Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 103 Biochemical Reaction

Not long after Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan woke up, they felt a little hungry.

Although their clothes have not been replaced, their watches and so on are gone. They don't know how long they have stayed here or what time it is.

The white room is completely closed. There are no windows and you can't see the sky outside. I can't judge whether it's day or night now.

How long have they been in a coma? They have no idea at all, but according to the degree of hunger, it should be almost a day.

They are all doubting that there is no food here. The purpose of their arrest is unknown, but they can't help but give food! Touching his babbling stomach, Luo Zi looked at Gu Hengxuan helplessly and heard his stomach screaming. The two looked at each other with a wry smile.

It's nothing to be hungry for a while, but if they continue to be hungry like this, they will definitely become two mummified corpses and die of hunger.

Just as the two of them were about to faint, the door of the password suddenly opened. However, the door was not fully opened, but a small door opened under the door. Two plates were sent in one by one.

The food is quite rich, including dishes, soups and drinks.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan looked at each other and rushed to pull the food over. They were ready to eat without thinking about it. But Gu Hengxuan stopped Luo Zi when she was about to eat.

After all, they are now on other people's heads, and their status is still prisoners. They can not pay attention to other things. It's better to be careful about this food.

However, as soon as Luo Zi looked at the food in front of her, Gu Hengxuan did not let her eat it, which was also a kind of torture.

Looking at her pitiful appearance, Gu Hengxuan couldn't bear to make her hungry. It's just that their current situation is delicate and careless, and they are likely to die without knowing how to die.

This is Huiman! There may be a virus everywhere. If they are accidentally infected by the virus, do they have to kill each other with their own hands to die?

Luo Ziyi also felt that Gu Hengxuan's worry was necessary, so he put the plate in his hand in place and deliberately pushed yourself away a little.

I really hope A Fei can come to save them soon. Even if he doesn't come, let them get out of this room! Anyway, as long as they can go out, they will have a chance to escape. But now they can't do anything but... they can only look at the food and sigh.

Gu Hengxuan rubbed Luo Ziyi's long hair with a smile. In the past few months, she has indeed grown a lot, matured a lot, and her skills have also been much better. However, her essence has not changed, and sometimes she is still a little childish.

Just like now, because she can't eat, she has been staring at the plate, wrinkled her little face, and is about to cry. Just because she can't have a meal, she seems to be more sad than being caught. I really don't know whether eating or life is important, Gu Hengxuan can't help but smile.

Luo Ziyi is shrewd in big things, but in small things, he is still a child.

But Gu Hengxuan found that he liked Luo Ziyi very much. He was a little naive, a little cute, a little smart, and a little confused...

In a word, the more you look at it, the more cute it is!

There is no food to eat, so the two of them can only chat. What are you talking about? Most of them are some small secrets of the two, such as what naughty things they did when they were young, which made their parents laugh and cry. And when they were at school, they did something that gave the teacher a headache.

Compared with this, Gu Hengxuan's ability is much better than Luo Zi. He has always been a thorn. When he was in school, the teacher had no choice but to take him. Because of his father's relationship, even the headmaster dared not offend him. Therefore, he is lawless.

The two of them chatted like this, and time passed quickly.

Once again, someone brought food, but their choice is still the same - not to eat!

For them, starving one or two meals will not cause any hindrance to their actions. Now if someone comes in, they can subdue people in less than two seconds.

It's just that no matter how big they are, they are useless, because no one comes in.

After a while, the door suddenly moved. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan immediately stood up, one left and one right, standing on both sides of the door, ready to take action and find a chance to escape.

The door opened, but there was only a gap, and no one pushed the door in. The two looked at each other, and Gu Hengxuan cautiously stretched out his hand and pushed the door open.

As soon as he was about to probe out, a black muzzle pointed at his nose. Luo Zi wanted to move, but was pointed at by another gunpoint.

"I know your ability. Maybe these people are not your opponents. However, you still have weapons, and you don't have the ability to fight anyway. A cold voice came from outside the door with confidence and pride.

Then, a middle-aged man in a white robe came in and went straight into the white room without looking at the two of them. The person behind him also moved a chair so that he could sit down.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan looked at the muzzle in front of them, gave up the idea of resisting and shrugged their shoulders. They leaned against the wall and looked at the middle-aged man.

"Let me introduce myself. My surname is Li, and I am the head of the Northern Language Branch of Huiman Research Institute. You can call me Dr. Li." The man crossed his legs and said with an indifferent face.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan still didn't say anything, just looked at him calmly and listened to what he could say.

"Please come here. I don't mean anything else. I just want to ask why you have Huiman's equipment, but you are not from Huiman!" Dr. Li asked coldly.

Looking at each other, the two leaned against the wall and still didn't say anything. Of course, they know how to get this equipment. Just saying it is equivalent to telling him that they are the survivors of Yuanzhou who are trying to kill?

Dr. Li was really surprised that they still didn't say anything. These two children don't look very old. They are really impetuous. Most of the time, they can't control their temper and mood.

But the two of them are obviously not like this. Their eyes are very calm, and they are not even a little panicked because they are pointed at by a gun. There was no wave or expression to my question.

This only shows that although they are young, they have seen storms.

"Okay, I will investigate this problem myself. Next question, why didn't you become a zombie?

Dr. Li's question made Gu Hengxuan raise his eyebrows. Why did they become zombies? Does he know their identity?

Impossible. If so, he won't have asked the first question just now!

The two still didn't say anything. The disease came from the mouth and the trouble came from the mouth. If they talked too much, there were many mistakes. They would rather not say anything like this and let Dr. Li guess.

"There is a strong biochemical reaction on your body, which is stronger than that emitted by zombies. However, it is very strange that you are not zombies and have not been bitten by zombies. I want to know why this is so. I hope you can give me an answer.

Luo Zi's eyes widened as soon as she heard it. After taking a look at Gu Hengxuan, she calmed down again.

Biochemical reaction? What do you mean, they smell like zombies? Or the big one? How is this possible? If so, why do zombies still attack them?

Although there were doubts, Gu Hengxuan and Luo Ziyi still said nothing and just looked at Dr. Li. At this moment, they need an answer.

Seeing their appearance, Dr. Li guessed that they might not know the reason. However, he is puzzled by why this wonderful biochemical reaction occurs in ordinary human beings.

Maybe he should take them to evacuate together and go to a foreign laboratory to study the two of them. Why is it so strange?

"The biochemical reaction is not the smell of zombies, but the smell of decay. Biochemical reaction is the wavelength produced by the V-series virus mutating in the body and binding to human cells. Dr. Li patiently explained the meaning of the biochemical reaction to them, hoping that they could say something.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan still don't understand why they have any biochemical reactions. They have never been bitten by zombies, and they are very careful when they come into contact. There is no reason to let the virus enter your body and produce any reaction!

After thinking for a while, Luo Zi suddenly thought of a person. Could it be because of her that they had such a reaction?

Turning his head to look at Gu Hengxuan, Luo Zi found the same doubt in his eyes, and he also thought of that person.

Xiaochu! The first generation of Huiman, a weirdo with the ability to control zombies!

Huiman attached great importance to her and said that she was an extremely dangerous person. They didn't think about anything other than being able to control zombies. Is it because of more contact with her that there is a so-called biochemical reaction?

Seeing that the two of them reacted, they were still silent. Obviously, they really have some secrets, but they just don't want to tell them.

It doesn't matter. He is just a personal curiosity. His greatest pleasure is to study their bodies to see why they have such a strange reaction.

While Dr. Li was studying how to dissect them, a young man in a white robe suddenly ran in. After saying a few words in Dr. Li's ear, his expression changed, and then hurriedly got up and walked out.

The person who took the money also said, and the door was immediately closed. Gu Hengxuan and Luo Zi didn't even have a chance to reach out. They disappeared in a hurry as when they came.

The two came together again, but they still didn't say anything. Things are very strange, and the two of them are just guessing. Many things need to be seen at the beginning before they can ask clearly.

They haven't returned to the wall to sit down, and the door has another movement.

"Look at your couple, it's quite sweet. Isn't it the right time for us to come here?" A familiar voice came from the door.

The two of them turned around at the same time and looked at the people at the door. At the same time, they shouted in surprise:

"It's you!"

Biochemical reaction, a novel word, but the meaning it represents must be extraordinary. However, to figure out this matter, it is better to ask the person concerned quickly...