Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 37 Real Reality

The badge on the chest of the man in black is a beaker with a small, very simple earth pattern inside. Although it is embroidered with black thread, which is the same color as the color of the clothes. At first glance, it is not easy to detect, but as long as you look carefully, you can still see the appearance of the badge.

The badge of Huiman Research Institute!

Luo Zi almost recognized it at a glance, which was the symbol of her father, Luo Mingjun's research institute.

She squatted down and looked at it incredibly carefully. Luo Zi was afraid that she had read it wrong all her life. But after repeated confirmation, she was still disappointed. That sign is indeed the symbol of Huiman Research Institute!

A Fei was puzzled when he saw Luo Zi and didn't say anything. In fact, he was also a little surprised. He has always known that the Huiman Research Institute is not simple, and it is not ordinary or simple. Behind it, there is a huge force behind it. Whether it is the facilities of the research institute or the funds, Huiman is the best.

Externally, Huiman Research Institute has been a research institute dedicated to medicine. In the nearly 30 years since its establishment, Huiman has successfully developed several drugs specializing in fighting various terminal diseases, but they have achieved particularly good results. He is known by industry insiders as people who create miracles.

With a high status, Huiman is still studying many drugs that are beneficial to human beings, and they are very successful. In the whole human world, Huiman Research Institute has a high reputation and is the object of countries competing with each other.

It's just that A Fei knows very well that these honors and lights are just the surface camouflage of Huiman Research Institute, and the purpose is to use these auras to hide the filth behind it.

Luo Zi stood up, walked to another man in black a few meters away, and saw the same sign on the man's chest. She did not stay much and walked down to the next person.

Gu Hengxuan was not relieved to leave Luo Zi alone, so he quietly followed her footsteps. There were more than a dozen bodies under the blockade, which were very close. It didn't take long for Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to see each body. Without exception, there is a logo of Huiman Research Institute on the chest of each corpse.

Standing up straight, Luo Zi frowned and looked at the last body. For some reason, there was a sudden uneasiness in her heart.

All these things are not related to Huiman Research Institute, right? If it is related to Huiman, is it related to her father? However, her father is just a doctor who is good at drug research. Huiman Research Institute is just an ordinary drug research institution. Why does he have his own armed forces?

Gu Hengxuan saw Luo Zi's confused face, took two steps forward, came to her side, patted her on the shoulder, and pulled her back to Fei's side.

People over there are studying several bodies nearby, and several people talk a few words from time to time to see if there are any big discoveries. But in general, it is found, but it is not very big. In addition to the identity confirmed, the people of Huiman Research Institute and these people were all killed by themselves, not bitten by zombies.

A Fei took a closer look. They were all shot in their temples, and they had pistols around them or in their hands. It seems that these people persisted to the end and did not commit suicide until there were no bullets.

As a soldier, it is honorable to fight to the last bullet without retreating. It's just that Guan Qilei, as a former soldier, has no respect for these people.

They persisted to the end and the last bullet, but they were forced to do so. If the zombies hadn't besieged them in a critical form and were not allowed to run away, how could they see these bodies now?

"The rest of the people may not have been spared. Xia Fan didn't sleep yesterday and kept watching, but he didn't seem to see anyone alive." Guan Qilei squatted beside A Fei and told him what happened after the meeting yesterday.

A Fei nodded and watched Guan Qilei and Luo Zi come back. Without thinking about it, she was not calm now and had many questions. Looking up at Luo Zi's puzzled eyes, A Fei knew that there were many things to tell her today.

"Their equipment... It seems that I'm right. These equipments are specially made to hide the smell of their bodies. Wearing such clothes is invisible to zombies. A Fei looked carefully at the man's equipment in black, and he was sure that his judgment was correct.

"Impossible! As you can see yesterday, they are also dead now. These equipment can't have a protective effect at all. Guan Qilei smiled. He felt that there was something wrong with A Fei's words.

If these equipment can blind the zombies, they will not end up now! Last night, everyone saw that the zombies did not ignore them at all, but attacked them in groups. In the end, they all fought until they ran out of food and were about to commit suicide. Can it be said that the equipment can protect zombies?

A Fei also knew Guan Qilei's idea, but he had seen this equipment countless times. At that time, it was very useful and would never be wrong!

"Yes, you're right. But I'm sure that this equipment can really protect zombies. As for why it failed last night, I thought of two possibilities. First, the virus in the bereaved body mutated during this period, and Huiman's researchers still don't know; if this may not hold, there is only one more incredible reason..." A Fei rubbed his chin and whispered.

"What's the reason?" Guan Qilei asked curiously. In fact, he also agrees with the first possibility of what A Fei said, but they have no research on the virus and are not sure. And A Fei has other ideas. Guan Qilei is curious about what shocking words he can say.

"If the virus has not mutated, then there is really someone who can control the zombies and control them remotely. If this is really the case, then this person must have a good understanding of military information and a certain understanding of Huiman Research Institute. These things are connected together, which reminds me of one thing!" A Fei frowned and thought, was it because of the word that was untied that he had everything in front of him?

"Do you mean the last zombie transit? It's true that there is a lot of imagination this time, but it's too uncomfortable for you to say that someone controls zombies. This is our guess from beginning to end. There is no real evidence, and there is no one who can do it!" Guan Qilei is also desperately thinking about the things in front of him.

Recently, strange and frightening things have happened one after another. They don't know whether they are unlucky or lucky. Unfortunately, every time something can't be figured out, fortunately, they can be safe every time.

"Yes, there is no evidence. We are just guessing, but I'm not thinking about this. Do you remember that last night's secret order finally mentioned the 'first generation', or is it that he is very dangerous to recycle him?

He should not have misremembered the content of the secret order, because he has a feeling about the word of the first generation. He always feels that he has heard it, but his memory is very vague and he always can't imagine where he has heard it.

"The first generation... I'm also curious about this word, but I can't figure out what it means. Is it a person or something? In fact, after going back, Guan Qilei and others also discussed the "first generation", but there was no result.

"I think it's people, and it should be the person who can control zombies! The first generation should be his code name, and he should be wandering in Yuanzhou City now, so they recycle the first generation. A Fei naturally thought of the first generation as a human, which is intuitive and a strange and familiar feeling.

"If so, then why was this first generation in Yuanzhou and why did it kill these people? Is it because you don't want to be recycled? Guan Qilei naturally followed A Fei's thinking. Although this is very reasonable, there are still problems that can't be explained.

"These are also the key to the problem. If this generation is really in Yuanzhou, although his whereabouts and purpose are unknown, it is very beneficial to us. Looking at the situation last night, if this generation can really control the zombies, he must not want to be caught, which is an indirect help for our concealment.

And seeing that Huiman and the military are too right, they attach great importance to this first generation, that is to say, they will not clean up Yuanzhou before catching the first generation, prepare us to escape, and buy more time. In this way, this first generation is our lucky star!"

Although Afei is curious about the identity of the first generation, he can't think of any reason now, so simply think about the existence of the first generation and how it will benefit them.

"Yes, as long as we pay close attention to the movements of the military, we will be able to grasp what they will do to benefit us!" Guan Qilei is very confident in Xia Fan's ability to secret military, so they must be able to escape in advance and live a normal life outside Yuanzhou safely.

"Brother Fei, I..." Luo Zi stood aside and never made a sound to listen to what A Fei was saying. However, there are more and more questions in her heart. She has always thought that Huiman Research Institute is just an ordinary pharmaceutical research organization, and there is nothing special.

But today, she thinks it's obviously too naive. How can a self-armed organization be a general pharmaceutical research institution?

Her father is just a doctor who has a lot of experience in drug research. He joined Huiman to study more drugs to cure diseases and save people. Why, why did Huiman Research Institute suddenly have a relationship with zombies? Is Luo Mingjun also a researcher of the virus? That is to say, these zombies are likely to be made by Luo Mingjun!

A Fei knew what Luo Zi was thinking, and he couldn't deceive her. He can hide it or not say it, but he can't lie to her.

"Xiao Ziyi, I understand what you are thinking. If you want to ask me if Huiman is a person who studies the virus, the answer is yes. As for your father... He did participate in the research, and he is still a very senior researcher. I'll tell you when we go back. Lowering his head and continuing to turn over the body, A Fei wanted to see if there was anything else.

The facts are always cruel. People always don't want to face it, but the truth put there will not move or disappear. No matter how you escape, it will not let you go...