reincarnation evolution

Chapter 5 The main tone of space

After that, several people also rushed to the place where the protagonist was at this time, but I don't know if it was because of Luo Yun's transfer mission, so he didn't have a map about Nobi Nobita's location at this time, but fortunately, the other two people in his team still had this map, which made Luo Yun shout. Take a breath, otherwise, it is definitely more difficult to find a person in such a big world than looking for a needle in a haystack. From this, we can also see the main tone of the whole reincarnation space, that is, the team. The reincarnation space never advocates the strength of the individual, but advocates the strength of the group system.

It took more than an hour for them to arrive at the jungle where Nobita was located, and at this time, Nobita was also competing with Xiaofu and Fat Tiger for the title of Silver Knight. Just as Luo Yun saw Daxiong and wanted to say hello to him, he suddenly felt that a needle suddenly appeared behind him, a silver needle that seemed to directly pierce his heart. And he also shouted at everyone, "Be careful." And the attraction of everyone was also attracted by his words, but at this time, a shadow appeared. A position in which the shadow appeared was behind the elegant young man, and then the shadow stabbed a frightening bayonet in his hand to his neck.

The blood spilled out. However, it is not the blood of the person he expected, but his own. The hot smell was so familiar that when the pain did not even pass through the nerves, he had already confirmed that it was indeed his own blood. And he also did not hesitate to use a prop that he bought from the reincarnation space square at a great price and left here in an instant, because he knew that he was afraid that he had been hit by the illusion of that group of guys. This man is not too stupid. The speaker was a woman with a long blood knife in her hand. At this time, the crowd also came out of the bush forest next to them. They did not know when they hid from this place. In this grass, there was a man with his eyes closed, and it was his illusion that confused the assassin and then let the woman kill him.

At this time, everyone also looked at Luo Yun with an "admiration" look, because this method was completely his idea. Although Luo Yun is not a prophet, he understands the truth of carefully sailing a ten-year-old ship, so he also asked everyone to be cautious and not act rashly, and then came up with this method, which successfully defended the attack of the shadow through the pre-agreed gestures. However, Luo Yun was not complacent because of their eyes, but felt something wrong. After all, this guy dared to challenge so many people here alone, which is inexpendable anyway. Isn't it?" Just as Luo Yun wanted to tell everyone to be careful, a figure appeared under the shadow of some people. Then they began to attack them. It's the assassination team, it's the assassination team. The polite young man suddenly said such a sentence and then ran to the distance.

However, it was too late. A figure had appeared in front of him, and then stabbed him in the throat. In a moment, the young man fell directly to the ground, obviously dead. Shit." Luo Yun also knew that he still underestimated the reincarnations of these assassinations. However, they didn't underestimate Luo Yun. Although it is true that everyone was attacked for the first time, those who can enter the reincarnation space are not idle people. After the first attack, everyone also reacted and then fought back. Moreover, more importantly, around them, Chen Xin's healing talent is here.

And most importantly, the number of people between them has almost reached 2:1, so everyone is slowly bringing back the battle situation. And the few remaining assassins also wanted to run away when they saw that their companions were almost half. However, how could Luo Yun let this group of guys run away? I don't know how much faster than this group of guys in all the beneficial states, and he is not bound by 1/4, so after using his team skills to start a fire, he directly killed these guys directly. As for the key they dropped after death, it was also directly taken by Luo Yun himself and given to everyone, because he knew that the consequences of being too greedy often led to the collapse of a team. In this battle, in addition to the fleeing young man, five more people died and spent a lot of therapeutic drugs. After all, since this group of guys dares to sneak up and assassinate nearly twice as many people as themselves, their strength will certainly not be weak, and they know all kinds of tactics. Often the firepower of the whole team is concentrated on one person, so this time the casualties are not great.


, the crowd also became more cautious. It can be said that in the journey of less than 200 meters between the three plot characters, they walked for 5 minutes, and at this time, the three children saw them. Obviously, the three children didn't notice Luo Yun's fight before. Naturally, the reason is that several of them were preparing to climb up, and if it hadn't been for Daxiong falling down from it, he would have seen Luo Yun and shouted, "Yun Shu." Of course, this sentence not only came back to the two guys who were focused on climbing, but also the rest of the reincarnations looked at Luo Yun with a surprised look. Obviously, they were curious about when Luo Yun had something to do with this wild Nobita. Although the two children who were still climbing heard this sentence, they just looked down and then continued to climb up.

After all, there is no doubt that the most important thing for them is to get the top silver suit and become a silver knight. At the same time, everyone quarreled again, obviously to send Nobita to the top to get a good impression, and for this matter, they also directly asked Luo Yun why they had already brushed their good impression behind before. The final result was that the navigation elf told Nobita the existence of the moon, and then Nobita went up on the moon. And everyone can only watch. Although their hearts are like cat scratching, it is still difficult to do it, because if they drag him off the moon now, it may lead to a decrease in favorability.

Therefore, everyone's eyes also fell on Luo Yun again. Obviously, it was because of the previous problem, and Luo Yun waved his hand, looked at them with a very beaten expression, and then slowly spit out four words: "I have a good character." This sentence also made everyone gritt their teeth, but in view of Luo Yun's previous strong skill, they also did not attack on the spot. Everyone waited for half an hour. In the process, Luo Yun first went to the surrounding river to catch a few carp, then roasted them, and finally when they were already cooked. I just saw Nobita coming down from above. After he came down, one of the responsive guys also directly handed him a grilled fish, which made Xiaofu and the fat tiger very greedy and made the reincarnations very hot, but they were not stupid enough to grab the grilled fish and then give it to him.

After seeing the expectant eyes of Xiaofu and Fat Tiger, Luo Yun also smiled and handed each of them a share. Children generally don't eat much, so except for the fat tiger who ate two, the remaining two children burped after eating only one. The rest of the fish were also wasteful, but gave one to the remaining reincarnations one by one, and Luo Yun took two copies of them. Luo Yun has been living in the wild for so many years at the end of the world. Although he sometimes does not pursue any taste, he occasionally wants to eat better food in his spare time, so his field cooking skills are also quite good. And this grilled fish Luoyun can also be said to be carefully made, perfectly tolerant of the seasoning and the freshness of the fish, and an excellent grasp of the heat, which makes everyone enjoy eating and refreshing. Yu Xiang even introduced the plot of the wild bear in advance.