reincarnation evolution

Chapter 46 Beat Me and Hit Me

"Well." Looking at the smile on Luo Yun's face, somehow, several people felt at a loss.

"No." Xiao Pingtou gave a quick reply.

"Is it?" Luo Yun touched his chin and looked at the little flat head, as if he wanted to see something from his eyes.

"I believe you." Looking at it affectionately for dozens of seconds, Luo Yun finally looked away.

"Is there any problem?"

After hearing Luo Yun's words, Xiao Pingtou took a big breath.

So he was ready to say, "Can you go?" This sentence.

But after thinking that there were so many rude elements, he quickly changed his words to this.

"Of course there is." It's hard to get this shortcut to earn intelligence. If you don't grasp it well, you are really an idiot.

"Is it really just you on this level?"

After careful thinking about it, Luo Yun asked this question.

"No." As soon as Luo Yun's words fell, Xiao Pingtou's words had been blurted out.

"I want to know where they are." Luo Yun looked at the little flat head like a curious baby.

"They are in a very secret place on this floor. Of course, they can't be seen from you alone."

"Where is it?" Luo Yun touched his chin again.

"I don't know. It won't tell us these things." Xiao Ping shook his head.

Luo Yun continued to ask a few questions. This little flat head also looked very patient and actually answered them one by one.

"Tiger, are you sure it's here?" Looking at the huge building in front of him, the peacock looked at the man beside him and said.

"That's right, it's definitely here." The tiger nodded.

"Sir, please come in." Several artificial security guards made a standard welcome gesture to the people who came by.

"Head, you really believe those people."

After stepping back to the elevator, Chen Xin looked at Luo Yun and asked this sentence.

"Of course, why don't I believe it?" Luo Yun looked at Chen Xin with a smile.

"Do you feel any strange?" Luo Yun suddenly said such a sentence to others.

"Well, it seems a little bit." Everyone nodded.

"Is it the same feeling, and there is a reincarnation underneath?" In the elevator suspended above the ground, looking down at the earth, I feel more deeply about what happened on the ground.

"Is that group going to take revenge?" Chen Xin asked.

"Should these guys know that we are here?" Luo Yun's tone was a little unbelievable.

"Ded someone tell him, or did they also target this place?" Luo Yun thought about it in his mind.

However, the elevator did not stop because of his thinking, but kept rising.

On the fifteenth floor, the elevator door opened.

"This is the place I said by Mingze University." Although the elevator showed that this is the 15th floor, Will asked in order to show his caution.

However, to his surprise, he was collectively despised by other team members.

"Here it is." There are quite a lot of rooms on the fifteenth floor. Through continuous search, Luo Yun finally found the room in the mouth of Mingze Dawo (that is, the little flat head).

"Dong Dong... Listening to the knock outside the door, Zhongshan Maoxiong raised his eyebrows. He was disgusted that someone knocked on the door when he appreciated art.

"Come in." Despite this, Shigeo Nakayama still agreed to enter several people.

"What a strong bloody smell." This is the first impression this room brought to Luo Yun and several people.

When they look at the environment inside this room, their hearts feel a little nauseous because of their continuous experience in the world of reincarnation.

Because this room is full of bloody anatomical scenes.

"Are you?" Zhongshan Maoxiong put down the work of dissecting goats and turned to Luo Yun and several people.

"We want to join the sound nest organization." Luo Yun has seen a lot of disgusting scenes, especially during the end of the day.

Most of what Luo Yun eats is living creatures. Therefore, he is now the least affected person among the people.

"Oh?" Hearing Luo Yun's words, Zhongshan Maoxiong frowned his eyebrows.

Then he came to Luo Yun.

"Hello, sir, my name is Zhongshan Maoxiong." In the process of saying this, Zhongshan Maoxiong stretched out his bloody hand to Luo Yun because of dissecting the corpse.

"Hello, Mr. Zhongshan, my name is Luo Yun." Luo Yun sincerely stretched out his hand and shook it with him once.

This move made Zhongshan Maoxiong's favorable impression of Luo Yun deepened a little.

Because ordinary people see his hand like this, not to mention shaking hands with him, it's a good thing not to avoid it far away.

"Mr. Luo, please sit down." Zhongshan Maoxiong said this politely, but then he was embarrassed to find that in such a large room, except for those iron beds equipped with various autopsies, there was not even a stool to sit on.

"Did Mr. Zhongshan agree to join the sound nest?"

"Well." Although he knows that Luo Yun said this to relieve his embarrassment, if he agrees now, I'm afraid it will be difficult to change his words in the future.

"Sir, I don't know." Zhongshan Maoxiong glanced at other reincarnations.

Luo Yun, a man, gave him a very good impression. His IQ is not low, his personality is generous, and his strength is unknown, but judging from the aura emanating from Luo Yun, it is estimated that he is not much lower.

If Luo Yun himself said that he would join the sound nest organization, then Zhongshan Maoxiong must have patted his thigh and directly agreed.

It's just that what Luo Yun is saying now is that "we" is not "me".

Naturally, I can't help but let Zhongshan Maoxiong think about it.

"Does Mr. Zhongshan want to test the strength of my companions?"

"Hmm." Zhongshan Maoxiong's professional office is responsible for receiving newcomers and checking whether they have the ability to enter the sound nest.

However, most of the time, others nodded to him.

Therefore, he is not very good at dealing with people.

This can be seen from the fact that he only said one "um".

"I don't know how Mr. Zhongshan wants to test the strength of my companions?" Luo Yun looked into Zhongshan Maoxiong's eyes and asked.

"Mr. Luo's friends, I won't be too embarrassed. Well, as long as he doesn't die after punching me, he will be allowed to join.

"Or, hit me." Zhongshan Maoxiong then spit out this sentence.

"I punched you and won't die after receiving your punch?" Luo Yun meditated on this condition in his heart and then said:


"Mr. Luo is really refreshing."

"It is necessary." Luo Yun replied as a bachelor.

"Will, go up and punch him. Don't worry, you won't die with Chen Xin's treatment."

That's what Luo Yun said, but it sounded like what the obscene uncle said to the pure little Lori.

"Ah..." Will's painful voice sounded. His chest was hit by a fist as big as a sandbag.

Fortunately, this punch only killed 1/4 of his physical strength, but he is still alive.

Next, Chen Xin, Ying and Kang Sen all chose to attack this Zhongshan Maoxiong. Not surprisingly, they all succeeded.

However, the next one made Luo Yun frown deeply.

Because this person is the moon.

"Is it better to be beaten or beaten?" Not only Luo Yun, but everyone else fell into thinking.

After seeing that Luo Yun can only see the slight distress in the depths of the corners of his eyes, Zhongshan Maoxiong suddenly said:

"Mr. Luo, this is your last companion. I am very satisfied with the performance of your other companions. This is the last one, just exempt from the assessment.