraid. I really don't want to die!

He slowly retreated, with a few feet hanging behind him, and there was no way out. Four Yulin forbidden troops surrounded him in a half-moon shape. No, he doesn't want to die! He has just become the emperor. He is the emperor of the Qiuyue Dynasty. How can he die like this?

'Puff...' I didn't even see how the Yulin imperial army warriors took action. It was too fast. A man's long gun pierced his chest, and a stream of blood spewed out of the blood tank of the gun. The warrior withdrew his long gun, and the backs of the spear hooked the muscles in his chest and pulled his body back from the edge of the altar.

Then there was a sharp pain behind his back. The two warriors' long guns came in from behind, and the warriors' arms were instantly exerted, and Feng Zhongqiu's body was picked up. Facing the sky, dark red blood remained along the golden long guns, dyeing the warriors' golden armor. The other two warriors also came over, and the spear came out. The sharp spear penetrated the chest of the Mid-Autumn Festival, and blood spewed out a blood flower along the blood groove of the gun blade.

Four golden-armed forbidden army warriors lifted Feng Zhongqiu's body in the air with long guns, and sad screams echoed in the square, like the roar of evil spirits, and the scalp of the listener exploded. But the emperor still looked at it with a faint smile, reached out to take the cup from the maid of honor, and sip it with the smell of blood in the air.

Feng Zhongqiu's limbs on the altar shrugged weakly to the side of his body, and his chest was penetrated by four long guns and picked in mid-air. The waist bends into a strange arc, like a new moon, and like an ancient mysterious totem. His last thought suddenly felt as if he was being sacrificed. The self on the altar is being used to sacrifice to heaven. Tens of thousands of warriors around looked silently without any sympathy, really as ruthless as looking at the slaughtered cattle and sheep.

Tens of thousands of people quietly watched Feng Zhongqiu being picked up and killed like this. This silent depression made people feel chilling.

Emperor Lin Xi suddenly stood up and walked down to the Great. The Yulin Forbidden Army warriors on both sides immediately came forward, one holding the gun neck and the other holding the tail of the gun, and rowed them up from standing to half kneeling, paving a ladder for the emperor. The emperor looked at the provocation of Feng Zhongqiu, and the smile at the corners of his mouth became more and more obvious. As he walked, he pulled out his waist to practice the sword. He deliberately drew very slowly. The friction between the sword body and the scabbard seemed to scrape people's bones with a knife, and the stinging sound was particularly harsh with the screams of Feng Zhongqiu.

The emperor finally stood in front of the warriors. The four warriors slowly put down the body of Feng Mid-Autumn Festival. His mouth and nose were full of blood, dying, and his mind was almost blurred. The emperor put Xiaolian's sword on Feng Zhongqiu's neck and looked at him with a smile.

The sword in his hand exerted strength, and the sharpness of the sword slowly cut the neck of Feng Mid-Autumn Festival. He deliberately cut it very slowly and slowly cut the neck of the Mid-Autumn Festival. Death should also be carried out slowly, appreciate it and taste it quietly.

The painful roar of the Mid-Autumn Festival was almost crying. He twisted his neck desperately, but with his movements, the skin of his neck broke faster under the edge of the night practice sword. A Yulin forbidden army warrior reached out and grabbed his hair, restrained his head, and prevented him from swinging it again. The emperor cut the sharpness of the Xiaolian sword bit by bit and watched the blood gushed out of the aorta of his neck. This is a punishment for coveting the throne in the Mid-Autumn Festival!

Feng Zhongqiu's neck had been cut in half. Suddenly, he remembered that when he was in Yining City, Lu Miaobai pinched a handful of red soil stained with blood and said that it would not be in vain to leave anything behind for decades... Those words suddenly became clear. In fact, Lu Miaobai didn't hold the soil to make the example more vivid, just to let him see clearly that after holding the soil and holding the right between heaven and earth, it was only dark red blood left in his palm... Those words are actually telling him not to be greedy and not to ask too much... The position of emperor is not what he can want! He has always misunderstood and always been wrong! Until I died, I realized that I was so wrong...

Finally, the emperor's night sword was completely waved, and Feng Zhongqiu's head fell from his neck, and then sank into the bottomless dark abyss...