reincarnation evolution

Chapter 7 Final Quiz 3

"You guys passed." There is still a little surprise in the words of the decadent man. Then, he took out the six application forms and filled in a few words with a speed that was not commensurate with his appearance. Take this form and give it to the next auditor. The decadent man just wanted to spit out this sentence, but Luo Yun picked up the application form in his hand in surprise and said thank you.

After that, Luo Yun and his party walked towards the ring. At this time, the man came down from the ring. His spirit, as fierce as before, does not seem to have suffered any harm. As for those beasts, it is estimated that after many years, they will become fossils and stay in this world forever. After seeing the people in the reincarnation team, the man hung a smile on his face.

This smile is called a dark smile, or an evil smile. When he passed Luo Yun and the others, his mouth moved a few times. From this hole, two words popped up: "Come on." Whether he is sincere or hypocritical, at least Luo Yun can't directly refuse this sentence. So he nodded and thanked him for his encouragement.

The person responsible for assessing this level is an old man. Looking at the degree of wrinkles on his face, he is about 50 or 60 years old. But the spirit is very strong and does not lose to young people at all. Well, that's good. Basically, all the reviews are excellent. After seeing the application form submitted to him by Luo Yun, the old man looked at him in surprise, as if it was unlikely.

"Can we experiment?" Luo Yun didn't pay attention to the old man's attitude, and he was more concerned about it. It is an experiment, participating in the test before KOF97. Well, that's fine. This level is a practical assessment. You can go up and fight with these beasts. As long as you can win and perform well in the battle, you can complete this test. When people are old, they are always a little talky.

However, this old man is so talkative, but it gives Luo Yun a warm feeling to a group of people. Compared with him, the previous people are just some machinery, which seems to have no human feelings at all, and only know how to follow orders. Really? I don't know if we will go together or one by one? After hearing Luo Yun's declaration of a bitch, the old man rolled his eyes at him.

There was another disdainful expression on his face. To be honest, this expression appeared on his wrinkled face. It can be said that the wrinkles have been squeezed together. The old man's face can no longer see eyes or anything like that, but it is quite funny. Naturally, this makes everyone want to laugh. However, in order to take care of the dignity of this old man.

Prevent him from ulsine tricks, and everyone can't laugh. As a result, their expressions are more cola than this old man's. Puff." The last one to laugh was the old man. After living for decades, he has been very open about his emotions. Usually, he laughs when he wants to laugh and cry when he wants to cry, and does not care about other people's opinions. Today, he was suddenly asked to endure it, and how could he resist it?

"Haha." After seeing the old man laughing, the people in the reincarnation team couldn't help laughing together. The laughter of these two different ages has brought the distance between the two a lot closer. If the old man was just because everyone's evaluation put them on an equal footing at the beginning, now he really treats them as friends.

The old man's attitude towards friends is different from that of young people. Because one foot has stepped into the grave, the old man cherishes the things around him more, so it is better for his friends. Since this old man regards Luo Yun and a group of people as his friends, of course he doesn't want to see them die in front of him. However, it is not easy for him to directly do something excellent on their application form.

After all, no matter what, he is the auditor of this place, and he should always abide by the most basic professional ethics. What's more, if he really makes this action, Luo Yun's group of people who don't have enough strength will still die at the KOF conference. You, go up first." The old man pointed to Luo Yun. This man gave him the best impression and the most mysterious.

Naturally, he wants to see whether he is really powerful or pretended. Ha ha." Luo Yun smiled gently and walked up to the ring. There is nothing in the ring except him. However, just as he stood up for about ten seconds, several beasts slowly came out of the air. Among these beasts, there are wolves, tigers and lions.

It can be said that their figures are very different. The only thing that is the same is hunger. Hungry beasts can often burst out extraordinary combat effectiveness after seeing their prey. Undoubtedly, Luo Yun in front of them is their best prey. Wolf, lions like group attack, tigers like single attack. After thinking about these things, Luo Yun smiled and looked at the tiger.

"Oh." The tiger roared, and the power of the king of the beast was revealed. It is impossible to use any strategy at such a close distance. The only way to prey is to attack. It is a good hunting method to deter the enemy with a roar. Unfortunately, it met Luo Yun. In the doomsday, Luo Yun saw more ferocious and horrible beasts than him.

How can it be so easily scared? A lion suddenly rushed over, and several of its companions constantly surrounded Luo Yun. The wolf clan is extremely united internally, but externally, it is extremely ferocious. However, these wolves seemed to have been trained and did not fight with the lions. Instead, they cooperated very well and walked around Luo Yun with the footsteps of the lions.

A circle has been formed. Luo Yun sighed, because a tiger appeared behind him and rushed towards him. These beasts are so united. Undoubtedly, Luo Yun has now become a situation of besieged on all sides. No matter which one he avoids, he is likely to have another one to rush at him. More importantly, there are so many costigous beasts next to it.

However, Luo Yun had no intention of hiding. The bite power of these beasts is indeed amazing, but it is still impossible to bite Luo Yun's steel-like skin. Luo Yun's fist touched the lion's head. Suddenly, the lion's head exploded like a watermelon smashed by a stone. At the same time, the whole thing jumped on him. The tiger's mouth has been opened.

Then he bit his neck hard. In the tiger's impression, this place is the most vulnerable place for the human body. As long as you are bitten by it, you will definitely die. However, the human in front of us gives it a completely different feeling. The sharp fangs bit up and just put a white mark on it. A few teeth were broken, and the severe pain came over.

This non-fatal injury will undoubtedly arouse the tiger's anger. The tiger bit Luo Yun's neck again. After seeing that the lion's head was blown up, the other beasts suddenly roared and then rushed to Luo Yun. Their attack is very tacit. It can be said that it was launched from 360 degrees at the same time.

At this time, Luo Yun could not escape the attack of these guys from any aspect. Wu Song fought the tiger, relying on a bamboo stick and the strength all over his body. The black whirlwind killed four tigers in a row, relying on a simple knife and its own strength. Luo Yun's physical fitness has been strengthened by the reincarnation space, and he is much stronger than the two of them. After he saw the movements of these guys.

First, he hit the head of the tiger behind him with one elbow. This elbow is fast and urgent, and the tiger who can't control his body in the air was naturally hit on the head by this punch. This attack and the previous attack are slightly better than the toothache in terms of the nature of pain. But in terms of fatality, this attack is much stronger than the last attack.

"Bum." Blood, mixed with what seemed to be brain-like, splashed Luo Yun all over. Warm." Luo Yun licked his lips, and he felt that he had once again tasted the bloodthirsty feeling in the end of the world. This action, combined with those things on him, made him look like a demon from hell. These beasts saw Luo Yun's appearance at this time, but they were not afraid at all.

continued and rushed to Luo Yun. Luo Yun's agility is also 100 points. This value is almost equivalent to the fastest speed of Flying Bolt*5. Luo Yun's body turned into a stream of light and rushed to a wolf. With a punch, the head of the wolf, who could not dodge in the air, burst directly. Whoo..." A weak wail explained the situation of the wolf at this time.

"Well." After feeling the warm blood sprayed on his body, Luo Yun moaned comfortably. A group of beasts finally landed on the ground at this time. After seeing one of their companions killed by Luo Yun, the wolves suddenly let out a wail. They are extremely united internally and have deep feelings for their companions that others are not clear about.