Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 123 Cooperation between the Princes of the Two Countries

As soon as he went down the steps, he saw Ye Chen's unclear smile, and his dark eyes flashed with a trace of doubt, and he disappeared without waiting for others to see it. Lord of the Night Hall, please be the Lord of Situ Palace. Still a gentle smile, Yu Liu came forward and made a gesture of invitation.

When Yu Liu Goblet came, Yechen had already let go of Situ Ling's hand. Hearing that the emperor was not surprised to see himself and others, he raised his steps and followed Yu Liu Goblet up the high steps. The steps were not high, but they were very long. The three of them walked half a column of incense before they arrived at the emperor's palace.

Ye Chen glanced at the empty bedroom, and was a little surprised, but he still quietly followed Yu Liu into the bedroom and walked to the deepest part. About three to four bends before stopping, Ye Chen knew that this must be the place for the emperor to rest.

Sure enough, before the three of them could rest for a while, they saw a man in a bright yellow dragon robe coming out of it. This man was Zhao Deyi, the emperor of the Celestial Empire. It's just that Zhao Deyi's feeling to Ye Chen is not high and majestic, but a little cautious.

"National master, these two are the famous temple masters and the two masters of the two palaces in the world?" Zhao Deyi was angry because of the failure of the last plan, but he didn't dare to be angry with the depressed goblet, so he had to put up with it. I thought that the ambition to attack the Mo Dynasty to unify the world had failed, but I never thought that the national teacher would attract the lords of the temples!

Thinking of the rumors about the temples in the world, the anger of the failure of the last plan also improved in an instant. If you can cooperate with the temples, it will only be a matter of one day to win the Mo Dynasty!

"When you return to the emperor, the two are the night of the temples, and Situ Ling, the owner of the second palace." The depressed Goblet introduced meekly, and there was no sense of complimenting as a king or minister.

And Zhao Deyi didn't seem to care about the disrespectful attitude of Yu Liu Goblet. Hearing the words, he just glanced at Ye Chen and Situ Ling standing aside and said, "I have heard the prestige of the temples for a long time, and the lord of the temple is even more amazing. If the Lord is ready to cooperate with me, I will never treat you badly after it is done.

Although Zhao Deyi seems to be a little Vino in front of Yu Liu Goblet, Zhao Deyi still has the imperial momentum in front of others.

Yechen suddenly smiled when he heard the words. Is the emperor suppressing himself with the emperor's identity? How does the emperor want to treat this palace? Will the captured country be divided into half of the hall? The person in front of him is the king of a country, and Ye Chen still calls himself the hall, and there is a trace of disdain between his words.

Although Zhao Deyi dealt with the incompetence of the government, at least he had been the emperor for so many years. Naturally, the disdain in Ye Chen's words could be heard, and immediately said in a gloomy voice, "The Lord of the Night Hall is so arrogant! But I like it! Hahaha..." Although Zhao Deyi was angry that Ye Chen did not pay attention to him and hurt his emperor's son, he had to put up with it for a while because he wanted to cooperate with him to attack the Mo Dynasty in the future.

"If I can capture the Mo Dynasty in one fell swoop and unify the world in the future, why not half of the lord of the palace!" Zhao Deyi said loudly, but he had a small calculation in his heart.

"Since the emperor is so sincere and wants to cooperate with the temples, how about discussing the plan?" Ye Chen disdained the country, and he just wanted to see how ambitious the emperor of this dynasty was. The reason why she promised to cooperate with China is just for her. Turning around and looking at Situ Ling beside him, Ye Chen suddenly smiled. When the matter was over, he and she could hide in the world, right?

One branch bloomed two flowers, and the flowers were different. Yu Liu Goblet and others discussed how to attack the greatness of the Mo Dynasty in the palace, while Wanyan Junlin came out of the city and came to a broken temple 30 miles away from the city.

Looking coldly at the row of people in black standing in front of him, Wanyan Junlin's face darkened, and then slapped the person in black who was closest to him. "waste! A bunch of rubbish! What's the use of raising you!" Perhaps feeling un relief, Wanyan Junlin moved, and the people in black standing a meter away fell to the ground one after another.

"Prince, please calm your anger." The man in black, who was the first to be beaten to the ground, stood up with severe pain, staggered to Wanyan Junlin and stood still, "It's his incompetence... poof!" Before he finished speaking, Wanyan Junlin slapped him directly on the chest of the man in black, patted him directly, and sprinkled a mouthful of blood in the air.

"Incompetent? Do you want to be perfunctory when you say a word of incompetence? Wanyan Junlin's face became more and more gloomy. It has been so long that he has made no progress except to find out that Yu Liu Goblet is likely to be a native of Yu! Since you can't do anything for me, just cut it off!" After leaving a word in a cold voice, Wanyan Junlin stepped out of the ruined temple.

At the moment Wanyan Junlin stepped out of the ruined temple, there was a sudden explosion from the silent broken temple, which turned into ruins for a moment, but the men in black did not come out... Looking back at the ruined temple turned into ruins, Wanyan Junlin snorted coldly and turned away.

Maybe he was too reassured by his domesticated dead, or Wanyan Junlin was overconfident, thinking that as long as he said a word, they would definitely break by themselves, but he didn't know that soon after he left, a man in black climbed out of the ruins, and the black clothes that were originally close to his body became fragments at this time, and the man's eyes However, a trace of hatred flashed in the middle. After a short rest in place, he may feel that the injury has eased a little, and then the man in black staggered up and walked in the other direction.

Wanyan Junlin left the ruined temple but did not return directly to the city, but continued to walk far away. An hour later, Wanyan Junlin appeared in another ruined temple, which was 200 miles away from the capital of the Celestial Empire, but not far from Kyoto of the Mo Dynasty.

As soon as Wanyan Junlin stepped into the broken temple, he saw the person he was looking for sitting in the middle of the temple, tasting tea comfortably. Hearing the movement, I just glanced up and went on to taste the tea. Wanyan Junlin walked in and made it on the empty chair beside him, and raised his hand to pour himself a cup of hot tea.

"The prince is so elegant that he can also taste tea leisurely in this ruined temple." After walking for so long, Wanyan Junlin was also a little thirsty. He picked up the cup and smelled it a little, and drank it all. Sure enough, it's something from the prince's mansion, which smells much better than the tea outside.

Seeing that Wanyan Junlin drank most of his cherished tea like a cow drinking water, Mo Shaotian was not annoyed, but his gloomy face made people feel a little uncomfortable. I heard that Ye Chen, the lord of the temples, and Situling, the lord of the second palace, defected to the Celestial Empire?

Wanyan Junlin is not really thirsty, but Mo Shaotian didn't open his mouth, so he simply drank tea to see who could hold it to the end. After listening to Mo Shaotian's words, Wanyan Junlin smiled and put down the cup in his hand. "It's hard to say, it's just cooperation."

"Cooperation?" A trace of calculation flashed on Mo Shaotian's face, "I don't know what cooperation a Jianghu organization and royal family can have?"

"Of course you can cooperate..." Wanyan Junlin gently knocked on the table, and a smile flashed on his cold face. "Just like you and me, the princes of the two dynasties, don't you have cooperation to talk about?"

Mo Shaotian glanced at Wanyan Junlin and smiled abruptly, "What Prince Wanyan said is extremely true. It seems that the emperor of the heavenly dynasty has encircled the lords of the temples just to attack my Mo Dynasty, right?" Although it is a smile, it is not a real smile, but the kind of smile that makes people feel creepy when they hear it. However, do you think this prince will foolishly unite with outsiders to attack his dynasty?

Mo Shaotian smiled, and Wanyan Junlin also smiled, but his smile was not as creepy as Mo Shaotian, but a faint smile. "Of course, I believe that the prince is a smart man, and I also believe that the prince can understand what his Highness means."

"Hahaha!" This time, Mo Shaotian really laughed, but the expression on his face was still gloomy. Three days later, it will be Liu Taishi's birthday. This is an invitation. Taking out a bright red invitation from his sleeve and putting it in front of Wanyan Junlin, Mo Shaotian continued to say, "At that time, the emperor will go to the Taishi Mansion in person. At that time, you just need to..."

There is silence around the broken temple, so quiet that anyone can breathe clearly. Naturally, the reason why Mo Shaotian and Wanyan Junlin dared to discuss plans in the temple is that they have been prepared for a long time and arranged many masters around the broken temple.

So much so that a rabbit that suddenly jumped out died under the arrow before nibbling a mouthful of grass. The two people who heard the movement in the temple suddenly stopped discussing and looked out of the temple warily. It was not until the strange news from the people arranged by Mo Shaotian that they were relieved. Then discuss the plan.

In the grass 20 meters away from the broken temple, Mo Yuche glanced at the rabbit dead under the arrow with a cold face, and his deep lock eyebrows showed his grim mood now. If he is not mistaken, the people in the temple are actually the prince! The other is Wanyan Junlin, the prince of the desert who has just left Kyoto!

Didn't Wanyan Junlin return to the Celestial Empire? Why did he appear in the broken temple outside the city of the Mo Dynasty again, and the person he met was actually the prince of the Mo Dynasty! Mo Yuche knew that there must be a conspiracy, but there seemed to be many masters hidden around the broken temple, and it was impossible to lurk silently.

Even if you can get rid of those hidden masters, you can't guarantee that you won't make a little movement. As long as you are detected by the people in the temple, you will definitely leave immediately. At that time, even if you go to the temple, you will have nothing to make up for it.

Since he could not go forward to eavesdrop, Mo Yuche did not leave immediately, but quietly hid in the grass and stared at the direction of the broken temple.

An hour passed in a blink of an eye, and Mo Shaotian and Wanyan Junlin also agreed on a plan and walked out of the ruined temple in two directions. Mo Shaotian returned to Kyoto, while Wanyan Junlin walked towards heaven. Seeing that the two came out of the ruined temple, Mo Yuche did not immediately follow, but waited for the hidden masters to withdraw one by one, then they came out of the grass and followed Mo Shaotian.