Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 87 Posthumous Letter of the Dead

This is a staff lounge, which is not very large, but there are several rows of lockers in the middle. Now it's very messy. Some wardrobes have been pushed to two, and many scattered personal belongings have fallen to the ground and have not been kicked everywhere.

Within a few steps, the blood stains on the ground attracted the attention of the three people.

Judging from the extent of blood drying up, it was left a few days ago. Depending on the shape, it is caused by dragging, extending to the fallen wardrobe.

The three looked at each other and carefully held their guns to walk behind the wardrobe.


The sound from the throat is like a hungry beast looking for its prey. To be precise, it is a beast that has found its prey.

When they heard the sound, the three were more careful. A Fei motioned Luo Zi to stay where he was. He and Gu Hengxuan walked around the wardrobe and walked back.


Suddenly, a dark shadow rushed out from behind the wardrobe and went straight to A Fei. A Fei didn't even think about it. He shot at the shadow.


In the narrow space, the sound of gunfire was confined to the fighting room, which made people's ears buzz.

The dark shadow fell in front of A Fei, and his head had been penetrated by close-range shooting. The sticky blood splashed out several meters, spraying on the wall.

Before A Fei could see the situation of the zombie clearly, another shadow rushed to him again.

Luo Zi aimed consciously, pulled the trigger, and the bullet flew out of the gun and flew towards the zombie's head.

The bullet penetrated the zombie's temple. It lost its support, hit the wall, slid along the wall and sat on the ground, leaving black blood stains on the white wall.

turned his head and smiled at Luo Zi, and A Fei lowered his head to monitor the bodies of the two zombies.

After making sure that they would not get up again, he nod to Gu Hengxuan on the opposite side, and he continued to follow the blood stains of the door to the dumped wardrobe.

The two worked together to help up the wardrobe, saw the scene inside, and looked at each other. They felt a little uncomfortable...

There is a woman on the ground, dressed in work clothes, and I think she should be an employee of this gas station. She lost a foot, and the wound was bitten off by something. There is no need to ask what it is bitten, and the people present know it. There was a screwdriver in her temple, and the blood gathered around her, which had solidified and blackened on the ground.

Judging from the rotten and smelly situation, she should have been dead for more than three days.

A Fei took a look and knew that she must have committed suicide, using that screwdriver. This woman should have been bitten by a zombie and knew that she would become a monster, so she led the zombies outside here, locked the door, hid in the middle of the wardrobe, and pulled down the cabinet.

Finally, she stabbed her temple with a screwdriver...

For a woman, this way of death requires great courage. She is not only a brave woman, but also a smart person.

A Fei squatted down and looked at the woman's face. Such a woman deserves to be remembered. Inadvertent glance, A Fei saw her hand, as if she were holding something.

got up and walked to her side and reached out to take out what was in her hand.

It was a piece of wrinkled paper. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi surrounded Ah Fei, waiting for him to stand up and gently unfold the twisted suicide note into the eyes of the three people.

[Those who read this letter, if you have a chance, please go to Shouyang City to find my parents and tell them that I have...

Thank you!

They came so suddenly that we were not prepared at all. They were so cruel that they killed a lot of people in front of me. In the end, I can't be weak. They said that if you want to kill them, you have to blow their heads. Once, I didn't dare to do it because of nausea.

I don't know if the others have been eaten and can find them, but I want to leave something to let people know what happened.

I don't know what these monsters are, and I don't know why they eat my friends and me. I'm afraid of them. They are irrational and don't understand us. They just want to kill me...

My mind began to become unclear, my feet hurt, and it was eaten. I think I have to die, otherwise, I will be like them, right?

The people who read this letter hope that you can stop these monsters, hope that the world will return to its original peace, and hope that you can survive...

My name is Yi Tingting. Thank you for seeing my last words!]

After reading this suicide note, A Fei looked up at the woman and admired her very much.

I have to say that if she is much stronger than Luo Ziyi, she has the courage to kill zombies and kill herself, which is not easy for an untrained person.

And Luo Ziyi was also ashamed. She used to be too weak. She thought she was kind, but in fact, she was just timid.

Yi Tingting, a name that she will remember for the rest of her life, Luo Zi felt a lot when she looked at the suicide note.

A Fei carefully folded the suicide note, received it in his clothes pocket, and then looked at the two rookies beside him. A Fei raised his hand, one by one, hugged them, and whispered:

"You are still young, and many things are not done well enough, which is understandable. In the future, you may see more such people, so you have to learn to grow up and become admirable people! Do you know?"

At this time, A Fei, like a father, taught his children. He taught these two rookies one by one, and he hopes that they can live in such a world.

seems to be a simple idea, but under such circumstances, it seems very luxurious.

It is very close to Shouyang, and the virus has spread here, indicating that Shouyang is no longer safe. No one knows whether the virus will continue to spread. But once the area of diffusion reaches the whole country of China, it will soon spread to the whole world.

The space occupied by zombies, they can only breathe in the cracks. Adults may not be able to withstand such psychological pressure, let alone two and a half-children?

A Fei is their teacher. He should not only teach them how to survive, but also teach them how to deal with all kinds of things they have met.

"Brother Fei, don't worry, I will work harder to live and let those bad people pay the price!" Luo Ziyi never wanted to kill so much. When the zombies, she could shoot without hesitation, and it took a long time to change her state of mind.

However, if Huiman, those who advocate the research and development of the virus, stand in front of her now, she will definitely shoot every bullet in her pistol, and they will pay for these innocent people who died!

"What a good boy! Well, Xiaochu said that there were two or three zombies, and we only disposed of two. Although I'm not sure if there is a third one, we still need to search for it just in case!" After patting the two people on the shoulder, A Fei took the lead in turning around the lounge again. After not finding anything, they decided to go out and continue looking for them.

Out of the lounge, the three walked around the whole gas station, but found no trace of zombies.

Just as they were about to look for it again, there was a sudden gunshot outside the gas station. The three immediately ran out to find the source of the gunfire.

Turning to the back of the gas station, the three saw Guan Qilei pointing to Kang Zheng's head, counting and smiling, looking helpless but helpless.

"You said you are such a big man, don't you have a little brain? Ah? This is a gas station, a gas station! You dare to shoot. You're not afraid to hit the oil tank or something. Let's finish it together!"

It seems that the gun just now is Kang Zheng's masterpiece! A Fei looked at the zombie body at Kang Zheng's feet, and finally put away his gun and leaned against the pillar next to him to watch the play.

Kang Zheng was rebuked by Guan Qilei, but he did not mean to be afraid. Instead, he scratched his head stupidly and said puzzledly:

"But...but Afei's brothers also shot inside just now. Why don't the instructor count them!" Looking at A Fei and others, Kang finally found the savior and quickly dragged them into the water.

Afei and the three of them didn't make a sound, just looked at Kang Zheng's silly smile.

Guan Qilei gave Kang Zheng a shudder, and then said fiercely:

"You said it yourself, they are inside and can't hit the oil tank outside! You... son of a bitch, if you are stupid again next time, I won't let you get in the car. Run behind you!"

"Don't, don't! Instructor, in fact... If this guy hadn't suddenly appeared, I wouldn't have been scared to shoot. Absolutely not intentional, absolutely not! Instructor, I promise that the next time will not be an example, and the next time will not be an example!" Kang Zheng hurriedly asked for mercy, looked at Guan Qilei flatteringly, and said with a smile.

Guan Qilei raised his hand and wanted to hit him, but in the end he just pushed him gently. Looking up and seeing A Fei, he strode over, smiled mysteriously and said to A Fei:

"We have a big discovery, do you want to know?"

A Fei raised his eyebrows without thinking much about it and said:

"I found a lot of gasoline, didn't I?"

Guan Qilei smiled stiffly, and then said helplessly:

"Can you stop being so smart and let me be majestic at once? Come and have a look!" After saying that, Guan Qilei turned around and walked aside.

"I just found this car, and after watching it, there is definitely a surprise!" As he walked, Guan Qilei said proudly.

After seeing the car mentioned by Guan Qilei, A Fei really laughed in surprise - the tanker! It's still full!

"Great, we won't be afraid of going anywhere with it!" A Fei looked at the oil tanker and was worried about the crisis of insufficient fuel, but immediately disappeared!

Despation has become a habit, and occasional hope makes living people happy. The road ahead is still continuing. How far they can go depends on their creation...