Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 144 The Eater

Although it's just a word, a very simple A language, a little vague, because he is still chewing the meat in his mouth, Luo Ziyi can be sure that he is not a zombie, but a person!

Humans who become zombies will lose the ability to speak, and it is impossible to express this. Luo Ziyi, who has seen countless zombies, has never seen anyone who can speak.

Moreover, this person doesn't look like a zombie at all. His skin color is normal, not the dead ash of zombies. His eyes are not cloudy, and there is a bloodthirsty light inside.

A living person is a person, so what is the bright red blood on the corners of his mouth and chewing in his mouth? Obviously, it's raw, but near the town, except for himself, the people in the villa, and Jessica and others, it seems that he is the only living creatures left.

So, he is eating, isn't it the missing Jenny?

No, I don't think so. He is a human. If he is a human, he won't eat people... right? Luo Ziyi is not sure. After all, the current environment is too special. Without food, people can do anything.

The man was slightly relieved to see that the knife was also a human being held at the door. Without attention to Luo Ziyi, he turned around and continued to eat what was in his hand.

Because he had his back to the door, Luo Zi never saw what was in his hand.

She doesn't know what she is thinking or what she wants to see. In case he really eats a certain part of human beings, Luo Ziyi doesn't know how to react.

Kill him? So far, most of the zombies killed by Luo Zi, and the human beings who have been killed are all Huiman people, which is also killed only when he has to.

Therefore, Luo Ziyi was a little confused and finally decided to see the facts clearly first.

The man didn't care about Luo Ziyi's action and continued to eat what was in his hand, while Luo Ziyi's movements were very cautious and moved inside little by little.

Where the man squatted, there was always a pool of blood, and the blood seemed to flow from a corner next to him. Luo Zi took two steps and gradually saw the direction of blood flowing.

Sticking to the wall, Luo Zi carefully continued to move inside and approached the interior at a very slow speed.

Finally entered the kitchen, Luo Zi clenched the dagger in her hand and looked for the source of blood. In a dark corner, she seemed to see a foot in sneakers, which seemed to be a girl's.

Jenny? Will it be hers? Luo Ziyi hasn't seen Jenny, so she can't be sure if it's her. Although the man didn't pay attention to himself, Luo Zi felt that she should not alarm him. In case he suddenly lost his temper, she would really deal with him.

Slowly, thinking that the man's feet were approaching, Luo Zi narrowed her eyes and wanted to see who the man was. Soon, she walked to the side of the foot. She slowly squatted down and stretched out her hand to shake the foot.

The feeling of starting, this foot is not a broken limb, but also connected to the human body, and there is also temperature. It should be a living person. Looking forward again, Luo Zi saw a girl covered in blood.

The blonde hair was messy on her face, and blood stained her hair and clothes. The girl was lying on her side, and half of her body was blocked. But Luo Zi shook her a few times, but she didn't respond. She should have fainted.

The blood flows from the girl's body. Luo Zi took a look, and the blood seemed to have stopped, and the girl would not be in danger for the time being.

She should be Jenny! Luo Ziyi didn't hear the man's movements. Whether the girl was the person she was looking for or not, she should not be allowed to stay here.

It seems that the girl's injury is not light. Although the blood has stopped, the wound still needs to be treated, otherwise it is very easy to deteriorate in the current environment. At that time, she will still die.

Reaching out and pulling the girl's arm, Luo Zi pulled her out of the corner and prepared to take her away.

"Where do you want to take her?" The man who had been silent finally spoke out. I don't know when he had come behind Luo Ziyi, his mouth full of blood and minced meat, and he said vaguely.

"She is injured and needs treatment." Luo Zi looked at the man and continued to pull the girl out.

This girl looks quite slim, but why is she actually so heavy? Luo Ziyi pulled the girl hard and thought to herself.

"Ha ha, treatment? Do you think she needs treatment as food? The man laughed strangely and threw something in front of Luo Ziyi.

Looking down, Luo Zi's eyes widened in surprise - it was a human hand that had been bitten to the palm of its hand!

With a subconscious force, the girl in the corner was pulled out by Luo Ziyi and fell on Luo Ziyi's leg. The girl's hand, one was pulled by Luo Zi, and the other hand... is gone!

The forearm of the girl's hand was gone, and it was wrapped in a dirty towel. Turning his head and looking at the arm that had been bitten without meat on the ground, Luo Ziyi finally knew that the man had been eating. That's all!

"The meat on the palm of the hand is really not easy to chew, or the meat on the arm is easier to chew." The man wiped the blood on his mouth and said boredly.

"You eat people!" After Luo Zi was frightened, it was a nameless anger. She didn't know the girl, just guessing that she was Jenny, the person she was looking for. But even if it is a stranger, it will be sad to see her encounter such a thing.

Zombies cannibalism. They are turned into this by the virus. It's not that they want to eat people, but their instincts are controlled by the virus. But as human beings, why do human beings with at least conscience eat their own kind as cruelly as monsters that have lost their humanity?

"I can't help it. I've looked around here. I really can't find any food except her. I have been hungry for three days, and it is not easy to get here from Kancheng. He was also chased and bitten by monsters on the road. I just want to live. Is that wrong?"

The man is almost crazy. He has been forced to have no way out. It is also in the case of helplessness that he chose such a cruel method.

That was also a flash of inspiration. More than ten days ago, he was chased by zombies and hid into a car wash and found two dying people in it. Originally, he just wanted to use the two of them to attract the idea of zombies, but he was so hungry that he couldn't help thinking that since zombies can eat people, why can't he?

To be honest, the first bite of human meat was really not good. He only chewed a few times and vomited, but in order to survive, he still bit the second bite, and then he ate a lot of that man's meat.

The girl in front of him is not the first person he eats. It should be the third. He is used to it and begins to feel that human flesh is not so bad.

"You are not human! You are more disgusting than zombies!" Luo Zi stared at the man fiercely. She has never been so angry, and has never seen a human who disgusts her more than zombies.

No, he is not a human, he doesn't deserve it!

"I'm disgusting? Ha ha, you have never starved. You don't know what it feels like! As long as you live, it's good to live. As long as you can live, everything can be achieved, and if you die, you will have nothing! But now it seems that it is impossible to live if I don't do this. Do you think it's important to live or human nature?

The man looked at Luo Zi's anger and laughed, and there was even minced meat stuffed in his teeth, which made Luo Zi sick.

"I'm going to kill you!" Luo Ziyi tightened her teeth and forced these words out fiercely. She is kind and never wants to hurt others.

If the zombie hadn't appeared, she would have been an ordinary high school student. It was also because of this that she saw such an ugly side and let her know that human beings can do everything after losing their humanity.

"Kill me? Ha ha, are you going to kill me? A food told me that she was going to kill me! Ha ha, that's so funny, hahaha, that's so funny!" The man covered his stomach and laughed, pointing to Luo Zi's hand trembling, as if she had said something funny joke.

Pulling out the pistol, Luo Ziyi even forgot his thoughts not long ago. In order not to disturb A Fei, he didn't use a gun.

When the man saw her with a gun, he was surprised. He didn't expect that a little girl was armed. He is afraid of death from the bottom of his heart. He did everything to survive. He didn't want to be so easy and was killed by a bullet.

Will it be faster than bullets to see knives and knives scattered on the ground next to it? Anyway, no matter how it is, we still have to fight! The man suddenly bowed down to pick up the knife on the ground.

Luo Ziyi pulled the trigger without hesitation and hit the man's right leg. He shouted and fell to the ground. The hand is still more than ten centimeters away from the knife.

Putting down the girl, Luo Zi stood up and walked to the man.

Another shot. She didn't hit the man, but the knife not far from him.

"You should die! But I won't let you die so easily." In the third shot, Luo Zi hit the man's other leg.

He cried loudly, and blood kept flowing out of his body. He turned his head and looked at Luo Ziyi. She walked very slowly, but the muzzle did not leave his body.

"I won't kill you, I will save your life. However, I will lock you up here and you will never get out. You will continue to starve, but it doesn't matter. You can eat people, then eat yourself! In order to survive, can't you give up human nature?"

Another shot, Luo Ziyi broke one of his arms, and then Luo Ziyi put away her gun, then turned to the girl's side and helped her up.

Looking at the man still struggling, Luo Zi smiled coldly and helped the girl out of the kitchen. I closed the kitchen door and found a lot of things to put it on top of the door to prevent the man from coming out.

For the first time, Luo Ziyi felt that she had the potential to be a bad person, but she didn't think there was anything wrong.

Even after such a thing happens, the world will not change, zombies will not disappear because of your action, and time will still abandon such survivors...