reincarnation evolution

Chapter 3 Access to Space and Pledge

"The host successfully completed the first task, all your attributes *1.3, you get 300 energy points, you get 2 skill points, and are about to enter the reincarnation space in 20 seconds."

"Brother, don't go." Russell finally didn't control himself, and tears couldn't help falling down and wanted to leave him.

"Ha ha, sister, I promise you that I will come back to see you in the future."

"Really, you can't lie to me." With a few tears, Russell said to him.

"Well, definitely." After saying that, a mechanical sound sounded in Luo Yun's mind again.

"Entering the space countdown, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0."

After the 0 came to an end, Luo Yun's figure disappeared directly into the air.

Russell finally couldn't help rushing to Luo Yun's disappeared figure.

It's a pity that it was empty, and at this moment, Russell also secretly swore in his heart:

"Brother, I will definitely live until the day you come back, or I will go to that space to find you."

At the same time, Luo Yun is trapped in an air wall because the things around him have become quite blurred and the moving space is limited. The mechanical sound sounded in Luo Yun's mind again.

"The host begins to enter the reincarnation space, the host's body dataization begins, and the progress 1%52%84%99% body dataization is completed."

After this passage, Luo Yun felt that his body had become more comfortable than ever before, just like a person who had been carrying 100 catties of objects for a long time suddenly put down this burden. That feeling of comfort was really unparalleled.

Another ten seconds later, to be precise, it was when Luo Yun counted to 9.

A violent white light suddenly burst out in front of him, making him unable to help closing his eyes.

When he wanted to open it again, a voice came to his ear, but the sound was not as harsh as before.

In one sentence, it is the voice of human beings.

The most important thing is that he speaks Chinese.

"Welcome, No. 1033, to the world. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask, and I will answer them for you one by one.

Luo Yun did not answer his words immediately, because his eyes were too stimulated by the white light, and his eyesight has not fully recovered yet.

The owner of that voice seemed to be very patient and cultivated, and was not angry because Luo Yun did not answer his words.

When Luo Yun felt that his vision had gradually recovered, he found that the owner of the sound was a huge ball of light.

The photosphere seems to have completely broken through the gravity limit and suspended directly in the air.

At this time, Luo Yun began to ask his doubts, and the light ball was very patient to answer Luo Yun one by one.

From the answer of the light ball, Luo Yun listed the general points of the reincarnation space he knew and silently remembered them in his mind.

First: After entering this reincarnation space, he will venture into countless reincarnation worlds, and this reincarnation world will be randomly selected. The reincarnation world is generally based on games, novels, movies, and animation.

Second: There are difficulty levels in the empty world, with a total of 9 difficulty levels. The improvement of each difficulty level means a crazy increase in the difficulty of the reincarnation world. And there are also levels of difficulty in the reincarnation space. People in the high-level reincarnation space can be transmitted to the low-level reincarnation space for free.

But people in low-level reincarnation space need to pay a certain fee if they want to transfer to high-level reincarnation space.

Third: Reincarnations in reincarnation space (the name of those who wander in reincarnation space) will be able to set up stalls and consign in reincarnation space. And buy and sell drugs, equipment, and skill scrolls in the reincarnation space through space debris.

Fourth: After each reincarnation of the world, a pass evaluation will be conducted. The level of the pass evaluation will directly affect the obtained free attribute points, energy points, and skill points (which can be used to strengthen their own skills and can be traded) and the level of permission experience.

Fifth: Those who enter the reincarnation world for the first time will get a double attribute growth. Growth lasts in a world.

6: If the energy points are negative, they will be erased by space.

Seventh: In the reincarnation world, every time you complete a main task and side task, you will also gain a certain permission experience. After the permission experience is full. You can choose to continue to accumulate experience or upgrade the authority level. There is also an upper limit on accumulating experience, which is about 2.13 times the current experience value. If you exceed this number of experience, it will not continue to grow.

eight: The space he is currently in is his own home space. The light ball is his auxiliary system. The light ball can also be used to improve his permission level and modify the facilities of his home space.

Of course, the process is definitely not free, and you need to pay a certain amount of energy points.

Moreover, each reincarnation has its own home space and absolute control over it, which means that if other reincarnations want to enter their own reincarnation space, they must obtain the consent of the reincarnation themselves.

It's the same even if you form a team.

Ninth: In the reincarnation world and the reincarnation space, there will also be various priorities in the judgment between various skills, equipment and talents. The higher the evaluation, equipment, and talent will be the priority (priority has a distinguishing standard, ranging from small to large: priority, authority, domain, domain priority, domain authority, and field priority, and the subsequent priority judgment will be slowly added.)

And even if it is judged with the priority of the same level, the strength of the judgment is determined by the level of evaluation (for example, the priority of an S-level skill is domain, and the judgment of an A-level skill is also domain, but if the attributes of the two conflict, then the judgment of S-level skills will take effect.)

10: Not all reincarnations come from the same space, and the number of reincarnations is composed of many parallel spaces.

In fact, this is only a little bit of the questions asked by Luo Yun, after Luo Yun asked many questions.

The answers obtained are "If you don't have enough permissions to get hints and forcibly get answers, you will consume certain energy points. If you don't have enough energy points, you will consume them at the cost of your own free attribute points. The exchange of energy points with free attribute points is 1:100."

Of course, Luo Yun is not stupid enough to use free attribute points to exchange energy points. He is not an idiot. How could he not know the importance of free attribute points?

Haven't eaten pork and haven't seen a pig run away? As soon as you hear it, you will know that this thing is related to physical fitness. Use the strengthening of physical quality in exchange for some dispensable information, unless his brain is broken.

At this moment, the mechanical sound that made people feel harsh at the sound of hearing rose again:

"The host has been in the home space for more than an hour. Please choose to enter the reincarnation world or take a break in the reincarnation space for a period of time."

In front of Luo Yun, two choices appeared out of thin air, namely, "reincarnation world" and "reincarnation space".

The color of these words is as dazzling as gold under the scorching sun.

After seeing this scene, Luo Yun did not hesitate to press on a choice.

"The host chose to take a 24-hour break in the reincarnation space, because the host entered the reincarnation space for the first time, so the break was free. Note that if you don't enter the world of reincarnation within 24 hours, you will be punished by 1,000 energy points, and if you don't have enough energy points, you will be erased.

Then a door the size of a house appeared in front of Luo Yun.

Obviously, if you want to enter the reincarnation space, you have to go through this door.

Luo Yun did not go in immediately. He asked tentatively to the space debris (that is, the mechanical sound that has always been):

"Can you change your name with me? You always listen to the host and make me panic."

This time, there is no sentence about the host's insufficient permission, and he replied cheerfully, "Yes, but the host needs to pay 5 energy points."

"Damn it, it costs money."

However, Luo Yun thought for a moment that after completing the task, he still had 300 energy points, and these 5 energy points could still be afforded.

So Luo Yun gritted his teeth.

"Okay, I'll give it."

"Please choose a salutation or enter your own salutation."

"Damn, the name given by your space is too evil. Forget it, the host. What's wrong with this pig's foot? Aren't you scolding? Also, why did you finally see a "master" become a "pig man"? Are you illiterate? In addition... 10000 words are omitted below)

However, he did not expect this space debris to answer his questions. Therefore, after complaining about the talent name of the space, he chose to enter the name independently.

After 2 seconds of ideological struggle, Luo Yun finally made a final.

"You can call me 1033 in the future."

"The host name has begun to change, and the new name has been identified as 1033."

After getting this prompt, Luo Yun exhaled and finally didn't have to hear the two words of the painful host every day.

After changing his name, Luo Yun naturally decided to go out to see the reincarnation space first. Just as he stepped into the door, he got another hint:

"After entering the reincarnation space, the appearance will be blurred, and the priority of blurring is??? ( It will not be lower than the authority of the field). No. 1033 can independently remove the appearance blur function, but this will make your transaction passive and is not recommended.

After listening to the prompt, Luo Yun looked straight forward.

Sure enough, almost every reincarnation's face is covered with a layer of fog.

Moreover, Luo Yun also found that this reincarnation space is simply a replica of a modern bustling city.

There are towering skyscrapers around, some lush trees around it, and he even saw a park not far away.

If the bronzing letters on the boxes around him hadn't reminded him, he would have really thought he was still on the peaceful earth.

He also found that these boxes are actually consignment boxes of reincarnations, which are naturally the items sold by reincarnations.

Most of the text is about clearance, jumping off a building, spitting blood and so on.

Moreover, it seems that the space also provides text translation and language translation services, because when he just saw a person saying that he wanted to sell something, he could fully understand it like listening to Chinese.

If it's just like this, because maybe this person is a Chinese.

In fact, the most important thing is that he can understand the discussions of the people around him, since most of the reincarnations come from different subspaces.

Then, the language should also be different.

And the most convincing explanation is naturally that the space provides various translation services.

After visiting these two laps by Luo Yun, he found that the transaction in the space was nothing more than two trading methods. One was to shout and call some people to auction.

However, the price of this item is generally quite precious, at least not what Luo Yun can afford now.

Another, naturally, is the previously mentioned way of stall trading.

After a preliminary understanding of the reincarnation space, Luo Yun returned to the home space for a rest. Then I ordered a steaming meal, and finally stretched my muscles and bones in the reincarnation space, and then chose to open the world of reincarnation with space debris.

However, this is different from entering the reincarnation space. It is not to open a door in front of you, but to transmit directly.

At the same time, Luo Yun's mind again sounded a prompt "The reincarnation world transmission begins, 20, 19... 3,2,1,0."