Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 120 Zombie Reappearance

Life can be very calm or tortuous, depending on how you have been there.

Obviously, Afei's life belongs to the kind with many twists and turns, although their twists and turns are a little superfluous at first glance.

It is impossible for such a group of foreigners to suddenly appear in the town without attracting the attention of the residents of the town, especially the large and small shopping, as well as the oil tanker and bus. These are not things that ordinary people will use, but they have them.

The police in the town have been to Afei's villa, but they have checked for a long time and have not found anything wrong with their identity documents. It is their freedom to shop crazily and drive any car. They can only check their identity, but they can't hinder their freedom.

A president once put forward the theory that people have four basic freedoms: freedom of speech, freedom of belief, freedom from hunger and freedom from fear.

People buy food, even if they are free from hunger, so who can care about it?

However, the town's speculation about their identity did not end because of the failure of the police, but became more serious.

For foreigners, local people are a little exclusive. No matter how simple they are, they will have a psychology of refusing to communicate with people with different skin. What's more, A Fei and others only left the villa and came to the town to communicate with the merchants only when they went out to buy food.

In the eyes of these townspeople, Afei is arrogant. According to their ideas, these people should automatically contact their "neighbors" and invite them to their homes very enthusiastically.

But A Fei and others just live their own lives as usual, don't have much contact with people, or even talk to unrelated people.

This seems to make the townspeople feel that Afei and others look down on them and think that they are deliberately demonstrating, thinking that these locals can't get into the eyes of them outsiders!

Of course, Afei didn't mean that. They just wanted to keep a low profile and didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble. However, it makes people have bad guesses.

This rumor quickly spread in the town, but it became more and more unpleasant. Later, it became a group of wanted criminals and came here to take refuge.

A Fei didn't know about such rumors until later. Although he was uncomfortable, he didn't react much. The police in the town have been to the villa. If nothing big, they won't go again. As long as the police don't suspect that they live here, there will be no problem.

What he wants to say is people's freedom of speech, but he wants to manage it, but he doesn't have that power. What's more, when they appeared in the town, they didn't stay long and didn't listen to their gossip for long.

The rumors were circulating, but A Fei and others lived their lives as usual and continued to prepare for the arrival of the zombies.

In Wu Tian's words, people in the town are likely to become zombies. At that time, it is not difficult for them to shut up. Although it was just a joke, none of them thought that the joke would soon come true. Wu Tian knew that his prediction had come true, but he couldn't laugh.

The intelligence agencies of Country A have indeed done a good job in secrecy. It was not until the zombies had appeared near Kancheng, that is to say, the infection had basically spread to a small half of the coastal cities of Country A.

In the early stage, the government, which tried its best to conceal and completely suppress the spread of the virus, and did not let the people know, became the target of public attack. Every day, many protesters gathered at the door of the presidential palace and shouted for them to explain.

There is actually nothing to explain this kind of thing, and the government is also for their good. If the spread of the virus is announced at the beginning, then these worried civilians will still come to protest, but the content of the protest is the same.

Moreover, if announced in advance, many people will move their families because they are afraid. Even if they don't move, they will face the danger of rising prices and when they don't know when they will approach.

In addition to protesting at the gate of the presidential palace, a large number of people went to find the culprit - the branch office of Huimanhua City, which was surrounded by the people of Country A. People shouted slogans such as "Get out", "Leave with the virus", "Country A doesn't need you"... and so on to surround the door of Huiman and prevent their people from coming out or people outside from entering.

Huiman did not respond to this matter at all, but the guard at the door has received an order that if someone dares to enter the door of the research institute, it can be regarded as a terrorist attack and give the guard the right to use firearms.

That is to say, if someone enters the gate of the research institute without authorization, the guard can shoot the other party, and the person who shoots will not be punished by law!

However, even if those people dare not enter Huiman's gate, they gathered outside and basically did not leave. The shouting day and night also made people a very headache. However, in Country A, even the government can't stop this kind of protest. How can a foreign institution like Huiman have the right to control it?

Huiman's people are also very anxious. They don't have many viruses and vaccines on hand. With the disappearance of Dr. Li, three more very valuable viruses and vaccines have been lost.

sent a lot of people to look for it, but there was no result in the end, and the situation in China at that time did not allow them to look for people on a large scale, so they had to give up.

The research process of viruses and vaccines has almost stopped. Huiman's main research direction now is to create another first generation to replace the original one. The action that was still being sought was also stopped because Huaxia was occupied by zombies. Because Huiman always thought that he was still in the country of China at the beginning.

Because the first generation can hide the biochemical reactions on their bodies, they can't find her with a detector and use manual examination, which is laborious and not necessarily accurate. Moreover, Huaxia could no longer let human beings survive, and all Huiman's people soon withdrew.

And they also concluded that the first generation could not have the ability to escape from China alone, so Huiman's people always thought that she was still in the country of China. She has the ability to control zombies, and she will live more like a fish in water where there are many zombies. Therefore, people in Huiman believe that it is impossible to recycle the first generation.

Although she can control zombies, it is impossible for her to spread the virus by biting, so even if she can't recycle it, Huiman's people don't worry about what earth-shaking things she can do.

However, they may never have thought that the first generation they are looking for has arrived in Country A, but their research institute in Hwaseong is almost separated from the whole country A.

The town where A Fei and they hid was unfortunately attacked by zombies half a month later.

Because the intelligence agency deliberately concealed that no one was prepared for the zombies except Afei and others. Therefore, when a zombie walked into the town, no one reacted and lived his own plain life.

However, when it began its own grand banquet and attacked every "food" that passed in front of them, people began to become afraid. However, it was too late to react.

Afei and others paid attention to the situation in the town all the time. When they found the zombies, they had no choice but to start defensive action.

The basement has a door to the ground, so the main door of the villa is sealed. The buildings above the ground, the front door, the back door and the windows on the first floor are tightly closed by them to prevent zombies from invading.

Afei is going to stay here for the time being, because during this period, as long as the zombies are reported and the news spreads in country A, then first of all, someone will migrate away from the peak area of the virus outbreak. But neither the A government nor the Huiman Research Institute will see such a large-scale panic appear.

This fear of death will spread at a more terrible speed than the virus. As long as it is left unattended, it will soon spread to the whole country.

If they all run away during this period of time, the weapons and cars around them will soon attract the attention of others and bring more trouble.

So, A Fei decided that they would still wait in this town for a while and wait for them to run. Damn it, it's not too late for them to run at that time.

Anyway, they have made a long-term plan. They have enough food and water, but it's a little troublesome when they want to bask in the sun.

The doors and windows of the buildings on the ground have been sealed, and the rookie four people led by Mu Jia still live on it and can monitor the situation outside by the way. Fei gave them four, and each of them was equipped with binoculars, which would make it easier for them to be sentries on the rooftop of the villa.

The situation in the town began to deteriorate, and the number of zombies was increasing exponentially. The rookies kept in touch with Afei downstairs and reported what they saw from time to time. Unfortunately, the situation is not pleasant. Yuanzhou's nightmare has been staged again.

They don't want to see this bloody massacre. People's powerless resistance. For zombies, it is just an entertainment program before dinner, and there will be no obstacle to their eating activities.

There are a lot of food. Mu Jia and they all want to rush down, kill all the zombies, and fight happily. But they didn't do that, because they saw a large number of zombies moving this way from a distance. Although their movement speed is still as slow as a turtle, if Mu Jia and others mess up, they will definitely be surrounded by zombies.

After watching for a long time, they didn't do anything. They just watched coldly for a long time before they went down from the rooftop and told A Fei about the situation in detail.

The ordinary days seem to be over, and the reappearance of zombies indicates that their lives will return to their original time in Yuanzhou. It's just that what will happen to them in the future...