Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 38

Seeing that both of them had left, Yuwenyao walked aside without saying a word, sat down, looked at the willow placed under a big tree by Cher, sighed, and looked at the horizon. A long silver ribbon crossed the whole sky, dividing the blue sky in two. This is the Milky Way. It is said that there is a man and a woman at both ends of the river. Every year on the seventh day of July, countless magpie will fly to build a magpie bridge, so that they can meet the last infatuated man and woman on the bridge this year.

For a while, Yuwen Yaoguang suddenly felt a little depressed. He was just like the stars in the sky, but just a small part of it. Even if he disappeared like a meteor, who would care? When this idea arises in my mind, I can't help thinking of the complicated situation at home. Except for my brother Yu Wenba, there is no one who really cares about this family. However, her parents went early, and her brother had to shoulder the burden of the family. Although he sincerely cares about her, his time is still limited. How many people really understand her?

If someone really understands me, I won't leave there, will I? Yuwen Yaoguang thought of this, sighed long, withdrew her eyes, and looked at Liu Huifeng. Unconsciously, she wanted to see what this person was doing now.

"What?" At a glance, he found that Liu Huifeng seemed to lift the hem of his clothes and was smearing something on his legs. Liu Huifeng wears a dress all year round. It should be said that since Yuwen Yaoguang met him, she has never seen him wear other clothes besides that blue gown.

"What is he doing?" Yuwen Yaoguang was curious. Although she was still angry just now, she couldn't help sneaking over to see what this guy was doing.

Liu Huifeng is healing his wounds. To be precise, he is healing himself. Even he didn't expect that Xue'er, a girl with long silver hair and looked so cute, could do so fiercely. She lifted the hem of the gown and saw that her legs were already full of scars, blue and blue, and bruises made him a little unbear to look down.

Although they are all skin injuries, they can't be left like this. Fortunately, Liu Huifeng carries a lot of injury drugs on his body, some of which are taken from Longkong Mountain, which is pure natural and pollution-free. Another part was given to him by Li Qiang when he left Lijia Villa, such as hemostatic herbs, return elixir, marching elixir, etc. As for the precious elixir, there are still drugs to promote blood circulation and silt. Liu Huifeng found a bottle of falling wine and wiped it for himself.

When Yuwen Yaoguang walked to Liu Huifeng, she saw Liu Huifeng frown and was busy. At first sight, Liu Huifeng's ** legs, she subconsciously wanted to turn her head, but then she covered her big mouth in surprise and did not let herself scream.

Liu Huifeng's strong, powerful and healthy wheat-colored skin is the result of being exposed to the sun all year round, but these are not the reasons for Yuwen Yaoguang's attention. At this moment, there is a piece of blue and a piece of purple on this pair of legs, and there is simply none of them intact, especially the inner side of the calf, which is even higher and swollen. It looks It's really terrible. Yu Wenyao remembered clearly that when she was carrying Liu Huifeng on her back, did she put her hands there gently?

"What's going on?" Yuwen Yaoguang's two curved willow eyebrows suddenly stood up, and her face became very ugly. No matter what she thought, after seeing Liu Huifeng's current situation, she turned into a full of anger.

When Liu Huifeng heard her voice, he realized that it was Yuwen Yaoguang who came. He sighed that he was too focused that he didn't even know that others were approaching him.

"Fight, what's going on?" Yu Wenyao asked with a gloomy face.

Liu Huifeng was shocked. He has never seen Yuwen Yaoguang's appearance. Yuwen Yaoguang has always impressed him as a cheerful and lively girl who is rarely angry, but now her appearance is really terrible.

"Nothing, I accidentally fell..." Liu Huifeng said lightly. He had finished wiping the medicine, quietly put down his clothes and covered his scarred legs.

"Bang!" With a soft sound, Liu Huifeng looked at Yuwen Yaoguang in surprise. She stretched out a hand and patted her hand. Yaoguang, what are you?

"How long will you hide it from me?" Yu Wenyao looked at Liu Huifeng and said word by word. She couldn't help but feel angry. Is it really worth doing this for that woman?

"Do you know?" Liu Huifeng sighed. Since Yuwen Yaoguang already knew it, it was meaningless to hide it from her.

Yu Wenyao's voice was low, "I knew it a long time ago, but I didn't expect you to be willing to do this for her, even I have to hide it?"

"Yaoguang, it's just tonight. After tonight, I guess my injury will be cured, and I can walk by myself tomorrow. As for the snow girl..." Liu Huifeng smiled bitterly and said to himself that my injury is a witness to your affection. Of course, this can't be said. He continued, "Just let Let me be wronged first."

"Is it aggrieved?" Yuwenyao looked at Liu Huifeng puzzledly. What does this mean? Doesn't he like Xue'er? For her to hide it from herself, these injuries must be a witness to Liu Hui's amorous feelings. Jealousy, hum, jealousy is the first one out of seven. Don't she know?

Yuwen Yaoguang didn't realize that she had thought too far at all, so at this time, Xue'er's crisp and loud voice came, "Sister, I'm back!"

Hearing her voice, Yuwenyao hummed angrily and saw two people coming. There was nothing in their hands in front of them, jumping and looking very happy. And the other one is more distressed. He holds a few fish in his left hand, pushes dry firewood in his right hand, and some messy things, but he can't see what it is from too far away.

Liu Huifeng heard the dissatisfaction in Yuwen Yaoguang's voice and said, "Yaoguang, the current situation is forcing. Don't have a bad relationship with this pair of brothers and sisters. Just be wronged for the time being and put up with it." Liu Huifeng means that Yuwen Yaoguang should not show his disfamiability with Xue'er and Jiang Xin because of their bad attitude towards him. As long as he can move freely, where he wants to go is not a matter of saying?

But when you heard this, there was another meaning in Yuwen Yaoguang's ears, "He said, let me be wronged. Does he also know that I'm wronged? He actually said such a thing for a woman he met for the first time... What am I in his heart? This feeling has never been so strong. Yuwen Yaoguang urgently wants to know her position in Liu Huifeng's mind.

nodded, Yuwen Yaoguang greeted this pair of brothers and sisters, then ignored Xue Er, passed by her, and took over the things from the novice Jiang, "Brother Jiang, let me get it for you!"

Jiang Xin was flattered. When he was stunned, Yuwen Yaoguang had already taken over the things in his hand. In addition to fish, there were actually several rabbits and pheasants.

Seeing this situation, Xue'er immediately pouted and grabbed all the remaining dry wood from Jiang's novice. "Give it to me, I'll also help my sister get it!"

A trace of resentment flashed in Jiang Xin's eyes, but it was immediately disappeared. He followed the two women, but his eyes stayed on Yuwen Yaoguang's body, making him swallow his saliva. Yuwen Yaoguang's behavior just now made him secretly determined, "Yuwen Yaoguang, I must get you!" Cher, don't want to stop me anymore!" Just now, Yuwen Yaoguang had a momentary contact with him when he took over the things in his hand, and it was this moment of contact that awakened something in his body.

When the fire broke out, Xue'er said proudly, "Sister, it's up to me. It's not me bragging. My means are very powerful!" With that, his eyes drifted to Jiang Xin. Jiang Xin saw it and said hurriedly, "Yes, even our master is full of praise for cooking!"

Yu Wenyao smiled faintly, "Really, then I'm really blessed."

"That's natural!" Cher smiled proudly and turned her eyes, "Brother Liu, let him taste my cooking!"

Yu Wenyao's heart sank, but did she still come? There was an inexplicable ** in her heart. Seeing that Yu Wenyao didn't speak, Xue'er walked under the big tree, regardless of whether Liu Huifeng was willing or not. Just like what she had done before, she once again forced Liu Huifeng to stand up and came to the bonfire.

The fire had begun, and Xue'er began to do it. She took out some bottles and cans, which looked like seasonings, and then she was extremely skilled at operating them. Liu Huifeng couldn't help remembering that he had done the same thing on Longkong Mountain, which evoked the memory that only belonged to him...

Except for Xueer, the other three did not say anything. They quietly looked at the beating flame. Everyone had their own thoughts. At this moment, the atmosphere seemed extremely quiet. Liu Huifeng couldn't help but have an illusion, as if he had returned to Longkong Mountain. But just then, a discordant voice broke the atmosphere:

"Sister, I don't think the firewood is enough. Don't you think the fire is strong enough. Shall I find some dry firewood?" It was Jiang Xin who was talking. He suddenly stood up and said to Xue'er.

Xueer nodded impatiently, "If you want to go, go quickly. Don't disturb me and my sister!" What Jiang Xin does has nothing to do with her. The most important thing is not to disturb her and Yuwen Yaoguang. As for Liu Huifeng, what is that? Can I eat it?

Jiang Xin didn't say anything. It seemed that he had been used to being reprimanded by Xue'er. He turned his head and left. Xue'er was burning vigorously with a chicken, so she was not in the mood to pay attention to him. Yuwen Yaoguang still stared at the bonfire, as if she didn't notice Jiang Xin's departure at all.

Liu Huifeng noticed the fierce color that flashed in Jiang Xin's eyes when he left, and suddenly left his heart. There is a saying that if something is abnormal, there must be a demon. Now Jiang Xin has this kind of inconsistent performance, which has to attract Liu Huifeng's attention, but Liu Huifeng did not expect that things would develop like this anyway.

Things in reality are often more bizarre than stories.