Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 61 Li's Attention

The more Liu Shuihan sat down, the more uncomfortable he felt. He simply got up and went out of the room and walked towards his mother's room, but unfortunately he met the annoying second mother again.

Meixi has changed her name since she was made the second wife by Liu Henna, saying that Meixi sounded like a maid's name. At that time, Meixi was just pregnant and naturally said something about Liu Hen. She specially found a teacher to give her a new name, calling her Zhao Yuyan, which means like a jade sinking fish and falling geese.

In the Taishi Mansion, Zhao Yuyan and Liu Shuihan don't like each other. They usually ignore each other when they meet each other, but this time Zhao Yuyan is not going to miss the opportunity to laugh at Liu Shuihan. "Yo, I just heard from the master that the emperor has betrothed you to the seventh prince? And it's the side that you don't know yet?"

Liu Shuihan was upset and was squeezed by Zhao Yuyan and the fire in his heart came up. "Zhao Yuyan, don't think that you have given birth to a son for your father. In this Taishi Mansion, the eldest lady will always be my mother, and you can only be a concubine for the rest of your life!"

The struggle between the second lady and the eldest lady is no longer rare. The maids on both sides retreated one after another to avoid being involved in the war.

After Zhao Yuyan became the second lady of this Taishi Mansion, the most taboo thing was that others said that she was a concubine. A few years ago, several little maids were found chewing their tongues in private by her, and they were beaten to death and sold to brothels. Since then, no one dares to gossip about her anymore.

"Liu Shuihan, even if my wife is on the side, she is still your second mother. At a glance, your mother didn't teach you well. How could Haoran be regarded by the queen as being summoned to the palace as the prince's companion at such a young age? After that, the prince ascended to the throne and became the emperor and had to give Haoran a first-class official? Alas, in the final analysis, it's your mother's belly that can't give birth to a son..."

Liu Shuihan saw that the second lady talked more and more ridiculously, and his face became more and more ugly. "The rules of the Taishi Mansion, if a concubine is disrespectful to the first lady, he will blame the 20 boards. Don't you want to try the taste of those 20 boards?

Zhao Yuyan's expression stiffened, and she was too proud to forget the family's instruction. "Di Niang, didn't you say it? Shuihan, don't take it seriously... By the way, you're going to find the eldest lady, right? Sister, I'm afraid she's worshiping Buddha now. It will take a while to come out.

"This is not bothering the second lady to worry about. You'd better take more care of your appearance. Look at the fine lines. I heard that my father still wants to get a concubine..." Liu Shuihan walked over from Zhao Yuyan's side with a smile and walked to the small Buddha hall where his mother was located.

The maids waiting beside them hurried over and waited with their masters.

"Xiao Meng, look at the fine lines on my face?" Since ancient times, in addition to competing for power, the only thing women cares about is their appearance. Even if Zhao Yuyan is not a girl in 1926, she still pays great attention to her appearance.

The maid, who called Xiao Meng, stepped forward and took a closer look before answering, "The second lady, the second lady looks good. There are no fine lines. I want the maidservant to say that the second lady is a little better than those 11- or 12-year-old ladies. Even if you really have a little dream, you dare not say it. It's simply asking for your own suffering.

Zhao Yuyan smiled with satisfaction, "Xiao Meng is still sweet and can talk. If you marry your wife in the future, you will be lonely."

Xiaomeng's face turned red and said angrly, "Madam will make jokes with maidservants. I have to serve my wife all my life..." Which girl doesn't have Huaichun? Even Xiaomeng, who is a maid, has long had a heart. It's just that Xiaomeng knows that his wife is just joking. If she thinks that she really said it in her heart, she won't want to get married in her life.

"Xiao Meng, you have been with your wife for some time. Don't you know what kind of person you are? When you are old, your wife will naturally help you find a good family to marry. Although Zhao Yuyan's mother became the second lady of the Taishi Mansion with her son, she wanted a daughter in her heart.

Unfortunately, Zhao Yuyan has not been able to conceive a child since she gave birth to Liu Hao. After so many years, Liu Haoran has also grown up, and Zhao Yuyan had to break that thought when she saw that there was no hope of having a daughter. Later, seeing Xiao Mengsheng's handsome mouth and sweet, he asked the master to share it with himself as a personal maid.

In two years, Zhao Yuyan liked Xiaomeng more and more, and the idea of recognizing her as a righteous daughter came into her heart, but during this period, the master seemed to be a little busy and Zhao Yuyan was not easy to say.

Liu Shuihan came to the west courtyard of the east wing and gently pushed the courtyard and walked in. This yard is next to the east wing. Li set up a Buddhist hall in this yard in the early years. After his health gradually became worse, Li rarely took care of the affairs of the house. In his spare time, he stayed in this Buddhist hall to recite scriptures and copied scriptures, and fasted for three days a month, saying that it was respect for Buddha.

Today is the end of the month, which happens to be the day of fasting. After Liu Shuihan went in, he saw his mother sitting on the futon in front of the Buddha statue in plain white clothes. There were pen, ink, paper and inkstones on the low table in front of him, and there were piles of copied scriptures on it.

Liu Shuihan knelt down three times before he walked to his mother and whispered, "Mother?"

Li's body was fine some time ago. Unexpectedly, as the weather became colder and colder, Li also felt that she couldn't lift her body. If she was in a bad spirit, she didn't have the mood to compete with the second lady for power and favor, so she simply stayed in this Buddhist hall. Hearing his daughter's voice, Li first wrote down the last line of scriptures. He knelt down three times before he got up. Why did Han'er come here?

"Mom, go over there and sit down." Liu Shuihan helped his mother to sit down at the table, and poured a cup of hot tea for his mother before he said, "Mother, today the emperor decreed to marry his daughter to the seventh prince..." It should have been a happy thing, but he was not happy to think of Lin Xiaoluo and the ten concubines Liu Shuihan.

Li's hand holding the tea paused, "Han'er didn't like the Seventh Prince for a long time. Why are you unhappy when your wish has come true?"

"Mother..." Liu Shuihan sighed faintly, "My daughter is indeed happy, but the emperor is not the only one who married his daughter..." If he married the seventh prince alone, Liu Shuihan would probably smile all the time.

"How do you say that? Didn't the emperor also give other daughters to the seventh prince?

Liu Shuihan nodded with his head down, "That man is Lin Xiaoluo, the daughter of General Lin. Just now, my daughter also heard that she drove several carriages in front of the gate of the Seven Kings' Mansion. The carriage was full of ten beauties, who were the concubines given by the emperor to the Seven Kings..."

Although Li stayed in the Buddhist hall all day to recite scriptures and worship Buddha, it does not mean that she is dedicated to Buddhism. She is also forced to do it in the Buddhist hall. Can the emperor explain who is the imperial concubine? As the eldest wife of the Taishi Mansion, Li naturally knows that no matter how many concubines her husband has, as long as the position of the main room is his own, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

This is also part of Liu Shuihan's anger. "The emperor did not explain, only issued the decree that his daughter and Nalin Xiaoluo will marry the prince at the same time..." Liu Shuihan was furious at the thought that he would marry the prince at the same time as Lin Xiaoluo.

Li frowned slightly. If her daughter married to be the imperial concubine, she would not have to worry about being a mother. But now, Li has to think about how to help her daughter sit on the position of the imperial concubine. The imperial edict says that the day of marriage is the third day of next month? That's the day of Han'er's birthday?"

"It's Han'er's birthday. Does your mother have a way?" Liu Shuihan was happy. As long as she could be the imperial concubine, no matter whether Lin Xiaoluo was or ten concubines, she had to obediently call herself the seventh princess.

Li did think of a way, but it was a little difficult to deal with. Han'er, come here and listen to your mother..." Li waved to Liu Shuihan to lean over and whispered something in her ear.

"Mother, daughter..." After listening to his mother's words, Liu Shuihan's face turned red and he didn't know how to put his hands. "Will the prince agree?" After a while of shyness, Liu Shuihan began to worry about whether the prince would agree to that.

"Stupid girl." Li touched her daughter's little face and said, "If it's done, the prince can't rely on it. He's afraid that he won't make you the main concubine? At that time, you will be more stable in the position of your princess when you give birth to a big fat boy. Speaking of this, Li's family can't help but feel a little sad. He just failed to give birth to a son so miserable now.

Liu Shuihan knew that his mother's most regret was that she did not have a son. He came forward to hold her hand and said, "Mother, don't worry, if her daughter can take the position of princess in the future, she will definitely take over her mother, and she will not be angry with Zhao Yuyan."

Li smiled happily and said, "Han'er, my mother's life has settled down. If you marry your father, you will be born and the Liu family will die. How can you leave easily? As long as Han'er has a good mother in the future, she will be relieved..."

"Mother..." Liu Shuihan's nose was sore, and his voice became a little bitter. "What's mother is she talking about? My mother still has to live for a long time and watch her daughter become a biological child..." Maybe he thought of what his mother said again, and Liu Shuihan's face turned redder.

"Okay, my mother is waiting for Han'er to give birth to a big fat grandson."


After finishing the affairs of Yu Liu Goblet and Wanyan Junlin, they packed up their bags in the Zuixiang Building and were about to leave for heaven, but they were left by an uninvited guest. The uninvited guest is Zhang Huairen and Eun Gongzhang.

"Master Wanyan, Yu Guoshi. Three days later, it was a happy day for me to marry the seventh prince. The emperor specially ordered slaves to come to report the two of you. It's not too late to stay and drink a glass of wine before returning to China. Zhang Huairen said with a smile.

Yu Liu Goblet was slightly stunned, and a trace of imperceptible displeasure flashed in his eyes "Oh? Then I'm really going to have a wedding wine. What does Prince Wanyan think?

Wanyan Junlin drew a smile at the corners of his mouth, but he was a little uncomfortable in his heart. "I don't know which senior official's daughter the seventh prince married?"

"It's Lin Xiaoluo, the daughter of General Lin, and Liu Shuihan, the daughter of Liu Taishi."