Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 60 Dare Beauty is free

The date of marriage set by the imperial edict is three days later, that is, the second day of November. It is said that it was the birthday of Liu Shuihan. Xiao Luo was a little unhappy about why she wanted to marry on her birthday.

"Congratulations on the marriage between the Seventh Prince and Miss Lin. I have to go back to the palace to return to my life. I won't be happy until the day of the prince's wedding." After saying that, Xiao Anzi orchid covered her mouth and smiled and got out of the carriage outside the house.

Xiao Luo frustrated the goose bumps on his arm that were disgusted by Xiao Anzi. "I'm afraid that the royal palace will be lively in three days!" The more uncomfortable Xiaoluo's face became, the more smiling. "If the emperor gives more than a dozen beautiful concubines, it will be more lively."

Xiao Luo can understand what it means to come true. As soon as I said, several luxurious and rich carriages stopped steadily outside the gate of the royal palace. The leader was a half-old woman, who dressed like a matchmaker or something.

"I have met the seventh prince, General Lin... Miss Lin." The woman may not know who the girl in front of her is, but she saw Lin Feng coming out of the house and the girl standing beside the prince. I'm afraid there is no doubt about Miss Lin.

Xiaoluo looked sideways at the carriages, but the curtain of the car was tightly covered and he couldn't see the situation at all. Hearing the woman salute him, Xiaoluo quickly withdrew his eyes and said, "Is it a gift?" It was a big deal for the seventh prince to marry his concubine, so Xiao Luo thought that someone had sent a gift.

"Miss Lin, the old slave is Mother Song in the palace. She sent several beautiful women to the prince by the emperor's will..." Seeing that the girl in front of her did not deny her name, Mother Song knew it in her heart. Girls, why don't you come down to see the Seventh Prince and the Seventh Princess?

As soon as Mother Song's voice fell, the curtains of those carriages were lifted, and more than a dozen beautiful women with various kinds of fat and thin swallows appeared in front of everyone. I have met the seventh prince. More than a dozen beauties stood in front of Mo Yuche and said shyly.

"M Mother Song, what does this mean?" Mo Yuche's face is getting worse and worse. First, he married Miss Liu to himself, and now he has sent more than a dozen beautiful concubines?

Lin Feng's face is also a little ugly. Although Luo'er is still young and married by the emperor, those concubines are all inferior, but how can she deal with Luo'er's concubines about 11 or 12 years old?

Since Mother Song finished saying that, Xiao Luo's face has been smiling, ignoring the curious or doubtful or proud eyes of more than a dozen beauties. "It turns out that Luoer still has the talent to be a prophet. As soon as he finished saying this, the emperor sent a concubine to the prince."

M Mother Song smiled awkwardly. She also knew which concubine was willing to see her husband have a concubine, not to mention more than a dozen beautiful concubines. It's good to be able to speak with a smile. The seventh princess is as beautiful as a fairy, which can't be compared with these concubines..."

One of the more than ten beauties is called Caidie, who is the daughter of a local official. She looks much better than the other nine beauties, so she is also a little arrogant. When she heard Mother Song say that she and others are not as good as the seven-year-old girl, she was suddenly a little unhappy. "M Mother Song, the emperor gave us to the prince, she is the master, even if she is the concubine. It's not that you can arrange it at will.

Xiaoluo has long noticed that this woman in purple clothes is better than others in her clothes and jewelry. When saling, she also stood in the nearest position to Mo Yuche. Even Xiaoluo can see clearly when she threw her charming eyes.

Maybe Mother Song has known the nature of this purple woman for a long time. She was reprimanded but didn't say anything. She just smiled. "What Miss Caidie said is that you will be the master and the old slave in the future..."

Xiaoluo carefully observed several other beauties, who were more or less inferior to the woman in purple, either thicker or shorter, or dressed more plainly. Xiao Luo's heart is that this woman called a colorful butterfly is probably the head of more than a dozen beauties.

"Since you know that you are here to be a concubine for the prince, why can't you salute me when you see me?" Previously, those concubines only saluted the prince and ignored themselves. Maybe the colored butterfly girl's attention wanted to give herself a majesty before entering the house.

Caidie has understood a truth since she was a child that power can only be favored by competing, so she can be the eldest sister among these ten concubines. Seeing that the little girl was embarrassed, Caidie smiled charmingly and twisted her waist and walked to Xiaoluo. "I heard that the emperor gave marriage to Prince Yu of Liu Lin's two families. I don't know if Miss Lin is the main concubine or a side concubine? So that the sisters don't have to make wrong etiquette.

Xiao Luo's mouth slightly outlined a faint smile, "It's the side, and it's always your superior position. It's already out of politeness to dare to speak to my concubine like this... Mother Song?" At least after watching so many Qing Palace dramas, Xiao Luo naturally can't ask his concubine to step on his head.

"What do you want from the Seventh Princess?" People all call themselves my concubine. If you still call her Miss Lin, you are not asking for trouble. Mother Song has been in the palace for so many years to observe the words and look.

"What should I do if the following crimes of this concubine offended the main room?" An angry and happy voice, calm and smiling little face, although she is a seven-year-old girl, gives people a momentum that she dares not look directly.

Mother Song's slightly fat body moved to Xiaoluo's body. "If you go back to the seventh princess, most of the situations in the palace are cane... But that's all done by the women. If the seventh princess is not happy, just reward them with a few slaps."

As the name implies, a slap in the face.

Caidie's face changed slightly and stared at Mother Song, "Mother Song, the Empress is still waiting for you to go back and reply."

Mother Song knew that Caidie thought she was too talkative, but the one who asked was the seventh prince's concubine. Mother Song was still able to tell which one was more important. "Look at the maidservant's brain almost forgot this matter. General Lin, the seventh princess and the old slave retreated first. The empress is indeed waiting for the old slave to reply."

"Take these people away." Mo Yuche frowned and showed that he was very angry now. Miss Liu herself had not said that she would accept another group of so-called concubines. It would be strange to say that Mo Yuche was not angry.

"Seventh Prince, this is the emperor's will, and the old slave is just following the order..." If Mother Song really took these ten beauties back to the palace, I'm afraid she would not see the sun the next day. Seventh prince, the old slave left first. Fearing that the seventh prince would force herself to take away the ten beauties, Mother Song saluted and hurried back to the carriage and asked the driver to drive away.

"Your Majesty, my concubine will serve the prince well." Caidie Yingying walked to Mo Yuche's side and fell into Mo Yuche's arms as if he had no bones.

Xiaoluo stood aside with a smile. If he didn't expect it wrong, I'm afraid the colorful butterfly would be embeared for a while. Sure enough, the color butterfly approached Mo Yuche's feet and moved two steps to avoid the embrace of the color butterfly.

The color butterfly originally deliberately wanted to fall into the prince's arms without a stable center of gravity. The Mo Yuche flashed color butterfly couldn't help falling directly to the ground. Ouch... How can you hide from good or bad, my lord? It hurts my concubine to fall. Chu Chu's pitiful pear flower's tearful appearance is afraid that a man will feel pity when he sees it.

Xiaoluo curled her little mouth. This colorful butterfly is quite thoughtful. If anything happens in this house in the future, it will definitely have something to do with her. You didn't inform the prince before you fell down. How can you blame the prince for falling down?

"Hee..." The nine beauties standing aside covered their mouths and laughed. Presumably, they were all scolded by the colorful butterfly to see her embile. Instead of coming forward to help her, she was secretly having fun. Caidie looked back at the crowd, and the laughter suddenly died.

After sitting on the ground for a long time, the prince did not look back at himself. Caidie knew that she was bored and had to stand up by herself and dust off her clothes. "Your Majesty, my concubine and sisters will serve the prince in the future. I hope the prince will not despise the stupidness of the sisters..."

"Li Tian." Since he has been sent to accept it, it is his business to spoil him in the future. Even if he is the head of a country, he can't interfere with "bought to take a few girls to live in the south courtyard and serve him."

Caidie is happy to see that the prince is willing to let others live in their hearts. As long as they can live in this palace, are they afraid that the prince will not spoil themselves in the future? I thanked the prince..."

"My concubine thanked the prince..." The nine beauties didn't have much desire to compete for favor, but just obeyed their father's orders.

In the Taishi Mansion, Liu Shuihan tightly twisted his handkerchief and looked extremely ugly. "You said that there were several carriages at the gate of the Seven Kings Mansion, and there were all beautiful women on them?" Lin Xiaoluo's sharing of the prince is already the limit of Liu Shuihan's tolerance, and now there are ten more concubines.

"Miss Hui, I heard that it was Mother Song in the palace who sent someone there, saying that it was the emperor's order..."

"Oc's it, Miss Ben knows." Liu Shuihan waved his hand impatiently to get rid of his subordinates. Three days later was my birthday, and that day was also the day when I married the seventh prince. Originally, it was a happy thing, but it was very annoying by more than a dozen concubines.

"Small ring, small ring!"

"Miss, what can I do for you to call the maidservant?" Xiaohuan was turning over the bedding to be covered in winter, and she couldn't help but hear the young lady calling herself to run over.

Liu Shuihan was in a bad mood. After calling a maid for a long time, she was even more angry. "Dead girl, deliberately let me wait, right?" He said and caught Xiaohuan's earlobe. "You have been with Miss Ben for some days. Why are you still so clumsy..."

Xiaohuan's little face was wrinkled into a ball and dared not say, "Miss, I didn't hear the voice of the maidservant. It's the maidservant's wrong maidservant to die."

Liu Shuihan twisted the earlobe of the small ring a few times before loosening his hand, and the depression in his heart also dissipated a lot. "Go to the housekeeper and ask when Ruhua will come back." I'm going to marry to the Seven Kings Mansion. If I take such a maid there, I will definitely be bullied by Lin Xiaoluo.

"I'm going now." The free ring quickly retreated and walked towards the place where the housekeeper was while rubbing her red and swollen earlobe.