Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 119 Accelerating Infection

I have to say that the police in country A are a little incompetent and a little embarrassing. But their intelligence agencies are still very powerful and have strong adaptability.

The unfortunate suspected virus carrier had a trace the next day. This person doesn't seem to know much about the situation in Country A, otherwise he would not have abandoned the remote paths and hidden his whereabouts, and chose to enter the big city.

People say that the small is hidden in the wild, hidden in the city, and hidden in the court.

So, it may be wise for him to wander in a relatively large city. However, he may have forgotten that the intelligence agency of Country A is more perfect in crowded places. It will be easier to find someone like him than in a small village.

A Fei does not think that this person has been bitten by a zombie, because the person who has been bitten will mutate and become a zombie that six relatives do not recognize. This person, at most, carried the virus, that is to say, he has been injected with the virus.

This situation can only appear on the experimental products of Huiman Research Institute, so A Fei feels that this so-called carrier, if it is not unlucky to be misunderstood, Huiman's experimental product escaped!

I also agree with his conjecture very much. But at the same time, she also put forward another possibility, that is, this person, like Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, is from Yuanzhou.

As the largest experimental base of Huiman, the citizens of Yuanzhou can almost detect the birth reaction. The difference is only the height, which depends on the individual's physique.

They have seen a lot of survivors in Yuanzhou. Isn't that what Mu Jia and his four rookies come from? Although they have not been in contact with other survivors, Fei and others have always known that Yuanzhou has very tenacious people who have been competing with zombies for space to survive.

As for whether this person is from Yuanzhou or not, Fei and others no longer care much. They think that the infection of the V series virus has happened quietly with the emergence of this person.

A Fei and others paid attention to this person's situation all the time. They did not determine the reason why he was a zombie. He had been moving all the time. As far as the speed of the zombie's action was concerned, he should not have become a zombie.

But no one can explain what happened to the zombies that appeared behind him. If he did not mutate, the zombies that appeared were infected in other ways?

Now it's still superfluous to think about this. Let's leave the annoying things to the intelligence agencies of Country A and their government departments! Those who have escaped from death countless times are thinking about how to attract the invasion of zombies again and how to survive in the world of zombies.

The intelligence agencies of Country A have done a very good job in the confidentiality work. In the past few days, a small range of people have known about the outbreak of the virus, and civilians still know nothing about it. Even reporters from all walks of life with a keen sense of smell have not received any news.

That is to say, the news that the virus has reached country A and spread is still a secret. It is estimated that only the president of country A and some higher-level officials know.

The advantage of doing this is to control prices and prevent ordinary people from panicking too much and causing unnecessary trouble. Maybe A country still believes that Huiman can make a vaccine, or maybe they believe that they can contain the virus, so the official has not announced the issue of zombies and wants to solve the matter before it is more serious.

Of course, the people of Huiman Research Institute will never tell them that they can't do anything without the first generation, and the fact that there are not many vaccines left by Huiman. A Fei is not idle enough to tell the official of country A what he knows. Even if he really says it, people won't believe it.

What they can do is to prepare for the long-term battle quickly.

There are two options in front of them. One is to escape and escape to a safer place before the virus spreads to all A country. But from China to Country A, it didn't take three months for the virus to catch up. What's the use for them to escape to the far north or the south at such a speed?

Another is to stay and continue to fight the zombies until you find a way to completely destroy or save them.

They are all ordinary human beings. In today's world, they have no great ideals. As long as you can continue to live and see the sunrise and sunset every day, it is already a luxury.

After two days of crazy shopping, A Fei was in the villa outside the town, and half of the ground was occupied by their food. The food bought is something that can be stored for a long time and is not too bad. According to the taste of Chinese people, the food of Country A can't enter their mouths, because it is really bad.

Even the simplest instant noodles are much more delicious than any bread with butter. All, this group of children of China are looking for delicious things that can be stored for a long time in the streets and alleys of A country.

Finally, they hardly buy anything other than flour, instant noodles, canned meat and some refrigerated meat.

A Fei took Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan helplessly and went to the Chinese Street again, where he bought rice and more vegetables. I bought ham, bacon, and even two jars of pickles.

These can be stored for a long time, and they are used to eating. A Fei buys them and calculates how long these things can last. If the virus outbreak is fast, it is estimated that these foods will come in handy in less than half a month. And Fei estimated that these things should last for about two months.

After stunned by the purchase of countless vendors, Afei rented a container truck and sent these things back to his villa in the town.

Luo Ziyi actually wanted to buy some snacks, but she finally resisted it. Originally, when they were in Yuanzhou, everyone spoiled her. Every time she wanted to eat snacks, A Fei and others would let her take them casually.

But the situation is different. She feels that she should grow up and can't always stare at delicious food and drool all day like a child.

So, when A Fei said he wanted to buy her snacks, Luo Zi refused.

Gu Hengxuan heard that she refused, and immediately walked to her side and put his hand on her forehead to see if she had a fever! Jokes, there are never snacks. People who cry without these things actually say they don't eat snacks! Gu Hengxuan thought that Luo Ziyi must be sick.

Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan made a scene around A Fei, and they looked so relaxed and comfortable on the street where people came and went.

Suddenly, a pleasant bell sound came. A Fei reached out and touched the mobile phone he bought a few days ago, looked at the number shown on it, and pressed the call button.

[Afei, how's the purchase?] Is it Xia Fan's voice or such a calm voice? A Fei heard the sound of tapping on the keyboard, and he really didn't leave his computer for a moment.

"I've finished buying it, and I'm going back soon. What's the matter?"

[The virus has spread much faster and has begun to move towards the city. I think the intelligence department of Country A will soon be unable to hide it. What else are we preparing for? We should do it as soon as possible! Xia Fan's hand seemed to stop tapping, and A Fei could even imagine his deeply locked eyebrows and dignified face.

"Okay, I see. Let's go back and study what else we need to buy." A Fei's expression changed slightly, but he didn't say anything else. He just wanted to go back to the meeting.

Xia Fan did not answer again, and then hung up the phone, and A Fei also put away his mobile phone.

"What's wrong?" Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan stopped making trouble. Seeing that A Fei's face was a little heavy, they knew that things were not what they liked.

"Nothing, Xia Fan said that the virus spread much faster, so we need to buy everything we want as soon as possible... Xiao Ziyi, do you really don't want snacks? I won't make up for it later!" A Fei drove away all the sad faces on his face. After hanging up with a smile, he began to tease Luo Ziyi.

"No, I won't eat snacks in the future." I have grown up! Luo Zi added in her heart, but she didn't say it, because what she said showed that she was not mature.

A Fei rubbed her hair, and then took them together to the rented container car and drove to the town where they lived.

Soon, they returned to their residence, and the rookies were still training. After seeing their car coming, Guan Qilei took them around.

When the car stopped, the driver came down to open the door of the container, and then helped Guan Qilei and the others move things from inside one by one.

After paying and watching the truck drive away, A Fei and the others moved everything back to their house.

After finishing his busy work, A Fei found Xia Fan and looked at his sofa in the living room on the basement floor. A Fei quickly walked over.

"What's the specific situation?" Fei wants to know how fast the spread is.

"Five people were killed the day before yesterday. I thought they would not appear again, but yesterday they became 22 people. Today, it has grown to more than 100 people, and the situation is getting worse and worse. This was still found by them. It hasn't been found. I don't know how many there are yet!" Xia Fan showed his puzzle-solved information to A Fei one by one.

Looking at the rising data, A Fei sneered.

"Continue to observe, I'm very curious about what Huiman has now." Fei wants to know what the culprits are doing now, what they are thinking about, and how much pressure they are under.

Xia Fan moved his finger, switched the picture to another database, and then said to A Fei:

"They are now busy looking for the first generation, and at the same time, they are also planning to make another alternative." One of the messages was called out and showed it clearly to A Fei. Xia Fan smiled coldly.

It's not enough to kill so many people. Do they still want to continue to harm people? Xia Fan almost made a computer virus several times and put it directly into Huiman's main server to completely wipe out their research data.

After reading the message displayed on Xia Fan's computer, A Fei stood up straight and slightly picked up the corners of his lips.

Huiman Research Institute......

Preparing for a rainy day, the survivors are busy. How can they survive in a world full of zombies? However, it seems that someone has a new plan...