Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 38 Behind the Halo

Luo Ziyi's confusion, everyone has some doubts in their hearts. Guan Qilei is better, and they still know a little inside story. But everyone else is as confused as Luo Ziyi.

Yuanzhou belongs to Nuochuan Province, and Huiman Research Institute is located on the outskirts of Shouyang City, the capital of Nuochuan Province, not far from Yuanzhou. From the citizens of Yuanzhou, from the white-haired old man to the sensible children, no one knows about the Huiman Research Institute.

In the whole country of China, Huiman Research Institute is well-known, because the drugs developed are sold almost all over the country. In the same industry, Huiman's reputation is the highest and the best. I have never heard of it. If there is any problem with the medicine developed by Huiman, the public is very good.

Many medical students are looking forward to the opportunity to be hit by Huiman and prosper from then on. People also admire the Huiman Research Institute, because it has developed a lot of good drugs for medical treatment, which have been applied to various fields of medicine. Such a good medicine is not expensive, so that white and old people can buy it. How can it not be popular?

Of course, such a famous research institute is not without a little*. It is said that behind Huiman, there are politicians who support him and are still politicians with high official positions. Not only that, in addition to politicians, there are many large-scale chaebols, which are the source of funds for Huiman.

Therefore, Huiman's * has never appeared in newspaper news, and no matter how smart a reporter is, he can't get the inside information of Huiman Research Institute.

But the people not only listen to these rumors. Everyone eats the drugs developed by Huiman Research Institute, and no one has died, but is cured. In this way, everyone feels that those slanderous words are rumors that jealous people are thinking of spreading, or good deeds done by Huiman's leader.

In fact, there is no strong support behind it, and it is impossible for Huiman Research Institute to have developed many good drugs to save people in more than ten years. The process of drug research is boring and long, and it requires a lot of capital injection. There is not a huge amount of money. I don't know how many years it will take to develop a good medicine.

Therefore, people don't care much about the big chaebols behind the Huiman Research Institute. Business people, business opportunities are very important. They just look at Huiman's future and work together to support them. There's nothing wrong with this! Therefore, the status of Huiman Research Institute among the people is still very solid.

Rumors stop at the wise, and no one feels that they are fools, so basically few people believe such rumors. They just take it as after tea and dinner, and no one take it seriously.

However, what is covered by the seemingly holy aura is a completely unknown truth. It's just that there are very few people who know the specific inside story, and even the ordinary employees of Huiman don't know the real faces behind them.

Guan Qilei and others know some of the inside stories, not because they used to be military personnel, but because of Xia Fan. The reason why this super hacker entered the military is because of his superior hacking skills. Originally, the person who recruited him thought that he might be able to control him. Who knew that not only could not control it, but also provided a very convenient condition for this hacker master.

Xia Fan's favorite thing is to use the special line of the military to hack into some confidential places of the government and the military. This is his hobby, not to see any great secrets, but to crack those difficult passwords and layers of protection.

After the outbreak of the zombie virus in Yuanzhou, the first thing Xia Fan did was to collect information in this regard. But the result made him very uneasy. In the end, he was still regarded as a thorn, and together with Guan Qilei, he was thrown into the hell of Yuanzhou and died by himself.

"Let's take off the clothes of these brothers together." A Fei didn't find anything valuable from the man at hand. However, in the end, he thought that it would be useless to come here today. He still had to gain something. As for what he thought, of course, this body may be equipped to protect against zombies.

Even if it can't be prevented, it's nothing. Their equipment is very complete. Even if they can't protect zombies, they can be used as general equipment, which is better than wearing ordinary clothes all the time.

"Afei, are you serious? They are all..." Pei Yufeng was a little awe of the dead. To be precise, he was afraid of things without feet. Although these people are dead, Pei Yufeng feels that they must be unwilling and will not close their eyes. If you put on their clothes, will it be the night...

The more you think about it, the more afraid you are, but Pei Yufeng is also embarrassed to say that big men are afraid of ghosts, and they will definitely be laughed at when they say it.

"Why, aren't you afraid? Forget it, I won't force you. Hey! Even Xiao Ziyi didn't say no, but it's a shame for a man to say it!" A Fei's radical method may not work for others, but Pei Yufeng's straight-hearted method must be useful.

No, Pei Yufeng took a look next to him and looked at Luo Ziyi with an incredible expression. At that moment, he became energetic and shouted to A Fei:

"Who...who said he was afraid, I just feel... I think it's too disrespectful to the dead! Just wear it, who is afraid of whom!" With that, he immediately began to take off the equipment of a man in black.

The clothes were taken off one by one and then thrown behind the pickup truck.

"Afei, I still have concerns about these equipment. If these are just ordinary equipment and have no effect on zombies, it's not very easy!" Although Guan Qilei said this, he did not stop taking off other people's equipment.

"Don't worry, we have to try several times before officially escaping. If it can really be protected, it must be used. Even if it can't, it's better than us wearing this dress!" A Fei pulled his clothes, which showed that what they were doing now was good and not bad.

When this work was completed, A Fei looked around again. There was nothing to use, so he waved to everyone and motioned everyone to get in the car and go home.

After nearly 40 minutes' drive, a small convoy of their three cars rushed back to the villa area on the other side of the city.

returned to the villa area, drove all the cars into Afei's villa, filled the three cars with gas, and the crowd entered the villa.

At first, he told Luo Ziyi that she was sleepy. Although Luo Ziyi felt that she was particularly sleepy today, he didn't think much, so he led her upstairs to sleep.

When she settled down, Luo Zi casually changed her clothes and came downstairs. When she came down, a group of people downstairs were already in the restaurant, preparing a big push of snacks and beer. It seemed that they were going to have a party.

A Fei saw Luo Zi coming, prepared juice for her, asked her to sit down, and then sat next to her.

No one forgot that A Fei said that he wanted Luo Zi to know the truth, prepare these things, and slowly listen to the truth of the matter.

"Everyone should know the Huiman Research Institute, but all you know is something about their surface. Some of Huiman's researchers are indeed engaged in drug research, and their results are very good. However, this is just their disguise. What Huiman is really studying is a weapon!"

A Fei paused here, looked at everyone's surprised and puzzled expressions, and then continued:

"This weapon is not ordinary. It is a biochemical weapon, that is, the zombies you see! The reason why the dead will be resurrected and eventually become zombies is the most successful research of Huiman Research Institute, the V series virus! And Xiao Ziyi, your father, is one of the researchers of the virus!

Once this virus enters the human body, especially the dead, it can resurrect cells that have lost their vitality. But the degree of resurrection is very low, which can only turn the dead into monsters who know how to eat. If this virus is spread or spread to the enemy country, what do you think about it?

After hearing this, everyone fell into a fantasy. Judging from the current situation in Yuanzhou, what will the world be like if the V-series virus really spreads?

"Since it is such a powerful biochemical weapon, why not protect it closely and let it leak out?" Gu Hengxuan pinched the beer can in his hand and asked A Fei doubtfully.

"Hengxuan is right. Of course, such a powerful weapon should be properly kept. Why did it suddenly break out in Yuanzhou? Because there are not enough living experiments at Huiman Research Institute, it can also be said that they want a larger experimental field. Finally, they chose Yuanzhou City to carry out large-scale human experiments!"

A Fei's words completely scared the children except Guan Qilei!

Luo Ziyi's reaction is the strongest. Just now, A Fei said that Luo Mingjun is one of the researchers studying V-series viruses, that is to say, he also participated in the process of living experiments!

"My father... he is also... How can this be, no, he won't be so cruel... No, won't..." Luo Zi took A Fei's hand and shook for a while. She couldn't accept A Fei's words at all.

She has always admired her father, a kind doctor. He discussed that even wild dogs and wild cats on the roadside would sympathize. How could he do such a cruel thing!

A Fei's words are equivalent to completely breaking the image of the most perfect father in Luo Zi's heart. She has always been proud of her father, but now, this proud person is a cruel person to her! Those who have become zombies in Yuanzhou now are all her father's masterpieces, which makes Luo Zi feel embarrassed!

"He only participates in research, not the main brain. Moreover, your father also has difficulties. You and your mother's lives are in the hands of Huiman's high-level people. It's easy for them to kill you. If your father does not agree to participate in the research, you and your mother died many years ago, so don't blame your father, he also has no choice but to suffer!"

A Fei gently comforted Luo Ziyi and didn't want her to imagine Luo Mingjun as an inhumane villain.

The truth has knocked down many people, and no matter how strong people are, they are unwilling to face the cruel facts. However, if you can survive, your life will be smooth, but will innocence make your road unhurtful...