Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 102 Only Waiting

When Luo Zi woke up, he was in Gu Hengxuan's arms, and his hands hugged her tightly.

At this time, Gu Hengxuan had woken up. He smiled and kept staring at Luo Ziyi's face. Watching her wake up, he not let go, but smiled and put his face close to her and looked at her reflection in her eyes.

lowered her head slightly, and Luo Ziyi was a little uncomfortable. She has always known that Gu Hengxuan is very good to her, but she has never thought of anything else. However, today's sudden closeness made her feel that the temperature on her face increased in an instant. She thought that her face must be very red.

Gu Hengxuan did not continue to approach her, but smiled and enjoyed the scenery of his eyes. I have known Luo Ziyi for several years. Of course, Luo Ziyi did not know him a few years ago. In the past few years, he has never seen her blush. To be honest, she is still quite cute!

I remember that when I first saw her, she was more beautiful than growing up, and there was almost no other change. She was still so innocent and kind. But now, she is also a warrior who can pick up a gun and fight zombies at any time.

In order to avoid Gu Hengxuan's eyes, Luo Zi began to observe the surrounding environment.

They are in a white room, pure white, with no other colors. The walls, ceilings, and even the floor they are lying on are white. Coupled with the white light, the whole room is dazzlingly white and even makes people feel dizzy.

The only difference is the round glass window on the white door panel.

Luo Ziyi likes to hurry up. A Fei said that she was a little obsessed with cleanliness, but such a single white actually made her feel cold and ruthless.

This should be Huiman's research institute!

It's just that Luo Ziyi has never understood why Huiman's people suddenly want to catch them. He, Gu Hengxuan and Wang Xing have been resting in the tanker and have never gone out. They even talk in a very low voice and should not have attracted anyone's attention. How can Huiman people want to catch them alive?

Wang Xing was injured and still don't know how he is doing. Has he got rid of Huiman's tracking? Have you found Afei? She and Gu Hengxuan were brought here by fainting. I don't know how long they have been in a coma. Whether Wang Xing is safe or not.

Gu Hengxuan knew that Wang Xing's affairs were still in her mind, but now they are in trouble, and she is still worried about other people's affairs. He reached out and knocked on Luo Ziyi's forehead and reminded her not to think about anything else. What they want now is how to leave!

Luo Zi turned her head and looked at Gu Hengxuan. She didn't understand why he knocked on herself, but she also stopped worrying.

Gu Hengxuan helped Luo Zi sit up. In each other's eyes, the two were in this white and hairy room. The only color was better than looking at the pale room.

The two got up and walked to the door. Looking out through the glass window on the door, they found that the glass was specially made. On one side, they could see the opposite side, and on the other side, it was like a mirror. And their unlucky thing is that they are exactly like the mirror, and they can't see anything except themselves.

The two looked at each other, shrugged their shoulders helplessly, and then began to study the door with their heads down.

The design of this door is even more annoying. Obviously, it has a lock, but the lock is a password lock, and there is also a fingerprint-controlled lid on it. Looking at each other, they didn't have the ability to open the door, so they had to wait for someone to come in and they would act again.

Walking under a wall, the two of them sat down next to each other. They looked at each other and sighed helplessly in a quiet room.

If you close them like this, it's better to throw them into the zombies and beat them until they are exhausted!

Maybe I have lived in a tense environment for a long time. Suddenly, I'm not used to being so idle. Instead, I began to expect someone to come in, at least to make them a little fun.

It's really boring. Luo Zi suddenly remembered a question, which has been asking since she met Gu Hengxuan.

"Hengxuan, can I ask you a question?" Now that I think of it, there is nothing to do anyway. It's better to chat and pass the time.

"You ask, what question is so serious!" Gu Hengxuan looked at her serious face and didn't know what kind of problem it was. How could she raise it seriously?

"Why are you so kind to me? I'm not talking about now, I'm talking about when the infection hasn't broken out yet. I know that you always look at me at school and always follow me after school. Why? I have never figured it out!"

She has wanted to ask for a long time, but there has been no chance. Today is the right time to ask.

Gu Hengxuan smiled. Sure enough, he knew that she didn't remember!

Do you want to know? Let me tell you a story!" Gu Hengxuan recalled with a smile that it was three years ago...

He is the son of Gu Qian. He is the leader of the future. As soon as he is born, he is black.

Since he was a child, he grew up in the days of beating to death and has long been used to it. Even his father is happy to see him grow up like this, because only in this way can he be ready and capable of being a leader.

Three years ago, after he had a painful fight with a group of hoodlums, a sudden heavy rain came.

It seemed that the blood on the ground was going to be washed away. It rained heavily and soon washed everything away.

Maybe it was destined. Gu Hengxuan didn't want to go home at all that day. He wanted to run in the heavy rain and want the rain to wash away his fatigue.

Throw away the knife in his hand, Gu Hengxuan began to run wildly in the heavy rain regardless of his expression.

Finally, after running for a long time, he was finally tired and lay on the roadside, allowing the heavy rain to hit him on his body and face.

Some people passed by, but they didn't stop and didn't even look at him, as if he was a psychopath or an outlaw.

Until a black umbrella appeared above him, blocking the rain for him.

The girl holding the umbrella is very beautiful, with a puzzled face, but with a soft smile.

The girl picked up Gu Hengxuan, who was soaked all over, took him to a small restaurant nearby, handed him her handkerchief, ordered him a bowl of hot noodles, and then turned away.

Gu Hengxuan thought that she would not come back. Her warm heart, which had been warm with her smile, once again became cold and colder than before.

Unexpectedly, it wasn't long before the girl came back with disinfectant and Band-Aid in her hand. Surprised, he watched the girl sit opposite him again and smile to make herself eat quickly.

In fact, he was not hungry, but he still ate the noodles, and then watched the girl drug him and put all the wounds on his face with a Band-Aid.

It's still raining outside, but it's getting dark. Gu Hengxuan saw the girl's anxiety and asked her to go first. He was fine.

But the girl smiled and said that he was injured and couldn't get caught in the rain anymore, so she gave him the umbrella and ran out in the rain.

Since then, this girl has lived in Gu Hengxuan's heart and became his salvation, the only light in his dark life.

After investigating the girl, I knew her name and knew her*. Gu Hengxuan suddenly dared not approach her. She was too clean. From her information, it can be seen that she has always been a good child with excellent character and learning, and what about him?

So for the past three years, he has been protecting her secretly. It was not until a few months ago that Gu Hengxuan heard that someone was going to kidnap her that he couldn't sit still. It happened that Gu Qian said that he should go to school, and the school she chose happened to be her school. Therefore, he readily accepted it.

came to her school. Although she was of different grades, he could occasionally see her every day. When he was in school and after school, he secretly escorted her. Gu Hengxuan felt very satisfied.

It's just that the outbreak of the virus has changed their lives...

Listening to Gu Hengxuan's narrative, Luo Ziyi also fell into memory. It was a fragment that had been submerged in her memory. After that incident, she forgot it for a few days, but she didn't expect...

"I'm really disappointed. Why haven't you recognized me? Do you know that I hope you can recognize me? Unfortunately, you even forgot that, how could you remember me!" Gu Hengxuan was really a little frustrated. He always remembered Luo Ziyi's face and her smile, but she didn't recognize him at all!

"I'm beg! At that time, your face was full of wounds, and then you were pasted by the Band-Aid so that you couldn't see your true face. How could I remember you! If you also have a bruise when you appear later, maybe I will recognize it!" Luo Zi smiled and rubbed Gu Hengxuan's face and found the shadow of the teenager whose face was full of wounds.

Gu Hengxuan took Luo Ziyi's hand and said in disbelievely:

"If you don't come, I knew you wouldn't remember. Don't make excuses for me."

But it's also good now. Gu Hengxuan has never thought that one day he can become a friend or even a partner with her and give his life to the other party's partner.

Looking at Luo Ziyi, who spit out his tongue, Gu Hengxuan didn't care about what she didn't recognize herself at all. They are doing well now. Although they are in danger now, at least two people are together. As long as they are not separated, he is not afraid of anything.

If he can escape by chance, he will cherish the time with Luo Zi more, because their time is unknown. Even if they go out, the crisis of the virus will follow them all the time. Whether you can survive or not depends on the arrangement of fate.

looked at each other, and the two of them didn't know what to say for a moment. At the beginning, both of them began to look at the white walls around them.

He was suddenly arrested, but obviously the person who was arrested had no sense of crisis at all, and he didn't know whether he had confidence in himself or his companions outside. In short, all they can do now is wait, wait for the opportunity to escape, or wait for the people who come to save them...