Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 159 The Road ahead is difficult

The adventure continued the next day and headed for the city center.

This time, their speed increased a little, and they still didn't drive. Six people walked to the city center.

With the experience of the day before, the speed of Jessica and the others has also improved, and the actions of Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan have become more convenient.

It's strange that after entering the city center, they will hear the hungry roar of zombies from time to time, which makes Jessica and the others afraid.

If there were only Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan, they would have basically completed the preliminary exploration task, but they would have left Jessica and the other four in the supermarket, and one of them was broken, which made Luo Ziyi worried about anything. Therefore, six people still acted together.

It can be said that the fact that Gu Hengxuan met those survivors and wanted to steal their things made Luo Zi feel more defensive. It's not to the extent that vegetation is a soldier, and it's almost the same. She always feels that someone is monitoring them, and she is careful about any wind and grass.

Gu Hengxuan laughed at her all morning, saying that she had the potential to be a good wife and mother, protecting Jessica and others like her own children.

Although Luo Ziyi was unwilling to be told that by him, she suddenly understood one thing - Fei's mentality.

When A Fei protects her, just like when she protects others now, sometimes, she can even find the shadow belonging to A Fei in her own behavior mode.

I have to admit that Luo Ziyi is doing things in A Fei's way, so it is not difficult for her to understand A Fei's mood.

Before coming out, he always felt that he was overprotected. Afei was always afraid that something would happen to her, and he was always worried about her.

Since she and Gu Hengxuan ran away from home, she has become more and more able to understand A Fei and have a new understanding of him.

This runaway was entirely the result of Luo Ziyi's own waywardness. Although she would not let go and return to the town and the villa, she really felt that she had been angry this time. She seems to have never thought about A Fei's feelings. She just insists on doing things according to her own ideas.

Now think about it, how uncomfortable it would be for Afei, who really cares about her and loves her, and knows how sad it would be to run away from home!

However, now that they have arrived in Kancheng, they have also decided to send Jessica and the others to the side of the quarantine area. She has no right to stop halfway. What she has promised must be done, which is the basic principle of her human being.

It's a big deal. After Jessica and the others are fine, she will go back to Afei to apologize. No matter how much he scolds, she will listen and never reply.

Luo Zi felt that even if she went back, A Fei might not be willing to blame herself, so she had to cheer up and send Jessica and the others to the quarantine area safely, and then go back happily.

After entering the city center, their speed was significantly slower, and the sound around them from time to time made them very cautious at every step.

Compared with the intricate alleys, Gu Hengxuan chose wide roads, which is conducive to Jessica and the four super rookies to escape and facilitate his actions with Luo Zi.

In the downtown square, there are dozens of zombies wandering in ragged clothes, with dull expressions and walking aimlessly, as if looking for food, but as if walking.

Six people hid aside and roughly counted the number of zombies, and it was initially estimated that there were nearly 70. This can only be seen. The square is very large, and there are many buildings next to it. There are no zombies in it. They can't be seen yet.

The downtown buildings of Kancheng are very neat. With this square as the center, it radiates several main roads in all directions, dividing the whole city into several pieces on average.

As soon as Luo Zi turned on the computer and compared the map, the location where they are now, and the opposite road leads to the nearest road in the quarantine area. If you drive, you will see the blockade in an hour.

However, the blockade line leading here should be the most zombies and the most well-guarded area by the A military. If it is only close to the blockade line, then this road is the first choice. If you want to find a place that can pass smoothly, it is obviously very unwise to go this way.

"That's it today! Go back and study how to get through here. Gu Hengxuan looked at the zombies in the square and shook his head, feeling that it was a little difficult to get there.

If there is only him and Luo Zi, with this equipment on their bodies, even if they run over, it will not be difficult. But if they want to drive there, the first thing they need to think about is how to clear the road.

He can hit it, but he is driving an ordinary car, not an armored car. I don't know how much impact he can withstand. If he moves and crashes it in a barbaric way, maybe less than half of it, the car can't stand it.

They also need good means of transportation and can drive to the blockade line normally. If it breaks down halfway, nothing else can be said. There are so many zombies, just him and Luo Zi can't deal with anything!

Luo Zi looked carefully at the terrain displayed on the computer and compared it with the real scene in front of her. She pointed to another road and said that Gu Hengxuan said:

"Over there, it may be better if you go from there. The map shows that the terrain leading to that road is a little complicated, and the number of zombies and the Army of Country A is very small. Switching several pictures, Luo Zi pointed to a place on the map so that Gu Hengxuan can see clearly.

" this a forest?" Gu Hengxuan pointed to a large area of black on the map and asked Luo Zi.

"It seems so. Maybe it's because of this that the number of zombies is not large, and the A military has not sent a lot of troops." Luo Ziyi felt that this place was ideal. The blockade line was located on the other side of the deep forest, which just divided the whole forest on the side of the quarantine area.

"However, the satellite map can't fully show the situation in the forest. It's better to be careful how many zombies are possible." Gu Hengxuan still thinks it's better to be cautious. Since the situation is unknown, it is necessary to observe it first.

"Well, I know. However, we still need to deal with these guys, otherwise no matter which way we go, it will be a lot of trouble. Luo Zi turned off the computer and looked at the zombies in the square.

The large number of them is a problem, and there are any other zombies around them. If they haven't solved these in front of them and kill more in the surrounding buildings, wouldn't it be even worse?

Soon, they returned to their supermarket at twice the speed they came.

While preparing simple food, Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan discussed how to pass through the square in the city center. There are no more than two methods. One is to kill a bloody road and rush over, and the other is to find a way to lead them away and then rush over.

The first method is difficult, but relatively safe. After they go there, they don't know the situation there. If they can't reach the blockade line smoothly, they still have to retreat, so they still have to go through the square. Solving all the zombies is also leaving a way for themselves.

But there are only six of them, with strong attack power. Only Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan can also pull the trigger. Whether they can hit or not is a problem, let alone help them.

If you kill it, it will be quite difficult.

The second method is relatively much easier. As long as Luo Ziyi or one of Gu Hengxuan fires a few shots to attract zombies and let them temporarily leave the scope of the square, it will be much easier for them to go.

However, if you do this, it is very dangerous to attract zombies, and you have to think of a response strategy, otherwise it is equivalent to sacrificing one person so that they can be safe.

But Luo Ziyi and Gu Hengxuan are masters among them. Without them, it will be more difficult to pass the blockade line.

Thinking about it, these two methods are not ideal, and there are both advantages and disadvantages. However, they have to choose a way to come out, otherwise they can only stay here and never get out of the quarantine area.

Compared with the first method, Luo Ziyi is more inclined to the second method, because as long as they plan well, they will not necessarily lose anyone. Moreover, it is not impossible for her and Gu Hengxuan to attract the zombies and then retreat. The key is the plan to respond.

The two of them discussed for a long time and spoke the language of the West China. Jessica didn't understand it, but they just knew that they were discussing the next action plan, but they didn't know the details.

Walking to them, Jessica patted Luo Ziyi on the shoulder and asked her the result softly.

The two of them did not discuss the specific results, but she preferred the second plan and told Jessica what she thought, and Luo Zi asked her for her opinion.

"...I also think this method is good. However, you and Gu are their leaders, just in case. Jessica thought for a moment and whispered to Luo Zi.

Her Gu Lv is similar to Gu Hengxuan's. If she doesn't do well, the person who responds and the person who leads the zombie away will be dangerous.

"I know, but there is no other way, right? If you really want to kill it, it's not that two people are in danger, but all of them are in danger. Luo Zi put down the can in her hand and sat at the dining table, repeatedly thinking about comparing the two plans.

But she always feels that the second plan is the most ideal. As long as it is well arranged, there will be no problem.

"Luo, do you think this is okay? You and Gu, don't participate in this plan. Let the four of us do it. To be precise, it's Ben and Chris. In this way, the subsequent plan will not be affected.

Jessica looked at Ben and Chris next to him, and the two of them were also listening. After hearing Jessica's words, both of them did not respond. They just looked at Luo Ziyi with a smile.

"No, this absolutely not! Gu and I's purpose is to send you four out of the quarantine area and get you in danger. Isn't it against our original intention? Luo Ziyi will never let the super rookie do such a dangerous thing. They are not trained and are absolutely not enough to deal with the crisis. Once something happens, the two of them won't come back.

"Luo, I believe you also think that as long as it is arranged, there will be no problem, so why do you object?" Jessica was very moved by Luo Ziyi's concern, but her method was definitely the best.

"Jessica, that's different. Gu and I have been trained, but you haven't. Even the two of us are not sure enough to succeed, let alone you. No, I will never agree." Luo Ziyi is very persistent and will never let them take risks.

Hope is ahead, and it may be close, but there are more and more problems, making this group of lucky people a little more sad. However, as long as the sun can rise and tomorrow will still come, then they will not stop moving forward and be blocked by difficulties...