Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 76 Tranquility Before the Storm

There was a low smile under the mask, but the face was covered so that people could not distinguish whether the smile was sarcasm or pride? When she rescued her younger daughter, she was seriously injured. I don't know why did Her Royal Highness think she was drugging her?

"Yechen, whether it is caused by Linger's serious injury or deliberately done by you! Today, I will take away the baby!" After searching for so many years, if I hadn't accidentally known that, I'm afraid I wouldn't have seen Situ Ling in my life.

The pale bracelet was on Situ Ling's waist, and his face with a dark golden mask approached Situ Ling's ear. "Linger, Your Highness Ming said that he would take Linger away. Would Linger leave with him?"

Situ Ling looked at the temple owner puzzledly. In the past, although the temple owner had spoiled him, he had never behaved so intimately. The warm breath brushed the earlobe and made Situ's cheeks blush.

Maybe he was aware of the shyness of the person in his arms, and Ye Chen raised the corners of his mouth and outlined a smile, "Linger, you haven't answered yet. Would you like to leave with Your Highness Ming?"

Situ Ling is no longer a Huaichun girl in 26 years, and it only takes a few seconds to be scared by the intimate behavior of the temple owner. Hearing the Lord ask Situling frowned again, "Lord, how can you leave with him if you don't know anything?"

Knowing that the result would be like this, he was already ready, but when the words came out of Situ Ling's mouth, Ming still felt that his heart seemed to have been stabbed with a sword, but the bloody appearance could not be seen by others.

"Your Highness, can you hear me?" The deep voice was with a trace of smile, and the face hidden under the mask was full of a proud look. "Linger said she didn't want to go with His Royal Highness, and there was nothing she could do."

Hearing the slightly proud tone of the temple owner, Situ Ling was very surprised. He has known the lord of the palace for decades. In Situ Ling's heart, the lord has always been a silent man. Even if he spoils himself in every way, he has never behaved like today.

Seeing the clenched hands of the man called the inscription, Situ Ling secretly guessed that it was because of him today? Could it be that I can't help but feel a chill when I think of that kind of hobby...

"Linger..." Even though he already knew the result, Ming couldn't help calling out, "Linger... Do you really don't want to leave with me? Don't you really remember who I am?"

The bitter and tolerant call exploded like thunder in Situ Ling's heart, hitting every nerve of Situ Ling. Your Highness, I don't know you. Why don't you remember to say it?

"Hahahaha!" Ming looked up to the sky and laughed, but there was no trace of pleasure in the laughter. What a saying that we don't know each other! In this case, what else do I have to stick to?"

The search that has been guarded for many years seems to have lost its meaning at this moment, and the handsome face under the black scarf shows a desperate look. Liger, you would rather be with your enemy than leave with me, so you won't regret it in the future!"

Leaving a sentence full of hatred and despair, Ming jumped into the woods and disappeared for a moment. Ye Chen did not start to chase. Looking at the direction of Ming's departure, there was a trace of sarcasm at the corners of his mouth.

"Lord..." Although Situ Ling didn't believe what Ming said, she had some doubts in her heart. What the man just said..."

"Can Linger believe me?" Before SituLing finished speaking, Ye Chen's slightly lazy voice came over, "Linger, if you believe me, don't ask me if I did those things. If you don't believe me, just think I did it.

Situ Ling was slightly stunned and immediately regretted that he would doubt the Lord. Lord, I believe you!"

"It's so good." The ring released the hand around Situ's waist. You can hear that the seven princes of the Mo Dynasty are going to get married recently and marry the daughter of the two ministers of the Mo Dynasty.

Situ Ling knew about this matter. Seeing that the Lord mentioned it, he nodded, "I don't know if the Lord has any plans?"

"What's your plan..." Ye Chen seemed to mutter to himself or say to Situ Ling, "An unfavored prince actually married the daughter of the two big pillars of the Mo Dynasty at the same time. Doesn't Linger think it's a little strange?"

Situ Ling didn't care about this matter. The seven princes had nothing to do with him, but he was just the same as Mo Chen. Although Situ Li hates Mochen and wants to kill him quickly, she is a woman who is not violent enough to kill all Moshi.

After listening to the words of the Lord, Situ Ling thought for a moment and understood, "What the Lord means is that someone deliberately did this?" It's the same. If it hadn't been for someone to obstruct it and the Emperor of the Mo Dynasty who hated the seventh prince, how could he order the daughter of Lin Liu's two families to marry him?

Ye Chen nodded slightly, "If you want to get married, Mo Chen will go, right?"

Situ Ling looked at Ye Chen in astonishment. He knew his hatred for Mochen for so many years, but he had never said anything or asked. Why today...

Seeing that Situ Ling's eyes were full of surprise and consternment, Ye Chen smiled, "Is Linger wondering why the Lord is different from usual today?"

Situ Ling nodded and didn't say anything.

"Ha..." Ye Chen smiled and turned to look at the bottomless pool. His eyes covered by the mask scratched a trace of fierceness. "I will not let go of anyone who has hurt Linger!"

The violence emitted at that moment actually made Situ Lingsheng tremble. Such a violent night was not familiar to Situ Ling.

After packing up for a long time, the old man Shi finally packed up and put the burden on his back out of the hut but did not see the old man Mo Chen. Looking around, there was no old man Shi and couldn't help scolding, "The grinding wheel can't stop for a moment!" Where is this going again!"

"Ah, stinky stone, I'm talking behind my back again!" Mo Chen waited left and right for the old man to toss in the room, so he simply turned over the roof and lay there for a nap.

Old Shi rolled his eyes and said disdainfully, "What I said is the truth! Besides, what do you have to say?

"You are jealous! I'm jealous that I'm more handsome than you! I'm jealous that Wanwan likes that I'm not you!" Mo Chen jumped down from the roof and said with contemptuous face.

" Come on, you are so shameless when you are old! I'm going down the mountain to drink the apprentice's wedding, which is not as shameless as you!" After saying that, the old man Shi raised his internal force and flew far away.

"Who is not ashamed! Stop, stinky stone!" Mo Chen was busy with his luck and internal strength to catch up with him. Old Shi's residence was not far from the bottom of the mountain, but the two of them arrived at the bottom of the mountain with a sque of incense.

"Where's your sweaty BMW?" Old man Shi went to the foot of the mountain ahead of Mo Chen. At this time, he was drinking hot tea and eating steaming meat buns in the teahouse under the mountain.

Mo Chen dusted his clothes and sat down next to the old man Shi. He picked up a steamed bun and ate it and poured a cup of hot tea. "My horse can't stand the two of them."

Old Shi snorted coldly and obviously didn't believe Mo Chen's words. "I know you love that horse, but you don't have to tell this nonsense to fool me. Although I have never seen a sweaty BMW, at least I have heard of it..."

After eating three steamed buns and drinking a cup of hot tea, Mo Chen suddenly felt much warmer. Madam, is there a horse trade around here? Mo Chen put down the cup and asked the owner of the busy tea house.

The shop owner of Chaliao is an elderly woman. When she heard someone call her, she hurriedly picked up the rag and wiped the water stains on her hands and walked over. "What else do the two guests want?"

Mo Chen only said that she didn't hear it clearly, so she repeated the words, "Madam, we are going to Kyoto to ask where there is a horse trade near you?"

The old woman was a little deaf. It was not until Mo Chen repeated three times that she would hear clearly, "Does the guest officer want to buy a horse? There is a Yang family's horse farm all the way down the road, and you can buy it there!"

Get the news he wanted, Mo Chen took out a couple of silver from his arms and put them on the table. Madam, this is the money for steamed buns and tea. You have received it.

The caravans that come and go in one day will come to take a break and drink some tea and eat a few steamed buns, often less than ten copper coins in ten days and a half months. As soon as the old woman saw the guest officer in front of her, she quickly waved her hand and said, "The guest officer can't find this silver."

Before Mo Chen could say anything, the old man Shi stood up and picked up the silver and stuffed it into the old woman's hand and said, "Madam, thank you for telling us about the Yang's horse farm at that time!"

The old woman also wanted to refuse, but when she thought that she had indeed helped them, she accepted the silver half and half. The silver was enough for her winter meal.

Maybe it was a little uncomfortable to get a tael of silver in one sentence. The old woman quickly wrapped a few meat buns in paper. "Two guests, there is no place to eat on the way to Yang's horse farm. Can you take these steamed buns?"

Mo Chen did not refuse. After saying thank you, he took the oil paper bag, got up and came out of the tea house. Old man Shi also went out.

"Oh!" A loud whistle came from Mochen's mouth, which was somewhat similar to the hiss of a horse. As soon as the whistle fell, there was a roar of horses running in the distance.

When the horse arrived, Mo Chen stepped forward and touched his head. "Where have you been playing these days?"

"Mys..." Ming stretched out his wide tongue and licked Mo Chen's hand, which looked like a child's coquettishness.

Mo Chen patted Ming's head with a smile, "I'm going to work hard today. I'll reward you later."

Old Shi had long wanted to see the sweaty BMW, regardless of whether Old Mo was happy or not, he walked forward to touch the horse's body. "Tut, it's really a sweaty BMW. Look, this body is much better than an ordinary horse!"

"Ok, let's go quickly. I don't know how many roads there are in the Yang family's horse farm." Mo Chen patted the old man Shi**'s hand, as if he didn't touch his wife.