reincarnation evolution

Chapter 2 The Beginning of the End

"Space debris parasitizes, and parasitizes successfully..."

"Space debris parasitizes, and parasitize fails..."

Some people who were prompted to succeed in parasitize looked around doubtfully and suddenly found that some people around them suddenly changed.

A good-looking girl's limbs began to wither, and her beautiful cheeks began to sink in, making her look a little ferocious.

And she is just a part of the parasitic failure prompted.

At this moment, Luo Yun suddenly felt that he wanted to cry and laugh. He had been afraid that his sister would become those non-human and ghost zombies, but now it seems that he did not.

The beautiful little face was in a daze, which made Luo Yun exhale.

The next sound made his heart, which had begun to calm down, jumped again:

"The host's soul energy has reached the limit that the current body can withstand. After completing the first task, the host can enter the reincarnation space. The first task is activated to kill 10 parasitic losers."

This task was also taken over when Luo Yun got this thing for the first time, but there were no previous words.

Luo Yun thought about it and estimated that the improvement of soul energy should be quite related to his rebirth.

After all, after the end of killing zombies, you will get a certain amount of energy points, and energy points can be exchanged for various items through space debris, among which there are various skills.

The premise and goal of cultivation of the skill lies in the size of soul energy and the improvement of soul energy.

After rebirth, Luo Yun's soul energy does not seem to have disappeared because of rebirth, and it also perfectly overlaps on this body.

Those overflowing soul energy probably strengthened his body by the way.

Because the function of skills is not only to learn various skills, improving physical fitness is also one of its important roles.

This is also the reason why my physical fitness is much better than before.

"Brother, there is a voice in my mind reminding me that I should kill 10 parasitic losers, and also said that as long as I live for 15 years, I can enter the reincarnation space."

Russell's tone trembled a little. In fact, she had begun to be afraid.

If she had some doubts about the authenticity of Luo Yun's words before, then there is really no doubt at all now.

There is only fear and hope for that future life in my heart.

"Ha ha, don't be afraid, I'm here." After Luo Yun finished saying this, Russell suddenly felt much better, and her long-term dependence made her have a trace of worship for Luo Yun.

It can be said that Luo Yun is almost like a towering and unshakable mountain in her heart.

However, Luo Yun was also a little speechless at this moment. He really didn't expect that his rebirth would let himself enter the reincarnation space in advance.

You know, this was supposed to survive for 15 years at the end of the world to enter.

Although his physical fitness has been strengthened and his long-term combat experience have made his attack deep, accurate and fierce.

But even so, it can't be compared with the super existence that has lived for 15 years.

However, there is only one step ahead.

After all, this space debris does not give himself a choice. The only thing he wants to do now is to make his sister's psychological quality stronger, or at least let him feel at ease when he goes there.

"Let's go, Xiaosu, let's complete the task." Of course, Russell would not object to Luo Yun, so she obediently followed Luo Yun.

That's what Luo Yun is most worried about. Russell has almost no opinion because she has been dependent on herself for a long time.

In this case, survival will be quite difficult.

Fortunately, this kind of thing can be cultivated slowly.

The two brothers and sisters began to walk outside with a knife. When the two of them walked outside the house, they suddenly found that two parasitic losers with something like intestines hanging from the corners of their mouths broke out of the next house.

Of course, Luo Yun would not be afraid of this newly mutated zombie, so he took a kitchen knife and rushed up directly.

For him, it can be said that it is quite simple to solve these two zombies. With a knife and a touch of the neck, one will solve one.

Luo Yun, another zombie, was not ready to kill by himself. He first kicked the zombie's chest hard. With his current foot strength, one foot was enough to kick the zombie several meters away.

Then he walked to Russell, who was vomiting because he saw Luo Yun's blood spray scene after killing the zombie, pulled her about 20 meters in front of the zombie, and then went up and swept his legs to easily kick the zombie that got up again to the ground.

After subduing the zombie's hand with his feet, he motioned Russell to come and kill it.

Obviously, for a little girl like Russell, she must be quite disgusted with killing, so she looked at Luo Yun with pleading eyes.

Of course, Luo Yun will definitely not be soft-hearted because of her expression. This time, she will not be killed, so next time, she may not do it.

After all, she can't protect her all the time, and she still has to face some things by herself.

Russell looked at Luo Yun's firm eyes and knew that his brother was definitely going to kill the zombie by himself.

So her heart was horizontal, her eyes were closed, and she cut hard at the zombie's throat. Suddenly, the green ** spewed out, making Russell feel nausea.

Unsurprisingly, the little girl began to vomit again. However, it seems that because she vomited too much before, now she has nothing to vomit, so now she is basically vomiting.

Luo Yun felt a little unbearable when he saw her like this, but he thought of the cruelty after the doomsday, so he sprinkled a handful of salt on the little girl's wound:

"This is just the beginning, Xiaosu."

Sure enough, after hearing this sentence, Russell's originally pale face turned blue again.

Before seeing the scene of the doomsday, the little girl never thought that the end of the world would be so terrible, but when she saw it, she found that what a terrible hell it was.

If it's just a visual shock, she can gradually get used to it.

But when she thought of the horror of the road afterwards, she felt the fear in her heart and seemed to swallow her directly.

Luo Yun also persuaded her. After all, if there is not enough guidance, Russell's psychology is likely to leave a shadow because of now.

"Xiaosu, do you know that not everyone can sail smoothly? Without the courage to cope with every day in the future, there is no hope to live, as long as you have such courage. You will definitely live to that day."

Russell was originally the kind of young girl who had just passed through puberty. She was quick to forget unhappy things, and now Luo Yun is guiding from it. Naturally, she is not as scared as before.

Just as Russell had calmed up, several zombies broke through the door and rushed towards the two brothers and sisters.

After seeing this scene, Luo Yun rushed forward again, and Russell did not want to drag her brother's legs all the time, so she began to take a knife to detour around the periphery of the zombie, and then cut the head of a zombie when the zombie was attracted by Luo Yun.

Then he ran outside.

"This girl seems to have awakened her fighting instinct just because she killed a zombie, this talent..."

In fact, during the fusion of space debris, some genes will also be activated, so that memories in the genetic fragments begin to emerge.

However, it generally requires a large number of battles to wake up. Like Russell, the fighting instinct is awakened just by killing a zombie with no resistance. Not to mention no, but the number is certainly extremely rare.

Luo Yun is not in a hurry to kill zombies. For his combat experience and physical fitness, killing these zombies is quite easy.

However, you should know that as long as he kills 10 zombies, he will directly enter the reincarnation space.

Although he doesn't know if he can come out, he will definitely not leave if he doesn't make his sister worry before leaving.

In fact, after Russell awakened his fighting instinct, Luo Yun could have left, but this instinct was very weak. Without teamwork, there was no big difference.

In fact, the only difference is that she is no longer afraid of zombies.

So before leaving, Luo Yun must have found a team for Russell, or she must have awakened a very powerful but dangerous combat instinct.

As for the last one, it is to help her complete N tasks. In this way, once her physical fitness is improved, she will then cultivate her psychological quality.

As long as these two cultivations are successful, then Luo Yun will definitely leave directly.

3 days after

, the two brothers and sisters began to look for zombies crazily. The number of zombies killed by Luo Yun has been stuck in the number 9.

Russell has completed several tasks at this moment, and his physical fitness is much stronger than Luo Yun.

And her psychological quality has also been constantly improving in the killing these days. This made Luo Yun feel that it was time for him to leave.

"Before you leave, you still have to inform this girl, otherwise, I'm afraid she will hate me in the future. But what should I say? If it hadn't been agreed, the little girl would cry and shout that she would stay and never leave. Forget it, let's go one step at a time."

Luo Yun gently knocked on Russell's door, and the sound slowly came out from inside:

"Brother, do you still need to knock on the door when you enter my room? Just come in directly."

"They are all adults, and I have to respect your privacy." After hearing Russell's words, Luo Yun opened the door directly, and he was too lazy to be polite to his sister.

"Brother, what can I do for you?"

Well, sister, I'm afraid I can't stay with you all the time.

"Why?" There was not much sadness in Russell's voice, which made Luo Yun a little relieved and sad.

Are you self-introdetic?

The idea only flashed slightly over Luo Yun's head, and then he explained the reason to Russell.

After listening to it, Russell's expression did not change much. Luo Yun knew that she didn't want to worry herself.

It's unpleasant to leave.

"Ha ha, sister, I'm going to hunt zombies. Do you want to accompany me?"

"Of course, let's go."

A few days later, the zombies in the city have begun to gradually gather, but it is still easy to find a few zombies left alone. An ordinary zombie can be killed easily with the strength of the two of them. Just after Luo Yun killed the zombie, the sound sounded again in his mind.