Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 147 A Fei's Entrustment

Before A Fei said anything mean, Jecca's face was about to cry, which made him unable to say anything.

Looking up at Jenny on her back, A Fei keenly found that she was missing an arm. The wound has been treated, but it is very simple to wrap. According to her condition, first aid is needed.

Put away all the mean words. A Fei flashed and let them in and closed the door. A Fei led them down to the second basement.

Lao Ma is busy, but his research has entered a bottleneck. There is too little information at hand. All he can do is basic research. Including the analysis of initial blood samples and zombie tissue analysis.

He has never been willing to open research on the V-series viruses and vaccines given to him by A Fei. On the one thing, there are too few samples, and he is really reluctant to give up. On the other, it's about the virus. The information he knows is all dictated by A Fei and Chu, which is not very detailed. In case he opens it, it's not good to infect everyone.

Because there is no progress in research, Lao Ma's life is quite leisurely. Blood analysis and tissue analysis have written a large article, but it is all his understanding, and many things still need to wait for Xia Fan's information.

Fortunately, this boy said that he was about to enter Huiman's internal program, and it was only a matter of time before he got the information.

When A Fei came down with people, Lao Ma was in a daze at the microscope. The first blood was very strange. After leaving her body, it was still growing, and it was different from the growth pattern of ordinary hot tear blood cells.

The lost tissue analysis is similar to her blood analysis, but the growth rate is much slower and not more active than her blood cells.

At the beginning, he said that the V series virus was extracted from her blood, so Lao Ma judged that this process would kill many active cells in her blood, so the speed and wisdom of zombies could not be compared with human beings.

Inadvertently turned his head and saw Ah Fei leading a stranger. Lao Ma put away all his manuscripts, and then held the experimental table and looked at Ah Fei.

He didn't enter the door, but let Ben carry Jenny to the door and look at Lao Ma's situation.

Lao Ma could probably see Jenny's situation at a glance. The space in the laboratory was limited. He waved his head and asked them not to block the door. I walked out of the laboratory, closed the door, and asked them to put people on the coffee table aside.

The conditions here are limited, and Lao Ma can only find a random place to do it.

Seeing the bandage on Jenny's arm, Lao Ma frowned and asked A Fei to take out all his tools. He quickly opened the cloth on Jenny's wound and looked at the cotton on the wound. He smiled.

However, Lao Ma didn't say anything, and he felt strange why these children came here for medical treatment. Now he knows that someone has instructed him!

Lao Ma doesn't want to know the identity of these people, and Lao Ma can also see that he simply wants to save people. However, they should not know that there is a doctor in the villa. If it hadn't been for the guidance of acquaintances, they wouldn't have come here specially. After all, he was rejected during the day and arrested by Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan at night.

I can't lose face. Even if someone is injured, I may not come to see a doctor.

But looking at the cotton on the wound, Lao Ma finally understood what was going on. It turned out that Luo Ziyi had not gone far away and was still with these children in the small town.

When A Fei came back, Lao Ma didn't say anything, but found the disposable gloves, put them on, and asked who was type O blood.

Jesica and the others looked at each other, and Chris said to Lao Ma that he had type O blood.

Lao Ma smiled and lost a syringe for A Fei to help draw blood. He searched in his box to find the tools he needed.

Afei still had some experience in this kind of thing. He asked Chris to sit aside, then found alcohol, disinfected him, and then began to draw blood.

"The injury is too long. I can't guarantee that I can save it. I can only do my best and be psychologically prepared!" Lao Ma said to Jecca while looking for something.

Nodding hard, Jiesica and others now put all their hopes on the old horse. Although I hope Jenny is fine, her situation is getting worse and worse, her breath is getting weaker and weaker, and the hope is very slim.

"Don't surround the two of you, Fei, and brighten the lights!" Old Ma is now the boss, and he can do whatever he says. As soon as Jessie and Ben heard him drive away, they quickly moved aside.

But I didn't go far. I just withdrew a few meters and still saw Jenny's place.

When A Fei finished drawing blood for Chris and handed over the syringe to Lao Ma, the rest was his business, and even he couldn't get involved.

hook his fingers and let Jecca and all three follow him, and A Fei just turned upstairs. When he came to the building on the ground, A Fei brought them some food and asked them to sit down and watch them eat.

"Xiao Ziyi is with you?" A Fei looked at them with a smile. They wouldn't have come here without this girl's idea.

Who? Who are you talking about? Ben was a little confused. He didn't understand the language of China. He was very strange about the Chinese name spoken by A Fei. He didn't know who it was.

"Luo Ziyi! It's just... let you girls go!" Fei repeated it again. It seems that she hasn't had time to introduce herself!

"Oh...that..." I was about to open my mouth, but I was kicked by Jiesica and immediately shut up. He didn't know why Jessieka wanted to kick him, but he also knew that it meant that he would stop talking.

Ben's expression instantly became very interesting, nodding or shaking his head. Look at Jiesica and then look at Fei. It seems that he can't afford to offend both sides!

"I know. She said she wanted to keep it a secret, didn't she? Don't worry, I won't go to her. You don't have to mention me when you go back. A Fei smiled. Although he was unhappy for Luo Ziyi's departure, he would definitely not stop what she was going to do.

Besides, hasn't Gu Hengxuan already followed? At least two people were together. They both brought weapons. When Gu Hengxuan left, he also brought a lot of weapons and ammunition. Safety should not be a problem.

It's just that the person he worked hard to protect actually wanted to fly, and he was a little sad!

Jesica didn't dare to speak and didn't know what to say. They just covered their confused eyes by eating.

"She is very kind and sometimes has a good heart. However, she and Hengxuan are very good at it. Don't think about helping them when they are in danger, just be obedient. No matter where you go, don't cause them trouble. They are young, and sometimes they are not very thorough and impulsive. But they are very smart and can judge right and wrong..."

A Fei's voice was very soft and his smile was faint. Several of them were attracted by him like this. They pinched the food in their hands and forgot to eat.

He is like a loving father, explaining to his daughter's friends what he needs to pay attention to when getting along with her. Now A Fei and the mean him they saw during the day are simply two people.

"In a word, I hope you can help them, and I hope they can come back soon..." A Fei smiled more illusoryly, as if he had seen Luo Ziyi in the distance.

He won't object to what she wants to do, he just hopes that she can be safe. In fact, if Luo Ziyi told him that she wanted to go out to practice by herself, he would not say no. At most, just looking at her secretly doesn't prevent her from growing up, but doesn't want her to be dangerous.

However, she chose not to say anything and did it herself. Fei was very helpless, but he had to let go and let her do what she wanted to do without interference.

Jesica nodded and whispered to A Fei:

"Sir, don't worry. I know she is a good person and will not cause her any trouble. If you want her to come back soon, I will often persuade her... However, I won't say what you think."

"No, she just wants a space for herself and me to know that she has grown up and doesn't need human protection. It's not anyone's burden." A Fei can now experience a father's mentality and understand what Luo Mingjun said to himself at the beginning.

At this time, Jecca began to envy Luo Ziyi. Unexpectedly, there was such a person beside him, which made people yearn for it.

When the old horse came up, A Fei was silent with them at the same time. It's really not easy for this brother. He did everything to make his sister happy.

"Afei, that girl is fine, but she has to rest for a few days. Don't let them take her back. Leave it here!" With disposable gloves and blood on it, I want to go and get food.

He got up and stopped him, and A Fei said with a smile:

"Xiao Zi ran away from home and will do housework together in the future. Don't you want to wipe it yourself?" A Fei looked at Lao Ma's hand and said softly.

Lao Ma also lowered his head, saw the disposable gloves, nodded with understanding, then took off the gloves, threw them away, and opened the refrigerator door.

"Your brother is really in place. Ziyi is so capricious, and you are not angry." Lao Ma casually took a loaf of bread, took a bite, and then asked in the language of China.

"I can't help it. She is the same as me. No one can control it when she is wayward, so she can only continue to do it. When she is tired, she will return to the nest! She will come back, but I don't know when it will be!" A Fei sat back in place and said softly.

"By the way, you won't keep up, will you? Our group of people are all supported by you!"

Afei is their chef. Without him, the people in the villa can only eat raw food. Old Ma Ke doesn't want to be a primitive man and live a life of drinking blood.

"Anla, she just didn't want me to follow, so she didn't say anything. If she knows that I'm behind her, I have to run faster and farther. This time, A Fei wanted to let go of her hand slightly so that Luo Ziyi could fly by herself. Maybe she would find a wider sky.

But he won't let go completely. In Luo Ziyi's backpack, there is a signal transmitter. No matter where she is, he can find her on the computer.

As long as the kite flies far away, although the line is still in someone's hand, he can't do anything except keep releasing the line to let it fly high and far. One day, if the kite falls down and you look at him from afar, can you catch it safely...