Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 162 Xiao Killing Street

With enough food and water to eat for three days, Luo Zi took her full-fledged and went out of the supermarket door alone before dawn.

She didn't take the computer with her and left it to Gu Hengxuan so that he could monitor the situation in Kancheng at any time. Weapons, she only brought two pistols with her body, a small amount of ammunition, and two daggers with her. One is commonly used by her, on her thigh, and the other is spare, in her high boots.

When she left, it was less than four o'clock in the morning, and there was only a slight light outside. Thinking of Gu Hengxuan sleeping on the sofa, Luo Zi smiled unconsciously.

Turning his head and looked at the third floor of the supermarket, Luo Zi took the backpack on his shoulder and ran quickly towards the city center.

On the third floor of the supermarket, a dark window, Gu Hengxuan looked at Luo Ziyi, who was far away, and the thoughts in his heart had begun to overflow. Obviously, I was reluctant, but in order to make her happy, I had to let her go.

Maybe it was with this mood that A Fei let Luo Zi run away from home. Looking at the direction of Luo Zi's disappearance, Gu Hengxuan sighed and sighed, and frowned into a Sichuan character.

After grabbing his hair, Gu Hengxuan used so much strength that he didn't let himself follow him. He couldn't even imagine it. If he hadn't been afraid that Luo Zi would be angry, he would have followed him to death.

It's all right now. As soon as Luo Zi left, he should be left alone.

Why do you say that? Because he can't talk, he can't communicate with Jessica at all. There are obviously four people around, but they can only communicate by body language. What's the difference from no one around?

I hope she can come back soon, otherwise, Gu Hengxuan really doesn't know how to live his life.

Jesica also woke up when Luo Zi came together. Because in the days when Jenny was sick, she, who had been sleeping lightly, became a little loud and would wake up.

In the dark, watching Luo Zi quickly pack up her clothes, and then look at her figure and walk out of her sight, Jecca suddenly couldn't understand the oriental girl.

She released the three of them from the villa and could have left them alone, but she not only followed them back to the town, but also helped them save the injured Jenny. After that, she lived, made food for them, helped them escape, and was determined to send them to a safe place.

The relationship with Luo Ziyi is not too much to say that they have met each other. They can't talk about friendship, but they can't talk about it. They are partners, but they will still do it. Why did she help them so hard? Is it just because of her kindness?

At the beginning, Ben said that Luo Ziyi had a conspiracy and was plotting something. Jecca didn't believe it, because Luo Ziyi's eyes were too clean and there was no trace of conspiracy. Looking at people, Jessica thinks she is still very accurate, and she hasn't seen it yet.

But now she has to think about what Luo Ziyi is for. Jecca still believes that she has absolutely no bad intentions about them, but what is the purpose of her behavior?

Looking at Gu Hengxuan by the window, Jessica sighed. It seems that in the days when Luo Zi went out, the main job of the four of them was to teach him some simple A languages, otherwise they would have to rely on body language to communicate with him.

Soon, Luo Zi came to the downtown square, which was the same place yesterday. She first stopped for a rest, because then she wanted to rush over in one breath.

As long as she grasps the distance well, she can impulse her target without shocking any zombie.

Adjusted his breathing, straightened his backpack, and touched it. The dagger on his thigh was still there, and the pistol was in the gun belt. Turning her head and looking at the square, Luo Zi took a deep breath, then suddenly turned around and began to move around to her goal from a direction where there were fewer zombies.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a detour. If she wants to bypass all the zombies in the way and keep a distance of more than two meters from each one, she must move forward like a snake.

Halfway through, Luo Zi almost bumped into a zombie who suddenly turned around.

Just at a glance, Luo Ziyi can imagine what it looks like without looking at it clearly - a body full of rotten meat, a face full of pus and blood, a staggering pace, and mucus or blood stains on his clothes. Maybe it has been dead for a long time, and after the rotten meat fell off, its originally very white teeth were exposed...

With a subconscious low body and rolling on the ground, Luo Ziyi could avoid the zombie's eyes.

When she was about to get up, she suddenly heard the wrong voice behind her. She didn't have time to look back. She rolled forward again. When she got up and turned around, she saw a zombie in a suit, looking for the fleeting smell of food where she had just stopped.

With a little relief, Luo Zi looked around again before starting to run.

This time, she didn't encounter anything else and ran all the way to her goal. In the early morning, the zombies' mobility is no more than that in the middle of the night. They have no food for a long time. These monsters can only rely on their bodies that begin to decay to maintain their basic mobility.

If the virus had not changed the structure of their bodies, I'm afraid they would have starved to death, and this is what the living people are most looking forward to. Let these zombies starve to death earlier so that they can be safe.

In the absence of living humans as food, these monsters also reduce their mobility, but compared with humans who do not eat and reduce their physical strength, it is only a little bit.

I took a look at the wide streets, and there were only a few zombies wandering sporadically, and the number was very small.

This situation made Luo Ziyi dare not move forward. If there are nearly 100 zombies in the square, why are there only a few here?

But hiding here, she can never know why, so she still chose to walk carefully into the street, fast enough for her to see the surrounding situation clearly.

After walking nearly dozens of meters, he still didn't find anything abnormal. Luo Zi thought, is there really not much zombies here? Although I can't believe it yet, the facts are right in front of us.

Because there were not many zombies in the distance, Luo Ziyi didn't want to waste any more time. She straightened her backpack and began to move forward quickly.

The number of zombies is not large, and the distance between each zombie is more than ten meters. Luo Ziyi did not move around them, but solved them one by one. As she continued to move forward, Luo Zi wrote down the situation around her and still wondered why the number of zombies was so small.

About 100 meters outside, the wide road was still extending in the distance. The zombies that appeared on it were killed by Luo Ziyi, and she continued to walk slowly.

Near noon, Luo Zi stopped, found a relatively hidden alley, and simply ate something. It is expected that by nightfall, she should be able to see the edge of the forest. However, this is only the ideal speed. If something happens on the road, you can't reach the forest until the next afternoon.

After estimating her itinerary, Luo Zi drank some water and got up to leave.

Suddenly, footsteps came from behind her, and a disgusting smell of rot spread around her.

While the sound was remembered, Luo Zi immediately stood up and turned around and instinctively pulled out the pistol. Far behind her, three figures staggered towards her.

The sky has brightened, and although there is no sunlight in the alley, you can still see what they look like.

The two in front are a man and a woman. They look like a typical A countryman, and their clothes are so dilapidated that they can hardly hide themselves.

Behind them is a man with a tiger's back and bear's waist. His shirt was stained with black blood, with black and red blood stains on his hands, and his face without a nose was full of disgusting blood stains. From the corners of its mouth, mucus kept dripping, and its bloodless face had rotted.

After seeing the appearance of the three people, Luo Zi put down her hand and put the gun back in place.

Zombies... Is it true that there are no living people here? Even if there is, you may not dare to live here, right?

Luo Zi took a look at the distance. The three zombies were still nearly seven or eight meters away from her. As long as she turned around and left now, they could not find that such a chance of hunting had been missed in their lives.

stepped out of the alley step by step, which is not suitable for use in a narrow place. Luo Zi is not going to do this. No matter how good they used to be, once they become zombies, the best way for them is to let them die completely.

The zombies did not find the existence of Luo Ziyi, but walked aimlessly.

The three staggered out of the alley and walked to the street. The sun has no effect on them, and there is nothing else in their eyes, except food. Like hungry beasts, they moan in their throats. Yin, stretched out his withered hand.

The tall man who lost his nose, the black ** flowing from the wound squirmed towards his lips like a bug, and there was a grunting sound in his throat.

Luo Zi exhaled as if she wanted to blow away the lingering smell around her. After they all came out, Luo Ziyi did not hesitate, threw down his backpack, pulled out his dagger and rushed to the woman in front of him.

Without waiting for her to open her mouth, Luo Ziyi had already pierced the dagger into her mouth, raised her legs and kicked the woman away. The dagger that had just been pulled out of the body had been pierced into the back neck of the man next to her.

The tall zombie finally saw the food. Whether she had a weapon or not, it just wanted to eat it!

He opened his mouth and rushed to Luo Ziyi, and the tall zombie took a bite at her neck.

While withdrawing the dagger, Luo Zi raised her legs and pedaled on the abdomen of the tall zombie. She didn't exert much effort, just bought herself some space.

The zombie took a step back slightly, and by this time Luo Ziyi had pulled out the dagger. Luo Ziyi had already moved first before the tall zombies rushed over.

Avoiding the hand grabbed by the zombie, Luo Zi circled to the side of the zombie, and the dagger pierced the zombie's neck horizontally. Then she reached out, hugged the zombie's head and twisted it hard. The sound of bone breaking came, and the tall zombies slowly fell to the ground.

Pulling out her dagger, Luo Zi raised her head unconsciously and was slightly stunned.

Another figure slowly walked this way from the entrance of the building across the street. It was a woman dressed in dirty clothes. Her hair was glued together and there was no expression on her face.

Suddenly, there was also a moan behind. Luo Zi turned around and saw that a young man with rotten hands was slowly walking out of another alley.

With a smile, it seems that today's workload will increase! Holding the dagger in her hand, Luo Ziyi was ready to do a big job.

Fighting alone, in the face of the unknown, you can't imagine what you will encounter. But why do you think about it? No matter what happens, as long as you block the road, kill it. The road is killed by yourself...