Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 55 New Training for Rookies

He silently counted the number of zombies killed in his heart. More than half of them have passed, and four of them have completed the task!

Later, Wu Tian felt more and more convenient. Whether it was attack or defense, it was better than at the beginning. I remember that when they first started training, they were beaten badly by the instructors every time, and then they gradually became able to defend themselves, but the result was still very tragic.

And this situation will not change for a long time. Although the instructors didn't say anything, the four of them were very anxious. But strangely, the more anxious you are, the slower you are to improve, and the more urgent you are, the less satisfied you are.

Wu Tian, who has always been confused about this situation, has found the answer today.

In Guan Qilei's training for them, as instructors, they treated the four of them, although they were very strict, but for their own good, they could quickly improve their strength, rather than kill them. They all know this truth, so during training, although they go all out, their potential cannot explode.

But the current situation is different. He is facing zombies, inhumane and emotionless monsters. The purpose of fighting with themselves is to kill him and then eat him so that they can survive. At the critical moment of life and death, human potential is often stimulated.

Wu Tian doesn't know whether he has been stimulated by the dangerous environment. All he knows is that if it goes on like this, he will soon be comparable to Luo Zi and even surpass her soon!

Even if you don't want to admit it, the strength of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan is there. Whether it's yesterday's action or today's plan, the performance of the two of them is undoubtedly the best. But Wu Tian doesn't think it's a matter of their own strength, but their four rookies don't work hard enough.

He felt that as long as they could do it, they would definitely be better than Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. Even if it's not better than them, it won't be much worse!

Confidence is a continuous accumulation in the successful killing of zombies again and again. Wu Tian finally completed this task before dusk and survived.

A Fei and Luo Ziyi, who had been looking at him, breathed a sigh of relief. Wu Tian still chose to be with everyone. He figured it out and stopped being stubborn. This is good for Wu Tian himself and all of them, and it is also a great benefit.

After picking up the walkie-talkie and pressing the call button, he said briskly to Wu Tian at the other end that the task was completed! After that, he turned his head and told Luo Ziyi to stay. The rest followed him and withdrew from the building first.

Her eyes kept looking close to the gun. Luo Zi did not move, and the * in her hand was still aimed at the zombies not far away from Wu Tian. He is now sitting next to a pile of corpses, as if he is sighing about something. However, I don't know what he can sigh at the bodies of a pile of zombies.

Wu Tian looked up at the window. * It seemed that it was still there. Who on earth was looking at him? It doesn't matter to anyone. What matters is that the task has been completed.

Turning his head and looked at the 20 bodies of the zombies around him, which were evidence of his growth and the source of blood in his hands. Wu Tian sighed deeply, then turned his eyes and looked at the zombies that were still wandering. Luo Zi guessed right, and Wu Tian was really sighing about his experience in the past two days.

Once upon a time, the people around them had disappeared. The lovely smiling faces became ferocious and horrible, and the original cordial greetings were already a roar. They no longer know themselves, and he will insist on killing them.

And from now on, can the people around you be together forever? No one knows the way ahead, and whether they and their partners can go on. But no matter how far we can go, as long as there are people around us, we will not be lonely.

If I am destined to lose them one day, then I would rather destroy them together. Without you, I don't want to enjoy them alone.

"What? Still daydreaming? Wake up! We are going home!" After Afei and Guan Qilei came out of the building, they went straight to a high gate. After turning in, he didn't stay much, so he went to Wu Tian.

Seeing him sitting on the edge of the body in a daze, needless to say, he knows that he is feeling sad in spring and autumn. As for what he feels and what he is sad about, it doesn't matter. It's the most important thing to go out and then go home.

Wu Tian got up from the ground and let him smile and walk to his partners and teachers. What he values most in the future is no longer his friends who have become zombies, but everyone in front of him! Of course, there is also Luo Ziyi who covers them with *.

A Fei talked to Luo Zi on the walkie-talkie and asked her to come down. After that, a group of them went out of a high door.

She had been sitting in the SUV for a while. After A Fei and the others came back, she kept stretching her neck to see when Luo Zi would come back. A Fei pressed the first head, which meant that she should be patient. Now Luo Ziyi is not the little girl who didn't know anything before. She is now a master who can stand alone!

Afei has more confidence in Luo Ziyi's current ability than anyone else. Anyway, he also taught him one by one!

In a short time, Luo Zi's figure appeared in front of everyone with * on her back, and at the beginning, she couldn't wait to open the car door so that she could come in smoothly.

When Luo Zi gasped and pulled the door into the car, A Fei didn't say anything, just smiled, started the SUV, and galloped to their home with the pickup truck and car behind him.

There was no wind and waves along the way. Twelve people, three cars, swaggered back to their villa area as usual.

The car was parked outside Afei's villa, and everyone walked into the villa with a happy mood.

After entering, Luo Zi took Chu upstairs and completed their daily bathing exercise, while the men gathered in the living room, waiting for a kind-hearted person to bring them food and drink, so that their thirsty and hungry stomachs could calm down a little.

A Fei went to the refrigerator, brought himself beer, and took out a few cans of drinks for Luo Ziyi and Chu to drink. Others, if they don't take it themselves, they can only wait until they die of thirst! Don't count on Afei. He will never serve them.

When Luo Zi took a shower and took Chu's little hand downstairs, the men were still playing tricks.

It is understandable that Mu Jia and others have had a high amount of exercise today, and they are tired, but why do the four of them seem to have run ten kilometers?

Although she didn't understand, Luo Ziyi didn't ask anything, just took the first walk to the restaurant.

After the beautiful women drank for a while, A Fei felt that everyone had almost rested, so he gave an order and said that there would be a meeting.

The content of A Fei's meeting today is very simple. He arranged a new training to start tomorrow. He had almost planned it when he drove back. He wants to strike while the iron is still hot and everyone is still in high spirits. He wants everyone to become soldiers who can act with Guan Qilei as soon as possible.

When A Fei finished talking about his plan, except for Luo Ziyi, who knew in advance, the rookies were surprised, and even Gu Hengxuan was a little surprised.

However, no matter what everyone thought, after saying that, Ah Fei turned upstairs and went back to his room.


, everyone finished the dinner in their own ideas. This night, the rookies slept well, and the only person who didn't sleep well seemed to be A Fei.

This night, he was thinking about the details of tomorrow's training. Guan Qilei discussed with him after dinner. After the two people's opinions were unified, Guan Qilei went back to bed, and A Fei began to improve his plan.

Looking at the flashing cursor on the computer screen, A Fei looked at the content of the plan over and over again. After making sure that there was nothing wrong, A Fei printed out the plan. Turning his head and looking at the sky outside the window, it was already dawn. It was not a big deal for A Fei not to sleep all night.

However, he still took out the painkillers he often took to prevent the headaches he had already threatened to torture himself.

Go down early to prepare breakfast. A Fei wants to make a rich breakfast for Luo Ziyi, because the rookies must exercise a lot today. It's okay for boys, and there should be no problem to stick to it for a day. But Luo Ziyi is the only flower in these greens!

Girls are not as good as boys in terms of physical strength and physical fitness. And she suddenly wants to change the training plan she insisted on, and for a while, she will definitely not adapt to it. Fei thought that she should have enough physical strength first, otherwise, she would not be able to complete a day's training.

Luo Ziyi got up very early today. She originally wanted to do a warm-up exercise first, so she didn't have to bother when she had formal training. She also imagined that today would not be better for her. She wanted to welcome this unusual day with her peak state.

Seeing A Fei, who was already busy, Luo Zi was slightly surprised, but didn't say anything. She just walked into the kitchen silently and gave A Fei a hand.

Are you still angry? I mean, are you still blaming me for what happened yesterday?" When A Fei saw Luo Zi come in, there was no special performance. He just opened his mouth faintly and asked her if she was still angry.

"No! You're right. I don't have anything to be angry about! Besides, I'm not such a stingy person. I'll make you angry if you say a few words!" Luo Zi stirred the white porridge in the pot with a spoon and said to A Fei. One night passed, and no matter how angry she was, she subsided.

What's more, she is going to start a new training today, and she can't affect her mood because of this little thing, can she?

A Fei nodded, as long as she is not angry! He thought to himself while cutting the shredded chicken.

The two moved quickly, and soon a fragrant breakfast was served. Gu Hengxuan hadn't come down yet. He woke up early in the morning and rubbed his eyes and walked down.

It is said that this will be an unusual day. It is said that this will be a very difficult day. It is said that this will be an unforgettable day. However, this day has just begun, and no one knows what this group of rookies will look like at sunset on this day...