reincarnation evolution

Chapter 45 Do you want to live

"A cowardly man." Those men with guns couldn't hear Luo Yun's communication in the team space.

Naturally, I feel that a man like Luo Yun who gives his companions to others to sleep is a coward.

"Do you really want to go?" Yue looked at Luo Yun with a little reluctance and pain.

"There's no way. If we want to live, we must let you sacrifice once." Luo Yun turned his head in order to pretend to be more like him.

He needs to show that he dares not look at the moon's eyes.

"Tick." Clear tears fell from the corners of the moon's eyes.

"In order to survive, don't you even hesitate to abandon me?"

"This woman's acting is the same as the truth."

In order to show that he was not lying, Luo Yun had been trying to shed a few tears, but he didn't even have eyes.

I didn't expect that the woman in front of me fell so easily.

"There's nothing we can do." Luo Yun continued not to look into her eyes.

"Well." Yue bit her lip and walked towards the men.

"Guru." Looking at the figure of Yue, several men couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

Sticking to such a place for a long time makes them feel very friendly to see a sow.

Now I see such a sexy woman.

Naturally, they feel that their desires have erupted crazily.

"Hey hey..." Several men's hands kept rubbing and rubbing, and their minds repeatedly rolled the next posture.

"Bang." Suddenly, several men picked up the gun in their hands and pointed it at the moon and began to shoot crazily.

"Bum bang..." The bullets fell on Luo Yun's back, which was almost teleported.

"Sure enough, we still underestimate these plot characters." Luo Yun wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth and said.

"Are you all right?" Yue wiped the blood from the corners of Luo Yun's mouth with some distressedness.

"It's okay." Luo Yun smiled at her as a comfort.

"Head, is this your fighting instinct? It's really powerful."

After seeing Luo Yun move almost teleported to Yue's side. Chen Xin couldn't help saying this sentence.

"Well, it's just a little more consumed. I vomited blood, fuck." Luo Yun said, turned his head and looked at the men.

"You are really not ordinary people."

Luo Yun looked at these men with incomparable stubbornness and madness. If ordinary people saw it, they might feel some fear in their hearts, and maybe they would have the idea of retreat.

However, these men's mental quality is really hard enough. Not only is they not afraid, but they stared back fiercely.

And, he also said such a sentence.

"Is it cool?" Xiao Pingtou then said another sentence.

"It's cool." Luo Yun licked his lips and smiled at several men.

"Give me a treatment." Luo Yun said this sentence in the team space.

"Hmm." Chen Xin nodded.

Then, a green light shined on Luo Yun's body that these plot characters could not see.

At this time, Luo Yun's injury also recovered quickly.

"Bum bang..." The fire snake began to pour out again to Luo Yun.

Luo Yun did not dodge and stood still under these attacks.

These bullets are so powerful that it is impossible to blow up a car at one point.

Luo Yun's physical strength is still a little different from that of tanks, but it is still stronger than that of cars.

And these bullets are not hit on one point.

Naturally, hitting him on his body is like tickling.

"How come, why isn't he dead yet?" Looking at Luo Yun's figure coming through the rain of bullets, several men couldn't help thinking about it.

Luo Yun's previous almost teleportation movement and the image of spitting blood after being shot left the impression that these men were quick and not strong.

The first impression is easy to be deeply rooted in people's minds, so at this time, Luo Yun suddenly revealed his hegemony, which made these men feel extremely surprised.

"Are you surprised?" Luo Yun looked at several men's mouths big enough to swallow a goose egg.

smiled and said.

"Hmm." Several men didn't seem to react until now, so they nodded.

"How did you do it?" Luo Yun had arrived in front of them at this time. With his previous performance, he let these men know that he could not escape the disaster.

Therefore, Xiao Pingtou wants to figure out this problem before he dies.

"Do you want to know?" Luo Yun continued to smile.

"I'll tell you when you go to hell." The smile on Luo Yun's face turned into an evil smile.

"Alas." Several men closed their eyes. They didn't want to resist, because they knew that resistance was futile.

One second, two seconds, three seconds... Time does not flow stagnantly.

After a minute, several men opened their eyes. What came into their eyes was Luo Yun's evil smiling face.

This made these men's faces more or less angry.

"If you want to kill, why do you deliberately delay time? Is it a man?" Death is a momentary thing, and you will feel nothing after struggling for a while.

But if you keep hanging like this, the sense of fear will be greatly deepened.

These men were used to death, so they were not very afraid at first.

However, after such a long struggle, their inner fear has been magnified countless times.

In fact, Luo Yun didn't want to kill these guys. After all, they humiliated Luo Yun and even wanted to kill him with a gun.

It's just considering that the organization standing behind these men is the sound nest. If you want to take action, you have to think about it carefully.

"Bang." There was a crisp slap in the face.

Luo Yun was stunned. He looked at the man in front of him and slapped him in disbelief.

"Fuck, come and kill me if you have the ability." This man shouted at Luo Yun with some confidence.

"Have you been scared to this extent?" Although this person's performance seems to be quite brave now, Luo Yun, who still understands human nature, knows that this is a symbol of being scared.

"Do you still want to hit me?" Seeing this person slapped again, Luo Yun did not stand still and let him pump this time.

Because slap in the face hurts self-esteem. He grabbed the man's arm tightly, as if he wanted to catch the end of the world.

"Bang." Luo Yun slapped his back in the face. Suddenly, the man's face was swollen.

"Come here, you're still standing there." Luo Yun turned around and said to his companions.

"Fuck." Seeing that Luo Yun directly ignored the movements of several of them, the anger on the faces of the men increased a little.

Then a man kicked over.

Unfortunately, this time, Luo Yun has been prepared.

A divine scholar said that people suffer much more harm unconsciously than consciously.

Therefore, after kicking Luo Yun's thigh, the crisp sound of fracture also came from the man's leg.

"Do you want to live?" Luo Yun turned his head back.

Looking at the man whose face was still standing because his leg was just broken, the smile on Luo Yun's face added a little.

"Think." Several men nodded. These men are all resolute people.

In fact, this kind of person, to put it bluntly, is two, and he is very straightforward and rarely lies.

After Luo Yun asked this question, they directly gave their most authentic answer.

"Then answer me a few questions." Hearing several people's thoughtless answers, Luo Yun spit out this sentence again.

"Yes." The small flat head reacted the fastest.

"Why are there only you on this level?" Luo Yun observed the surrounding environment when he was held by the barrel in advance.

Later, it was found that there seemed to be no one else in this place except these men.

"Below the fifth floor is a normal reception area, which is generally used to guard against those damn journalists and civilian clothes."

"More than five floors are strictly guarded, and outsiders are not allowed to enter."

"So I sent you guys to supervise?" After listening to Xiao Pingtou's words, Luo Yun seemed to feel a little funny, and then said this sentence.

"That's right." Xiaoping nodded.

"I want to know what you would do if you met someone like us. Also, if you meet those damn journalists and casual clothes in your mouth, what will you do?

"When I meet you, I ask my superiors for help. In addition, if you encounter those casual clothes, they will be slaughtered directly and the superior will deal with them.

Xiao Pingtou said a sentence, and then came another sentence, and there was no interruption at all.

"Your superior asked for help. I want to know if you have asked for help now." Luo Yun continued to smile evilly and looked at these men.