Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 75 The Mysterious Lord of the Temple

The man was wearing a black scarf. Situ Ling couldn't see what his expression was now. After saying that, he reached out to remove the red veil on his face. When the face was exposed to the air, Situling sighed silently.

Which women in the world don't care about their appearance, and who can not care about men's views on their own appearance? Even if Situ Ling has been used to his face, he still feels a little uncomfortable when exposed to others.

What kind of face is that? The man couldn't find an adjective to describe it. His tender white skin showed a dark yellow color, and his delicate and smooth cheeks were also pitted ups and downs, and none of them were intact.

Perhaps aware of the man's strange eyes, Situ Ling snorted coldly and put on the red veil again. This is the face I have now, which has disappointed you.

The man was just stunned at first sight, and immediately came to his senses, but he didn't expect that the moment of astonishment was looked at by Situ Ling. I'm rude. I don't know who has the heart to hurt the unparalleled owner of the second palace like this?

Since his appearance was destroyed, Situ Ling has been angry for a period of time as long as he hear others mention his appearance and other words. However, in recent years, as his internal strength has become deeper and deeper, Situ Ling's temperament has become more and more calm.

"Since you have seen the face of this palace, should you also take off the black scarf to let me see the palace?"

The reason why the man was masked was that he didn't want Situ Ling to recognize who he was. After listening to Situ Ling's words, the man waved his hand and said, "It's just a pair of skins. What's the difference between seeing and not seeing?"

Situ Ling really wanted to slap him, but his internal strength was sealed and he had to give up. Having said that, you dare not show your true face. Is it the old man of this palace?

"If the owner of the second palace really wants to see it, he just looks at his face, and he doesn't know anything about the whereabouts of the child."

Situ Ling secretly cursed a despicable and threatened his child's whereabouts. I think you must be an old acquaintance of this palace, even if you don't want to be frank with me and don't force it. Your long-cherished wish has been fulfilled for you. I wonder if you can tell me the whereabouts of the child?

The man sighed, and the first beauty of martial arts, who used to be unparalleled, became like this. If she was willing to... think that this man seemed to smile like a self-deprecating, thinking that she would rather be destroyed than go with herself?

The faint sigh fell in Situ Ling's ears and felt extremely familiar, and there always seemed to be a person in his memory who sighed so lightly. Situ frowned, but he couldn't remember who the person in his memory was. Do you want to say anything but don't believe it?"

is still that person, but his appearance and temperament seem to have changed. Many years ago, the gentle and charming person could not find a trace of Situ Ling in front of him. The man sighed again. Does the owner of the second palace really want to know the whereabouts of the child?

If he is not as good as others, Situ Ling really wants to kill the person in front of him. If you don't mean to tell me, I won't force you!" Situ Ling has been arrogant since he was a child. If he hadn't fallen in love with Mo Chen, he would not have been framed by a thief and be disfigured.

Looking at Situ Ling, who was secretly angry in front of him, and the man's bitter smile was as arrogant as Situ Ling in those years! The child was taken away by the people of Yu. I only knew that the man left the child in the bedroom of a concubine in the palace of Yu. It is unknown which concubine is.

Hearing the word Yuguo, Situ Ling was slightly stunned. It turned out that Situ Ling was originally from the royal family of Yuguo. At that time, he fell deeply in love with Mo Chen's excellent demeanor and resolutely broke off his relationship with the royal family and followed Mo Chen.

"How did you know that it was the rain countryman who took my child away? How did you know that the man had left the child in the palace? Situling didn't believe the man's words. He had never had any contact with the royal family. How did they know that they were pregnant and where they were in those years?

The man knew that Situ Ling would not believe his words, nor did he think that she would believe it. That's what I know. Yuguo destroyed the country a few years ago, which also seems to have something to do with the child..." For so many years, the man has also been looking for the whereabouts of the child. Until Yuguo was destroyed a few years ago, he rushed to check it because he thought that it was Situling's home, but he accidentally knew a secret.

A few years ago, Yuguo was destroyed, and Yuguo's secret guard Zeng Feige wrote a letter to Situ Ling, hoping that she could return to China to help the Rain Emperor calm down the civil strife. It's just that Situ was just thinking about practicing martial arts for revenge, and he also hated some of the royal family's actions and did not help.

"Do you mean that Yuguo was destroyed because of my children?" Situling's voice was getting colder and colder, and what the man said in front of him was too ridiculous.

"If you say the name of the person who took away your child, I'm afraid the second house owner will not believe it, so the second house owner will be talking nonsense."

"Haha!" Situ Li had a big laugh. I was fooled by you for a lifetime! If you enter this valley today, you won't be able to go out!"

Situ Ling shouted loudly, and the red ribbon flew straight to the man as if he had life, and the cold momentum that roared was quite fierce.

It turned out that Situ Ling had never given up hitting the blocked acupuncture point until he was finally knocked open. Seeing that the man actually teased himself, Situ Ling was angry and poured his internal force into the red silk belt and waved towards the man.

The man was not surprised to see Situ Ling rushing open the acupuncture point, but a little disappointed. Disappointed, she couldn't hear her voice and didn't recognize who she was.

"Little Linger! The person who took your child away that day was the lord of the temples, Yechen!" That sound of spirit seems to be so affectionate and despair that can only be called by suppressing heavy emotions!

Situ Ling was shocked, and there were bursts of desperate calls in his mind, and the voice was exactly the same as the man in front of him! Who the hell are you?" It's Situling who can't remember the man's appearance.

"Hahaha!" The man looked up to the sky and laughed, but his face covered by a black scarf was a bitter feeling. "He actually did this to you! How dare he treat you like this! Ye Chen, one day I will take away Li Er!"

Hearing the word Yechen, Situ Ling suddenly remembered, and just now he said that the person who took his child away was the lord of the temples, that is, Ye Chen! Situling opened his eyes wide, and his bright eyes were full of unbelievable, "You lied! At that time, the lord of this palace did not know each other. Why did he take away the children of this palace!"

"I lied? Hahaha..." The crazy smile was mixed with a trace of unwillingness and helplessness. Indeed, you and Ye Chen really didn't know each other in those years, and the temples did not rise in those years! Do you know who he did for in those years!"

Situ Ling didn't want to listen. If the Lord hadn't saved him, he would have gone to hell long ago. If the Lord hadn't pityed himself and taught himself to practice martial arts, how could there be today's Situ Ling!

"You don't need to know why the lord of the palace is doing things. The palace just needs to remember that this life was given by the lord, and this martial arts is the bishop's!"

Seeing Situ Ling maintaining the night like this, the man's heart seemed to be pricked by a needle. Even if his master is the Rain Emperor, even if the misunderstanding between you and Mo Chen was caused by him, and even if your child was thrown into the palace by himself, don't you need to know or hate it?" The deep voice was filled with a trace of tolerant crying.

The man's words exploded like thunder and lightning in Situ Ling's heart. If what this man said was all true, why did the Lord save himself? Why do you still teach yourself martial arts? Why do you have to avenge yourself!

The trembling hand was unable to hold the ribbon, and the red blood-like silk slipped from Situ Ling's hand to the ground. Who the hell are you! What's the intention of slandering the Lord like this!"

Even though Situ Ling's heart was a little relaxed, he still didn't want to believe that the person who hurt him was the Lord who saved him and treated him in every way!

"That's it!" The man's deep voice was sarcastic, "I should have known that since he dared to keep you by his side, he naturally would not let you know those things..."

Before he finished speaking, the man suddenly jumped to the left. As soon as he stabilized his figure and turned around, he saw that there were several dark red darts in the place where he had just stood. The satin floating at the end of the dart was embroidered with small night characters.

"Lord!" As soon as Situ Ling saw the dark red dart, he knew that the Lord was coming.

Sure enough, as soon as Situ Ling's words fell, Ye Chen, dressed in a dark red robe, came out of the forest. A dark gold mask on Ye Chen's face not only did it look abrupt, but made people feel that he should wear such a mask.

"Your Highness Ming, I'm all the better." Ye Chen walked to the two of them three meters away and stood there, and some lazy words came from under the mask. I don't know what happened when His Royal Highness came to this valley?

The man neither admitted nor refuted it, but just smiled and said, "Everyone in the martial arts say that the dragon, the lord of the temple, sees no end. If he is lucky enough to see it, it must be a great blessing in life! It seems that I'm lucky."

"Lord, this man is full of nonsense. Don't talk to him." Situ was afraid that the man would say something to slander the temple owner, so he hurried forward and said.

"Linger." Ye Chen called tenderly, "He is Your Highness Ming, don't you remember?"

Situ Ling just felt that the man had an inexplicable sense of familiarity, but he always couldn't remember who it was. Lord, Linger seems to have some impression, but there seems to be something in her head to stop Linger from thinking..."

Yechen raised his hand and gently took care of the hair in Situ Ling's ear, which was as intimate as her husband tidying up the hair for his mother. If you can't remember, don't think about it. It's not good for your health.

Seeing the affection between his beloved woman and other men, there was a bitterness and pain in the man's heart. Yechen, what kind of medicine did you give to your son?"