Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 149 Dangerous Proposal

A strange life begins.

A Feiming knew where Luo Ziyi was, but he never said anything. Guan Qilei and Mu Jia asked several times in private. Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan disappeared for no reason. Everyone was worried, but A Fei still didn't say anything.

Lao Ma also knows the answer, but A Fei doesn't want to reveal it to everyone. He doesn't want to go against A Fei's intention. He has been watching everyone anxious. When A Fei wants to say it, he will naturally give you an answer.

And Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan got along well with Jecca, at least without quarreling, because the two of them always acted alone, wandering around the town, cleaning up some hidden zombies one by one, which will gradually expand their usual scope of activities a lot.

They also understand that Afei has acquiesced in their family leaving, so they have never come out to look for them. And the two of them have discussed with Jecca and others. When Jenny is completely well, she will start to move elsewhere.

Therefore, a very special phenomenon is formed between the town and the villa.

Afei didn't go to the town again, and the people who often went in and out of the villa were replaced by the three of them.

Jenny's injury is gradually getting better, and after she wakes up, her whole body has completely changed. At first, she was afraid of people. As long as human beings approached her within five meters, she began to go crazy.

It seems that she has lost her language ability. Jenny didn't speak except for shouting. The hand that survived kept scratching, but refused to let people get close. As her doctor, after observing for three minutes, Lao Ma concluded that because of the unexplained stimulation, she temporarily fell into insanity and needed to take sedatives and rest for a period of time.

Jessica guessed that Jenny would become like this, which should be related to the reason why she broke her hand. Now Jenny is absolutely impossible to explain the beginning and end of the matter. She can only wait for the opportunity to ask Luo Ziyi carefully.

As a doctor with greater medical research, Lao Ma said that he didn't have much time to deal with Jenny, so he gave the task of feeding medicine to Jesica.

There are not many sedatives among the drugs Lao Ma often carries, so he needs to go to the hospital in the town to find them. And A Fei was afraid that he would be embarrassed to go to the town and meet Luo Zi, so he let Jecca and the others handle it by themselves.

After returning, when they heard about this, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan took Jie Sika to the hospital to find sedatives. At the same time, they also found a lot of common drugs for their future use on the road.

Jenny's injury is fine. It's five days later. And her degree of madness also decreased a lot, and the old horse began to drive people away.

took Jenny back to the town, saying that she had to recover from her wound, and it would take some time to wait for her wound to heal completely. And her mental condition is still a little bad.

She refused to sleep at night, but just hid in the corner. Regardless of the persuasion of Jecca, she refused to rest. She also ate very little, and often ate, and she began to find a place to hide in a panic.

If you take such a patient on the road, no one can imagine what the result will be like. Therefore, they are trying to find a way every day to see if Jenny can get better.

also asked Lao Ma. He said that he was not a psychiatrist and knew a lot about mental illness. However, he still gave them a hint that if they want to solve the problem, they need to know how the problem happened and how it was formed. The right method is to take the right medicine.

The key is that they don't know how the problem happened, and finally they have to go back and ask Luo Ziyi.

Although she has no feelings for Jenny, in order to set out as soon as possible, Luo Ziyi also felt that she should do her best to help them, so she said everything she saw and knew that day without reservation.

After learning the truth, Jecca almost vomited. Maybe her imagination was too strong. As soon as Luo Zi finished speaking, she thought of the wound on Jenny's arm, and she could imagine how the pervert bit her arm.

And after Ben and Chris heard it, the situation was not much better. Zombies ate people, and they had seen a lot. But I really haven't heard of people eating people.

When Luo Zi said it, her face was calm and there was no expression, as if it was just a story, not everything she had experienced herself.

Gu Hengxuan has no special expression, just listening to Luo Ziyi's narrative. This is also the first time he has heard of this kind of thing, but he has experienced too many things. His psychological endurance has increased a lot. In the face of some things, he has also learned to deal with it calmly.

"So...what should we do? We now know what she has been through, and then how can we make her normal? Ben forced himself not to imagine the scene and set out to ask questions.

The problem has returned to the origin. Although they understand the cause of the problem, what can they do even if they find it?

"We are not professional doctors, and Jenny's situation is very complicated. Theoretically, she was mentally damaged, causing the current condition. However, it is not enough to know the cause to solve such a disease. I think we still need to find Lao Ma. Luo Ziyi felt that it was better to leave professional problems to professionals to solve them.

"I asked him, but he said that he is not a psychiatrist and has little experience in this field." Chris said the old horse's answer.

If it hadn't been for his prompt, they wouldn't have been in a hurry to ask Luo Ziyi what she knew.

"Then there is only one way." Luo Zi thought of a way that was not the way, but she felt that the probability of success was still very high.

"What can I do?" Jessica and the three of them asked in one voice.

Looking at the three of them, Luo Zi sighed and whispered:

"I didn't kill him and locked him in that bakery. It's been many days. I don't know if he's dead. I think there may be two results of Jenny meeting him. One is that in the face of the fact that day, her situation has improved; the other is that the situation has deteriorated and she has completely gone crazy.

Luo Ziyi is also a dangerous move. She can't determine whether such a method is useful or not. If she succeeds, she can only say that she is right. But it is also very likely to be counterproductive and make Jenny's situation worse.

"It's too risky to do this! What should we do if Jenny is seriously ill? Ben was so opposed that he didn't want to do anything dangerous to Jenny.

Luo Ziyi's method is her own guess. How helpful is her idea for a teenage girl? Ben admitted that she is very good at dealing with zombies. Several of them are no match for her.

But it doesn't mean that what she said makes sense. She is not a doctor. Even Lao Ma said that there is nothing she can do. Is it useful for her to come up with a casual idea?

Luo Zi knew that someone would oppose it and didn't say anything. She shrugged her shoulders indifferently. Sitting in the chair, she closed her mouth and did not refute or continue to say anything.

was originally a very adventurous method. She did not say that she would succeed, nor did she say that what she said must be right. She thought about it, but others objected. What can she do?

"Brother, don't say anything against it. You can also talk about some constructive topics. For example, do you have any better ways?" Gu Hengxuan looked at Ben with a smile and said softly.

This kind of person is very magical. In addition to objecting and thinking that you are wrong, he is speechless when you ask him to say something meaningful.

Can only analyze other people's mistakes or indequacy, but they have no idea. Isn't such a person magical enough?

Gu Hengxuan has no malice, just wants Ben to shut up. Without help, he poured cold water on everyone, which made the atmosphere very stiff and couldn't think of any other ideas.

As soon as Gu Hengxuan said, Ben opened his mouth, but there was no follow-up for a long time. He really has nothing to do, but he will definitely not agree and let Jenny take risks.

Jessica has been silent. Whether it is Luo Ziyi's opinion or her opposition to Ben, she has not made a sound. Out of the horrible imagination, she has been thinking about how feasible the method Luo Zi said is.

At first glance, Luo Ziyi's method is indeed very risky and has no scientific basis. But they really have no other choice now, right? When you have no way out, be a living doctor!

"Luo, I think your method is worth a try, and that pervert is probably dead, isn't it? Jenny may not be in any danger. If Jenny's situation improves, we will leave in a few days, but on the contrary, I can only say sorry. We will stay and take care of her. After all, there are few zombies around here, and there are doctors.

Jessica put forward her own opinion and then looked at Chris. Ben's opinion is not that he doesn't accept it, but that he is not objective or calm enough, and from beginning to end, he really can only say, no, no, no!

Chris frowned and knew that Jessica was waiting for his opinion. In fact, he also thinks that this method is not only risky, but also messy. But Jessica said so, and he was more or less affected.

"I think... I don't think it's better! Let's ask the doctor, and if he thinks it's feasible, then we'll try it. But if he opposes it, then we will think of another way. What do you think?"

Chris chose a more compromise method. Although Lao Ma said that he was not a psychiatrist and didn't understand these, he was a doctor and should be able to give certain opinions.

After looking around, no one objected to Chris's words, and Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan did not respond, so Jessica and the others came outside the villa again.

As the saying goes: good things take a long time, maybe it's really like this. Some people just want to leave the embrace of adults and be a strong child, but it seems that God doesn't give face and has to put more stumbling blocks on her way forward...