Sunfall Apocalypse

Chapter 163 Visiting

From noon to dusk, the distance between Luo Zi and his party was less than half of the morning, but she didn't care at all.

The dagger stabbed the zombie's neck again, and Luo Zi was a little short of breath. Watching the zombie fall in front of her, she swallowed a mouthful of water and turned to look at the place she had walked.

Far and near, it fell to the ground, all of which were the bodies of zombies.

How many killed? She couldn't remember it clearly, but she still remembered that she wanted to move forward, think about her goals, and go on firmly.

The sky gradually darkened. Although Luo Zi came out with a night vision mirror, she was tired all afternoon and did not feel that it was wise to continue to move forward under such circumstances. So she chose a good-looking building by the roadside and quietly walked in.

Because there is no power supply, after the outside darkens, the building becomes extremely dark. With night vision goggles, Luo Zi cautiously walked into the building.

It seems that this used to be an ordinary apartment, with a mailbox next to the management room downstairs, and newspapers and letters that have not been taken away. Luo Ziyi hardly stopped on the first floor and went straight to the second floor to check the situation.

The doors of many rooms on the second floor are open, and it seems that they run away in a hurry, and even the door is too late to close.

deliberately made some noise to see if any zombies would jump out. After jingling for a long time, she didn't see any zombies appear. Then she chose a room near the escape channel and gently walked in.

The room was not very messy, but a few pieces of clothes were scattered on the ground and closed the door. Luo Zi looked at the whole room first and looked carefully. There were no zombies and no one before she put down her backpack.

Spread out in **, Luo Ziyi doesn't want to get up, which is still the most comfortable. If she can live a carefree life every day, and then go to ** after being extremely tired, she doesn't want to do anything, say anything, just sleep and simply rest.

Such a life seems simple and nothing special, but Luo Zi knows that this is in the quarantine area, no matter what kind of person it is, it is like the life she wants to get.

Luo Ziyi also thought that everything in front of her may be just her own dream, a long and real dream. And when she woke up, she found that she was still lying in her comfortable ** home in Yuanzhou.

Out of the room, there was a gentle mother and a kind father. They sat at the table and waited for themselves to have breakfast. After breakfast, I went to school alone. The students approached the door happily. The principal did not become a zombie, and the dean was still that annoying but very funny face.

Gu Hengxuan was still smoking on the stairs on the third floor when she was in her PE class, waiting to take a look at herself. A Fei was still the school worker, quietly trimming flowers and plants. Mu Jia and his sister are wading to themselves, and Xiaoying...

Thinking about it, Luo Zi smiled unconsciously. Some people always like to live in memories. In the past, she didn't understand why people always like to recall. Isn't the future better?

At this moment, Luo Ziyi felt that she had some feelings, that is, memories are always beautiful, and reality is always so cruel.

If it was really a dream, how good it would be!

A scene in fantasy quickly passed in front of my eyes, and the familiar smiling faces suddenly became ferocious. The meat on their faces quickly rotted, oozing disgusting mucus. They roared, howled and rushed towards themselves...


Luo Zi suddenly sat up and gasped. She turned her head and looked around. It was dark, and what she held tightly in her hand was a night vision mirror. Scared by the dream just now, her brain had a short circuit, and she couldn't figure out where she was for a moment.

raised her hand, her forehead was full of cold sweat, and her face was also cold **. Luo Ziyi couldn't tell whether it was sweat or tears on her face.

With her hand on her forehead, she finally remembered where she was. This is Kancheng, and she is looking for a way to send people out of the quarantine area. And this room is just where she stayed for one night.

With a long breath, Luo Ziyi lay down again**, looked at the dark ceiling, a feeling called loneliness, and gradually climbed into her heart.

If you are alone, loneliness will not find you, but when you have partners around you and separate, this annoying feeling will follow you.

After lying down for a while, Luo Ziyi felt that in addition to loneliness, he had another feeling, that is, hunger! She had been cleaning up the emerging zombies all afternoon and hardly stopped here. After a short break and the fatigue dissipated a little, the stomach began to rebel.

After opening her backpack, looking for candles and lighters and lighting a white candle, Luo Zi found the can and water, as well as the spoon she brought out.

The food is cold, but it's her choice. While eating the cans in her hand, Luo Ziyi's head began to jump out a lot of strange things.

For example, A Fei said he was a killer, so how can he be a killer? Is it really like in the TV series that he was adopted by a certain organization, after strict training, and then killed for the organization and earned a reward from it?

For example, Gu Hengxuan's family is very special. Almost everyone in Yuanzhou knows that his father is the leader. So is their house just like in the movie? There are many bodyguards in black suits and black sunglasses, and there are many people coming in and out, very cool?

She has wanted to ask them these questions for a long time, but when they are together, she always can't remember to ask. Now she is very curious, and they are not around!

Well, you must remember it this time. When you go back, you have to ask the answer clearly.

I simply solved the dinner. As soon as Luo Zi cleaned it up, she was ready to go to bed. Before lying down, there seemed to be some sound outside the window, which was not very loud, but in the quiet environment, it was clearly heard by Luo Zi.

When she got up and walked to the window, Luo Zi opened the curtain and looked downstairs.

It was a child, the cold moonlight, which only depicted his outline, but could not distinguish his appearance. Depending on the height, it should be about the same as the first one.

In the dark night, such a small child walking alone on the street is very dangerous no matter how he looks at it. If it had been before, Luo Ziyi would have rushed out without hesitation, brought the child back, and sent him back after asking his parents.

But now, she didn't immediately draw her gun and blow up the child's head, just because she didn't want to attract more zombies and let her rarely sleep.

There is almost no need to confirm that Luo Zi knew that the child was already a zombie. In such a city, it is impossible to survive alone unless it is a child like Chu, let alone wander on the streets haunted by zombies.

Putting down the curtains, Luo Zi turned around and returned to the bedside. She needed to rest, because tomorrow she may face more zombies and a more dangerous environment. If she is not energetic, as long as she is a little distracted, she may die.

She still has a lot of things to do. She didn't send Jessica away, didn't see her parents, didn't apologize to A Fei, didn't... didn't confess to Gu Hengxuan!

There are too many things to do, so she has to live.

Fall on **, Luo Ziyi soon entered the black sweet town. Before going to bed, she prayed that she would not have strange dreams again. It would be better to have no dreams until dawn.

At the same time, such a scene is being staged in that supermarket...

Ah? What are you talking about? Can you be more specific? What does this sentence mean? If you don't understand, why don't you understand?"

Gu Hengxuan looked at Ben, who scratched his ears and cheeks and kept walking around, and then looked down at the paper on the table. The above foreign language has been written for more than an hour. So far, he knows all the separated words, but when combined, he can't understand them at all.

The book responsible for teaching Gu Hengxuan A language is also very depressed. They had difficulty communicating and finally taught him a few words, but after combining them into one sentence, he didn't know how to teach them.

It's really hard for Jessica to give such a job to herself.

** on one side, Jenny and Jessica are reading Ben's jokes. Even Chris, who is upside down on the sofa, just smiles while watching, and has no intention of helping at all.

"Jessica, why don't you teach in person? If it were you, you wouldn't be so tired, would you?" Jenny asked Jessica, who smiled very cunningly.

"If I teach, isn't the person who reads jokes the book? I prefer to appreciate humor, but I don't want others to appreciate me!" Jessica admitted that she deliberately let Gu Hengxuan, who had been taught, go crazy sooner or later if she didn't find some fun for herself.

However, Jessica believes that before she goes crazy because of boredom, she must have gone crazy because of depression!

"What about talking to you? What on earth do you mean?" Ben is depressed. Gu Hengxuan is more depressed than him. This foreign language is really not learned by people. Obviously, he knows all the words, and the meaning explained is also clear. Why does Ben still express it to himself and say that it doesn't mean that?

He wanted to scream very much, but as a man, he had to maintain a certain demeanor in front of a woman. He explained to Gu Hengxuan again. Compared with him, he felt that he was about to become a clown in the circus, but Gu Hengxuan was still confused.

God! Please, spare me! Ben shouted in his heart, but unfortunately, if God could hear his cry, Kancheng would not have become like this.

Gu Hengxuan curled his lips and waved his hand to Ben, which means forget it. That's all for today! Before Ben could say anything, Gu Hengxuan suddenly made a silent gesture to him, then frowned and listened to something sideways.

In the night of Kancheng, many unknown things are quietly happening. Darkness hides everything from others to spy on it easily. And what will people with evil thoughts do on such a night...