reincarnation evolution

Chapter 28 I'm going against the sky

"You killed No. 87555, and you got the private space key No. 87555." The sound of space is so mechanical at any time, without any humanity in it.

But at this time, Luo Yun heard this sound as if he had heard the sound of nature, and felt that his soul seemed to be sublimated with this sound.

The mixture of brain plasma and blood flowed out. Luo Yun felt a little happy when he smelled this familiar smell. How could I become such a pervert?" Luo Yun patted his head and found that since he entered this reincarnation space, his desire to fight became stronger and stronger. Why on earth?"

In the past, Luo Yun was exposed to more killing than this.

At the beginning, he was not as eager to kill as he is now. It seems that after entering this damn place, what is in my body that has awakened? Luo Yun muttered that there was some doubt in his tone. Luo Yun thought of the dream again, the figure of the man fighting with a huge machete.

The enemies fell one by one, and the blood stained the sky bright red. In addition, the man's last words before his death: "Flowers fall into the sea, leaves parting, today fall into this cycle, I am bound to go against the sky."

With this sentence, Luo Yun killed Huan. No one knows why, not even Luo Yun himself. All he knew was that with this sentence, he could definitely kill the enemy.

It's as if someone told him in the dark. Tianya is within easy reach. The skill mutation that just happened. The hint given by space is very simple: your fighting instinct: the horizon has mutated, and the success has changed into the horizon, close at hand. You can cross the ends of the earth and reach the goal.

Skill variation is like winning the lottery in the eyes of most people. It's totally shit luck. However, only those who have really experienced skill mutation will understand that skill mutation can only occur if there is a mental breakthrough. The last mutation in team skills was that he believed in the power of his companions to succeed.

Of course, this is just a breakthrough in his consciousness. It is thought that if everyone breaks through collectively, its strength should be a little stronger.

However, this time's horizon is completely different from the last time. This is not only a breakthrough, but more importantly, he just had a dream and made a successful breakthrough. Therefore, it is more like space to help him break through.

"Space, why did you help me? Is it my talent?" Luo Yun is a little curious because of his talent. So far, it has not shown the specific role of space.

He remembered the man again, the man with a huge machete. Who the hell is he? Is he helping me? Why did he help me?" A continuous problem rose in Luo Yun's mind. Luo Yun shook his head, and he felt that he had a headache. I'm bound to go against the sky."

Like a thunderstorm, this sound sounded from Luo Yun's mind. With unwillingness, with relanchoness, and a hint of relief. Who are you?" These three words can best express Luo Yun's current psychology. I'm bound to go against the sky." The owner of the voice seemed to completely ignore Luo Yun and said to himself.

Originally, ordinary people would be very angry after being ignored, but Luo Yun still remained calm.

He noticed that the sound was even more ethereal than before. Do you have any unfinished wishes? Luo Yun did not continue to spit words out of his mouth, but came up with this sentence in his head.

After all, this sentence sounded in his mind, so he may not be able to hear it when he speaks outside, but if he comes up with this sentence, maybe he can hear it.

"Againt the sky." This voice spit out these two words again. That's true." Luo Yun exhaled, and the man could still hear him. There was a little excitement in his heart. Why are you against the sky?"

Luo Yun didn't ask him some quite exciting and exciting questions at the beginning.

In fact, the really smart question starts with a question that is not too hot. Then follow the good guidance and seduce the hottest questions. This day, it has turned dark. Only by destroying this day can we return the world to a clean world." What does this day mean?

Luo Yun does not believe that the sky this man refers to is the sky in a broad sense. After all, he should not be able to be provoked that day.

"This is it." The sound stopped abruptly, as if something had forcibly stopped it. The powerful force has limited me, and I can't say much today. I can only say that you are me, and I am you." What?"

Luo Yun thought of these two words in his mind and waited for a long time, but he never got an answer. Suddenly, Luo Yun gave up and continued to ask.

"Well." Looking at the brain and blood flowing from the ground, Luo Yun patted his head. Because this hotel is currently full of KOF contestants, the organizer of KOF in this room certainly dares not get a camera, so Luo Yun's previous movements must not have been photographed.

But how much the energy of the KOF fighting conference is? If there is such a blood stain and no behind-the-scenes murderer can be found, it is impossible to kill Luo Yun.

"Brother, don't blame me, although I killed you. Although I did deliberately want to kill you, and although I still want to destroy your body, I hope you can still forgive me.

Luo Yun thought unscrupulously in his heart that if this sentence had been heard by the illusion on Huangquan Road, he would definitely run back to fight with Luo Yun at the risk of the 18th floor of hell.

Luo Yun took out a very Dirty prop from his private space, called a different dimension aperture, which can open an aperture to another place, and then suck the target in and drag it to that place.

Most people use this prop as a life-running prop, but it is also good to use it as a vacuum cleaner now. Looking at the dirty logistics entering this aperture, Luo Yun exhaled.

He feels that it is safe, at least for now. Is the captain dead? Huanke is not just one person. Like Luo Yun, he has some teammates. After getting their own captain, these people suddenly woke up from their dreams.

Their faces are more or less mixed with an unbelievable look, because in their impression, their captain has always been very strong.

It can be said that the captain's status in their minds is like a father to a child, which is completely omnipotent. Therefore, even if the absolutely authoritative institution of reincarnation space gives them a hint, these people feel a little unbelievable.

After a while, they ran to their captain's room, but they saw that things were still in the room, but the people were gone.

"Head, did you say you killed Huan?" Chen Xin's tone was extremely surprised. When he was just woken up from his sleep by Luo Yun, he was still a little angry and sleepy. But now, the only emotion is surprise.

"Yes." Head, are you sure you really killed him this time?" Uh-huh." Luo Yun said and showed him the key he got.

"87555, that's right, it's really him." Head, you really killed him." Brother Yun, I admire you more and more. After hearing Chen Xin's certification, others immediately boasted to Luo Yun. Luo Yun's previous words were spoken in the team space, and they could naturally hear them.

"Head, how did you kill him?" Chen Xin is obviously very curious about the problem.

"So, creak, kill him." Luo Yun made a neck wipe.

Although Chen Xin knew that Luo Yun's words were perfunctory, he knew that there was indeed something difficult to say in it, so he did not continue to ask.