Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 154 First arrival

Kancheng, one of the coastal cities of Country A, has a long coastline, which has brought endless business opportunities and a large number of stowaways to the city.

Every year, the stowaways welcome here are almost one-tenth of its total population, but it is only 0.1 percent of this number that can successfully live here. Most people will still be repatriated.

Even if you successfully avoid strict inspection and get the opportunity to live in Kancheng, it does not mean that you will live a good life.

Before there was no formal identity, the life of stowaways was even similar to that of mice.

Jobs must be found, but they are all very hard work and don't make much money, and the place where these people live is even more unimaginable.

Under the overpass, it is the territory of vagrants. Anyway, they are of national A and live in stowaway, either a narrow "ant nest" where more than a dozen people live together, or a sewer.

High-intensity work, pressure from the outside world, poor living environment, no medical security, many successful people who smuggled in such an environment died quietly, and then were thrown into the streets, becoming anonymous and unaclaimed abandoned corpses.

And the police in Kancheng will receive such a call almost every week to recover an unidentified body.

I don't know whether it was fortunate or unfortunately, the V-series virus infection broke out, and Kancheng was soon affected. Normal humans either escaped, were eaten by zombies, or became zombies, wandering in the streets and alleys of Kancheng.

The stowaway who has been living a dark life finally has a bright day.

In the city full of zombies, stowaways have no pressure. As long as they can successfully avoid these guys and find food to make a living, they can live a good life.

They no longer have to live below and live the same life as mice. As long as they can find a safer house, they don't even have to say hello, and they become the owners of the house and live a normal life.

If there are still people in country A who are very happy about the virus infection, it may be this group of stowaways who are oppressed by life and unable to breathe.

Kancheng is active with many such stowaways. They are living a very good life now. Even if they don't know when they will become zombies' lunch, they are still very happy to live today. Because this is the life in their previous dream, and if it can be realized, it has already been earned.

When the two cars entered the suburbs of the city, they had been targeted, and they were not alone.

There are not many zombies nearby. They have been concentrated near the blockade line, because there is a strong human atmosphere, which is their food gathering place, and the number of zombies around Kan, especially near the suburbs, is pitiful.

Therefore, it has become a gathering place for survivors and a place where bloodshed can be found at any time.

Every day, in order to compete for a few resources, many survivors have to fight to the death. It is also because of such a struggle that many survivors died not on the infection of the virus, but fell under the hands of both human beings and survivors.

After entering the city, two cars did not stop in the relatively safe area around, but drove all the way to the city center.

Many survivors who wanted to rob them couldn't help laughing in their hearts when they saw their crazy behavior. The people in the two cars were all fools. If they didn't know the situation, they would die by themselves.

The biological instinct is to stay away from people, things and things that feel dangerous to them, the farther the better. So in Kancheng, the farther away from the blockade line, the more survivors there are.

And strange vehicles are not afraid of death to drive to places with more zombies. Isn't it death? That's good. When they are killed by zombies, they may be able to pick up a lot of good goods!

With the mentality of watching the play, many survivors are waiting for a few days, or after tonight, to receive two cars that can be started!

Luo Zi sat in the co-pilot's seat with Xia Fan's laptop on her lap, but now she is not open, but lying quietly on her lap.

"I'll be there in a minute. The place you chose is really interesting." Gu Hengxuan drove the car and looked at Luo Zi next to him with a smile.

"It's quite interesting. If I hadn't stared at the satellite map of Kancheng for two days, I wouldn't have known how strange the situation here is. Luo Zi patted the computer on her leg, which was worthy of Xia Fan's baby "wife". If it hadn't been for its help, she wouldn't have found an excellent place.

Before arriving in Kancheng, Luo Ziyi had selected their temporary landing point in Kancheng. That's the area near the city center. Before the outbreak of infection, it was a business district that was once prosperous.

Theoretically, the closer to the blockade line, the more zombies there should be, but for some reason, it is the opposite.

The number of zombies in the city center is about three or four times that of the suburbs, and the number is considerable. However, after Luo Ziyi's observation, there were not many zombies in the area near the city center.

And the survivors, because they are afraid of zombies, dare not get close to this side, so that this place has formed a nearly vacuum treasure.

Soon, they arrived at the selected area. Luo Zi stretched out her hand out of the window and motioned Ben to stop, and Gu Hengxuan gradually stopped the car.

In his backpack, Gu Hengxuan searched for a while. After finding a telescope, he got out of the car with Luo Ziyi and climbed to the roof of the car.

Silent, this is the only feeling, there is no human breath, no trace of zombies, as long as there are abandoned vehicles all over the street and the mess everywhere.

Give the telescope in his hand to Luo Ziyi. Gu Hengxuan got up, half knelt on the roof of the car, looked at the towering building in the distance, and whispered:

"On the surface, it is the same as the satellite map. There is no movement. I hope there will be no dark current on the surface of the water."

Luo Zi looked at it for a while and felt that there should be no problem, so she jumped out of the car and returned to the car.

Gu Hengxuan started the car again, one in front and one behind, bypassed the horizontal vehicles on the road and continued to push forward.

It was already afternoon. When they stopped, the sun had begun to turn red. I chose a high-rise building with a parking lot, and the two cars quietly found a place to stay in the quiet city.

After a period of getting along with each other, Jessica and the others basically cultivated a certain tacit understanding with Luo Ziyi, and what A Fei said to Jessica sometimes flashed through her mind.

Although Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are young, they seem to have undergone very rigorous training, no less than real soldiers. Their responsiveness, agility and skills are not comparable to those of the four.

Entering the interior of the building, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan were more cautious.

This was supposed to be an office building, because the power supply in Kancheng has been interrupted, and the power and water here have been cut off for a long time.

In order to make it easier to escape when there was any danger, so they did not go up to a high floor, but stopped on the fifth floor.

A office was cleaned up, and six people worked together. The speed was very fast, and their temporary landing point was here.

After packing up, several people sat together and began the daily routine meeting.

"For the time being, we have stayed here. Starting tomorrow, we will collect information nearby, including the number of zombies, the number of resources, and whether there are other survivors. Although we have weapons, there is no supply of ammunition. We should save some use. If we can't shoot, try not to shoot.

Gu Hengxuan looked at his partner's expression and told the purpose of the next action. Luo Zi tried her best to translate him and relayed his words to Jessica and the others.

"Do not be too hasty. Our purpose is to send the four of you across the blockade to a safe place. But near the blockade line is the most dangerous, not only zombies, but also the military of Country A. That is to say, in addition to dealing with zombies, we also have to deal with human beings!"

Luo Zi turned on the computer and carefully observed the situation near the blockade line.

The zombies in Kancheng are basically all concentrated there, and there are relatively few parts in the city center and surrounding areas.

There are not many problems in front of them now, but they are all serious.

First, how do they cross the city center and reach the vicinity of the blockade line; second, when they reach the blockade line, they want to deal with thousands of zombies; third, how to solve the military of country A on the opposite side of the zombie barrier.

At this time, food is no longer a problem. Are you afraid that you can't find food after reaching the approximate vacuum zone? And the street downstairs is full of abandoned cars, and fuel is not a problem.

They now know nothing about the situation in Kancheng, only on the satellite map on the computer, and the real environment.

"Luo, there is one more thing that I think we should pay attention to." Jecca thought for a moment and looked up to Luo Ziyi.

Looking at Jecca, Luo Zi and so on, she continued. Jecca is very smart and very careful. Although pride sometimes makes her lose her mind, most of the time, she is a think tank.

"I'm thinking about the survivors. Although there seems to be a vacuum here, is there really no one?" Jecca is not most worried about zombies. They are living for the time being, so what she has to worry about is human beings.

Luo Zi knocked her head and thought about it, but she forgot such an important question.

"Yes! In addition to guard against zombies, we also need to guard against survivors!" Luo Zi frowned, and it seemed that there was no way to solve the problem for a while.

"Hey, guys, is it necessary? They are all human beings, and they... they won't attack us!" This idea is very simple. They are all the same kind. They should be united in such a city. No one will be bored enough to attack other survivors. What benefits can they have?

Luo Zi smiled and said Ben's words to Gu Hengxuan. Gu Hengxuan smiled and looked at Ben.

"Please, have you forgotten why the three of you were caught in our villa?" Gu Hengxuan put his hand on Ben's shoulder and said with a smile.

Luo Ziyi translated the original book, and Ben was choked and turned his head and said nothing.

Luo Zi turned her head and looked out of the window. It was already a twilight, and the orange light shone on the ground through the glass.

How many unknown dangers are hidden in such a quiet city remains to be discovered by them. But one thing is certain, it is dangerous and will never be too far away from them...