Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 118 Diffusion is coming

In the streets of the town, the confrontation between police and bandits began.

Hanks meant that the police should prepare a car for him and send them and the two hostages out of here. When they get to a safe place, they will release the hostages.

Of course, the police will not let them leave easily. The robbers are ferocious. As a police whose responsibility is to protect citizens, such robbers must not be allowed to go unpunished. Even if they only robbed a few thousand yuan.

The police are procrastinating, saying that transportation is not easy to find.

Who are you squating? The parking lot outside the town, the car of the town police station, is parked there. Although they don't usually use it, they can't even use it for three minutes. A Fei raised his eyebrows disdainfully. The police's ability to lie was less than half of him!

However, some people really believe it. I don't know if it should be the first time that he dared to rob the bandits without any experience, or whether Hanks was too nervous and lost his judgment. He actually believed the police and asked them to borrow a car from Kancheng as soon as possible.

After hearing the dialogue between the police and bandits, A Fei couldn't help laughing. If the police of Country A are incompetent and stupid in A Fei's eyes, then the robber behind him is a mentally retarded child with an IQ of less than 50.

Can you agree to this condition? The police borrowed not cars, but more policemen, and the end of their robbers changed from being shot in the head to being beaten into a sieve.

With a sigh, A Fei felt that the people behind him might not be suitable to be a robber by nature. It's okay if you agree to such an idiot's condition. Unexpectedly, he waited for the other party's car on the street without even looking for a shelter! If the police can't kill these people one by one, then the police in Country A should go home and eat themselves!

He kindly reminded Hanks again that A Fei just didn't want to have a gunfight for a while. As soon as he and Luo Zi were also affected, he let Hanks take people into the alley they were about to walk.

In the alley, a lot of dilapidated sofas and some debris were found, and Hanks blocked both ends of the alley. Therefore, the robbers and hostages began to coexist peacefully in the narrow alley.

For the hostage No. 1 A Fei, who cooperated with his work and even gave himself advice, Hanks felt that this person was very good, and he decided that he would never kill him. If they can escape today, he will definitely let A Fei go.

This may be great news for an ordinary person who has been kidnapped as a hostage, but when Hanks told A Fei and Luo Ziyi in his non-standard language, the two of them did not respond at all. It seems that they don't care whether he let people go or not.

But Hanks didn't care. They were scared and didn't know how to react.

Afei and Luo Ziyi were indeed a little stupid. They were not scared, but confused by Hanks' simple and naive thoughts.

More than ten minutes have passed, and A Fei felt a little boring. As soon as he and Luo Zi came out, they were supposed to buy ingredients for the evening, but they encountered such a thing. If they dragged on, they would not have time to buy things, and everyone would be hungry at night.

Turning his head and looked at the entrance of the alley, the police were sneaky on both sides of the alley and probed their heads from time to time to observe the situation inside.

A Fei looked at these robbers. If it was himself, it was estimated that he could solve them all within 30 seconds. With Luo Ziyi, it may not even need 15 seconds. However, if the police outside can see it now, it is not easy to explain and will also cause their suspicion.

told Hanks that their defense was not enough, and the police would take advantage of their relaxation to attack them in a moment. Hanks was so scared that he immediately let his brother find more things and blocked the entrance of the alley tightly, so that he could not see what was going on inside.

and Luo Zi looked at each other and smiled. After Hanks and the others finished their work, A Fei did not hesitate at all. They took action at the same time and knocked the people around them unconscious first. Before the rest of the people reacted, they took action one after another and knocked the rest of the people unconscious.

A Fei overestimated them and underestimated himself. He and Luo Zi didn't use it for ten seconds, so they solved all the stupid thieves.

"Let's go! We have to buy ingredients, so we can't make dinner too late!" A Fei pulled Luo Ziyi, climbed up a wall next to the alley, and quietly left the place of right and wrong.

It wasn't long before A Fei and Luo Zi appeared on the streets of the town again with a lot of ingredients. When they passed the place where they had just been hijacked, they miraculously found that the police were still outside the alley, secretly looking at the situation inside and never rushed in.

Afei and Luo Ziyi laughed. It seemed that they would really sing to the police in Kancheng.

The two lost interest in the play, so they decided to go home and prepare to cook!

In the evening, after dinner, everyone sat around in front of the TV series and watched the news. The news in Kancheng reported some big and small things nearby, including, of course, the fact that the bank in the town was * today.

However, A Fei found a problem. The number of robbers should be six, but in the end, the police took away only five!

Look carefully, the person who kidnapped A Fei was not among the arrested. Maybe he has run away!

I don't care much. Ah Fei feels that there will be no more intersection with this person. It's better for them to continue their lives simply.

According to A Fei's idea, these people began a simple life calmly in an ordinary town.

Until one day, Xia Fan found a jump of news and threw a huge stone into the originally calm lake, stirring up thousands of waves!

Although life is ordinary, these people are actually not ordinary. The rookies step up their training every day and are trained like robots by Guan Qilei and others.

Xia Fan's daily task is to surf the Internet, help A Fei find someone, and see the situation of the virus by the way.

A Fei has always been worried about the spread of the virus. He feels that things will not end so easily. Sooner or later, it will spread abroad at the speed of the spread of the virus in China.

A few days ago, the country of China was completely occupied by zombies and has spread to some surrounding countries, and the infection is gradually expanding. Moreover, the spread is much faster than Afei and others expected.

One ordinary morning, Xia Fan began his work as usual, monitoring the spread of the virus on the Internet.

Not until noon, Xia Fan hurried downstairs and went to the second floor of the basement to find A Fei.

"Afei, the virus has arrived in country A!" If the people don't arrive, the sound comes first. Xia Fan held his computer and broke into the door on the second basement without even knocking the door.

A Fei was at his desk, browsing the web page, but he didn't find anything strange. However, when he heard Xia Fan's words, his heart still thumped!

Running to Afei's desk, Xia Fan put down his computer. After opening it, he asked Afei to read the content above and frowned tightly.

Xia Fan invaded the intelligence agency of Country A. There are many secrets here, but the one he found is the latest and the highest level of confidentiality.

[V series virus has spread to the Philippines, with a total of three cases. Two have been confirmed to be carriers of the virus, and one is at large. At present, his whereabouts are unknown! Special national intelligence personnel closely investigate this person and possible virus carriers.]

Three cases! A total of three people were controlled by Country A, and one escaped.

This lucky man was not caught by people from Country A, but he is likely to bring misfortune to more people. Feicheng is far from Kancheng, but they are all coastal cities. If you come here by boat, it won't take half a day.

Although in terms of distance, Kancheng seems to be far away from Feicheng, the spread of the virus has little to do with the distance. If the virus really breaks out in country A, it will only take a few days to spread.

Looking up at Xia Fan, who was worried, A Fei smiled and then whispered:

"Don't worry, we first crawled out of the pile of zombies. We are more capable of dealing with such things than others and are easier to adapt to the environment."

After a pause, A Fei stood up and continued to say:

"Notify everyone to start making necessary preparations, and the virus will expand at any time. Xia Fan, from today on, you need to monitor the movements of the intelligence agencies of Country A more closely. Once there is a vision, we will start planning longer-term things.

Food and water, whether they want to escape or stay here, they must consider these two basic needs. Afei felt that they should go to Kancheng. While the news of the spread of the virus has not spread, prices should not rise. It is better for them to prepare in advance.

Xia Fan took his computer upstairs and told everyone about the situation.

Unexpectedly, everyone sighed. They could never escape the shadow of the virus and were chased by it all the way from China to Country A. Is it destined to be destroyed? There is nothing else waiting for them except despair!

When A Fei came up, he saw them worried in the living room. He smiled, walked to Luo Ziyi and sat down.

"The situation is already like this, and it hasn't reached the worst. Don't worry about it. We still need to make a long-term plan. However, whether to stay here or make other plans while walking, just like in China, is a later story. Seeing that everyone looked much better, A Fei continued:

"I'm going to go to Kancheng tomorrow and spend as much as I can while the money is still money. When the news comes out, it is not appropriate for prices to rise. Let's take a half-day off today and prepare to go shopping tomorrow!" After saying that, A Fei returned to his basement and asked everyone to prepare separately.

No one expects the end of the world, but now it seems that the end may not be far away. What can be done now is to struggle hard and be an immortal Xiaoqiang who can survive no matter what...