Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 158 Talking about things

On the third floor of the store, as guessed by Jessica, there are many furniture products, and there is even a store specializing in selling a whole set of furniture.

Sofas, beds, dining tables, bookshelves, if soft lights, and fragrant dinners, this is like a warm home, and then you want to stop.

But the reality is ultimately reality. There is no soft light, only the light of the flashlight. The fragrant dinner, no, only cold cans and dry biscuits.

But they are still very satisfied, because with these foods, it's much better than making zombies' food, isn't it?

Jenny found a lot of candles, and many fragrant candles, large and small, all colors, all placed in the middle of the table.

After the candles were lit, the faint firelight seemed to drive away the cold air around them, making people feel warm in an instant.

Because there is no electricity, they have to cook if they want to eat hot food. But what are they going to burn? In the past, Luo Ziyi and others had lodge in the suburbs, picking up branches and so on to burn. But this is the business district, and there are not many green spaces. Where did the branches get them to burn?

When you see the pile of candles and the small flames Jenny found, which year do you have to use them to make food for six people? Gu Hengxuan looked at his watch. It was past four o'clock in the afternoon. Obviously, it was a little early for dinner now, and they still had time to figure it out.

Jessica suddenly thought of something and hurriedly pulled up Luo Ziyi and Jenny. The three girls went down to the third floor together and returned to the second floor store.

When she came to the liquor counter in the store, Jessica turned her head and smiled at Luo Ziyi and Jenny - wine! Yes, it's wine!

The three girls laughed and began to look for alcohol-high alcohol and fuel for dinner on rows of shelves.

Luo Ziyi misses his country very much at this time, because in China, the alcohol content of liquor is very high, and there are no more than ten degrees, which is very common.

But in country A, it must be selected. Many wines are not high in degrees and do not meet the standards they want.

After looking for a long time, I finally found the right wine. Each of the three girls held several bottles in their arms and walked upstairs. Even Jenny, who lost an arm, clamped two bottles.

Back upstairs, he saw that Gu Hengxuan had found the pot, poured a few boxes of cans in, and waited for fuel.

Hearing the cheerful voices of the girls, they came back chattering and thought that they might really have a good idea. But when they saw them shaking the wine bottle in their hands, the boys were stunned.

Even if you guard the supermarket, there is no need to do this, right? They can't even eat. Do they still want to drink?

However, Gu Hengxuan soon figured out, because Luo Ziyi was not stained with wine and had never seen her drink, so they specially ran downstairs and came up with so much wine, which must not be the reason why they wanted to have a drink.

Reaching out to take the bottle handed over by Luo Ziyi, Gu Hengxuan thought for a moment and then laughed.

Jessica is so smart that she can even think of this method. After nodding to Jessica, Gu Hengxuan got up to look for something.

Ben and Chris thought he was looking for the wine glass and complained a few words, saying that he was crazy with the girls or something.

The wine bottle in Jenny's hand almost flew over and smashed Ben's pig's head. Glancing at Ben and Chris, the three girls put the fuel on the ground and waited for Gu Hengxuan to find the right thing to come back.

In a short time, Gu Hengxuan came back with a metal basin and a metal stick that came down from.

Ben and Chris are very glad that he is not looking for a wine glass.

Everything has been found, and the rest is the combination. Gu Hengxuan put everything on the ground, sat down and began to play with a few metal sticks. Luo Ziyi sat next to him very automatically, put the basin away, opened a bottle of wine, and poured it in.

After a while, Gu Hengxuan fixed a metal stick together with a rope and put these metal sticks on a basin full of wine.

At this time, Ben and Chris finally understood what they were playing. It seemed that they would not have to worry about eating in the future. These smart people have been solved.

After having the best dinner in a few days, everyone soon became more tired. The boys were responsible for taking turns vigil, and the girls just needed to rest.

However, Luo Ziyi didn't sleep, because she had too many things to think about, and she couldn't sleep anyway. Since you can't sleep, let's do something useful!

When the computer was turned on, Xia Fan's baby "wife" quickly started. Open the software compiled by Xia Fan himself and successfully invaded the satellite system of Country A.

Looking at the dark and lightless Kancheng on the satellite map, Luo Ziyi suddenly wanted a person to appear and told her that they would move to the blockade line or stay here temporarily. After seeing the situation clearly, they would plan to act.

Two days after arriving in Kancheng, he did not see any other human beings except Gu Hengxuan who met five people. It's more like a zombie that hasn't appeared here, but there is no one.

Lying on the dining table, Luo Zi looked at the computer screen in front of her and sighed repeatedly.

"What's wrong? Is there anything bothering you?" Chris was the first vigil. When he saw Luo Ziyi, who had been facing the computer at the table, he came over with a smile to relieve her boredom.

"The situation in Kancheng is more complicated than I thought. Today, Gu met survivors, who have noticed our existence and know that we have weapons. I think such attacks will not end in the future, but will continue to happen..."

Luo Zi knocked on the table and made a "buckle" sound. She was entangled with a problem and thought about it all night, but she didn't know what to do.

"Are you... wondering what you are going to do if the next attack is still human? Are you going to kill the person who wants to kill you? Chris sat next to Luo Ziyi and asked softly.

"It's almost... I don't understand why they are all the same kind. Shouldn't they be united? Why do you have to compete with each other when there is danger, and even... even take action against completely strange people! By the way, how did you guess?

Luo Zi found that she could not see her own kind more and more clearly. The more she was in times of crisis, the inferiority of human greed and selfishness was unconcealed in front of her eyes.

It's strange why Chris has the ability to see through people's hearts and guess her thoughts so accurately.

"Isn't it amazing? But I'm not guessing what you think. It's my own." Chris said with a smile.

Looking at Luo Ziyi's surprised expression, he still smiled and continued:

"I saw with my own eyes that my father pushed my mother down and let her be bitten to death by zombies. My father just wanted to live. I didn't blame him, because he was not spared. When I ran away, I saw him... He was still caught up by zombies, and there seemed to be my mother there..."

After a pause, Chris said calmly in a soft voice, as if telling a story:

After that, I saw a lot of things and learned a lot of things. Luo, do you know? That day, the three of us went to your villa with the intention of killing A Fei and occupying the villa. Fortunately, you and Gu are good at it. Otherwise, I might not have sat and chatted with you like this.

Chris has been smiling all the time. His fat face with a very flat smile made Luo Zi feel very comfortable. Even if he just told the story of an attempted murder, and the subject of the murder was still her godbrother.

"Actually, I have experienced more things than you, and I have seen more killings than you. It's just that I still can't understand it. But it doesn't matter. I will figure it out and find my own way out of my own way of life.

This is the purpose of Luo Ziyi's runaway, leaving her partner and going out alone. She wants to grow up and find her own life.

"Luo, you are a strange girl. That's what I thought from the time I saw you." Chris looked at her confused but still firm, and suddenly felt that the most difficult person to think about was this seemingly weak girl.

"Strange? What's so strange?" For a girl, she really doesn't know whether it's positive or derogatory to be called "strange".

"This...what do you say? The first time I saw you take action, it was the opposite of your whole feeling. Chris recalled that when Luo Zi took action to control Jiesica, he was very free at that time, because Gu Hengxuan had already grabbed his neck, and he could move, leaving only his eyes.

"It's all taught by Brother Fei, but I don't think I'm a good student. Since the outbreak of the infection, I have been Feige's oil bottle. I thought I was awesome and could help him, but in fact it's not..." Every time Luo Zi thought that she would always be like a weak flower and couldn't withstand the wind and rain, she felt very annoyed.

"Luo, what are you talking about? You are very good, really! Without you, Jenny would not have been saved and would not return to normal. If it weren't for you, we wouldn't have come to Kancheng, and we don't hope to go to the other side of the quarantine area! Actually... Luo, do you understand what I'm talking about?"

Chris thought for a long time, but didn't think of a suitable explanation. Finally, he patted his thigh and finally thought about what to say before Luo Ziyi understood what he meant.

"Lo, I'm just... Let's say so! Your most powerful weapon is not your gun, your kung fu, or something else, but your kindness! The reason why you are distressed now is that you are too kind to understand that people are sinister. Do you understand?"

Chris scratched his hair again and talked for a long time. Luo Ziyi finally understood what he meant.

"Hey! Change to a vigil!" Before Luo Ziyi could say anything, Chris had been picked up by Gu Hengxuan, then pushed him away and sat next to Luo Ziyi.

The boy is so bold that he dares to come and hook up with Luo Ziyi while he is sleeping! It seems that it's a beat!

He didn't know what Chris and Luo Ziyi said, but looked at her with other boys and felt very sad. That's why he changed people in advance and let Chris stay away from his superiors.

The night is like ink, and black is suppressed in people's hearts. How long is the road ahead? If you go on, this is what everyone has thought about more than once. However, walking to the feet is the way. If you don't try it, how do you know where it will go...