Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 56 A Hard Day

At first, she was the most leisurely one in this family. In addition to following Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, she kept reading the picture book A Fei found for her every day. She has almost no other exercise except eating and sleeping, so Luo Ziyi said that she seems to have gained a little weight recently.

It seems that she knew that it might not be better for Luo Ziyi today, so she is quieter than usual. Drinking juice, Chu's eyes kept looking at Luo Ziyi's expression.

Luo Zi was surprisingly obedient at first sight and smiled. She reached out to give her a bowl of porridge, and then lowered her head and attacked her breakfast. She must have physical strength, otherwise, depending on Guan Qilei's previous training methods, it is definitely a test for Luo Ziyi, a mentally retarded female streamer.

When Gu Hengxuan got up and went downstairs, Luo Ziyi and Chu ate half of their breakfast.

When Guan Qilei and others came over, they found that A Fei did not seem to have prepared breakfast for them today. There is nothing they can do. The population of this family is too large. A Fei will strike from time to time. Otherwise, they will not be eaten by zombies, and A Fei will be exhausted by cooking for them.

Guan Qilei and others were very conscious. They went to the kitchen to find instant noodles and cans, and just had a meal and fooled them.

However, looking at people eating a hot and fragrant breakfast, and although they are also hot, they are not as delicious as others, the rookies still feel unbalanced. But the imbalance can only be in the heart. None of them dares to say it, because they are afraid of A Fei and don't have the courage to make things in front of him.

After having breakfast aggrievedly, Guan Qilei took A Fei's plan and urged his rookie to go out. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi did not dare to neglect and hurriedly followed out. A Fei followed Chu with him. He is one of the instructors trained today and must follow the rookies.

Guan Qilei asked the rookies to line up and stood in a row in front of A Fei's villa. After A Fei came out, he looked at A Fei. With an order, he asked the rookies to surround the outskirts of A Fei's villa and run 30 times first.

The path outside the wall of Afei Villa is about 200 meters, nearly 300 meters. Thirty laps, about seven or eight kilometers. After hearing this number, Luo Zi's first reaction was to stick out her tongue. This is undoubtedly not so easy for her to complete.

However, even if he had no confidence, Luo Ziyi did not say anything, but silently followed everyone and ran out of the door of the villa.

Mu Jia and others have always been such a high-load training, and running this distance is nothing for them. In the past, when I was running, I was carrying a rice bag! There is no load today, and it will be much easier.

Gu Hengxuan is a boy, and he has also received very harsh training when he was at home. This intensity is nothing to him. However, he is more worried about Luo Ziyi. After all, she is a girl. A Fei's training for her is based on her own characteristics.

While running, Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Ziyi's situation. He did not dare to run fast, but followed Luo Ziyi all the time. Mu Jia and the four of them kept running in front of them. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi followed them not far behind.

During this period, Luo Ziyi's physical strength has been much better than before. However, she hasn't tested how much better it is. I remember that when she was in school, she could run about 1,000 meters, which was already very rare.

At this time, she has run nearly ten laps. Counting it, it's still 2,000 meters. She hasn't felt particularly tired yet. Does this mean that she has made progress and is really big?

Running ten laps, Mu Jia and others have been in front of them, moving forward at a very uniform speed. The speed of her and Gu Hengxuan is not very fast, but there is still a distance between them. Feeling that her ability had not reached the limit, Luo Zi turned her head and looked at Gu Hengxuan, and the two accelerated their pace and followed Mu Jia and others.

The speed of the six rookies finally coincided, and they ran 20 laps.

Later, Luo Ziyi couldn't remember how many laps she had run. Her feet had moved forward mechanically, and her breath became more and more anxious. Gu Hengxuan's situation was much better than her, but he was very anxious to see Luo Ziyi's situation.

"Ziyi... Come on, I'll pull you, let's run together!" Gu Hengxuan stretched out his hand to Luo Ziyi and wanted to run with her. This can save some physical strength for Luo Ziyi, and the last ten laps don't have to be so hard.

Looking at Gu Hengxuan's hand, Luo Ziyi just smiled gratefully at him, but did not hold it. She wants to finish today's training on her own, and she also wants to see how much perseverance she has and whether she can stick to today's practice.

Seeing that Gu Hengxuan was stubborn, he had no choice but to continue to follow her, regardless of her speed and whether it would affect his speed.

There were only five laps left, and Luo Ziyi's legs were as heavy as lead, but she still insisted on moving her legs and trying to keep up with the footsteps of the people in front of her without being thrown far away.

There are still four laps! Having distanced a little from the people in front of him, Luo Ziyi still continued to run unyieldingly. He tried to speed up several times, but failed.

There are still three laps! The distance is getting bigger and bigger. No, it's almost finished. She can't lose here. She has to hold on, she must hold on!

Two more laps! It has been dragged half a circle by Mu Jia and others! Although he can't catch up, Luo Ziyi still has to stick to these last two laps.

There is still the last lap! Come on, Mu Jia and the others have arrived! Gu Hengxuan is still by her side and has been with her, afraid that she will fall down at any time. No, she won't fall! Absolutely...

With half a circle left, Luo Ziyi suddenly saw Mu Jia's backs again. Is she getting faster? It's impossible. Her legs are almost not her own. How can she catch up? Is that why they slowed down? Why?

It was indeed Mu Jia who slowed down. They deliberately slowed down and waited for Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan.

"We will be real partners and partners in the future, so we can't let you fall behind! Luo, you have to work hard!" Mu Jia gasped and said to her when Luo Zi was next to him.

Luo Ziyi couldn't say anything but gasping at this time. She just smiled at them, and then tried her best to move her legs to make herself as fast as possible.

Six rookies ran back to the villa at the same time.

After entering the villa, the rookies were very tired, but no one sat down, but moved their bodies and relaxed their muscles. Luo Zi was so tired that she was almost paralyzed, but Gu Hengxuan still helped her and walked slowly for a while. After her breath stabilized, she drank and sat together.

Guan Qilei took a look at A Fei, and they still guessed it right. These children are still very sensible and know that they have to encourage each other to reach the end. It seems that things will be easy to teach in the future. Don't worry about their disagreement.

"From now on, the first item every morning is 30 laps of jogging. You consciously insist, and I won't remind you. All right! Take a ten-minute break and then proceed to the next subject. Guan Qilei said to the rookies with a smile, and then took out the plan given to him by A Fei and looked at it.

"Thank you!" Luo Ziyi finally found her voice and said the first sentence to thank everyone.

"No need to say thank you, didn't Mu Jia say that? We are partners, so we must support each other, don't you think? Wu Tian said to Luo Ziyi with a smile.

The rookies laughed. At this time, they really became a team, and they will go on together in the future.

Originally, the rookies thought that the second subject would be close combat. However, Guan Qilei asked them to take their own guns. That is to say, the next step is to practice shooting!

The rookies took their weapons back and lined up to wait for Guan Qilei's next order.

Let them all change into empty bullets and start a long shooting training. And Luo Ziyi and A Fei let her take out her own*.

untime at lunch, the villa area has been echoing with the sound of ping-pong gunfire, most of which is the sound of pistols, only one, which is the sound of * shooting.

A Fei prepared a simple lunch for everyone while they were practicing shooting, but Luo Ziyi still had special treatment and was opened by an eccentric person. However, she did not enjoy it alone, but gave the good food on her plate to everyone. Although the six people could not share much, it was much better than what they couldn't eat.

Although she deliberately added vegetables to Luo Ziyi, she wanted her to eat better and cope with the rest of the training. But looking at her behavior, A Fei is still very gratified. This girl is becoming more and more sensible and more attractive!

After lunch and a short rest, Guan Qilei asked everyone to gather in the living room. The first item in the afternoon was a theoretical class. Several instructors took turns to explain the theoretical knowledge of various skills. Although they were all very difficult to understand, the rookies worked very hard to remember them.

The two-hour theory class will end soon. Guan Qilei said that after theoretical learning, it will be applied to actual combat. So the next step is fighting practice or one-on-one practice.

Of course, this is not the instructor's one-on-one with the rookie, but the rookie. Grouping is free, and opponents choose their own. However, the rookies have formed a habit and have their own partners, so the result of grouping is the combination in actual combat.

Guan Qilei said that although it is practice, they still have to be serious, and the winner must be distinguished, especially Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi. He strictly ordered Gu Hengxuan not to give up to Luo Ziyi too much, otherwise, it would be no good for her!

As soon as the two people heard it and smiled, they began to practice fighting very seriously.

Of course, in theory, Luo Ziyi can't beat Gu Hengxuan, but in fact, it's the same!

It was not until dusk that the close combat contact ended. And Luo Ziyi lost miserably without surprise. However, she was not discouraged at all. She only said that she was not good at learning and was not diligent enough to practice. She had to step up her exercise!

The hard day ended like this. Before dinner, the rookies collapsed in the living room and were too tired to get up. And Luo Ziyi fell asleep while taking a shower. If the water hadn't cooled and woke her up, she would have soaked in the water all night.

In such training, the growth of rookies is remarkable. It's just that there are some dangers that they can't cope with with their small growth...