Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 153 Unknown Front

Put your hand on the lock of the kitchen. As long as you twist it gently and open the door, you can enter it. Luo Ziyi's hand has been on it for more than a minute, but there has been no next move.

signaling that Jecca and Chris follow behind, so that no matter what the situation is inside, the impact on them will be much smaller. They are also very obedient, because when Luo Ziyi talked about what happened to Jenny that day, they already felt very disgusted. If they could not look at it, they would rather choose to close their eyes.

Jenny's situation is not bad. She has been shaking all the time and doesn't want to escape. However, the strength of her holding Luo Zi's arm was much greater.

Fortunately, she hasn't eaten well these days, her physical strength has not fully recovered, and she has only one hand left, and she doesn't have much strength. Luo Ziyi did not react because of Jenny's increasing strength, but looked at her calmly.

Her eyes never left Jenny's face, and Luo Zi carefully observed her reaction. If she is a little uncomfortable, Luo Zi will take her back immediately.

After another minute, Luo Ziyi finally opened the lock on the door. With a gentle pull, there seemed to be something behind the door and touched it gently on the door.

A pungent smell of rottenness came out of the narrow gap. First of all, Luo Zi frowned one by one and had no other reaction.

Is it rotten? That's a good thing, that guy should be so rotten that he doesn't even have bones! Luo Ziyi, who was extremely calm on the surface, laughed in his heart and was a little proud to disappear from the world.

The gap was slightly narrowed and moved back two steps. Luo Zi left the original position with Jenny. Even Luo Ziyi himself barely endured this smell, not to mention Jenny.

Jessica and Chris behind them also covered their mouths and noses. The smell only reminded them of death and the scene of zombie transit. With the desire to vomit, they looked up with difficulty and looked at the door.

After preparing to let the smell in the kitchen spread out, she took Jenny in. Luo Zi stared at the gap and recalled again the scene when Jenny was rescued that day!

If that person is still alive, she will still not kill him, but block the door more tightly so that he can never get out.

Imagine that he will look at his meat, which decays little by little and gradually turns into bones. Maybe he has died in this process. But if God favors him so much that he doesn't let him go to hell, he can choose to die, and he should be able to find a tool to free himself.

Unfortunately, Luo Ziyi is not interested in watching such a process and has no time. Otherwise, this must be a very good play!

I felt that the smell was almost dispersed, and Jenny also adapted to the smell. Luo Zi nodded to her and saw that she had no reaction, so she raised her hand and opened the kitchen door completely.

Although the smell has spread a lot, the smell of rottenness in the kitchen is still very strong. Come to think of it, Luo Ziyi has locked that guy here for nearly ten days, right? If he didn't hold on and committed suicide in two or three days, it would be normal to smell now!

The moment the door opened, a dark shadow fell from the door and fell at Jenny's feet. Luo Ziyi was also shocked. When she looked at the people on the ground carefully, she suddenly sneered.

This man is really obedient. She made him eat himself when he was hungry. He really did it! Such a person is more disgusting than zombies. Even if zombies are no longer human, they will not eat the same kind, and he...

As a human being, he even ate himself for his so-called survival! Very good, great! This guy completely made Luo Zi understand that human nature is to tell people who know this word that such a person can no longer be regarded as a real human!

The man's ten fingers are all bones, his teeth are not very clean, and there are many muscles left on it, mixed with blood, sticking to the top of the finger bone. As for the meat that was originally on it, it should have been eaten by himself, right?

The back of his hand was fine, but a few pieces of meat were bitten off, but the palm of his hand was basically not seen. On the arm, the traces of being bitten are very obvious. About half of the wrist of his left hand was about cut off, and his blood vessels were bitten off by him.

Luo Zi smiled. Does this guy really want to stick to it in this way and wait for someone to save him? Unfortunately, he lacked some common sense. Looking at the large blood stains on his body, he should have bitten off the blood vessels on his wrist, causing too much blood to die.

Unfortunately, it's a pity that he died too easily, otherwise he could still see him eating his hands!

There is also a broken arm beside him, which is Jenny's. There are no muscles on it. Presumably, he must have used Jenny's hand to deal with it before deciding to cook his own food.

"Ah... Oh, my God! Vomit..." Jessica shouted in a low voice and looked at the people on the ground. She repeatedly put herself back and couldn't spit it out, but in the end, she failed.

Chris then appeased Jessica, turned around, and didn't dare to look at the man!

Looking at Jessica who was vomiting, Luo Zi shook her head. If she had seen this guy, if she ate Jenny's arm, she would have reacted much more than now!

The strangest person is not the calm Luo Ziyi or Jessica who vomited darkly, but Jenny who has been trembling beside Luo Ziyi.

At the beginning, Luo Zi thought that she would scream with fear when she saw this pervert, and then ran out. Unexpectedly, she had no intention of running at all, but her face was full of panic, but with a little hatred.

Is this... a good phenomenon?

At this moment, what Luo Ziyi can do is to let Jenny continue to hold her arm and wait for her to react.

The expression on Jenny's face is gradually changing. From fear at the beginning, it slowly becomes hatred, and the component of hatred is gradually increasing.

Angry, and finally fixed, Jenny finally let go of Luo Ziyi's hand, pulled out the dagger on her leg, and suddenly rushed to the body!

"Kill! Kill you! Kill, I'm going to kill you! Kill, kill, kill you..." Jenny shouted as she kept stabbing the body.

For many days, Jenny hasn't said anything or even spit out a word, but at this time, she actually made a sound.

Because she hasn't made a sound for a long time, her voice is very hoarse. In the quiet bakery, only she is full of anger, panic and crazy shouts.

In the end, she stopped, not because she vented enough, but because the dagger seemed to be stuck in the bone of the body, and she was not strong enough to pull it out.

But she did not stop, but gave up the dagger and kept beating the body with her broken arm and intact other hand.

"Madman, you madman, kill you! I'm going to kill you..." shouted wildly, and Jenny's tears have slowly flowed down.

Finally, she was a little tired. Looking at the body that had been stabbed by herself, the broken body, and the internal organs of his body that were about to gush out, and the smell of rottenness around her, Jenny still couldn't stand it. She turned her head and began to vomit.

Luo Zi stepped on the body, reached out and pulled out her dagger, then reached out and dragged Jenny aside, turned her head to look at the dead body at the kitchen door, hummed coldly, walked back and kicked him back into the kitchen, and then closed the door fiercely.

Go to hell to eat people! I think you will like that kind of life! Luo Zi turned around and walked back to Jenny. She had stopped vomiting and sat on the ground crying. Lifting her broken arm, she looked at the carrion and dark red blood on it and felt very dirty.

"It's all over. He won't hurt you anymore!" Luo Zi reached out and patted Jenny on the back to appease her emotions.

turned around and hugged Luo Zi, and Jenny cried bitterly. She was finally able to cry and her emotions were vented. Has the crux of her heart been opened?

The next morning, two cars left the town one after the other and drove in the direction of Kancheng.

There are only two people in the front car. Gu Hengxuan is driving, and Luo Ziyi is sitting on the co-pilot. Xia Fan's baby computer is now on Luo Ziyi's lap. It shows a map near Kancheng, and two black dots are moving on it, which are their car.

In the car in the back, there were Jessica and the four of them. Jenny was sleeping against Jessica in the back seat, with a calm expression and seemed to have no nightmare entanglement. Ben, who was driving, looked at Jenny from the rearview mirror from time to time, then smiled and followed the car in front of him all the way to their destination.

Because there is no walkie-talkie, the connection between the two cars is based on gestures. Basically, the tasks commanded are Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan. This small convoy quickly approached Kancheng.

On the rooftop of the villa on the other side of the town, A Fei slowly put down the binoculars in his hand and looked at the two dusty cars. Suddenly, he had a strange mood.

"Don't give up? Then why did you let her mess around?" Guan Qilei squatted beside A Fei, looked at his reluctant face, and said with a smile.

Do you know what it feels like to marry a daughter? That's what I do now. Obviously not to give up, but I have to do so. Even if she can't come back, I can only let her go, because this is what she wants. A Fei showed a little lonely expression, but he knew that he would not lose Luo Ziyi, because she taught herself and she had the ability to face everything!

"You are different from Ziyi, and you seem to care more about your apprentice. I'm starting to wonder about your relationship. Isn't she really your sister?" Guan Qilei looked at A Fei curiously and asked with a smile.

"What do you think I will answer you?" A Fei turned his head and looked at Guan Qilei with a "guess" expression.

"Come on, you won't say anything you don't want to say, even if you are tortured to force a confession. By the way, when will the zombies approach? Guan Qilei changed the topic wisely, because he knew that A Fei would not tell the truth.

"Xia Fan's inference, tomorrow nightfall." A Fei raised his hand and looked at the two cars that had gone away, hoping that she could get what she wanted and come back quickly!

Marry your daughter? Very interesting feeling. The approach of zombies and the distant departure of their relatives, maybe they will really not come back, but neither those who leave nor those who stay will regret it. This is a necessary choice for growth. Maybe when they come back here, everything will be different...