Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 101 Preliminary Exploration

In the eastern suburbs of Beiyu City, a white building is surrounded by green trees and wrapped in an orange coat under the sunset.

A Fei drove all the way to the vicinity of the white building, found an unnoticed place, stopped the car, and quietly waited for the night to come.

Xia Fan has not been idle, holding his computer and constantly tapping the keyboard.

Guan Qilei in the back seat has been staring at the computer screen and trying to remember what he saw above.

That's the map of this white building, hidden below the ground, from the location of the entrance to every room. This is an architectural map. There is a location but there is no specific use for each part. There are many things that they have to explore by themselves after they go down.

What Guan Qilei can live now is to remember all the details as much as possible. Even if he doesn't know what it is for, he must figure out the general location so that he won't see the flaws after entering.

At the beginning, she had been observing the building. She dared not let her power spread out too blatantly and carry out a search that belonged to her. But even on a small scale, she also found something very interesting.

Compared with the map on Xia Fan's computer, she smiled, pointed to a useless place on the map, and told Guan Qilei that this was their breakthrough. If she didn't want to enter from the front and disturb the insiders, she had to enter from the place she designated.

Xia Fan enlarged the position initially pointed out. From the map, it can only be seen that it is a small channel, which should allow one person to pass through.

She looked at Chu puzzledly, but she just smiled and didn't say anything. It's just that it's absolutely safe here. They can't enter the laboratory through the inner front door of the nursing home. The place she pointed out is the only safe and fastest passage.

looked at the channel again, and Xia Fan also said that if you just look at the map, it is definitely the same as what was said at the beginning. It is a very safe passage.

First of all, it goes straight to the ground. At the rear of the nursing home, the specific location depends on their actual field survey.

Secondly, the underground part of this channel is straight, and there is no obstruction in the middle, which can go directly to the laboratory part below. It is not shown on the map. There is no obstruction in the middle, not even barbed wire, which can reach the bottom very quickly.

Finally, the underground part of the channel, except for the straight descending part, seems to have a channel on every floor of the laboratory. There are three floors in the underground laboratory, and this passage has a small door at the junction with each floor.

They have no more clues except the map, so whether Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are here or not, they have to find them little by little after entering the interior.

And this channel can actually communicate with each layer, which invisibly reduces their workload.

It's just that Xia Fan is still confused, the same channel, why don't Huiman people look at it carefully? With this channel, there is no need for masters like A Fei and Guan Qilei. Even rookies can enter their interior unconsciously.

Unfortunately, people who seem to know the inside story just laugh and don't talk, as if they have some secrets and don't want to share them.

She doesn't want to say that no one can force her because she is a child! As adults, they can't... Well, in fact, it's not right. She seems to be not young, as if she is similar to them!

Oh... It's really difficult to equate her with a twenty-seven or eight-year-old person who is about 30!

The sky gradually darkened, and A Fei, who had always been calm, was a little unconsciously anxious. Now he just wants to quickly confirm whether Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are really in it.

According to the first statement, this is the only place near Beiyu, which can be linked to Huiman, so it must be right here. But before I saw them, this was still a conjecture and could not be used as an accurate one.

Otherwise, he would have brought people to kill directly, and there was no need to confirm in advance.

Lying on the steering wheel, A Fei turned his head slightly and looked at the empty co-pilot's seat. Reality and memories slowly overlapped. A rare smiling girl sat there and whispered to herself. That night, they talked a lot about her upbringing and some interesting stories about her childhood...

It's just that the girl has disappeared and has been taken away!

A Fei doesn't want to know the purpose of the other party now, nor does he want to know the reason. One of the people who knows has gone, and they have no way. And the rest of the people are under the building in front of him. If he wants to know the reason, he has to go down to see what's going on!

The sky finally darkened, and the sky in the suburbs looked particularly clean without the lights of the city. The stars, one after another, ran out into the brocade-like night sky and blinked mischievously.

Looking up at the watch, it was already past eight o'clock. A Fei nod to Guan Qilei, and the two quietly got out of the car and left Xia Fan and Chu in the car.

Before going out, I sent a congratulatory message to Xia Fan about two gadgets, which are usually of little use, but now, it is a great help for them - two pinhole cameras! These two gadgets are very small in size and black in color. They can't be seen from the outside.

After the camera was replaced, he made a final confirmation with Guan Qilei on the car and saw that the two pictures on his computer were still clear. A Fei and Guan Qilei checked their weapons again and did not stay any longer and ran quickly to the white building.

Xia Fan spent a while searching for monitoring or something nearby, and finally found a few on the wall of the nursing home. He used a walkie-talkie to remind Fei to pay attention and helped them bypass the monitoring and successfully entered the nursing home at a blind spot.

Soon, A Fei and Guan Qilei found the general location of the channel mentioned at the beginning. But they found that the entrance to the passage was in a cabin.

The map in their hands does not show that there is such a hut.

Quietly approached the cabin, and there was no light in the window. There should be no one inside. However, Afei and Guan Qilei were still very cautious and did not enter immediately. Instead, they listened under the window and at the door for a long time and made sure that there was no sound inside before they were ready to go in.

The door of the cabin is locked, Afei's*, once again showed its effect. In a few seconds, the door lock made a slight sound and told them that it was unlocked!

Gently opened the door, and A Fei went in and took a look. There is not only no one inside, but there is nothing inside, and the whole room is empty.

At first, he thought this was a utility room or something, but now it doesn't look like it.

I can't control much. After A Fei and Guan Qilei closed the door, they began to touch the darkness and look for the entrance in the room.

It didn't take long for Guan Qilei to find a small door on the wall. He asked A Fei to take a look. In the room, the two only found this place similar to the entrance, so they began to study it.

The small door was unlocked. A Fei opened it gently. As soon as the door opened, a damp smell mixed with rotten smell surged up from the door.

A Fei frowned and did not react too much. He looked into the small door and found that it was dark down and could not see the bottom at all.

It seems to be here! A Fei nodded to Guan Qilei and took the lead in stepping into the small door.

There were no armrests in the downward passage, and the walls on both sides were quite smooth. With his hands supported, his feet stepped on the wall hard, and A Fei slid down little by little.

On the smooth wall, Fei found two tracks and didn't see what they were used for. Fei doesn't have the energy to study this thing now.

Slowly slipped all the way, and soon the two of them adapted to the strange smell in the channel. I just feel that the smell of rottenness is getting stronger and stronger.

Slid down for a long time, and A Fei saw the entrance of a junction. After sliding to that position, A Fei stopped. Guan Qilei above his head felt very **, so he also stopped.

Quickly enter the entrance, which is a parallel passage, and it is not far ahead, and there is a faint light.

crawling forward in the passage, A Fei saw that the light was getting clearer and clearer, accelerated his speed and moved there.

"Who are the two people caught today? Why does Dr. Li attach so much importance to them? Before he reached the light, A Fei heard someone talking, and the content seemed to be of his interest.

Lightly move and continue to move there.

"I heard that they have a strong biochemical reaction, but they are not zombies and are not infected. Dr. Li felt suspicious and wanted to bring them back to study. I really didn't expect them to have weapons. They are really good at it!" Another voice came.

At this time, A Fei had reached the place where the light came out. It was a vent. Looking down, you could see a man wearing the equipment of Huiman special team standing under him.

"But will they be their own people? I think their equipment is the same as ours!"

"You are a rookie, but you are really rookie! If they are their own people, can they shoot us?"

A Fei and Guan Qilei roughly understood why Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were captured by Huiman. But a strong biochemical reaction? How is this possible? They are normal human beings. How can they have a biochemical reaction?

Now is not the time to study this. A Fei is eager to get information about the whereabouts of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan from their dialogue.

"Hey? Haven't we received an evacuation order? Dr. Li brings people back at this time. Can he still take them with him? The rookie asked the old bird.

"It seems like this. Otherwise, ordinary experiments are locked on the third floor. Why are only the two of them locked on the second floor, next to Dr. Li's personal laboratory?" The old bird guessed.

2nd floor, 2nd floor! They are now on the floor closest to the ground, and below is the so-called second floor.

A Fei motioned Guan Qilei to turn around, and the two pressed the way, climbed back to the entrance of the passage and entered the downward passage again.

Continue to go down, and soon it will be another entrance. A Fei entered it without hesitation and began to look for the whereabouts of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan.

This time, they went deep into the exhaust channel and looked carefully at each vent that could be seen below, but they did not find Luo Ziyi.

Finally, A Fei decided to take a risk. Anyway, they have an employee certificate and there should be no problem. Therefore, the two of them chose a relatively quiet place, opened the vent and jumped down.

This floor is relatively quieter, and no one is walking around. Afei and Gu Hengxuan's actions are much more convenient. The only thing to pay attention to is the ubiquitous surveillance lens. They must be careful of these things.

When they were almost lost in the huge building, A Fei finally saw a familiar figure!

For the sake of their companions, they have forgotten what danger means and go deep into the inside of the danger, the center of the storm. Whether they can save their partners or fall into a deeper crisis, let's wait and see...


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ps: Remember... Don't forget to support me after buying a membership. Tickets are here~~ First of all, I wish everyone a happy Spring Festival!