Princess Lori's Cultivation

Chapter 124 Conspiracy before the Birthday

I don't know whether Mo Shaotian noticed that someone was following him or intended to play in this suburbs. After leaving the ruined temple, he was not in a hurry to return to Beijing, but slowly played along the road.

Mo Yuche was not impatient. Mo Shaotian stopped him, and Mo Shaotian also left. He walked and stopped a short distance, but it took him two hours to return to Beijing. After returning to Beijing, Mo Shaotian did not seem to be in a hurry to do things, but returned to the prince's mansion.

He followed Mo Shaotian all the way to the prince's mansion. After seeing him enter the house, Mo Yuche frowned and left, turned around and fell into the crowd. But Mo Yuche didn't notice that at the moment when he turned around and left, the prince who should have entered the house appeared in front of the door and looked at his departure and smiled coldly.

Looking at Mo Yuche's departure with cold eyes, Mo Shaotian's face turned dark and entered the house. Then he ordered his servants to find Liu Haoran and went straight into the study. After a while, Liu Haoran's voice came from outside the study, "Prince, I don't know what's wrong with Haoran?"

Liu Haoran stood in front of the door of the study and was a little surprised. The prince has not been looking for himself for some time. Since the last time the prince secretly instructed his father to marry his sister to the seventh prince, the contact between the prince and his father seemed to have become much more frequent, and he put aside himself every time, as if he was plotting something.

"Come in."

With the prince's consent, Liu Haoran pushed the door and walked in. After closing the door casually, Liu Haoran found that the prince's face seemed to be a little bad. Is the prince upset? Although the prince's face is usually gloomy, Liu Haoran grew up with the prince after all. Even if he was also gloomy, Liu Haoran still saw at a glance that the prince was in a bad mood.

"Haoran, we are brothers, aren't we?" It's not a question, but a positive tone. Mo Shaotian looked directly at Liu Haoran, and his gloomy face made people unable to see any clue.

Liu Haoran's surprise disappeared after a second. Instead, he smiled and said, "The prince is the dragon among people, the crown prince of the Mo Dynasty, and the monarch after the Mo Dynasty. How dare Haoran climb high?" Seeing that the prince's face was a little gloomy, Liu Haoran was not panicked and still said slowly, "But that's just the situation in front of the court and the crowd. In private, Haoran has always regarded the prince as his brother."

After following the prince for so many years, Liu Haoran naturally knew what words could make the prince unhappy and what words could coax the prince in a good mood. Sure enough, as soon as Liu Haoran's voice fell, Mo Shaotian's face improved a little.

"The ministers all say that you are gentle and polite, but they don't know that you also have a cunning side." Mo Shaotian's irritable mood was much better. He raised his hand to let Liu Haoran sit down, and he sat down himself. Haoran, since you regard me as my brother, will you help me if you have something to do?"

Mo Shaotian is the prince, and Liu Haoran is just a small companion around him. He only ordered him to do so even if Liu Haoran is reluctantly, but Mo Shaotian does not want to force Liu Haoran to do something for himself.

Li Haoran has known about the prince's ambition for a long time. Although Mo Shaotian has been established as the prince since birth, it is mostly because the prince's biological mother is the queen, and the queen was also quite favored at the beginning. As several princes grew up, especially the seventh prince Mo Yuche, he was the smartest and most suitable candidate to be a crown prince. Only because he was spoiled by the emperor, he was named a prince and ignored it.

Although Mo Yuche is just an idle prince, Mo Shaotian is also worried. If he doesn't get the throne for a day, or Mo Yuche doesn't die for a day, he can't let go anyway.

Although he is not interested in the government, the brotherhood with the prince is true, and his father has repeatedly taught him to be loyal to the prince and do his best for the prince. Thinking of this, Liu Haoran said earnestly, "If the prince has something to do, just order it. Haoran will do his best to do it for the prince."

It can be seen that Liu Haoran is loyal to himself. Mo Shaotian's heart is a little calmer. If this matter is left to others, he will not be worried. Three days later, it will be your father's birthday. Has Master Liu ever told you?

I thought the prince was going to talk about it, but I didn't want to talk about my father's birthday. Isn't it? Liu Haoran was shocked. Is what the prince wants to do related to his father? Haoran also just received a letter from his father and learned that his father's birthday was coming.

Mo Shaotian didn't see Liu Haoran's passing away. He just nodded when he heard the words, "I think Liu Taishi is also very busy these days. Since he has no time to tell you, it's up to me."

Does Dad have no time to tell himself? Liu Haoran keenly caught this sentence. It seems that what the prince is going to do has nothing to do with his father? Thinking of this, Liu Haoran suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. If the prince really let himself deal with his father, how could he have the best of bothes?

"Liu Taishi's birthday, the father will definitely go in person, and then other princes and princesses will also go together..."

"Prince! Do you want to find a seat?" Although he was extremely surprised, Liu Haoran did not exclaim, but lowered his voice and said, "Prince, this must be done..."

Liu Haoran wanted to say something, but was stopped by Mo Shaotian. Haoran, this matter is of great importance and should not be talked about. Knowing that Haoran was worried about himself, Mo Shaotian was not angry, but only warned in a low voice. The person I want to deal with is the seventh prince, not my father.

Mo Yuche actually followed him and wanted to meet Wanyan Junlin, but he didn't know if he had heard his plan with Wanyan Junlin. I didn't intend to deal with him for the time being, but I didn't expect him to send him to my door. I was worried that my father would change the throne in the future. Naturally, Mo Shaotian would not let go when he saw this opportunity.

When he heard that the person the prince wanted to deal with was the seventh prince, not the emperor, that is, he did not seek a throne. Liu Haoran's tight eyebrows unfolded. Why did the prince deal with the seven princes? He is just an idle prince. Why should he let the prince fight?

Idle prince? Mo Shaotian snorted coldly. Perhaps in the eyes of the world's ministers, Mo Yuche is indeed an idle prince. If he hadn't overheard his father's words, he would have disdained to deal with an unfavored prince, right?

"Some things are not as simple as you see. The seventh prince, I must be eliminated!" His dark eyes were full of murderous intent, and his pale face became paler because he had not seen the sun for a long time, and he could not see a trace of blood.

Liu Haoran was stunned. It seemed that the prince had not had such a murderous intention for a long time. The last time there was murderous intent, it was five years ago that an old eunuch accidentally destroyed the prince's beloved thing. At that time, the six-year-old prince also had murderous intent, but he was not as young as he is now.

"I don't know what the prince wants Haoran to do?" Although the seventh prince is also the prince, after all, Liu Haoran was just puzzled for a moment and corrected his mentality.

"The prince has just met Wanyan Junlin, the prince of the desert." Since Liu Haoran is indispensable in the plan, Mo Shaotian simply said that he had met Wanyan Junlin. Haoran doesn't have to be surprised why Wanyan Junlin met with the prince. You just need to know that he and the prince have the same goal.

The same goal? Did the prince of the desert have a grudge against the seventh prince when he came to the Mo Dynasty for the first time? However, the prince said that he should not be surprised, and Liu Haoran no longer thought about it and listened quietly to the prince's plan one by one. Hearing the end, Liu Haoran frowned.

Why don't you frown? But what's wrong with this plan? As soon as Mo Shaotian's words fell, he saw Liu Haoran's eyebrows tightly, and immediately asked. If there are difficulties or opinions, it's okay to say it.

There is no difficulty, but this plan really won't hurt the emperor? Although he was doubtful, Liu Haoran said that he knew that if the prince did this, he must have his layout and just do what he had to do. Prince, why did Prince Wanyan help?

This is another point of Liu Haoran's doubts. It is reasonable that the life and death of the prince of the Mo Dynasty have little to do with the desert. What is the purpose of Wanyan Junlin's help? Is it because he may also hate the seventh prince? If so, he can kill the seventh prince directly, so why bother to cooperate with the prince?

"This is a transaction between the prince and Prince Wanyan, but the content of the transaction cannot be said much." Although Liu Haoran was pulled into the plan, the fewer people knew some obscure things, the better.

Seeing that the prince intends to avoid it. Liu Haoran naturally dared not ask more, but he felt a little uneasy and always felt that something big would happen in three days. Since the prince has planned carefully, let's wait for his father's birthday in three days... But how can the prince be sure that the seventh prince will go?

The prince's plan is indeed detailed, but the seventh prince and his father are enemies, and they have no choice but to marry his sister under the emperor's marriage. The seventh prince's hatred for his father is even deeper. How can he go to his father's birthday banquet?

"Don't worry about this. I have my own arrangements." A smile appeared on his pale face, but the strange curvature on his lips made people feel a little uncomfortable.

Even how to let the seventh prince go to his father's birthday banquet has been planned. It seems that the prince has been arranging this matter for a long time... Is it also because of this matter that he has frequent meetings with his father? Seeing that the prince seemed to be a little tired, Liu Haoran got up and left the study.

Mo Yuche left the prince's mansion and turned back to the Seven Kings' Mansion. The master and uncle left the palace and went out of Kyoto the day before yesterday, saying that they were going to visit the Heavenly. Mo Yuche originally wanted to send a message to let them pay attention to Wanyan Junlin, but he gave up this idea.

Since Wanyan Junlin met with the prince alone and thought that the emperor and Yu Liuyan did not know about it, I'm afraid there are only two reasons for his meeting with the prince. One is to attack the Empire inside and outside, and the other is to attack the Mo Dynasty inside and outside!