Reincarnation of Dragon Sky Mountain

Chapter 39

After a while after Jiang Xin left, a fragrance spread into Liu Huifeng's nose. I have to say that Cher really didn't brag about this point. Her method was really good. She could turn the ingredients in her hands into delicious food in such a short time. However, compared with himself, there is still a little distance, Liu Huifeng secretly thought to himself.

"Sister, do you want to try it?" Xue'er picked up a fish in her hand and handed it to Yuwen Yaoguang. Her eyes were full of Xiji, waiting for Yuwen Yaoguang to praise her. Yuwen Yaoguang hesitated and took over the fish, but instead of eating it himself, he handed it to Liu Huifeng, " Huifeng, you can taste it first."

Seeing that Liu Huifeng took over the results of his careful cooking, Xue'er suddenly became furious, but she didn't want to lose the impression of being well-behaved in front of Yuwen Yaoguang. Before, he dealt with Liu Huifeng secretly and never let Yuwen Yaoguang notice. Of course, this was just her wishful thinking. Yuwen Yaoguang had already known. So I had to bite my teeth and ask in a low voice, "Why did my sister give this family... Brother Liu?"

Yu Wenyao's expression was indifferent, "The wind is weak. Let him taste it first, and he is also a cooking master. I want to hear his opinion."

As soon as she heard Yuwen Yaoguang's words, Xue'er couldn't calm down. What if this hateful guy said that the food he made was not delicious? It seems that my sister attaches great importance to his opinions. Thinking of this, she is worried and angry. What she is worried about is that this guy will speak ill of herself. After all, she gave him that cruel hand when she carried him behind his back...

Liu Huifeng took the fish and was not in a hurry to take a bite. Instead, he looked at Xue'er and saw her expression. Her thoughts on her were like fire. Looking at Yuwen Yaoguang, he couldn't help but see that she was still absent-minded.

In fact, even if he doesn't taste it, he knows that the taste must be good. What he pays attention to cooking is a "color, fragrance and taste". Now the color and fragrance are complete. In addition, Xue'er is so confident that according to her personality, the taste is not much worse.

Sure enough, after trying it, the taste is really good, and I don't know where the fish is produced. The wild fish is originally fresh and tender. Although there is not much meat, it is better than the delicious meat. Coupled with excellent cooking, it removes the fishy smell. Therefore, this fish can be called very good, "This fish..."

Xue'er saw Liu Huifeng finally open his mouth and looked at him nervously, afraid that he would say something bad, but Yuwen Yaoguang didn't care at all, as if Liu Huifeng had nothing to do with her. Unfortunately, Xue'er's attention is focused on Liu Huifeng at this moment, otherwise she will be relieved to see her like this.

However, Liu Huifeng's second half of the sentence did relieved her, " tastes very good." Liu Huifeng naturally told the truth, and Xue Er was also relieved. Then she turned her head to Yuwen Yaoguang, "Sister..."

"I'm back!" At this time, Jiang Xin rushed back with a large bundle of dry wood in his hand. As soon as Liu Huifeng saw him coming back, his eyes immediately fell on him.

As soon as Xue'er saw him come back, she also turned her eyes on him. She was about to ask Yuwen Yaoguang how she felt. This short-sighted guy came back at this time, but he still looked for the banner of dry wood for himself, and it was not easy to blame him. Looking at the momentum of the fire, it was indeed a little small, but it still didn't give him a good look. He said coldly, "Put it down and add some to make the fire burn more vigorously."

Jiang Xin doesn't mind Xue's attitude, and Xue'er herself is also very clear about this, because their master is a person who respects girls over boys. Jiang Xin's education since childhood not only respects his senior sister, but also cares about her. However, in Cher's opinion, caring is not more flattering, because he also knows that only the senior sister can inherit the master's manor. Even if it is not the senior sister, it is not his turn as a senior brother. Coupled with the influence of their master, Xue'er has no good impression on this brother at all.

Jiang Xin added a few more dry firewood. He was a wind spirit attribute. He used a little magic to make the fire burn more vigorously, and the flame suddenly burst out. However, the firewood found by Jiang Xin did not seem to be dry. Some of the damp firewood was roasted by the fire and suddenly made a lot of smoke.

"Cough, cough", Xue Er coughed a few times and inhaled some smoke and suddenly became a little dissatisfied. "Brother, what are you doing? How did you find wet wood?" She didn't call Jiang Xin a senior brother out of respect. In fact, the title of senior brother was just a code name for her. As for the concept of respecting her brother in the understanding of ordinary people, it is completely a floating cloud for her.

"Oh, oh, I'm sorry, I'm a little negligent." Jiang Xin smiled and touched the back of his head. He looked at Yuwen Yaoguang, and she also inhaled several puffs of smoke, coughed and frowned a few times, but did not complain like Cher. Instead, she quickly stretched her eyebrows. Then he looked at Liu Huifeng and couldn't help but be stunned, because he saw Liu Huifeng staring at him. Why did he look at me?

Liu Huifeng paid attention to Jiang Xin as soon as he came back. He is a rational thinker, but it does not mean that he will not rely on his feelings. From the fierceness in his eyes when he saw Jiang Xin's departure, he felt that things were a little strange. But nothing happened until he came back. Maybe he was over-threate? Liu Huifeng comforted himself like this. At this time, Jiang Xin looked at him and looked at each other, but it was only a moment. Jiang Xin quickly turned his head and turned his eyes on Yuwen Yaoguang.

Liu Huifeng was slightly shocked. What did he look at me for? Is he interested in me? Damn it! Liu Huifeng couldn't wait to slap himself in the face. What's wrong with me? Have I been affected by Snow Girl?

"Miss Yuwen", at this time, Jiang Xin suddenly opened his mouth. This was the first time he took the initiative to speak when everyone was there. This time, not only Liu Huifeng, but also Xueer and Yuwen Yaoguang also noticed him, and Liu Huifeng became more energetic. Unfortunately... Liu Huifeng was secretly lucky, and his body was still There is no spiritual cohesion, which is also normal. Who let him have the prohibition called the spiritual star?

Since more than half of the cultivation has been used, it is normal to have this kind of sequelae, but according to Zhang Yu, every time if you can struggle in a near-death state, it is a step closer to lifting the ban. This time, he also saw that Yuwen Yaoguang was beside him and dared to use the sealed power and took down Wan Xiangyu. This is indeed an adventure, and now it seems that this adventure has been half successful. I just don't know how much my strength can recover after tonight, even if I return to 70% of my previous cultivation. Liu Huifeng prayed secretly...

"Brother Jiang, what can I do for you?" Yuwen Yaoguang was very polite. She remembered Liu Huifeng's words. Now was not the time to fall out with these two people, and from beginning to end, Jiang Xin was still polite to herself, so she was also curious about what Jiang Xin wanted to say to her.

"Miss Yuwen, I like you!" Jiang Xin said word by word.