Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 148 Tacit Action

A Fei finished what he wanted to say and told him not to let Jiesica tell Luo Ziyi that he knew everything. Jecca and the others were left by Afei, but the place they lived was not a room, but a living room sofa on the basement floor.

Lao Ma said that Jenny's situation has stabilized, which means that she has no name, and it is only a matter of time before she recovers. Lao Ma also said that letting her stay in the villa for a while is more beneficial to her health.

Early the next morning, A Fei woke up early. In the living room on the second floor, Jenny lay pale on the sofa, next to the temporary shelf made by Lao Ma, hanging drips and blood bags.

He didn't care much about her situation. Ah Fei quietly went up the floor and saw the three people crooked on the sofa. He just smiled.

It was time for breakfast, and the people in the villa got up to eat. The four rookies did not see Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, but added three robbers and felt very surprised. But Afei didn't say anything and asked Jecca and the others to have dinner together. Mu Jia and the four of them didn't say anything.

Of course, Guan Qilei and others also found out. They wanted to ask about the whereabouts of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, but A Fei looked calm and did not respond. They were more aware of current affairs, and A Fei looked like "he knows everything, but he just doesn't want to say", so even if they asked, he didn't know how to answer.

Breakfast was finished calmly in a strange situation.

After dinner, Afei asked Jecca and the others to leave, but Afei also told them not to run here if they had nothing to do. Mujia brought them some ready-made food and some ingredients, enough for them to eat for a few days. And their weapons began to be confiscated by A Fei, and it was useless to keep them. After returning them to them, A Fei asked them to go back to the town.

Before leaving, they took a look at Jenny. Although she was still in a coma, her face was much better and her breathing was very stable.

With reassure, Jiesica and the others left Fei's villa with food and walked to the town.

This time, in order to save Jenny, they put down their bodies to ask for help. They thought they would be ridiculed by A Fei, and they worked hard to succeed. But what I didn't expect was that Afei didn't say anything and helped them. When she finally left, she gave them food, which made Jecca a little ashamed.

I have a new understanding of A Fei, and I also know that Luo Ziyi ran away from home. In order to grow up, it is not a conspiracy.

Along the way, all three of them talked about A Fei. They have never seen Ah Fei take action, but intuitively, they are sure that he is a very powerful master.

The mean side of yesterday, the indifferent side at night, and the calm side when asking for help later, they didn't think it was A Fei's true temperament. On the contrary, when he talked about Luo Ziyi, A Fei at that time was the most real, full of the feeling that human beings should have, so warm that people unconsciously wanted to approach.

When they returned to the town, Jiesica and the others stopped the discussion, because Fei said that they would not let them disclose his situation, so they had better be careful.

When they returned to their residential house, they smelled the fragrance of food as soon as they entered the door. Seeing Luo Ziyi, who was agile and bold and wise, holding a pot shovel in his hand and busy figure in the kitchen, Jiesica and others were a little surprised.

When they saw Gu Hengxuan sitting at the dining table, they were not very surprised, because A Fei had already said that he followed him. So, when he appeared here, they were not surprised at all.

I tossed around all night and didn't have enough rest. After Jessica and the others entered the door, they just explained the general situation to Luo Zi, and then ran upstairs to make up for sleep.

As if she had guessed, Luo Zi just continued to cook with a smile when she heard them. Seeing the ingredients in their hands, Luo Ziyi was even happier. The things in the house are very limited, and she has little room to play.

With these, she can make more and better food.

However, I still have to go out later to find some necessary seasonings and cooking oil. She is quite familiar with the situation in the town. When the infection did not break out, she and Fei often came to buy things. If she remembers correctly, there is a convenience store diagonally opposite, and she should be able to find what she wants.

"I have a feeling that A Fei seems to know that we are with these people!" Gu Hengxuan looked at the ingredients A Fei gave to Jecca, frowned and said to Luo Zi.

put the food on the plate, Luo Ziyi's hand paused, then smiled and said:

"Maybe he knew it for a long time, but he wanted me to hit a wall and suffer losses. Of course, he would want to go back. However, he may guess, and he can't be sure. Anyway, he agrees with our approach and won't arrest us back.

Put the plate on the dining table, and Luo Zi smiled slightly. If A Fei can't make a sound, she can do whatever she wants, but as long as she ensures a little, A Fei will not come to catch her back - it's safe!

She can only live as much as she thinks. When she wants to go back, A Fei will still greet her with a smile!

With A Fei's acquiescence, Luo Ziyi no longer had to worry that she would stay in the town and be arrested, so they could wait until Jenny's injury was completely healed before leaving.

In fact, she and Gu Hengxuan are now back to Afei and can leave when they want to leave, but she wants to stay here and get along with Jecca and others, at least to cultivate some tacit understanding, so that no matter where they go and encounter danger in the future, there will not be too many obstacles.

After breakfast, Luo Zi was ready to go out and asked Gu Hengxuan to stay and watch Jessie and the others. After wearing the equipment, she quietly left the house and went to the convenience store diagonally opposite.

After the outbreak of infection, people run for their lives and think of preparing the necessary food. But people subconsciously think of food that is convenient to store, some vegetables and seasonings, which are generally not brought. First, it is inconvenient, and second, it is useless to bring it.

Therefore, Luo Ziyi felt that these things must still be left in the convenience store, and these things are what she needs most now.

Soon arrived at the convenience store. Luo Ziyi looked outside the store and did not feel the danger, so she carefully pushed the door of the convenience store.

She has been to this store several times and is clear about the location of general goods. She took a shopping basket and found the seasoning she wanted. There are still many things that can be used.

Some people say that shopping can make women happy, and although Luo Ziyi is still a girl, she also likes shopping very much. Moreover, her shopping, even if she doesn't buy brand-name clothes and bags or brand cosmetics, can make her happy, because she doesn't have to pay!

After taking a lot of things, Luo Zi felt that it was almost done and was ready to go back to the house. Suddenly, I saw the daily necessities area. They wanted to set out in an unknown direction, and some things still needed to be prepared.

So, she took some more things and saw a half-full shopping basket, which should be almost done.

When she saw the snack area, Luo Zi began to struggle. She rarely eat snacks recently, but it doesn't mean that she doesn't want to eat. Well... After thinking for a while, she still decided to take a few bags of potato chips.

When Luo Zi finally walked out of the convenience store, her hand was full of baskets of things.

Just after walking out of the store, before Luo Zi stepped back, she subconsciously lowered herself, put down the shopping basket in her hand, pulled out her dagger and rowed horizontally.

The feeling of the dagger piercing into flesh and blood came, but at the same time, there was a smell of rottenness!

Zombies! The monster that hasn't been seen for a long time finally came back today! Luo Zi almost stopped moving. After the dagger crossed, she punched the zombie's abdomen, opening the distance between her and the monster a little, so that she could have room to play.

The zombie was beaten by her to withdraw a few steps. Luo Zi also withdrew a few steps and looked at the zombies in front of her.

What a long-lost face, gray skin, dirty saliva, cloudy eyes, and ah ah screaming sound. I haven't seen them for a few days, and I really miss them!

When the zombie rushed to Luo Ziyi, Luo Ziyi had already moved first. Rushing forward quickly, Luo Ziyi had only one goal, which was the head and neck of the zombie.

Of course, the speed of the zombie could not be as fast as Luo Ziyi. As soon as she lowered her head, she dodged the zombie's hand and circled its back. The dagger in her hand directly pierced the back of the zombie's neck.

With a bang, the zombie fell to the ground and knocked over the shopping basket that Luo Zi had just put on the ground, and her things were scattered all over the ground.

She walked over and pulled out her dagger, put it back in place, kicked the body of the zombie, and began to clean up the things scattered on the ground.

"I was shocked and knocked over my things. Do you have any accomplices? If there is, call it out, and I will solve it all at once, which will save trouble in the future. Then he packed up his things, and Luo Zi shattered the corpses of the zombies.

Gu Hengxuan stood at the door and watched Luo Zi squatting on the ground to pick up things, smiling to help her monitor the situation around her. As soon as Luo Zi went out of the door, he had been looking at her in the house.

When the zombie appeared, he also saw it, but he was not worried at all, because a zombie was already a small dish for Luo Ziyi, and there was no need to help.

Seeing her solve the zombies, he opened the door and waited for Luo Zi to come back.

In such a day, there are occasional excitement and surprises in ordinary life, and unexpected things will emerge one after another and will not make anyone bored. However, some people can only play this kind of game once, and only those with high abilities can survive to the end in such a game. However, during GAMEOVER, no one can control the time...