Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 54 New Plan

Wu Tian is very careful. Although he knows that his equipment has a certain protective effect on zombies, he still dares not be careless. Walking five meters away from a zombie, Wu Tian stopped.

Squatting down, Wu Tian picked up a small stone and threw it in front of the zombie, making a not very loud noise. But the zombies still felt it and slowly came in the direction of making a sound.

While continuing to pick up stones and throw them at the feet of the zombies, Wu Tianbian retreated little by little. It was not until the zombie followed him to the bottom of the teaching building that Wu Tian stopped. The zombie is less than five meters away from Wu Tian and has no safe distance to enter the equipment, so Wu Tian still has time to prepare.

Taking a deep breath, Wu Tian held his breath and looked at the confused eyes of the zombie. Wu Tian no longer hesitated and strode. Before the zombie could react, he raised his hand and inserted the dagger into the zombie's throat!

It is not difficult for him to deal with zombies, but he is now alone and acts alone. In this campus full of zombies, he must be cautious. So as soon as he came in, he did not go directly into the zombie group, but decided to solve it one by one.

20, as long as he is always careful, it's not a problem. The most important thing is that there are still people here that he can't do... No, they are no longer human beings, they are... zombies! There is no human feeling and thinking, and there is no human cognition. They no longer know themselves and will not let themselves go.

Human beings are just food in their eyes, and he is no exception.

After solving the zombies in front of him, Wu Tian built himself in his heart and told himself that only killing them is kindness to them. Therefore, he should have no hope for them any more.

Another zombie was lured over by him, put away the knife and fell down, never show mercy! Then, another one. In less than ten minutes, he had attracted three zombies, all of which were happily solved by Wu Tian.

However, he hesitated again when he saw the zombies in front of him. The stone in his hand was clenched for a while, but he never threw it out.

That's his monitor, a beautiful girl. Before the outbreak of zombies in Yuanzhou, they were good friends. The monitor is very knowledgeable, quiet and a kind girl. Wu Tian feels that she is a girl who is comfortable, close and can't be disliked.

But in an instant, all the beauty is shattered after seeing the truth. When Wu Tian looked up and saw the monitor's uniform and blood stains on his face, the beautiful things were shattered, and his naive dream seemed to have destroyed a corner.

The process cannot be traced back...

It has become zombies, not human beings, their monsters...

Food is their instinct, they can't see anything else...

No longer a friend, but an enemy...

Killing them is kindness to them...

If you want to help them, you can't show mercy...


The words of the instructor and his partners echoed again and again in Wu Tian's mind, making it impossible for him to escape!

Choose! There are only two roads in front of you. One is to do it, live by yourself, and then escape with your companions; but don't do it and let it live, and you are doomed to die!

Even if you don't die now, the same thing will happen in the future, and you will still die!

Wu Tian looked at the stones in his hand and looked up at the former monitor. Try it! If you can succeed, it won't be a problem in the future. If you can't... then die here!

Looking up at the balcony where his friends were, Wu Tian smiled and then firmly threw the stones in his hand out.

The monitor zombies, like other zombies, followed the faint sound of the stones and walked in the direction of Wu Tian. All the way to the bottom of the teaching building, Wu Tian has just hunted other zombies.

She approached... it approached! Three meters... two meters... safe distance! It was found! The zombies walked into the safety distance of the equipment and soon entered the effective distance, and Wu Tian was found without exception.

At present, food is meaningless for zombies. Reach out to hold the neck of the food and stop his action so that it is more convenient for him to eat. Open your mouth wide and aim at the food!

Wu Tian dodged and dodged the attack of the monitor's zombie and didn't let it get close to him, but he didn't kill it.

He didn't take action, and the monitor zombie was not happy. It didn't seem to have eaten for a long time. I don't know if it will starve to death! It's hard to get food delivered to your door today. How can you let it go!

"Spancho..." Wu Tian dodged the attack of the zombies and looked at the squad leader zombies reluctantly. But the other party didn't see him at all. No, he only saw a pile of food. Different people wanted to catch him and bite him!

Wu Tian stopped dodging, and the monitor zombie finally saw the opportunity and immediately reached out to grab the food. But at this time, the food raised his hand and turned around. He waved the dagger in his hand to it.

The knife fell, and Wu Tian did not hesitate any more. He dodged the outstretched hand of the monitor zombie, flashed behind it, and stabbed it to its neck!

He didn't turn around to look at the body, but he knew that it was dead!

Wu Tian found that he was not as soft as he thought. Yes, that's right. If you want to survive in such a Yuanzhou, you can't have too many women's benevolence! Zombies will not let go of human beings. It is impossible for them to show mercy if they want to eat all the "food" in front of them.

No matter who they were before, whether they were friends or not, as long as they become zombies, there will be no emotion,

How stupid I was before, thinking that I could save them by my own strength. However, a person also knows what happened just now. If he doesn't take action, he will be caught by zombies sooner or later.

They are not playing hide-and-seek with you, but want you to die! Wu Tian finally realized how naive he was, and even said that others were ruthless. Obviously, he was an idiot!

After thinking about the depression in his heart, Wu Tian laughed from the bottom of his heart. Now that you have figured it out, there is no reason to hesitate. Picking up the stones on the ground, Wu Tian continued to complete his own single task today according to his own method...

The man who was targeted by the gun finally began his real mission. Luo Ziyi, who had been looking at the gun, smiled and looked up at A Fei, who was also smiling around him. It seems that everyone's heart knot has been untied, and they will no longer worry about the future, and there will be an uncertain factor around them.

"Isn't it his fault?" A Fei's eyes did not leave the telescope and said to Luo Zi with a smile.

"I don't blame him, but I can't watch his behavior hurt the people around him. We have more than a dozen partners now. If we don't care about each other and can't move forward together, it's impossible to escape!" Recently, Luo Zi has experienced too many things, which has made her grow a lot, and many things are more transparent than before.

A Fei smiled with relief. Luo Ziyi grew up what he most like to see. For such a long time, she has gone from a simple student to a female warrior who can imagine for the people around her, and has gone through many things she has never experienced before.

She began to have a lot of scruples about zombies, but now, she can face zombies calmly and be comparable to boys like Gu Hengxuan, which is the credit of the master and the hard work of the apprentice!

"I have an idea! Do you want to listen to it? A Fei's eyes have been chasing Wu Tian, but his mouth is discussing things with Luo Zi.

"Haven't you always been independent? What's the decision? Do you still need to discuss it with me?" Luo Ziyi still didn't forget what happened just now, and his attitude towards A Fei was a little cold. Or, she is wronged now. Can't she say it properly if she did something wrong? A Fei's attitude towards Wu Tian is not particularly bad. Why do you have to be harsh on her?

In fact, A Fei's attitude towards her is similar to that of Wu Tian, but people's mood is different. When listening to others, he feels different.

Afei has always loved her, and she is used to that feeling. Suddenly there was a change, and it was normal that she could not accept it for a while. So Afei did not blame her, but wanted to explain to her well and calm her down!

"I want you to train together to increase your tacit understanding. When you can meet the standards I require, act with me and Guan Qilei. Fei has been thinking about this, and he wants them to become a real whole.

What happened yesterday and today strengthened him with this idea. If the rookie six can unite, it will also be of great help to the next action.

Luo Ziyi's eyes finally left the gun, looked at A Fei unexpectedly, and then turned back. After being surprised, Luo Zi focused on her work, but her heart began to feel uneasy.

Guan Qilei's training method made Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan thank him. It was a pure physical exercise, almost rigorous, and he trained a qualified soldier in the shortest time. Afei's methods are generally aimed at individuals and teach different people in different ways, which can be said to be taught according to their aptitude.

Therefore, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, who seem to be inferior to Mu Jia's, have shown better skills than them in actual combat.

If Afei wants the two of them to also go to hell-style training, Luo Zi is afraid that she will live for three days, either tired to death or can't stand suicide.

"Don't worry, I'm not asking you and Hengxuan to train Qi Lei. I'm going to designate a plan with Qi Lei to become an elite team in a short time. Of course, the training intensity of you and Hengxuan should be increased, but it will never be as horrible as Mu Jia and others!"

A Fei seemed to see through Luo Ziyi's mind and broke her thoughts in one word. Of course, he is reluctant to let Luo Zi suffer, so A Fei will still consider her as appropriate.

Luo Zi secretly breathed a sigh of relief and saw Mu Jia's training countless times. She had a fear of that harsh method. However, since A Fei said that it was his designated plan, there must be no problem!

At the sight of the gun, Wu Tian's speed of removing zombies is getting faster and faster. It seems that it won't take long for them to go home!

Today's task is completely completed, right? Everyone is also quite satisfied with the result. But when they are all happy, the danger is slowly approaching...