reincarnation evolution

Chapter 6 Protagonist Aura V587

But fortunately, Nobita saved its child before, so this wild bear did not come to attack them. Otherwise, according to the strength of this psychic wild bear, if it is a close battle, I'm afraid that its damage is equivalent to that of the demon emperor, and it will even surpass it. I think this wild bear should also stand in the demon spirit. The main task target of the reincarnation on the emperor's side. After that, it also looked at Nobita's face and asked, "Where are you going?" Originally, Daxiong just wanted to tell it to "kill the fire dragon", but Luo Yun directly interrupted, "Kill the Demon Emperor." After hearing this sentence, there was also a trace of disbelief on the bear's face, obviously not believing that they had this strength.

But Luo Yun directly pushed Daxiong out and said to it, "You don't know who this child is, right? Let me tell you, he is the legendary silver swordsman, that is, the real hero who saved the world." After hearing Luo Yun's words, the wild bear also looked at Daxiong with a trace of respect. After that, Luo Yun also asked it if he knew where the Dragon Valley was. After getting the affirmative answer, Luo Yun also put Nobita on the back of the wild bear, obviously preparing to camel him to the Dragon Valley with this wild bear. At this time, Doraemon finally came in, and the place where he appeared was about 10 meters in front of Luo Yun and the others.

Several people are also very excited to see the appearance of Doraemon. After all, no matter from a psychological point of view or somewhere, the use of Doraemon is absolutely quite great. After all, the power of the different-dimensional pocket is absolutely not a joke. According to the judgment of reincarnation space, it was only that time. Optical machines are at least S-level props, not to mention different-dimensional pockets that contain many good things. And one of the quick-responsive guys also immediately wanted to help Doraemon up, but before his action was carried out, Doraemon took out a broom, a broom called the Light Wheel 2000 in Harry Potter. And this broom also carried Doraemon, and at this time, the appearance of Doraemon riding the broom and its clothes full of Western church colors really smelled like a wizard, but its round blue head and round figure with this shape are quite impressive. I can't help laughing.

And Doraemon also quickly joined the group, and then naturally went to the Dragon Valley with everyone. However, when they advanced less than 500 meters, there was a obscene laughter from a tree in front of them, and the owner of the voice was an owl with a human face. After a fool-like laughter, the owl also flew away at the highest speed of an ordinary taxi. It's just that although Nobita doesn't know who this guy is. But the reincarnations know that this guy is obviously the owl that is going to tell the demon emperor, so how could they let this guy run away?

Therefore, the crowd also came out of a long-range DPS, and then raised his hand* and shot it directly. He didn't even aim at it, but the shot directly attacked the wings of the owl man. This guy's familiarity with guns has reached the level of breathing. Naturally. The importance of a bird's wings is actually similar to that of a human hand, but their resilience is relatively strong, so that it can be recovered within a certain period of time, but this certain time is definitely not enough for a day or two. Therefore, it is obviously impossible for the owl man to continue to fly, but it did not escape directly, but flew back with the help of one wing, and its target was Nobita.

As for the reason for doing this, it is that judging from the destructive power and accuracy of the shot it just suffered, it is not difficult to escape if its own body is still intact, but it has broken a wing at this time, so that it wants to escape. The possibility is negligible. But if he can get rid of Daxiong at this time, then maybe the demon emperor can resurrect himself as soon as he is happy. After thinking through these problems, the owl's already psychic brain also made this seemingly smart but helpless decision. Because it really underestimates the strength of the group in front of it.

After seeing the owl rushing towards their group, this group of reincarnations not only had no fear, but were full of excitement. Because if we attack this guy now, it will undoubtedly be an opportunity and a good opportunity to gain prestige, but if the main task in the current group is completed, it is obvious that everyone will grab the head, but there are still two unfinished guys in their group, because As expected, this opportunity fell on them. And these two guys also walked to the owl man with a smile. The expression and action were like a loser walking to the goddess who had taken off her clothes, or the miser walked to the golden pile of gold.

And the owl man himself was also quite derewd. After seeing the expressions of these two guys, his heart was also burning with anger. However, it is not an animal that completely forgets the business in anger, so it continues to rush to the protagonist Nobita. I completely ignored the attack of these two guys, and one of them is MT. Obviously, this is of little use at this time. Although the other is DPS, and the damage of DPS is not low, he is a melee DPS, so the owl rushed 50 meters in front of them before he attacked it. This owl is also a small boss monster, with a physical strength of 2,500 points. Besides, 50 meters is just a second of its flight. Even if the attack ignores defense, it wants to make a monster with 2,500 points of physical strength in 1 second? Then this guy has to be a two-difficult, or even a three-difficulty strong man to do this.

Therefore, these two guys tried their best to defeat the owl man with 200 points of physical strength, and then they were rushed to the front of the protagonist Nobita, but both Luo Yun and other reincarnations showed a treacherous smile on their faces. And the owl man also saw the obscene smiles of this group of guys, just when it was puzzled. In front of it, a silver-white light appeared. The dazzling degree of this light has even compared the scattered sunlight around it. Behind this light is a long silver knife. After seeing this hidden weapon, the owl man also has a feeling that he will definitely die. And the owner of this silver knife is also the protagonist of the plot: Nobita.

Nobita is indeed a loser in reality, but after entering the world, he is a hero who saved the whole world. And the strength can also be seen from his killing of the monster leader in a second, and can you expect an owl to have more defense than an elephant? The answer was obviously impossible, so the owl died and was directly split in half by the silver knife. At the same time, the two reincarnations who came out to stop this guy also showed a gratified and regretful smile. Obviously, the main task had been completed, but this regretful smile...

After that, the owl man only dropped a blue key, and a small boss level actually only lost a blue key, which directly made Luo Yun speechless, and after he asked about the film, he also knew a new information: the plot character In the plot of the attack, the key dropped by the enemy will be lowered to a level, and Luo Yun also knows why the two guys have obviously killed the little boss owl man, but still show that regretful expression. After that, everyone also continued to go to the Dragon Valley to find the legendary dragon blood that can turn people into immortal bodies.