reincarnation evolution

Chapter 8 Final Quiz 4

Lions have no special feelings for these wolves. They are more concerned about filling their stomachs. However, with the previous lesson of the wolf's tragic death, they did not go straight up to fight with Luo Yun. As before, he kept walking beside Luo Yun, waiting for Luo Yun to show a fatal flaw to give him a crazy blow.

These wolves probably also know the truth that wolves can't be resurrated. After mourning for their companions a few times, they looked at Luo Yun with an enemy-like look. Several wolves rushed over violently, according to the previous experience of the wolf's death. They didn't jump up to attack. These wolves ran directly from the ground to Luo Yun. The places they attacked were all Luo Yun's feet.

When people stand, the muscles of their legs are very hard. The damage caused by these wolves to him is naturally negligible. However, their impact on the balance of Luo Yun is huge. Once he is brought down directly, the next attack of these beasts is bound to be extremely fierce. Luo Yun did resist the tiger's attack before.

and broke its two teeth. However, it was only with the internal strength he gained from the last world to barely resist. He has not gained internal strength for a long time. Naturally, his internal strength is not sufficient. It is undoubtedly difficult to carry out internal forces to resist for a long time, and may even cause a certain degree of damage to his body.

"Alas." Luo Yun reluctantly put on the air cannon. To be honest, what he prefers is cold weapon-type combat. However, the situation is critical now, and we can't take care of much. However, when the air cannon was fired, it was empty. You know, the air cannon is called an air gun because it constantly squeezes air as energy to attack the enemy.

Not to mention the naked eye, even the Monkey King's fiery eyes can't see any difference. At present, the wolf can avoid this attack. There is no doubt that this is due to its pre-perception of danger. Luo Yun fired another shot. He was not sure whether these guys could really avoid his attack. After seeing the wolf dodge again.

Luo Yun sighed. He knew that these guys were really strong in their ability to perceive danger. Suddenly, the air cannon in the direct hand was transformed into an auxiliary attack weapon. After a shot and forced a wolf to dodge, he rushed up quickly and hit it hard on its head with one hand.

The wolf has just escaped once, and it is obviously unlikely to turn around deftly. Therefore, not surprisingly, its head had a close contact with Luo Yun's fist. Blood gushed out again. Seeing this scene, a group of beasts who had already controlled their own direction and were ready to rush to Luo Yun suddenly changed their minds.

They are all gathered together, so that it is difficult for Luo Yun to break them one by one. Ha ha." Luo Yun smiled twice. He admired the IQ of these beasts and trained them into such people. However, it is still impossible for him to admit defeat. Because according to Chen Xin, in a two-difficult world, the punishment for the failure of the main task can be said to be the heaviest.

Because it is difficult and the strength is too weak, the punishment given to the failure of the main task is not serious. After that, the difficulty was too strong, so the punishment was naturally not serious. Therefore, as the second difficulty of the transition period, its punishment is the most serious. Luo Yun's hands began to insert into the ground. Since your reaction is so sensitive, I will make your escape completely invalid.

With such an idea, Luo Yun began to work hard and constantly. The ground has begun to rise a little. Because of Luo Yun's previous performance, these beasts did not take the initiative to attack, but waited for Luo Yun's initiative to attack in place. In fact, sometimes it is not a good thing to have a high IQ. For example, at this time, if these beasts dare to fight.

Then they will not necessarily die. Ah." With such a roar, Luo Yun actually lifted a small area of the ground directly. Then, he skimmed it to both ends. Two weapons came out directly. Luo Yun looked at the beasts, and his eyes, like the previous ones, were full of bloodthirsty light, as if looking at the prey.

The identity between the two, looking at the current situation, seems to have been completely adjusted. Luo Yun walked towards the beasts. His speed was not fast, but he walked steadily with invincible power. Whoo-hoo." A wolf roared and then rushed directly to the stick in Luo Yun's hand. In its expectation, it was this weapon that made Luo Yun such a deterrent.

"Bum." Luo Yun hit him with a stick, which can be said to carry the strength of his whole body, so the stick was heavy and urgent. But the wolf seemed to be ready. When Luo Yun's stick waved over, he jumped and bit the stick. However, a sharp pain came from its belly.

I don't know how much stronger the strength of people's legs is compared with fists. Luo Yun's previous fist broke the head of the lion and the tiger. Now this kick directly kicked the wolf's stomach, and his intestines have been revealed. Even so, it still bit Luo Yun's stick tightly and won't let go. "Well?" Luo Yun felt that something seemed to move in his legs.

He didn't look down, because he knew that it was definitely the wolves who kept biting his ankles and trying to trip him down so that some other beasts could bite him. Luo Yun let go of his hand and let go of the stick that was being bitten by a wolf. He picked up the prop again, the air cannon. Luo Yun's hand waved back and fired directly without looking at his head.

The dangerous intuition trained in the doomsday told him that danger was approaching. After a shot, Luo Yun took back the foot he kicked out, and his body rotated again. At this time, Luo Yun saw the surprise on the old examiner's face and the lion's body that had not yet disappeared.

Several wolves with crazy faces rushed directly to him, and their eyes looked straight at Luo Yun's ankles. Several other lions are still wandering around Luo Yun. It seems that he is still waiting, and Luo Yun showed a moment of fatal flaw. Luo Yun's stick waved forward vigorously. Luo Yun pointed the muzzle of the air cannon at a wolf and then fired it out.

This run also had to make the wolf dodge, because its companion was very close to it, and because it was on the far right, it directly caused a chain reaction. Most of the companions around it were tripped to the ground. Luo Yun pointed the air cannon in his hand at the wolf on the ground and shot it out. The wolf who was still twisting his body began to disappear.

Those lions can no longer watch at this time. They know that if they continue, they will definitely lose in the end.