Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 143 Follow the trail

To be fair, Jiesika and others have to admit that their skills are definitely not as strong as Luo Zi's. And as long as people have eyes, it is not difficult to see that she seems to know a lot about zombies, which is definitely not comparable to their non-professionals.

But it's so late, let a girl go out, and no one will feel at ease! Even if they have just met, they should be enemies before returning to the town.

Moreover, although the area of this town is not very large, all kinds of alleys and intricate environments allow her to find Jenny alone. It is estimated that she will not be able to find the whole town carefully until tomorrow night, right?

Now it's night again. In order not to attract zombies, she can't use lighting equipment to find people for her, which makes it more difficult.

Jesica said her scruples, but no matter what she said, Luo Ziyi didn't seem to hear it, or she didn't listen to it. Uh-huh, but the action of sorting out her body's equipment did not stop.

A Fei said that Luo Zi is stubborn. Indeed, in general, what she determines will not change easily. Unless she realizes that she has made a mistake, she will correct her mind.

In this situation, she certainly thinks that the decision she has made is the best, so even if Jessieka speaks out, she will still stick to her decision.

Although there are not many zombies near the town, A Fei once reminded them that zombies elsewhere are likely to look for food and slowly migrate to this side. So the safety near the town is only temporary. Sooner or later, they will still be neighbors with zombies, but it's only a matter of time.

Therefore, in order not to cause unnecessary trouble and not let A Fei and others find out that she ran away from home so quickly, Luo Ziyi decided to try not to shoot tonight, no matter what happens.

Despite the opposition of Jessie and Chris, Luo Ziyi still has to walk out of the back door of the house. Before leaving, she told the three of them not to open the door no matter what happened outside unless she came back.

Jessica also wanted to persuade her to take them together. Finally, Luo Ziyi just smiled at her and pushed the night vision goggles. She just said that if you don't want to cause her trouble, don't go out with her. She will act very quickly alone, but if she adds a few of them, she will be greatly restricted.

To protect one person, Luo Zi thought that she could protect everything, but she was not sure about the three people. Moreover, these three people basically have no ability to speak of, and basically have no other ability except to create obstacles for her.

It was originally dark now, but it is still a little problematic for action. Although the night vision goggles brought out of the villa are very helpful, if they take these three, Luo Ziyi basically has little confidence to ensure that they can retreat when they are in danger.

repeatedly warned Jessica not to go out. Luo Zi opened the back door without stopping, looked at the surrounding environment, and then quietly walked out.

As soon as Luo Zi went out, she began to look for clues on the ground. The blood left by the back door should be the best helper for her. If there are blood stains outside the door, she should be able to find the bleeding person.

Even if the blood is not Jenny's, at least this person should know where Jenny is, or this person must have met Jenny.

After a few steps, Luo Zi saw a few drops of black ** on the ground. She squatted down and took a look. She smelled it again. Sure enough, it was blood. It seems that it won't be difficult to find someone!

got up and continued to walk. Luo Zi carefully followed the blood stains and walked forward little by little.

Ben was very annoyed to walk around the first floor of the house, and he was very worried about Jenny's situation. Although Luo Zi said that the blood stain was not necessarily Jenny's, he still instinctively thought that it was Jenny's blood. Something must have happened to her.

He doesn't trust Luo Ziyi very much. After all, he is still a stranger. He still doesn't know the purpose of letting them go, so he still wants to find someone by himself instead of pinning his hopes on the arrogant girl.

Jesica's idea is completely opposite to Ben's. She inexplicably believes that Luo Ziyi can help them. Even if she can't find Jenny and they are trying their best to help, they shouldn't suspect her anymore.

Appease Ben's mood. Although Jecca was also worried about Jenny, she was very obedient and had no intention of going out. Chris is also similar to Jenny. He thinks that Luo Ziyi is not allowed to run casually for their good, so he doesn't want to cause trouble to Luo Ziyi.

"No, I can't stand it anymore. I'm going to find Jenny!" Ben grabbed his hair and shouted at Jecca and the others excitedly.

He can't wait for the torture punishment. He wants to find someone by himself instead of listening to the oriental girl.

"Calm down, don't go crazy at this time. The girl may have found Jenny and is coming back. If you go out and get off with them, won't you go out to find you?" Chris pulled the impulsive Ben and asked him to sit down and be quiet.

Although there are no zombies around, Luo Ziyi also said that there are still many fish that are leaking from the net. Ben's voice is too loud. If it attracts zombies, it will be troublesome.

"How can you calm me down! Jenny is gone, but you listen to the crazy woman and wait here. She may be playing us. She may have returned to that villa. Why should we wait for her? Jenny is waiting for us to save her, but you want me to wait here for the girl's news!"

He felt that he was going crazy. He didn't believe Luo Ziyi at all and felt that she had a different intention. Otherwise, why did she let them go and help them so kindly? So, she must have some purpose and is plotting something for them.

"Bun, please lower your voice. What if there is a monster nearby?" Jecca finally couldn't stand Ben's loud voice. He and Jenny are a perfect match. One has no brain and the other has a problem with his brain!

"Hey! Friends, I think it's you two who should calm down? Do you know who that girl is? Why do you believe her? I think she must have a conspiracy. She wants to get something from us. Wake up! Otherwise, when she kills us, it will be too late to regret!"

Ben still shouted loudly to Jecca and Chris. I really don't know if they have been cursed by Luo Ziyi. Why do they believe her so much?

"Bun, please put away your paranoia! Conspiracy? What do you get from us? What are you thinking about? What can we plot on us?"

Jesica finally lost her temper and raised her volume and shouted to Ben.

She really can't stand Ben. She always thinks of others badly. In his heart, only Jenny is a good person, but in the eyes of others, Jenny is really not a very good girl.

"...scheming? Conspiracy..." Ben was asked by Jiesica, and suddenly there was no sound. Yes! These people, except for a car, only have a few guns. Looking at the weapons on Luo Ziyi's body, I don't know how much better it is than theirs. They really don't have anything that can be coveted by others.

The residential house fell silent, and Ben finally calmed down and stopped talking about going out. And Jecca and Chris stopped talking, just quietly waiting for Luo Zi to come back.

Following the intermittent blood stains, Luo Ziyi came to the outside of a store in the town. She and Fei have been to this restaurant before. It is a bakery.

The blood stains are gone at the door of the store, and no other traces are seen around. That is to say, the bleeding person should be in here.

Pull out the dagger, and Luo Ziyi opened the store door very carefully.

In the quiet night, the folding page of the store creaked and echoed strangely in the store. Luo Zi flashed into the door, and the night vision mirror was green, but it could be seen that many of the original decorations in the store were dumped. There is still a lot of bread that has not been sold, which is either dry or moldy now.

There were blood stains on the ground again, and Luo Ziyi continued to follow the guidance of blood and walked to the store.

All the way to the kitchen of the bakery, Luo Zi stopped slightly, because there seemed to be a sound in the kitchen, which made her unconsciously cautious.

It's a chewing sound, as if it's biting something. But the town has been uninhabited for a long time. Except for the villa, there should be nothing else to eat, right?

After a light step, Luo Zi quietly approached the door of the kitchen to see who was eating inside.

The kitchen light is on, and a faint smell of blood comes out of it. Luo Zi frowned one by one. Is it a zombie? But zombies don't hide in hidden places to eat people, do they? They usually eat when they catch people, and they don't choose a place to eat!

With a slow probe, Luo Ziyi wanted to see what was going on.

On the kitchen floor, a man's back was facing her, making a loud sound of chewing and biting. Because he turned his back to the door, Luo Ziyi didn't see what he was eating.

But where he squatted and stepped on a pool of blood, it was still very fresh blood.

Zombies! It must be a zombie! Luo Zi made a judgment in her heart, so, will he eat Jenny?

After visual inspection of the distance, it should be a little more than two meters from Luo Ziyi's position to the position of the zombie, which is still within a safe distance. If she flew over with a knife, it might have hit him in the head by more than 70%.

OK, Luo Zi quietly stretched out her hand and then pointed the dagger in her hand at the zombie's head.

Just as she was about to take action and fly the zombie to death with a dagger, the zombie suddenly turned his head, looked at the door and asked, "Who?"

Luo Zi was stunned at the moment - it's a person!?

An unexpected result made the person who was ready to hit the monster stop. It turned out to be a human. But even human beings, should we breathe a sigh of relief? You should still be more worried...