Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 86 Expanding the Crisis

The heavy rain is still falling, and the sky is like a hole. It is desperately splashing water down, and the sky is getting darker and darker.

A Fei began to drive and looked at the road ahead. Suddenly, he felt that the rain was like an early warning, and an ominous foreboding had been wrapped around his heart.

According to the original statement, someone deliberately did the inexplicable movement of zombies. What is their purpose? Has their whereabouts been discovered and Huiman's people want to deal with them? No, if it is Huiman's people, they can't attract zombies and spread the infection, which is not good for them at all. On the contrary, it will have a negative impact on Huiman.

So far, although Huiman Research Institute does not admit that the virus is related to them, it is also trying to stop the spread of the virus and prepare to release the vaccine to the world. They will not do such a stupid thing and cause unnecessary trouble to themselves.

So who did it?

The newspaper in the hospital, the above report mentioned, are there any terrorists, did they do it?

A Fei always thought that Huiman was talking about terrorists, saying that more than a dozen of them were intended to prevent them from spreading news that would be unfavorable to Huiman after they escaped.

But now A Fei feels that there seems to be such a group of terrorists. They have no effect in Yuanzhou, and now they have gone to Buyang to disturb them. As for whether there are really terrorists, if so, what their purpose is, it will give A Fei a headache!

The rain is too heavy, the road is getting more and more slippery, and the car is becoming more and more difficult to drive.

At first, she said that she had adjusted the tracking direction of the bereaved dogs, and it was impossible for them to catch up in a short time. Hearing this, A Fei immediately decided to stop and wait until the rain stopped.

contacted Guan Qilei and Pei Yufeng, and the three cars were on the edge of the road and slowly stopped.

A Fei used a walkie-talkie to tell everyone to have a good rest. Next, they wrapped up the night vigil, so that everyone could have a good night's sleep.

However, after playing like this in the middle of the night, no one can sleep, right? Perhaps, this rainy night is destined to be a real sleepless night!

I once again promised that the zombies would not catch up, so that everyone can rest assured. However, Luo Ziyi, who was disturbed by the nightmare, experienced the scene of being attacked by a bereaved dog. He did not dare to sleep, afraid that after closing his eyes, it would be another scary dream.

As for the others, they were also suddenly attacked and scared away all their sleepiness. I'm afraid they can't sleep.

The car was filled with silence, depressing like dark clouds in the sky, heavy, covering everyone's hearts. This inexplicable attack, a faint sense of conspiracy, brought deep thought to everyone.

A Fei was thinking about where they would go in the future. Originally, he wanted to bypass Shouyang and go somewhere else. If the zombies behind them chase after them, it's useless for them to go anywhere.

However, more than a dozen of them want to stop the zombies from moving forward, which is also a dream!

I don't want to be a hero, and I don't want to be praised by the world. I just see the zombie army marching towards other cities, but they can only run away powerlessly and can't do anything. A Fei always feels uncomfortable.

The power of individuals is too small, and they are isolated on the periphery of the crowd, with no reinforcements or anyone who sympathizes with them. He suddenly felt his powerlessness. Compared with the huge zombies, all he could do was take everyone to live. For the rest, he could only follow the arrangement of fate!

What people are most afraid of is to let go of fate and let go of the illusory things to arrange their lives. Fei always wants to break free from something. To be precise, they all want to break free from the shackles of fate and live a truly free life.

It's just that they are just a group of poor people who survive in the pursuit of zombies and talk about a free life.

[All of a sudden, I was so scared that I couldn't sleep!] Suddenly, Guan Qilei's voice came from the walkie-talkie.

After hearing this, A Fei picked up the walkie-talkie and whispered:

"I didn't scare you to death, it's a big fortune! Thank you, Hengxuan, for waking you up! Otherwise, you will be eaten, and you don't know what you are dying in!" Ah Fei was sarcasm, but everyone could hear that he was just a joke.

[The leader is getting less and less bolder, and he is so scared before he sees the bereaved dog. Look at Ziyi, how brave he is to face the crisis!] Pei Yufeng's voice, with a brisk smile, is like the sunshine on his body.

Luo Zi was named, reached out to open her walkie-talkie, and then whispered in a weak voice and a pitiful tone:

"Brother Feng, can I understand your words as praise? Why do I think you are sarcastic about me?"

[No, no, no, I don't dare! Ziyi, you misunderstood!] As soon as Pei Yufeng heard Luo Ziyi's words, he immediately explained.

[Ziyi, don't be incompetent Pei, he has no strengths except picking up girls!] Xia Fan also joined the chat, still revealing Pei Yufeng's background.

Luo Zi raised her eyebrows, turned on the walkie-talkie, and then said flatly:

"Don't touch Zi, worry that Brother Fei will castrate you!" This is the truth. If someone coveted Luo Ziyi, maybe A Fei would really cut that man!

Wait, then he himself is also in this list! Oh, his heart is so contradictory!

[Bad boy, don't talk about me, you should also be careful!] Pei Yufeng immediately counterattacked for fear that he would really be cut and had no one to accompany him.

In the three cars, there was a burst of laughter at the same time. Pei Yufeng and Gu Hengxuan talked to each other like rivals.

This night was indeed sleepless, but they did not start to be so depressed. With a relaxed atmosphere, they spent a dark night like this.

The next day, the rain gradually showed signs of calming down, and the road conditions were much better. Afei decided to continue on the road.

In the light rain, all three cars began to use the gasoline they found to refuel their cars. They have to plan to run on the road for a long time. If they need a car, they must have enough fuel. Unfortunately, they didn't find much and couldn't support them for many days.

When I went back on the road, the atmosphere in each car was much better, and we chatted from time to time. The atmosphere was very relaxed.

Afei bypassed the sun in front of him and drove to the other side according to the original plan. It's just that the drive is about three days, and their gasoline reserves are just enough. If they arrive at the destination and they have no fuel, they can't move on.

After a quiet drive, the rain finally stopped. After being baptized by the heavy rain in the wild, the refreshing smell of the soil made people feel much more comfortable.

At night, they still rest in the wild. There are no buildings around and can only be dealt with in the wild.

The calm continued to the next day. The day was still gloomy, but it did not continue to rain. They should move forward more while the weather was fine.

At dusk, the sun finally showed its face and gradually dispelled the haze in the sky.

A Fei felt that it was almost time. They needed to rest early, so they saw a place and prepared to stop.

Luo Ziyi, with sharp eyes, suddenly glanced at the side of the road ahead, as if there were any buildings, so she pulled A Fei to let him have a look.

"It seems to be a gas station! If so, that would be great!" Fei explained to the car behind him and accelerated his speed to the suspected gas station.

Three cars arrived there soon, and Afei was very happy to find that it was really a gas station.

Although everyone was very happy, they did not rush forward, but became more cautious.

First, I consulted the zombie expert. She said that there were things in the gas station, but not many, only two or three. She didn't want to move, so she let them solve it by themselves. As for her, just wait for the ready-made one in the car.

A Fei took Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi to the gas station to check, while Guan Qilei and the others explored around the gas station separately.

The infection of zombies has spread here, so is Shouyang also...

There is no time to think about this. Their consultation is closed, and many things can't be known immediately. More than 20 days ago, it was infected to Buyang, so if it continues to spread, there will be nothing strange here.

Entering the gas station, the three people began to look for the two or three zombies hidden in it. As soon as they entered, they found a body lying not far from the door.

The three people looked at each other and then slowly began to approach the body.

As it gets closer and closer to the body, the smell of decay is getting stronger and stronger. Luo Zi unconsciously closed her breath, frowned and walked slowly.

The three crossed the body and looked at the dark room, only to find that a second body appeared not far away.

It has no head, and its clothes have been torn to pieces without their original appearance, and it is covered with blood.

Not far from the body, there is a lifeless head with a lax expression. The gray face and the red blood on its mouth don't look like a normal person, but like a zombie!

Looking at each other, the three saw doubts in each other's eyes - had someone come before them and killed the zombie?

No matter what happens, all they can do is to kill the remaining zombies and not let them harm people. Their abilities are not big enough, otherwise, they are more like killing all the zombies and returning peace to the world!

cautiously walking inside the gas station, they found a door. The door was locked from the inside, and they were all strange.

A Fei's * once came in handy, but he casually fiddled a few times, and the door lock opened. Slowly opened the door, and there were no lights or windows inside. It was dark.

Without making a sound, he motioned Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan to follow him. A Fei pulled out his pistol, touched the switch inside, turned on the light, and waited for a while before he walked in.

The crisis seems to be much bigger than people think, but this is just an idea, specific facts, and they have to explore one by one on the way forward...