reincarnation evolution

Chapter 29 We admit defeat

"Captain, I'll go to bed first." Although everyone is a reincarnation, whether they sleep or not can basically be said to be an indifferent matter. But at this time, I was just woken up from sleep by Luo Yun, and I was still a little sleepy psychologically. Come on, go to bed." Luo Yun knew that what he had done before was indeed a little excessive.

It is not easy for reincarnations to get some sleep. Because the reincarnation has to deal with too much pressure, in order to survive and become stronger, the nerves of the reincarnation have been a little confused.

Now that they are woken up by themselves, their rest quality and level are bound to be lowered by one level. After saying this, Luo Yun also patted his mouth and lay down to **.

"Yes, pay attention, someone may attack us. Prepare for work. It's better to have some preventive props. The enemy can wake up from the dream as soon as he comes.

Although saying this sentence will reduce the sleep quality of others, it is better than eternal sleep. After all, Luo Yun had previously killed the captain of some people, although they may not be sure who did it.

But this doesn't mean that these guys can't guess. As long as they are not idiots, they can generally guess.

Their captain has always wanted to eliminate Luo Yun's group. It is not impossible for Luo Yun and a group of people to fight back and kill him.

The battle between reincarnations is not like the police handling cases, and it is necessary to collect evidence before the prisoners can be formally tried.

What's more, several police officers now collect evidence after arresting people. Oh." Everyone replied directly that they naturally had no problem with what Luo Yun said. Be cautious, it's a good thing after all.

There are not a few props obtained from the world of Doraemon, but now they are still enough for them to use.

The night is long, but it will eventually pass, and what will be ushered in is the bright sunshine.

"Head, it's breakfast." This sound came from the team space, and Luo Yun, who was still sleeping, woke up. Luo Yun's eyes became even more brilliant at this moment. What about it?"

I have to say that it is a miracle to brush your teeth, wash your face and clothes within a minute. Now, this miracle happened to Luo Yun.

"Head, come to Haolaiwang Noodle Restaurant. The noodles here, taste, hiss, come on." Luo Yun wiped the saliva flowing from the corners of his mouth, and then quickly rushed to the street.

Fat pain. Watching a man suddenly appear in the noodle restaurant killing everywhere, a man ate more than a dozen bowls of noodles and continued shouting there. More importantly, he is a KOF contestant, which means that the noodles he eats are free of charge.

"Haha." Looking at several other people who covered their mouths and tried their best to hold back their smiles. Luo Yun felt a few black lines on his forehead. To be honest, it was really unpleasant to see several people doing this kind of action while eating.

"What are you laughing at?" Luo Yun looked at them and glanced at him from time to time, and he couldn't help it anymore.

"Boss, haven't you noticed the boss's expression when you saw your noodles?" Er." Hearing what they said, Luo Yun put his eyes on the boss's face.

After seeing the boss's tearful and pitiful expression, Luo Yun's heart actually felt a little unbearable. Did I eat a little too much? Luo Yun asked several people around him.

"Head, you don't eat much." When Chen Xin said this, he said it with a smile, so the authenticity of his words did need to be verified. Luo Yun pulled out a napkin from the roll next to him, wiped his mouth and said to several people:

"Let's go, we have to leave a way to live." Head, don't you want to eat?" Chen Xin's words are not without surprise.

He really couldn't believe that Luo Yun would give up the opportunity to taste such delicious food. Sir, welcome to come again next time.

Seeing Luo Yun and several people going out, the receptionist at the door said such a sentence directly to them. What responded to him was the sympathetic eyes of these reincarnations.

This made the receptionist a little puzzled. Xiao Li, come here for a moment. The boss waved to the receptionist.

"Boss, what's the matter?" In the eyes of this receptionist, the boss has always been very stingy, and he will definitely not find himself for a good thing like a salary increase.

"You have done a very good job these days, but the business of our store is not good, and I'm afraid we can't afford to pay your salary. So, this is your salary this month. After taking this, go home.

"Well." Looking at the extra thick money bag in his hand, Xiao Li sighed that his so conscientious work was still fired. He did not plead with his boss to keep himself, and his childish male chauvinism made him unwilling to plead with others.

"Well, you are so polite to that kind of guest and don't beg me to keep you. You deserve to be fired." The boss thought to his heart.

"There is no Internet cafe, damn it." After wandering on the street for a long time, Luo Yun finally couldn't help cursing. At least it's a magnificent KOF street. How can it not even have that kind of place?" Head, this is 1997."

Chen Xin patted his head, and he seemed to feel very speechless about Luo Yun's idiot problem. Er." Luo Yun looked at the others and found that their movements were no different from Chen Xin's.

"Is there such an idiot?" Luo Yun looked at others with a pitiful look, hoping to get a little encouragement. Uh-huh." Everyone nodded. Go eat?"

Luo Yun wanted to change the topic, but he really couldn't continue to do this humiliating action.

"I just ate it." The very cooperative collective answer made Luo Yun a little speechless.

"Go and sing K."

Hearing Luo Yun's words, everyone nodded in order to take care of his face.

"The night I miss you." To be honest, although Ying is an Englishman, singing Chinese songs is really good, at least to catch up with the level of ordinary singers. Just.

"Can you explain to me why Japan had this song in 1997?"

The sound of the shadow is not loud, but with Mai, his volume is naturally very loud. At this time, others just pretended not to hear to prevaricate.

"Head, you should know how to appreciate art, and don't always focus on some trivial things." Chen Xin closed her eyes and said such a sentence to Luo Yun. His expression looks very intoxicated.

"Yes, appreciate art." Luo Yun did not continue to drill into the horns. He also closed his eyes and listened to the song.

After singing a song, everyone was not stingy with their applause. In this thunderous applause, a man walked up and grabbed the wheat in the shadow's hand.

When Luo Yun saw this person's face clearly, he shouted at everyone, "cover your ears quickly."

The last time in that illusion, Will's voice left a deep impression on Luo Yun. That's not singing, it's completely ghost crying and howling.

As expected, as soon as Will's voice sounded, everyone covered their ears in great pain. At the same time, they looked at Luo Yun gratefully.

"Head, how do you know?" Chen Xin's words were completely submerged in the noise outside.

Therefore, Luo Yun didn't notice that he had spoken to himself at all.

Four minutes after the urban management brigade was more than the 18th floor of hell, everyone exhaled and took down their hands on their ears.

Immediately, he said viciously to Will, "You are not allowed to sing in the future." Looking at the expression of "kill you if you don't agree", Will nodded in fear.

Conson's voice has always been quite strong. But he directly chose a song with a very soft tune and saw such a big man full of masculinity singing this song. It really makes everyone feel a little funny.

Of course, his singing level is worthy of recognition. At least compared with Will, he is not a little stronger. It's about to start."

Luo Yun looked at his watch and said to everyone. Let's go." Abandoned Chen Xin, who was singing, everyone walked towards the KOF competition field.

"Wait for me." The resentful woman-like voice sounded, and the owner of this voice was naturally the abandoned Chen bitch.

is still as hot as before, and there is no vacancy in the seats next to the big ring.

"Hm?" As soon as he entered the locker room, Luo Yun felt a little vibration in his pocket. Needless to say, he already knew that there were already games coming.

Men change clothes very quickly, especially when they have to do something.

"Well." After playing, Luo Yun, Ying and the three people of Yue immediately sighed feebly after seeing the three girls standing opposite.

Because judging from the costumes of the three girls, the three of them are unknown fire dance, KING, and Kagura Qianhe.

"Shadow, the punishment for failing the main task of the reincarnation who entered the second difficulty for the first time is very low, right?" Uh-huh." The shadow nodded.

"We admit defeat." Luo Yun shouted to the referee below.